Modern International Relations and Their Features


Modern international relations are being transformed, and these transformations directly affect the domestic and foreign policies of various states. There is also an influence on the individual, his worldview, the principles of interaction with other people, and, in general, on his entire life structure. Independent states develop by interacting with each other, influencing the development of world politics. International relations are when various forces collide and interact at different levels: state, military, economic, political, social, and intellectual. Modern international relations are characterized by dynamic development and unpredictability that impact relations between countries and all spheres of human life.

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International Relations Theories

The three most popular theories in international relations are realism, liberalism, and constructivism. Based on these theories, states build their politics, economics, and relations with other countries. All theories of international relations at some level of analysis inevitably raise the question of the best approach of action in each situation but achieve this in different ways. As a result of disagreement of views between countries, a conflict arises, leading to radical measures to resolve them. For example, adherents of the constructivist theory believe that the country’s identity creates its interests (Sørensen et al., 2022). Therefore, the current situation between Russia and Ukraine results from a discrepancy between the theories prevailing in the countries.

Globalization and International Relations

Globalization has disrupted the nature of the international arena, which is now fully inclusive and interdependent. As more nations, people and cultures adjust to an ever-changing international community, diplomats, politicians, and representatives must adapt to the needs of society. Internationalization links cultures and diplomacy to multiple levels; economic, political, social, and others (Bamigboye, 2020). It has strengthened the observance and application of international laws, guidelines, rules, and policies between countries.


International relations at the present stage are determined by various theories that shape relations in the world. It is known, a partnership between countries creates a more sustainable economy, and politics and allows society to develop. Therefore, the discrepancy, for example, theories of government that lead to conflicts, negatively impacts both the warring countries and the whole world. Globalization is increasingly gathering support for creating, respecting, and enforcing international laws and regulations as many countries domesticate such laws for recognition and benefits, especially between member states. Thus, the situation in the world largely depends on the state of international relations.


Bamigboye, M. (2020). Effects of globalization on international relations. SSRN. Web.

Sørensen, G., Møller, J., & Jackson, R. H. (2022). Introduction to international relations theories and approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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DemoEssays. (2023, September 23). Modern International Relations and Their Features.

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"Modern International Relations and Their Features." DemoEssays, 23 Sept. 2023,


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DemoEssays. 2023. "Modern International Relations and Their Features." September 23, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Modern International Relations and Their Features." September 23, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Modern International Relations and Their Features." September 23, 2023.