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Recent Political Essay Samples

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Capital Punishment

The Death Penalty: Why Morality Demands the Death Penalty

Theories of death penalty seek to justify capital punishment from a philosophical perspective. These theories consider the consequences of the sentence in the future or its effect on the past facts. Forward-looking theories argue that punishment is justified as long as it brings good results after. Backward-looking theories justify punishment...

Words: 930 Pages: 3
Capital Punishment

Death Penalty: Theories of Punishment

The main difference between forward-looking and backward-looking theories of punishment is that they consider different aspects of applying punishment to be the most productive. Forward-looking theories’ main point is to encourage good results out of the punishment. Backward-looking ones “seek a punishment “proportional to” or “fitting” the crime” (Rodgers). Hence,...

Words: 690 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Captain Abrashoff’s Approach to Commanding

Captain Abrashoff was one of the captains of the USS Benfold, who embraced a novel approach to commanding to make his crew a top-performing team. Previously, the USS Benfold was one of the worst-ranked ships in the navy, which translated into numerous problems on board. For instance, the crew engaged...

Words: 566 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Unemployment Policies in the US and Europe

Policy Question The US social context has been long associated with the issue of mass unemployment. Currently, the national unemployment rates continue to decrease; 3.6% of the population had no steady income in March 2022, with a projected annual rate of 3.8% (US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Statista). However, the...

Words: 626 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

A Commander’s Intent of Mission Command

A commander’s intent of mission command is a form of exercising one’s authority to utilize a commander’s intent to command through his or her leadership. In other words, it takes place when a commander uses mission orders to initiate a disciplined action with the use of his or her intent...

Words: 301 Pages: 1

American Government System and Its Disadvantages

The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Federalist and Antifederalist Papers, and the Bill of Rights established various concepts of federalism based on the sovereignty of states and the national government. The U.S. Federal government has three main branches, including the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, the powers of which are...

Words: 370 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

European Imperialism and Its Consequences in the Modern Politics

The imperialist intentions of the USA and Europe have had a cardinal influence on the modern world. All countries without exception fell under the influence of imperialism and the division of the world. That is why it is considered very relevant to study the issues of imperialism, as they reveal...

Words: 1122 Pages: 4
Public Policy

Discussion: Political issues in Texas

Summary Politics refers to a set of activities related to decision-making in groups or any form of power relations among individuals, such as the circulation of resources and positions. Political issues refer to everything politicians talk about when in parliamentary sittings. This document will discuss issues associated with politics in...

Words: 767 Pages: 3

Caribbean Country: Trinidad & Tobago

Introduction The Caribbean is the part of the world that hosts many islands situated in close proximity. These regions are located in the Caribbean Sea, which is found in the Atlantic Ocean. The location is positioned to the far west of Central America and East of Africa. All the nations...

Words: 1765 Pages: 6

Arguments of State and Federal Government Powers

Introduction In any country, a unique form of leadership and expression of powers exists. The United States of America has both the federal and national governments controlling the country. Federalism refers to the system where governance is shared between national and state governments. Federalism in the US emerged as a...

Words: 1210 Pages: 4
Capital Punishment

Reasons Against the Death Penalty

The death penalty is the most extreme measure of punishment that is abolished in most countries, including the United States. However, sometimes the issue of returning to this measure of punishment is brought up in society again, and discussions on the matter a held. Certain disturbing crimes evoke a high...

Words: 574 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The Post-9/11 Military Mindset Competencies

Introduction The United States (U.S.) tragedy on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, marked a new chapter in the nation’s opposition against international terrorism and was the major event that changed the military’s approach to warfare. President George W. Bush defined the 9/11 attacks on America as “a new...

Words: 26121 Pages: 9
Military Leadership

Providing All Types of Support for the Battalion

Introduction To the squad leader from platoon sergeants: this is a decision briefing. It is unclassified. The problem is to raise awareness of information to provide all types of support for the battalion while reducing civilian casualties. Essentially, the nature of the protection of civilians is like risk management, namely...

Words: 633 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Ethical Issues Faced by the Two Law Enforcement Officers

Interview One In this first session I interviewed detective Lakshan De Silva of the placer county Sheriff’s office. The detective stated that the police are entirely predicated on ethics and morals. As for them, it is expected that they are the good guys; hence people rely on them to act...

Words: 1692 Pages: 6

What Are the Causes and Effects of Not Voting in the Elections?

In a State built on democratic principles, citizens are allowed to participate in the political process. One of the most important types of such participation is the possibility of forming elected public authorities. However, today the topic of citizens’ refusal to participate in the political life of society is becoming...

Words: 624 Pages: 2
Public Policy

The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance

In her article What if all guns disappeared?, Rachel Nuwer reflects on possible results of the sudden disappearance of firearms. She focuses mainly on three major consequences: a decline in the murder rate, reducing the frequency of suicides, and probable social and psychological effects. Firstly, the author argues that due...

Words: 250 Pages: 1

The Restriction of Voting Rights

The sources presented clearly demonstrate the essence of the restriction of voting rights and how to solve these problems at the present stage. In her article, Arce (2021) argues that Texas’ restrictions on voter rights silence electrons and reduce their influence on meaningful decision-making, which is unacceptable. Among such limits,...

Words: 301 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Corrections, Sentencing, Imprisonment, and Death Penalty

Introduction Corrections, sentencing, imprisonment and death penalty are terms that are always common in criminal justice system. The commonality arises not because of their specialty but due to some issue that are always associated with them. Sentencing, imprisonment, and death penalty can be discussed within the context of corrections. This...

Words: 2344 Pages: 8
Military Leadership

“First to Fight” by Marine General Victor Krulak

The book by the legendary Marine General Victor Krulak is one of the most detailed and comprehensive analyses of the US Marine Corps. Although this unit was initially a combat formation designed to perform specific tasks, it has acquired the character of an institution to form quality citizens. This situation...

Words: 364 Pages: 1

Andrew Jackson Presidency: Society, Politics, Veto

Introduction The presidency is labor in which the individual requires outstanding commitment and responsibility. It is not enough to be a solid leader to be president; one must be able to solve strategic problems and lead people. Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was the first president...

Words: 642 Pages: 2
Public Services

California Water Plan from Stakeholder Perspective

Despite its mild climate and diverse natural landscapes and wildlife, California encounters significant problems in terms of water availability for all its inhabitants. As such, the state suffers from water-related extremes (Sprague and Prenger-Berninghoff 19). On the one hand, the occasional droughts pose a threat to the agricultural industry and...

Words: 902 Pages: 3

State’s Emergence as a Major Actor in the 20th Century

Introduction Today, many individuals have divergent opinions about the government’s roles, duties, rights, and powers concerning people. There is an opinion that a wide range of social problems could be solved in the absence of this “core” of the state. Nevertheless, without the administration’s help, it would be challenging to...

Words: 846 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Stress Among Law Enforcement Personnel

Introduction Research has identified work-related stress as a major challenge affecting employee performance and productivity. The occurrence of burnout makes it impossible for workers to engage one another, interact, and focus on physical health outcomes. The occupation of police officers compels them to work in environments and solve issues that...

Words: 1926 Pages: 7
Political Ideology

Lenin’s Contribution to the Development of Leftist Thought

Introduction Left-wing policies support social equality, redistribution of income from the poor to the rich, and the abolition of the class structure. When communist parties emerged from the most radical wing of social democracy, they were also considered leftists. The left has traditionally advocated the expansion of democracy and political...

Words: 885 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

Hypothetical State Absolute Security Plan and Utilitarian Ethics

Security for freedom and vice versa is one of Western civilization’s longest and oldest ideological disputes between public figures and thinkers. I believe that this philosophical conflict comes from ancient Sparta and Athens’s economic and political confrontation. The digitalization of all human processes and activities has provided societies with anonymity....

Words: 269 Pages: 1
Public Policy

The Sierra Club and Its Impact on Politics

Like any representative system, the US political system gives citizens the right to exert a certain influence on public policy. One of the real ways to strengthen such influence on public policy development is organized work with like-minded people. Such interaction of people with a common opinion agreement on a...

Words: 338 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Biden Harm Reduction Program

One of the directions of drug policy is the increasingly widespread model of harm reduction. Its main idea is to reduce the harm associated with drug use and reduce various costs both for society and for the drug users themselves. The definition of harm reduction refers to the policies and...

Words: 1152 Pages: 4
Law Enforcement

Implementing Cultural Effectiveness for the Law Enforcement

Introduction The topic selected is ‘Implementing Cultural Effectiveness for Law Enforcement Strategies.’ There is a need for the implementation of culturally effective enforcement strategies. This research proposal will conceptually present the essential law enforcement strategies that effectively implement a cultural change in a given society based on three scholarly articles....

Words: 818 Pages: 3
International Law

Peacemaking and Peacekeeping Efforts in Africa

Introduction Peacemaking refers to the processes followed to bring peace to people in inevitable disagreements for several reasons. First, these efforts can be put in place after several years of violence by the affected people or communities (Van Nieuwkerk, A., 2021). Successful peacemaking involves communities transitioning from fighting to a...

Words: 3919 Pages: 14

Government Overreach: Redefining the US Waters

The primary role of a government is to sustain and protect population. Everything that the government do should contribute to the general good. However, there are a lot of cases where governmental figures overreached their authority in favor of their benefit. As a citizen of a democratic country with elections,...

Words: 666 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

The American Wartime Propaganda During World War II

Propaganda has always been a powerful tool in the hands of any government, especially during wars. In her article The American Wartime Propaganda during World War II, Mia Sostaric discusses how the United States used a rather unusual appeal to promote the war to Americans: the comic books. Using the...

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Weathering the Politics of Responsibility and Blame by Preston

Policymakers and weather forecasters in the US watched as Hurricane Katrina grew in strength from category four to category five storm on 29th August 2005. Category 4 hurricane is characterized by 145 miles per hour (mph). On the other hand, a category five storm has wind speeds of up to...

Words: 1087 Pages: 4
Capital Punishment

Should the Death Penalty Be Permitted

The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is a legal procedure in which a state executes a person for crimes committed. Many states have adopted this punishment, which is usually reserved for the most heinous crimes, such as murder. It is also used for crimes against the state like...

Words: 291 Pages: 1

Executive Orders in the United States

Introduction Executive orders are instructions from the President of the United States to federal agencies that often have the same authority as the law. Administrative ordinances have been a means for presidents and government officials to elevate their power to sometimes controversial levels over the years. In most cases, questions...

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Law Enforcement

Mission Statement in Florida Courts

Criminal justice system is of interest for this study, especially from the organizational side. For a better understanding of this topic, this research paper examines the mission statements of departments such as the Orlando Police Department, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Court of Justice. In the...

Words: 854 Pages: 3
Political Theory

Hierarchical Global Governance and Climate Change

Introduction The landscape of global governance presents a complex and almost unintelligible system of actions, power exchanges, and changes. Despite its initial appearance as a concept that is too large to inspect meaningfully, there is evidence for it being a hierarchy or anarchy-centered construct. The interactions within global systems are...

Words: 2257 Pages: 8
Political Communication

The President Biden’s Political Discourse Analysis

Concepts of Discourse analysis Context In communication, a context is a group of phrases surrounding any word to determine its meaning. The change in the meaning of words is because words change meaning depending on the user’s context, which is determined by the message he wants to deliver (Suciu, 2019)....

Words: 3027 Pages: 10
Capital Punishment

The Death Penalty’s Necessity Justification

The death penalty as a mean of capital punishment is a matter of active debate nowadays as there many diverse opinions on whether it should be legal and how it should be applied. Most democratic countries have restricted the death penalty as a cruel and unusual form of punishment that...

Words: 1436 Pages: 5
Military Leadership

Analysis of the US Army Reserves

Introduction The performance of the US Army Reserves is important for the overall military outcomes of developed operations. To understand the role of this organization in the country’s defense initiatives, it is vital to pay particular attention to its key components. Thus, the purpose and goals of this entity, the...

Words: 1148 Pages: 4
International Law

Causes of Qasem Soleimani’s Assassination

Introduction On March 11, 1957, Iranian military officer Qasem Soleimani was assassinated during a deliberate drone strike (Congressional Research Service, 2020). The event immediately attracted media attention and controversy around the world. Unlike usual assassinations, where the culprit remains unknown or debated, Soleimani’s assassination was publicly acknowledged by President Trump....

Words: 2761 Pages: 10
Political Ideology

The Invention and Development of Capitalism

One of the most important and influential concepts that have changed the human world is capitalism. It is impossible to overestimate the influence and importance of capitalism on society, economy, culture and science. Capitalism is one of the social and economic developments existing in the world. The history of its...

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Military Leadership

The US Air Defense Artillery’s Role in the Iraq War

The Iraq War presents one of the most significant military conflicts of the modern world. The war substantially influenced the state of the world’s economy and political systems and the deterioration of Iraqi civilians’ lives. The participation of the US in the Iraq War was due United Nations’ demand and...

Words: 1161 Pages: 4
Political Ideology

Political Concepts of Democracy and Nationalism

Introduction Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the world has seen significant growth in liberal democracy. The simultaneous development of globalization has led to the rapid sharing of cultures and general diversity around the world as political and economic ties grew. Democracy was thriving as individuals saw...

Words: 2858 Pages: 10
International Law

The United States v. Alvarez-Machain Case

Facts The defendant, Alvarez, was kidnapped by Drug Enforcement Administration agents while working in his Mexican office. In the United States, a warrant for his arrest was issued for his alleged involvement in torture and murder of an officer affiliated to DEA. A motion to dismiss the indictment was filed...

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Law Enforcement

Amos Police Force’s Budgeting Issues

The city council of Amos faces a dilemma regarding the future of the town’s police force. Across the past 42 years, Amos has had its own police department that ensured order and enforced law in its territory. The town’s force has only nine people, of which six are constable, and...

Words: 634 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Communist Manifesto as Reflection of Late Modernity

If one is tasked with finding the most influential text of European modernity, then Karl Marx’s (1848) Communist Manifesto would be a top contender, if not a certain winner. The impact it had over the history of the 19th and 20th centuries is hard to overstate. Even today, though the...

Words: 847 Pages: 3
International Organizations

Role of the United Nations in Resolving Global Conflicts

The United Nations U.N. is an international organization whose role is to maintain international peace and safety, protect natural human rights, dispatch humanitarian support, and promote sustainable growth to uphold international law in all its 193 member countries. The Russo-Ukrainian war that started on February 24, 2022, is the latest...

Words: 949 Pages: 3
International Relations

Freedom and Security in Age of Terror

In the current situation, Russia is using the absolute dependence of European countries on their energy resources, which is the main argument of EU countries to refuse to end the war by any possible means. There are many instances in history when a less powerful state has won through alternative...

Words: 983 Pages: 3

Voting Rights and Voter Suppression

UnidosUS. (2021). The racist history of voter suppression laws. The news article explores the history and contemporary issues surrounding voter suppression laws. The source bases its argument on the recently passed bill – SB1 – in Texas, which prohibits drive-through voting and 24-hour voting, introduces new ID mandates for vote-by-mail,...

Words: 327 Pages: 1

The Two-Party System and Democracy in the US

The United States has a two-party system, which means that there are two major political parties. The two major political parties in the United States are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Democratic Party is considered to be more liberal, while the Republican Party is considered to be...

Words: 595 Pages: 2

Why Thomas Paine Rejected Monarchy as a Form of Government

Thomas Paine rejected monarchy and hereditary succession based on a scripture’s point of view. He argued that every man was of equal stature in order of creation. However, the very distinctions of poverty and wealth that men laid as foundations for human worth were used to cause oppression, “seldom or...

Words: 572 Pages: 2
Public Policy

UFOs Are the World Conspiracy of Silence

Introduction The world has a highly suspicious situation in which many witnesses report observations of UFOs. They see these unknown vehicles not only flying in the sky but also landing on the Earth. Although humans have no definitive confirmation that they are aliens really exist, the witnesses have not provided...

Words: 1180 Pages: 4
Law Enforcement

FPS Law Enforcement Specialist Job

I would like to apply for the position of Law Enforcement Specialist at the Federal Protective Service. I understand that it requires great responsibility and various skills, and I would like to show that I can meet those requirements. I aim to be an effective employee in the FPS and...

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Political Theory

China’s One-Child Policy: The Aftermath of Disastrous Decision-Making

Introduction: The History of the One-Child Policy China’s One-Child Policy was justifiably considered by many to be a horrendous violation of human rights. First steps towards implementation of this policy were first discussed by the Chinese government in the 1960s, after the average births-per-woman reached six (Zhang and Junsen 142)....

Words: 891 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Prison Overcrowding: The Criminal Justice Policy Issue

Introduction The criminal justice system in the U.S. is essential because it keeps the citizens safe. The goal of these policies is to ensure justice for all people. The U.S.’s criminal justice policy does an excellent job by protecting citizens, convicting aggressors, and maintaining fair justice procedures in all states....

Words: 1382 Pages: 5
Public Policy

Gun Control: Effective Management of the Right to Carry

Introduction The constitution of the United States prohibits legislative bodies from restricting ownership of firearms. The constitution’s Second Amendment reads that a person who is well-regulated and belongs to a free state shall not be prohibited by the legislation to own firearms (Buttrick, 2020). Numerous insights arise from these Amendments...

Words: 612 Pages: 2
Political Theory

Analysis of Kal Cartoon by Kallaugher

Kal Cartoon Analysis Political cartoons are defined drawings made to convey reports on politics and recent events in a nation. The satires recreate a crucial part in the political communication of the community by providing a platform for the privilege of speech. The legislative comic sketched by Kelvin Kallaugher, a...

Words: 553 Pages: 2
Political Theory

Lobbyists as a Tool for Special Interest Groups in Politics

The advantages of lobbyists as a tool for special interest groups are that they provide different avenues where government policies and legislation are easily influenced. Holyoke (2021) argue that since lobbyists are professionals with an understanding of government legislature, they provide a platform where individuals access legal issues with ease....

Words: 269 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

The Problem of Prison Rape in the US

Abstract The prison population in the United States is predominantly black and Latino. Further, low-income people make up a large share of the prison population. Most convicted criminals have intellectual challenges, undiagnosed psychiatric conditions, and backgrounds of violent victimization, all of which may contribute to psychosocial problems. These issues aside,...

Words: 2605 Pages: 9
Political Theory

Proving Exceptionalism in American Politics

American politics has been one of the world’s ionic systems regardless of the raised questions on its failures. Various concepts within the American political system have proven that it has both shortfalls and fulfillment. The ideas are related to clarifying why the systems make American politics exceptional. These concepts include...

Words: 1438 Pages: 5
Military Leadership

Air Defense Artillery in the Iraq War

The crisis in the Persian Gulf was associated with the policy of the United States and other interested states in pumping out Middle Eastern oil, whose reserves in this region of the world account for about 40% of all world reserves. The countries of the NATO bloc, under the auspices...

Words: 1171 Pages: 4
Political Theory

Lobbying and Interest Groups Regulations

Lobbying groups are associations that try to impact legislation made by governments. People with common interests form interest groups to influence public policy. Interest groups determine the bill, while the lobbyist ensures that the lawmakers pass the legislation. These two groups play a critical role in creating and passing bills...

Words: 350 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Military Redeployment and Logistics

One of the most challenging aspects of conducting a successful military operation is the notion of flexibility and agile relocation of military equipment and armed sources regarding the objectives of the operation. Indeed, in many cases, during military operations, the initial location of forces can lose its relevance due to...

Words: 610 Pages: 2

Legislative Filibuster Reform: Critics, Positive Sides, and History

Abstract The Legislative Filibuster is one of the most argued and controversial features of America’s Democratic System. Therefore, the recently announced upcoming reform aiming to eliminate this option causes even more disputes on that matter. Some scholars and political scientists believe that the reduction of the filibuster will help American...

Words: 721 Pages: 2

Texas Wildfires and Government Response

Introduction The devastating news about the current issue of wildfires in the state of Texas is hugely bothering and leads to wonder about the next steps of the government. The second-biggest state of the USA is now suffering from a natural hazard that has been going on for a few...

Words: 570 Pages: 2

The Role of the Senate in the US Legislature

The U.S. Congress consists of lower and upper chambers, with the House of Representatives being the former and the Senate being the latter. This structure resides in the compromise between two ways of states’ representation – with and without consideration of the individual state’s population. Thus, the Senate is represented...

Words: 306 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Navy’s Core Values: Courage, Honor, and Commitment

In the military context, adhering to a functional set of values and standards is vital for ensuring compliance with the established instructions in soldiers, as well as encouraging them to develop essential values that will guide them through the challenges of the target environment. The specified observation is also true...

Words: 840 Pages: 3
Political Theory

Ethical and Civic Consideration of the Progressive Era

Introduction During the Gilded era, United States citizens faced significant economic, political, and social challenges. Despite the rapid economic growth associated with industrialization, many underlying issues were gilded by prosperity. The industrial revolution led to many problems such as unemployment, political radicalism, poverty, and corruption. As a result, a group...

Words: 920 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Exploring Operation Anaconda’s Fail

Background One of the main features of effective team building is the use of competent, cohesive leadership and the ability of each participant to work as part of a group. On integrating these two characteristics, truly successful teams are born, regardless of which area of human endeavor the work takes...

Words: 1672 Pages: 5
Public Policy

The National Labor Relations Act

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) governs hiring rules, the violation of which involves acts of discrimination or unreasonable denial of cause. Section 8.1a states that employers may not interfere with Section 7 rights: it regulates, among other things, joining a union and engaging in union activities (US Congress). Section...

Words: 708 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

The Activity and Effectiveness of Special Operations Forces

Introduction Special Operations Forces (SOF) are military units, which resolve conflicts during emergencies and combat the international terrorism. In general, the SOF deployment is only necessary when the diplomatic negotiations fail, and a peaceful solution is no longer an option. In such cases, it is essential to have the military...

Words: 2737 Pages: 10
Public Policy

Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture

Introduction Global problems of mankind are social and natural problems on the solution of which depends the progress, development and preservation of civilization. The author of the book believes that they concern all people in all countries (Payne, 2016, 3). There is no approved classification of global problems or gradation,...

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Public Policy

Aspects of Policies and Its Issues

Equal Pay Act The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) is a part of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 which prohibits gender-based wage discrimination among men and women who work in the same organization and perform equal tasks that require the same level of responsibility, skills, and effort...

Words: 789 Pages: 3
Political Theory

National Security: Role of Privileges

It is important to note that national security relies on being capable of protecting the citizens, which requires some form of executive power superior to a regular entity. However, it is evident that there is a fine line between such a privilege and power abuse because the latter diminishes one’s...

Words: 854 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Police Brutality in the United States

Police brutality involves the use of excessive force against ordinary citizens. In addition, often, this abuse is not only physical but also verbal and psychological. Police violence in the United States has increased since the end of World War II in various racial, religious, political areas and in a systematic...

Words: 1111 Pages: 4

Comparative Electoral Reform in Canada

Introduction Electoral systems in a given country dictate the level of representation, voters’ experiences, and overall quality of quality. Numerous models of governance have emerged within the wider notion of democracy. In Canada, the First-Past-The-Pole (FPTP) remains in place and dictates the manner in which politicians are elected to occupy...

Words: 1966 Pages: 7
International Trade

US Protectionism in Chinese Foreign Trade Relations

Introduction Protectionism refers to a situation in which countries put rules and regulations to protect the domestic market and industries from foreign competition. This is done in various ways, such as imposing taxes on imports, tariffs, subsidies, and quotas (Carvalho et al.). The main objective of protectionism is to enhance...

Words: 4560 Pages: 17
Public Administration

Public Inquiry Data Management

Introduction Governments and citizens view public inquiries as a systematic method of exploiting evidence concerning incidences affecting a nation. The availability of methodical investigation processes makes the approach significantly reliable by the public. The involvement of specialists and a team of experts in inquiries, together with the utilization of lengthy...

Words: 2522 Pages: 9

Donald Trump: Forms of ‘Celebrity’ in Celebrity Politics

Introduction and Thesis Although people have embraced the media “celebritisation” of some politicians like Trump, they should understand the formation and impact of celebrity politicians (Street, 2018, p. 4). It is essential to scrutinize the nature of Trump’s superstardom and celebrity activities as interfering with democratic governance. Summary Street starts...

Words: 575 Pages: 2

The Donna Howard Politician Profile

Donna Howard represents District 48 in the Texas House of Representatives. In 2006, she was elected to the position. On January 10, 2023, her present term will end (“Donna Howard,” par.1–5). Howard is standing for re-election to represent District 48 in the Texas House of Representatives. On November 8, 2022,...

Words: 668 Pages: 2
International Trade

South Africa and Nigeria for International Business

South Africa The country was first captured by the British in1775 and they gave it to the Dutch in 1803. However, they took it back in 1806, and in 1814, the British had a treaty showing that they owned the region (Educationpubs, 2022). In 1899, there was a war between...

Words: 1487 Pages: 7

Economic Failure in Democracies

Governance is an innate necessity among humans and significantly determines the success or failure of societies. The search for better and more effective leadership system explains the existence of various headship models worldwide. Socialism, authoritarianism, communism, humanism, and democracy are examples of governance approaches tried by humans to date. Each...

Words: 1378 Pages: 7
Law Enforcement

Malicious Software: Impact on Society

Every owner of the computers is aware of the harmful viruses that exist in the global webspace and are dangerous for the operating system. However, not many people might know what malware represents and how it sometimes appears on the device. Most importantly, there is a lack of awareness on...

Words: 863 Pages: 3
International Relations

North Korean Nuclear Program as a Threat to Regional Security

Introduction Since their emergence in the 1940s, nuclear weapons have remained a crucial factor in international relations. With the end of the Cold War, the nations of the world began avoiding large-scale conflicts that could lead to the use of nuclear weapons. However, not all countries have been adhering to...

Words: 2007 Pages: 7

Lawmaking in California State and Local Government

The lawmaking process in California’s State Legislature and the United States Congress have specific similarities while being drastically different at the core. This provision is explained by the varying conditions related to the voting procedures, the flexibility of the bills’ content, and the scope of responsibilities in general (Scarpelli, 2015)....

Words: 282 Pages: 1
International Relations

Modern International Relations and Their Features

Introduction Modern international relations are being transformed, and these transformations directly affect the domestic and foreign policies of various states. There is also an influence on the individual, his worldview, the principles of interaction with other people, and, in general, on his entire life structure. Independent states develop by interacting...

Words: 390 Pages: 1

Elections to California State & Local Government

Elections in California are usually held to fill seats of local authorities. It happens every year, but some positions have a longer-term, requiring elections once in two years. The occasion has specific aspects that differ from the regulations in other states in the US. For instance, Democrats have more advantages...

Words: 280 Pages: 1
Capital Punishment

Ethical Theory Approach to Death Penalty

Introduction Within the contractual framework, the death penalty is seen as unethical and immoral. The major debate at stake concerns the challenges of racist history, ‘objective’ standards, and the ‘greater good.’ Considering the numerous variants of legal culture that influence erroneous court outcomes, it is not ethically justifiable to continue...

Words: 1180 Pages: 4
Public Policy

The Problems of Drug Policy in the United States

The main purpose of mandatory punishment for drugs is to prevent illegal trafficking. The irreversibility of punishment should positively influence the state’s fight against drug traffickers and drug cartels. Show trials that emphasize the radical policy of the state about drugs make sense, but often it goes beyond the law....

Words: 329 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Drug Policies for the United States and Germany

The number one enemy in the United States is substance abuse. On June 18, 1971, about 50 years ago, Richard Nixon declared War on Drugs (Mosher & Akins, 2021). According to Nixon, it is necessary to fight with manufacturers and dealers of illegal drugs and their users. Even today, 50...

Words: 670 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Health Care Policy Bill for Vulnerable People

Introduction To ensure access to and proper treatment for people with rare diseases, legislation should be enhanced. For example, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a gradually progressive neurodegenerative illness of the central nervous system accompanied by damage to motor neurons (Kiernan, et al., 2021). The mentioned disease...

Words: 589 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan

The radical republican reconstruction plan was a set of measures put in place after the American Civil War to ensure that African Americans would have equal rights. These measures included passing the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments to the constitution, as well as creating new civil rights legislation. If I...

Words: 309 Pages: 1
International Trade

Benefits of International Trade

Introduction Engagement in international trade largely benefits all nations around the globe. Indeed, a country can enjoy imported goods that cannot be produced at home or are less expensive than domestic commodities. In this regard, such an advantage of the worldwide exchange of goods is quite self-evident. However, the existence...

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Stop Voter Suppression and Stand Up for Rights

Suppression of voters in the United States is characterized by various legal measures designed to restrain voters from exercising their right to vote. Notably, states introduced around two dozen laws that restrict voters’ rights. Most of the new laws make it complicated to vote by mail or absentee (Boschma, 2021)....

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The Racist History of Voter Suppression Laws

Introduction The US congressional elections are an essential democratic attribute of the entire country, attracting more and more voters every year. However, this event was far from always free from prejudices, discriminatory cases, and much more. Historically, suffrage has only gradually become available to racial minorities, older people, and women....

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Public Services

Custom Border Services Job Requirements

The Canadian Border Agency (CBSA) is active in the areas of border control, immigration, and customs in Canada. The agency was created relatively recently, but the requirements for specialists and employees developed quite specifically throughout history. A high degree of responsibility entrusted to such a service rests on the employer’s...

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International Relations

Long-Term Strategies to Address Threats to the US’ Interest From Russia

Introduction In terms of geopolitical tension and mutual distrust, it is crucial for the United States and Russia to maintain strong political cooperation since their coordination is pivotal to worldwide security. International security in recent years faced critical challenges, including the “menace of terrorism, environmental challenges, or proliferation of nuclear...

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Law Enforcement

Body Worn Camera Policy’s Issues and Possible Solutions

Introduction The primary function of the police is to enforce compliance with the law in every aspect of human life and citizen activity. Modern society is a complex and multi-layered structure that involves millions of people with different and even opposing opinions, life principles, and core values. Therefore, regulating and...

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Public Policy

Impacts on Right to Carry a Gun

Introduction In the United States of America, statistics data carried out in 2017 revealed that about 39,773 deaths were related to firearms. The research showed that some committed suicide using weapons, some through homicide, and others due to intervention through polices officers, which was legal. Gun control-right to carry was...

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Capital Punishment

Lethal Injection as a Technique of Death Penalty

Lethal injection is the execution of prisoners accused of committing serious and heinous crimes such as murder or rape through administering one or more chemicals to cause death. This method was approved in California in 1993 to permit the prisoners to select between lethal gas or lethal injection as the...

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International Relations

Germany’s Foreign Policy: EU Foreign Policy

Germany is Europe’s most developed country, which had an equivocal internal and foreign policy throughout its history. The state’s wise policy that corrected the labor market, modified taxation, and improved the security system, allowed it to reach leading positions among European economies, which was substantial progress since the two World...

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Law Enforcement

The Employment Readiness Workshop in Maryland

Introduction One of the most significant challenges for individuals after their release from prison is reintegration into society. Finding employment is a crucial part of this process, but it is often hard for people with a history of legal troubles to find employment. They face unique challenges in seeking employment,...

Words: 7738 Pages: 40