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Recent Political Essay Samples

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Political Theory

Advancing Democracy in the United States

Introduction Advancing democracy is one of the critical processes in contemporary political science in the United States, as it is a significant source of social benefits for the population. Hence, the study of issues with the most severe impact, whether positive or negative, is required to get a retrospective on...

Words: 2276 Pages: 8

Power of the American Government Branches

A study of the structure and various systems that go into a country’s Government can provide a deeper understanding of how the United States of America functions. Thus, this work aims to study the forces of the three branches of the American Government and what is included in their responsibilities....

Words: 826 Pages: 3
Political Communication

Rhetorical Analysis of President Barack Obama’s Speech

Introduction Barack Obama is best known around the world for being the first black president of the United States. Despite all his merits and status, he is aware of the importance of the people who made all this possible. President Obama did this in an address to mark the unveiling...

Words: 903 Pages: 3

The US Proportional Representation System

Introduction Democracy has been one of the leading government systems embraced by many countries. One of the definitive elements of democracy is the representation of the people through elections. Elected representatives from the legislature that is responsible for formulating laws governing the state and representing the interest of the people....

Words: 1452 Pages: 5
International Relations

Europe’s Political, Economic, and Cultural Aspects

Europe is one of the continents in the world, comprising 44 nations. Viewing Europe as 44 separate countries is the best way to understand the region rather than considering it as one content for various reasons. The first reason is that political systems or forms of government differ across the...

Words: 498 Pages: 2
International Organizations

The European Union Institutions and Integration

Introduction With the need to have better economic, social, and political advancement, a number of European countries came together to form an organization called the European Union (EU). The EU was tasked with various responsibilities on behalf of its members. It aimed at integrating the region by fostering military security...

Words: 1969 Pages: 7
Military Leadership

The Principles of Mission Command of Operation Anaconda

Introduction Operation Anaconda is a military operation that was conducted by the US forces and allies in Easter Afghanistan in March of 2002. The operation took place within the Global War on Terror, and the main aim of it was to defeat the remaining Taliban and al Qaeda forces. The...

Words: 932 Pages: 3
International Relations

Third World Countries and Their Sovereignty

There is an argument that the Third World countries are not enjoying their sovereignty regime due to the interference by the Western countries. Instead of freedom being based on the idea of nations, it is now defined as freedom with little interference. The term later became the definition of decolonization...

Words: 645 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Transsexual Law in Germany: The Transsexuellengesetz

Introduction The LGBTQ+ community has been fighting for transgender rights for a long time all over the world. It is important to understand the difference between sex and gender. Once, the two terms largely meant the same thing, however today it is understood that they are different. Biological sex refers...

Words: 1418 Pages: 4
Public Policy

The Crisis Intervention Team: Public Policy

Introduction Public policy significantly impacts crisis intervention organizations as it provides rules and guidelines for efficient decision-making. Institutions, governments, and experts in various fields cooperate, developing procedures, enhancing public administration, and improving the quality of life for citizens. In particular, the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model was created to strengthen...

Words: 832 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Gun Control in America: Necessary Restrictions

Introduction Gun control is an essential subject specifically in the American culture since it is likely to facilitate the reduction of gun-associated deaths within the country. Gun control is legislation and guidelines established to certify that the United States populace conforms to the utilization and ownership of guns in public...

Words: 931 Pages: 3
International Relations

Political Issues of Texas Border with Mexico

Introduction Border control between Texas and Mexico is an issue that deserves excessive attention during the Trump-Clinton presidential race. The situation repeated itself during the next presidential elections, including in the campaign of Joe Biden. The coronavirus pandemic that began in February 2019 led to the implementation of Section 42,...

Words: 670 Pages: 2
International Relations Theories

Nuclear Weapons and International Politics

Introduction The majority of countries rely on armament for protection, and nuclear weapons (NWs) seem to gather the most attention. The topic of NWs is important because while such equipment gives states military superiority, it is also extremely destructive. Accordingly, this essay investigates the research question of whether nuclear weapons...

Words: 920 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Police Presence in Low-Income Communities

Law enforcement is essential to keeping things in order in any society, and the security forces generally do it. In low-income neighborhoods, the necessity for a police intervention may be especially pronounced since these individuals are searching for ways to make ends meet. The police may therefore be more important...

Words: 1553 Pages: 6
International Relations

Understanding International Affairs: The International Society Approach

Introduction International relations (IR) is a discipline where the characteristics, qualities, causes, and outcomes of interactions between states are discussed from multiple perspectives. It is not enough to find solid explanations of national behaviors but to examine how different actors contribute to national and international security. Globalization has changed the...

Words: 907 Pages: 3
Political Theory

Impacts of Social Media on Democracy

Social media refers to the various forms of electronic interaction which uses online means to communicate. The communication may involve sharing ideas, videos, business contracts, or personal messages. The technology used in social media is computer-based, facilitating virtual groups and networks to be linked together. Examples of computer-based facilities that...

Words: 1125 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

Is It Moral for the United States to Continue Its Use of Drone Strikes Abroad?

Introduction Notably, it is unethical for the United States to continue using drone strikes abroad. Human and Humanitarian rights norms restrict the exercise of remote violence (Bonino, 2021). With drones, countries can kill and main at an increasing distance, both psychological and physical. Through the deontological theories, people’s actions can...

Words: 910 Pages: 3

Devolution Definition and Its Aspects

Devolution refers to delegation of power to lower levels including regional administrations from a centralized government. Sandford (64) posited that devolution occurs through conventional laws without amending the country’s constitution. Therefore, unitary systems of government, which have decentralized authorities through this policy, are regarded as unitary and not federal systems...

Words: 339 Pages: 2
International Relations

China–Qatar: Strategic Partnership

Until the 1960s, China’s relationship with Qatar was rather limited because the latter did not have sovereignty at the time. Technically, the state was controlled by the United Kingdom, and its behavior at the time was perceived as pro-capitalist (Smith 1). However, after granting its independence in 1971, Qatar started...

Words: 275 Pages: 1

Electoral Systems in Democratic Country

In a democratic nation, one of the rudimentary means for the public is to partake in voting and elections. An electoral system entails a set of rules determining how referendums and elections are carried out and how their outcomes are determined. Voters can involve in the decision-making process pertaining making...

Words: 402 Pages: 2

Margaret Thatcher’s Role in Transforming British Politics

Before becoming prime minister, Margaret Thatcher had to try her hand at different positions before she was recognized as a person who changed the political life of the UK. Initially, her public appearances were associated with condemnation of the authorities, as well as demands to change outdated laws of the...

Words: 272 Pages: 1
Civil Rights

The Ballot or the Bullet Speech by Malcolm X

The speech The Ballot or the Bullet was made by Malcolm X. He gave the speech in the King Solomon Baptist Church, Detroit, on 12th April 1964. Malcolm X was a civil rights activist, and the speech was aligned with human rights activism. The speaker was rallying the African American...

Words: 588 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Solution to High Military Budget Issue

The military budget seems to be relatively high, and the expenses on the army and weapons do not justify themselves. There is no apparent reason or need to spend the current amount of taxpayers’ money on that field. Instead, the budget could be decreased, and the finances might be redistributed...

Words: 330 Pages: 1
Public Services

Multilevel Government Problems Regarding Infrastructure

Introduction Government comprises different departmental levels tasked with specific functions to ensure that the administration is run smoothly and efficiently. In addition to the central tier of the jurisdiction, the provincial and local division of the authority exists to only operate within a particular municipality compared to the national government...

Words: 1759 Pages: 6
Law Enforcement

Policing: Traditional and Community-Oriented Models

Traditional and community-oriented models have particular advantages and disadvantages. The first model includes call-to-call reaction patterns of the officers during the patrol. The professionalism of the officers is estimated based on the achievements they gain during a particular period: the number of arrests and responses to calls (Archbold et al.,...

Words: 654 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Capitalism and Revolutionary Movements

The capitalist ruling of the world has been criticized and condemned for a variety of reasons, but the violent pursuit of its goals has been at the forefront. Often revolutionary movements went along with the violence that destroyed national ideas and identities. Capitalism began to lead societies because it achieved...

Words: 287 Pages: 1
International Law

The Space Tourism: Legal Standards

Two watershed events paved the way for the modern exploration of space. Sputnik’s successful launch in 1957 and Gagarin’s first human space exploration in 1961 represented the most iconic endeavors into the perfect void (Davidian, 2020). Space tourism is often praised as bringing a breakthrough in human access to the...

Words: 2233 Pages: 8
Political Ideology

McCarthy’s Speech and Anti-Communist Campaigns

Introduction In the era of the Cold War between the two large political camps, namely the United States of America and the Soviet Union, the tensions were omnipresent. In the context of the dominant views that opposed any manifestation of the anti-democratic approach, such streams of opinion as McCarthyism appeared....

Words: 1134 Pages: 4
International Relations

The United States’ Withdrawal from the Kyoto Accord

Introduction The Kyoto Accord was adopted in 1997 in Japan in response to the global concerns about climate change. The accord was a multinational agreement targeted at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by industrialized countries. The Kyoto protocol suggested that industrialized countries had more greenhouse emissions than developing countries. Therefore, the...

Words: 1125 Pages: 4
Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment as Viewed From Various Perspectives

Many countries, including the US, have laws that allow the criminal justice system to subject offenders to the death penalty depending on the nature and intensity of the offense committed. A number of inmates have been hanged in the past years following the court ruling that favored capital punishment. The...

Words: 2229 Pages: 8
Public Administration

China’s Public Administration Processes

Introduction China has preserved a socio-political system that is rare for the modern international community: it is a socialist state. In 1954, the highest representative body of China, which is called the National People’s Congress, adopted the first Constitution. China’s political system has been divided into several levels due to...

Words: 636 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The Impact of Utilization of Women in War

Over centuries, the word soldier has been perceived as a masculine figure in an army uniform. It is an inclusive term for both men and women in the military. Storytelling mentality and history have always favored men as the crafters of the art of war. Women’s contribution to the war...

Words: 2931 Pages: 10
International Relations

The Environment and International Relations

The author explains the historical background against which the development of an international institutional framework for sustainable development occurred. He highlights the establishment of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) designed to implement the resolutions of the Rio Conference (Imber, 1996, p. 149). Its primary role is the formal coordination...

Words: 1001 Pages: 3
Political Theory

Justice as Fairness by John Rawls and Nozick

Introduction A variety of perspectives on equity and ethics research entails numerous debates between experts who uphold specific theories and ideas. Prominent philosophers Robert Nozick and John Rawls describe compelling and engaging ideas concerning equity values. They express views of establishing a government based on ethics and justice. “Justice as...

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Law Enforcement

The New York Police Misconduct and Corruption

The New York police department dismissed, terminated, or forced individuals to resign, citing police corruption. However, this term challenged established notions of corruption, such as police misconduct. While corruption was defined as a separate form of problem, different from misconduct in the past, the terms are not mutually exclusive and...

Words: 614 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Strategies to Solve Wicked Problems

Introduction A wicked problem is a term used to describe public policy issues such as air pollution, bullying, and animal rights. The policies are described with the term wicked because they are aggressive or tricky when solving them. The most challenging issues might appear difficult to solve, and the article...

Words: 1385 Pages: 5
International Relations Theories

“Why We Will Soon Miss The Cold War” by Mearsheimer

Introduction The capacity to hold power is particularly challenging and fraught with perils. Ultimately, history revealed how many governments rose to prominence through peace and conflict, especially in Europe. The article “Why We Will Soon Miss the Cold War” by John J. Mearsheimer outlines how most countries share bipolar and...

Words: 1690 Pages: 6
International Relations

The American War in Afghanistan

Combat Outpost Keating, located in the Nuristan Province, in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan, was attacked on October 3, 2009, killing eight brave American soldiers. The attack on COP Keating resulted in the Taliban suffering an estimated 150 killed. How did this bloody and brutal war begin? Let me take...

Words: 1481 Pages: 5
International Law

Operation Geronimo by the United States

The United States military derived the name Geronimo from referring to the operation to kill Osama bin Laden, a wanted terrorist and founder of the Islamist military group, Al-Qaeda (Langman, 2021). The code was used in action to denote bin Laden and was overseen by President Barrack Obama. Subsequently, Geronimo...

Words: 900 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Bad Leaders in Power and Their Impact

Introduction The global political landscape is currently characterized by upheavals and uncertainty due to the most recent war that sparked from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Consequently, the war has led to a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and nations that depended on Ukraine and Russia’s supplies for their economies. Nonetheless, it...

Words: 636 Pages: 2

Weak Parties and Strong Partisanship Article by Azari

This article focuses on the fundamental question of political choice in the United States of America. During the past years, it became evident that political parties became ‘weak’ in terms of their influence on presidential and governmental elections. More specifically, parties cannot provide stable communication between their representative and the...

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Political Ideology

Who Is a Progressive in the Political Sense?

Progressives Characteristics and Examples A fundamental characteristic of a progressive individual seems to be an awakened sense of fairness. According to Roosevelt (1913), a progressive individual is a person of faith, not a religious man, but rather one who believes in justice, righteousness, and goodness. The progressive individual stands for...

Words: 859 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

Political Systems’ Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction Administration refers to a form of acts and mandate that manages a state, territory, or other legal subdivision. The administration controls setting and implementing communal protocols and security, international programs, wealth, and social utilities. Even though all administrations have identical obligations, they are conducted in various processes depending on...

Words: 1142 Pages: 4

White Women Vote Republican Article by Junn

Due to their unclear political position, white females have always considered a particular electorate type. In this article, white women have been the protagonists because they have consistently, for over 70 years, voted for the Republican Party in the majority (Junn, 2016). Usually, the republican party is known for not...

Words: 306 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Communism and Related Society’s Issues

Communist society was formed primarily to eliminate capitalism, which was regarded as a social class system that misused workers. The employees who were misused established class-consciousness, causing class conflict that was resolute by revolutionary struggle. The public raised against the bourgeoisie and created a communist society. The founders of communist...

Words: 404 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Obama vs. Romney First Debate and Lessons Learned

Event Reflection The American presidential race is one of the most admired and democratic elections globally. An African American, Barrack Obama made history by becoming the 44th president of the U.S. What stands out about Obama is his intersectionality and how the American education system made the best out of...

Words: 638 Pages: 2
Public Policy

The American and Swedish Policies Comparison

Introduction Analysis of a country’s policies on various social and economic issues can give insights into the quality of life experienced by the citizens of that country. Quality of life is largely dependent on the policies and laws instituted in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, and housing. The United...

Words: 2255 Pages: 8
Public Policy

Data Surplus from Shoshana Zuboff’s Viewpoint

Introduction Profitability is a driver for many new developments, yet their ethical side is not always taken into the proper assessment. Professor Shoshana Zuboff has raised a vital topic for modern society: data manipulation by big tech companies. Her position has helped me to realize a significant flaw in policies...

Words: 562 Pages: 2
Capital Punishment

Repulsion of the Death Penalty

Introduction Capital punishment is a contentious issue in society, with critics and proponents positing valid reasons for their stances. It is a major punishment that involves taking a life but is reserved for extreme cases in a community. Nonetheless, the issue has accurate connotations that go beyond people’s opinions, eliciting...

Words: 588 Pages: 2

Election Day: The Embattled Vote in America

Some events are the most important and key for the history of the state. Such days are holidays in order to draw special attention of the population to certain dates, and also not to forget the importance of historical turns in the development of society. However, not all incidents are...

Words: 410 Pages: 2
International Relations

International Community and Accountability

Introduction It is important to note that there are numerous examples of sovereign states violating human rights, treaties, and environmental regulations. The lack of accountability from such states is a result of the absence of superior authority in international relations. International institutions lack any form of power to ensure that...

Words: 1142 Pages: 4
Capital Punishment

The Death Penalty: Social Contract Theory

The moral acceptability of the death penalty is among the most partisan issues in contemporary ethics. In this paper, three approaches to this moral question are discussed: utilitarianism, the ethics of autonomy, and social contract theory. The “veil of ignorance” and social contract theory provides a clear perspective on the...

Words: 951 Pages: 3
International Relations

Russian Politics in the 21st Century

In the 21st century, Russia faced a number of challenges and opportunities, yet the approach to them became strongly related to the support of the regime. The domestic context is crucial as the initial development was related to solving inner issues and stabilizing the economy (Rumer, 2007). Most challenges are...

Words: 355 Pages: 1

The Turn to Radical Politics in the Reading by Hitchcock

In the 9th chapter of his book The Struggle for Europe, William Hitchcock explores the emergence of civil protests and clashes from 1968 onwards. He describes the alliance of left-wing students with workers as “convenient” rather than based on ideological affinity. Describing the sequence of historical processes, the author points...

Words: 383 Pages: 1

How Gerrymandering Currently Affects Texas Politics

The ability of people and groups to impact elections is inspired in part by their numbers and in significant part by how many party supporters from the team vote. The design of districts lines has been politicized by dominant parties in certain states’ legislatures to assist them to win votes...

Words: 288 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Replacing Affordable Care Act With a Single-Payer Plan

Introduction In the United States, efforts have been made for centuries to achieve Universal Healthcare, raising fears and hopes but yielding little beyond Medicaid and Medicare. In 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ushered in a new reform era. Despite the full implementation of the law, it is evident that...

Words: 1202 Pages: 4
Political Ideology

Functionalist Interpretation of Marx’s Historical Materialism

Over the past centuries, the world has experienced an evolving pattern of patriarchal practices. There is constant change in human societies and the way they operate. The concept of patriarchy refers to the overall manifestation of male dominance over women and children in the community. However, in the current world,...

Words: 1701 Pages: 6
Political Ideology

Abraham Lincoln’s Reassurances to the Southern States

Introduction Slavery was a formal institution in the United States until the American Civil War and the eventual implementation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865. Abraham Lincoln – the 16th President of the United States – played a vital part in the abolishment of slavery during his...

Words: 844 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Pittsburg Police Officer Meets With Community in Trust

The article entitled “Pittsburg police officer meets with the community in trust” describes the efforts of the police officers to mend relations with the Afro-American population of the neighborhood. The meeting is organized to acknowledge the wrong that has been done and is attended by police officers and Afro-American community...

Words: 290 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

A Caste System as a Social Structure

A caste system is an extreme example of stratification, a social structure that includes several mutually exclusive populations; it is one of the extreme forms of social discrimination based on class, ethnicity, or culture. In societies with a caste system, membership is determined at birth and remains the same throughout...

Words: 201 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Pillars of the 21st Century Policing

Introduction The police forces are mandated to protect the community from various sources of harm. During their operations, their duties and responsibilities often cause controversy, especially when their interests crush those of society. Effective policing requires the officers to create and maintain positive relationships with the community members by engaging...

Words: 2161 Pages: 8
Capital Punishment

Arguments Against Death Penalty

The death penalty is surrounded by a significant number of myths. For instance, proponents of the death penalty may claim that it deters violent crime and does it cost-effectively. However, in practice, the death penalty has no positive impact neither on the criminal justice system nor on society. In its...

Words: 577 Pages: 2
Public Services

Miami Flood Issue and Infrastructure Support

Introduction Due to climate change and global warming, ocean levels are rising. Water regularly floods the streets of Miami, causing critical infrastructure impacts and endangering people’s lives. At the same time, developers continue to build an artificial islands with hotels and apartments. In this case, it makes sense to put...

Words: 256 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Should Police Officers Have the Right to Use Deadly Force?

Police officers have every right to use force, whether it is to defend bystanders from a robbery, a suspect who is likewise armed with a dangerous weapon, or for their defense. “Law Enforcement in the 21st Century”, authored by Grant and Terry, emphasizes that policing in the US has become...

Words: 609 Pages: 2
Public Services

Critical Infrastructures and Protection Strategies

Introduction Taking care of the health and safety of people in the formation of infrastructure is of critical importance. Thus, organizations should develop and put into practice protection strategies. A unique role, in this case, is played by understanding the concept of critical infrastructure and what should be included in...

Words: 574 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Selection and Recruitment for Police Officers

Selection and recruitment processes for police officers are an integral part of the law enforcement system. Since police officers play an extremely important role in ensuring public safety and welfare, significant emphasis is being placed on the career requirements in the police force. Although hiring standards and procedures used in...

Words: 567 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment

The Kansas City preventive patrol experiment was a groundbreaking study conducted between 1972 and 1973 by the Kansas City Police Department. The main purpose of this experiment was to identify the connection between a person’s likelihood of committing a crime and police presence in their living area. Although the findings...

Words: 581 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Police Misconduct and Accountability

The issues of police monitoring and accountability are fiercely discussed topics of discourse these days, and it is no surprise. One of the basic human needs is the need for safety. Several incidents of police misconduct or a failure to hold officers accountable have led to a lot of controversy...

Words: 1381 Pages: 5
Law Enforcement

Police Discretion and Law Enforcement in the 21st Century

Police officers, when performing their duties, are required to use a certain level of discretion hence the presence of a thin blue line that they are not allowed to cross. Discretion is the ability, right, or power to act or decide as your judgment, choice, or freedom of sentence (Grant...

Words: 558 Pages: 2
Capital Punishment

The Capital Punishment Debates

Introduction The death penalty is one issue that is sensitive and has disputing views on whether it is fair or unfair. Currently, capital punishment is a settled law implying that many states have rejected and abolished it due to the challenges it imposes on the constitution. Approximately twenty-eight states still...

Words: 1779 Pages: 6

Federalism and Dual Sovereignty

Federalism represents a governmental system in which the same territory falls under the control of two levels of government. In general, an overarching national government has broader governance over expansive territorial areas while smaller states, subdivisions, and cities govern the problems that have a local concern. Both national government and...

Words: 1100 Pages: 4

Alternatives for Developing Jamaica

Despite the difficult internal situation, in the XX century Jamaica firmly occupied the place of an important spiritual center of the African-American civilization area. This happened due to alternatives for developing the country that the government of Jamaica implemented. While most developing countries borrowed the culture of developed states, in...

Words: 305 Pages: 1

Service-Connected Disability Program Evaluation

Statement of the Problem War environments are understandably harsh work zones. Subsequently, military personnel is exposed to horrendous work conditions that leave them psychologically or physiologically injured and reliant on long-term care. Many military veterans discharged from duty after work accidents qualify for reparations as outlined by the Department of...

Words: 2939 Pages: 10

The Most Common Forms of Government

Currently, one of the most common forms of government is an oligarchy, that is, the power of a particular rich group of people. Democracy was not valued as a good form of government, as it generated only unrest and disputes. Rich people have tremendous opportunities both in the quality of...

Words: 311 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Opioid Crisis Healthcare Policy: Description and Importance

Introduction More people have died from the opioid crisis than in any other war since World War II. Bonnie et al. (2017) state that over two million people suffer from Opioid Use Disorder most of whom use the substance without prescription. Despite this, the issue has not been well addressed,...

Words: 1670 Pages: 6

Considerations of a Congress Member When Making Decisions and Stages

There are various factors that affect how members of congress make legislative decisions and what do they take into consideration. The views of constituents are a very important factor to be taken into account, as the member of congress should be in touch with them. They would depict what people...

Words: 301 Pages: 1

The Issue of Representation in Congress

Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation In recent years, Congress has attracted increasing criticism because its racial, ethnic, and gender composition is not reflective of the country’s larger demographic makeup. According to the Census Bureau, 1.3% of the general U.S. population is Native American, 5.9%...

Words: 705 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Police Discretion: Multiculturalism, Crime, and Criminal Justice

The autonomy of a police officer or law enforcement agent to make judgments and decisions in the workplace is referred to as police discretion. While policemen are doing their formal day-to-day tasks and duties, they employ discretion. When confronted with a circumstance, law enforcement officers have a variety of options...

Words: 570 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Ethical Dilemmas in Criminal Justice

This module is significant because it provided me with much useful information about ethical dilemmas and decisions that could happen in the sphere of criminal justice. The textbook by Pollock (2018) was the primary source of information. Thus, the reflection paper will summarize the covered material, highlight the most important...

Words: 394 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Police Services: Public Performance & Management

In the United States, decentralized police are responsible for dealing with violations and making peace in their jurisdictions according to their states’ legislation. Departments have diverse structures, and, depending on specific needs in staffing or as a response to certain circumstances, services can be a contract, consolidated, and civilianized. Each...

Words: 942 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Ethics in Law Enforcement Structures

The main topic of the course was the close relationship between ethics and criminal justice. Every member of the law enforcement system faces an ethical dilemma at some point in their service. According to the theory of the social contract, justice professionals receive the right to protect the interests of...

Words: 399 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

The Quality of Ethics in Police Work

Introduction Today, the topic of law enforcement is regularly discussed from multiple perspectives, including ethics. People demonstrate different attitudes toward police work and the progression of necessary and unnecessary violence by police officers. On the one hand, most police representatives believe that they try to save lives, and violent behaviors...

Words: 1433 Pages: 5
International Relations Theories

Globalization: The International Relations Theories

Introduction In the current times, due to globalization and the growth of technology, many diverse people from different parts of the world have been able to mingle over the centuries sharing their ideas, beliefs, and customs, even resulting in assimilation. This has led to forming a diverse culture that has...

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International Law

Osama bin Laden’s Assassination

Introduction Discussions regarding the actions and decisions of the U.S. government during the mission that led to bin Laden’s assassination were not entirely congratulatory. The actions of the U.S. troops on foreign soil have caused individuals and authorities to question the U.S. The serious doubts of Barack Obama regarding this...

Words: 1109 Pages: 4

Donald Trump’s Leadership Qualities

Most people did not welcome the winning of Donald Trump as the president of the United States. They claimed and questioned his leadership ability to manage and execute sensitive state orders. Individuals had different opinions concerning Trump’s potential to lead the country, causing a stir in the nation. Despite the...

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Capital Punishment

Impact of Death Penalty on Crime Rates in the US and China

Introduction The sentence offered by courts of law for some crimes is the death penalty. Such crimes are considered excessively gross that for the perpetrators to serve jail time would not be logically possible or appealing to society. The death penalty has impacted the crime rate in various ways. Human...

Words: 4067 Pages: 14

Barack Obama’s Victory Speech in 2008

The speech made by Barack Obama in 2008 is one of the examples of an effective communication. In this piece, the newly elected president did his best to combine the interests of all populations groups for overcoming the challenges of economic and political nature of the time. Hence, his purpose...

Words: 720 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

Religious Support in Combat Operations

To provide military personnel participating in multi-domain, large-scale combat operations with full religious support, the deployment of units is an essential aspect to take into account. According to ATP 1-05.01, large-scale operations typically require the emergency regroupings of units, which may limit chaplains’ access to interaction with the military. In...

Words: 276 Pages: 1

Democracy Is the Tyranny of the Majority Over the Minority

Introduction The concept of democracy dictates power arrangements and balances in countries that promote the political model. This framework allows members of the population to engage in an electoral process that results in equal representation. The voted leaders will join different houses and parliaments to help formulate policies that resonate...

Words: 1685 Pages: 6
Political Communication

Nonprofits’ Involvement in Lobbying

Lobbying is a significant activity since it allows people and organizations to support or oppose specific legislation pieces at various levels. As a rule, nonprofit organizations do not actively engage in lobbying for a number of reasons, including the lack of resources, concerns about funders’ reactions, and misunderstanding of the...

Words: 838 Pages: 3

Researching of the American Revolution

The national authority had no power of taxation, and it also had to rely on the states to supply troops in times of war. There was no separate judicial or executive branch, although Congress did have a president. In order to ensure the existence of the nation, it was necessary...

Words: 300 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

Democracy in America: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens

The three articles discuss democracy in America as achieved by the various groups. According to Madison (1961), large republicans offer more safety to property from the social complexity they produce through their diverse factions. He asserts that society is divided into two groups: the majority who lack property such as...

Words: 329 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

How Political Parties Strengthen Democracy

Political parties serve various functions, some of which strengthen democracy. Interested candidates join parties that align with their goals and ideologies. Similarly, citizens vote for aspirants who belong in political parties they feel will best represent their interests. Parties run and organize elections, recruit and nominate candidates for elective positions,...

Words: 498 Pages: 2
International Relations Theories

Political Globalization: International Relations Theories

Political globalization refers to the expansion of political ideas and institutions around the world. This can be seen in the spread of democracy, human rights, and international organizations like the United Nations. There are three main international relations theories in political globalization: liberalism, realism, and constructivism theory. On the other...

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Law Enforcement

The Drug Courts Implementation

The law is a sacred tool that should be administered and enforced accurately, fairly and justly. I think one of the things that makes it effective is enforcing the law efficiently. There is a concern, however, that drug courts may be too lenient to be effective in a criminal justice...

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Law Enforcement

Parole: Release from Incarceration

Parole is a kind of incentive for a person – a push for development on the social ladder. Despite being released, a person continues to be in the state’s custody and receives some fine if they violate the prescribed rules. Only those convicted of a serious crime are eligible for...

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Public Policy

Legalization of Marijuana in Texas

Since the decriminalisation of Marijuana in 1970, many research studies have been conducted to examine the benefits and disadvantages of Marijuana. The results have been contradicting, with some supporting the legalization of Marijuana while others advocate for its criminalization. Some of the states that have legalized Marijuana in the US...

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Law Enforcement

Ethical Issues Related to the Criminal Justice System: Police Brutality

Introduction The dictionary defines ethics as principles that are moral and are used to govern individuals’ way of conduct, or the manner in which an activity is conducted. Ethics have an impact on how individuals make their choices and go about with their lives. Their main focus is what is...

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Public Policy

Creative State 2025: The Main Goals

Creative State 2025 is divided into several phased objectives and highlight actions, which together formulate the main purpose of the project. The ultimate goal of the policy is to increase the cultural level of the community, along with the creation of jobs and development of opportunities for the population. Thus,...

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Law Enforcement

Being a Corporal Officer in the Narcotics Division

Introduction It is important to note that police work is a challenging and dangerous endeavor, which is heavily reliant on one’s capability to make correct decisions and resolve conflicts effectively. The given interview was taken from a police corporal Davis, who works in the narcotics division. He is 34-years old...

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Systems of Government in the US and Canada

The federal system of the United States represents the constitutional division of power between the country’s state governments and the federal government. Throughout the history of the United States’ development, especially since the end of the American Civil War, power has experienced a shift from the states toward the national...

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Capital Punishment

The Death Penalty: Why Morality Demands the Death Penalty

Theories of death penalty seek to justify capital punishment from a philosophical perspective. These theories consider the consequences of the sentence in the future or its effect on the past facts. Forward-looking theories argue that punishment is justified as long as it brings good results after. Backward-looking theories justify punishment...

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