Stop Voter Suppression and Stand Up for Voters’ Rights

The research paper addresses the topic of voter suppression and voters’ rights. The right to vote is one of the leading indicators of a democratic society. It belongs to a category of fundamental human rights every person possesses. Since the beginning of the 21st century, numerous acts have been passed to make it harder for particular groups of people to express their opinion publicly and freely. The restriction measures target mainly minority groups, the elderly, students, and people with disabilities (Anderson, 2018). The main reason for taking up such steps seems to lie in the assumption that the approval rating of a particular political force will increase if it constricts the electorate instead of convincing it.

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Further research will address the reasons for voter suppression apart from the one mentioned above as well as the voter suppression measures. It will also contain information about the ways of resistance to voter suppression and their possible consequences. It is necessary to realize that if people’s right to vote is restricted, society may no longer be considered democratic (Anderson, 2018). Besides, it is important to remember that voting is not just a right. It is a responsibility that evolves every citizen’s participation in the country’s political life.

Hence, the importance of the present research is determined by the necessity to prove that there exists no force in a democratic country that can suppress one of the major freedoms every person has. It is freedom of speech and freedom of expressing an opinion. The violation of those rights means betraying democratic principles, so people should try to restore them legally. Thus, it is essential to support legislation that empowers people to participate in voting.


Anderson, C. (2018). One person, no vote: How voter suppression is destroying our democracy. Bloomsbury Publishing.

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DemoEssays. (2023, January 30). Stop Voter Suppression and Stand Up for Voters' Rights.

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"Stop Voter Suppression and Stand Up for Voters' Rights." DemoEssays, 30 Jan. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'Stop Voter Suppression and Stand Up for Voters' Rights'. 30 January.


DemoEssays. 2023. "Stop Voter Suppression and Stand Up for Voters' Rights." January 30, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Stop Voter Suppression and Stand Up for Voters' Rights." January 30, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Stop Voter Suppression and Stand Up for Voters' Rights." January 30, 2023.