Miami Flood Issue and Infrastructure Support


Due to climate change and global warming, ocean levels are rising. Water regularly floods the streets of Miami, causing critical infrastructure impacts and endangering people’s lives. At the same time, developers continue to build an artificial islands with hotels and apartments. In this case, it makes sense to put maximum effort into resolving Miami’s overcrowding and overloaded urban infrastructure concerns.

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Economic assistance to the victims

Most of the population remains unaware of the extent of the concern, and rapid negative statements can cause unwanted panic and distrust. The most critical mission is to inform people about the current situation. It should happen at all levels; I suggest other states be involved in these matters.

Not all Miami residents can afford to get away from constant flooding until sufficient economic subsidies are in place. Much of Miami’s economic profits depend on a dynamic tourism sector that can’t stop attracting tourists without damage (McAlpine & Porter, 2018). Special financial support programs should be developed for those already affected by floods or planning to move.

Changing Approach to Developers

The idea of ​​Miami as an attractive home-buying resort is currently catastrophic. According to Hauer’s clarification on the Map of Flood Zones, Miami and the coast of Miami are potentially hazardous areas that could soon be underwater (Hauer et al., 2021). New houses are being constantly built without regard for increasing water levels, which exacerbates the situation. Such a construction policy is unacceptable and should be adjusted at all levels, from changing parameters to the number of potential constructions.


Hauer, M. E., Hardy, D., & Kulp, S. A. (2021). Assessing population exposure to coastal flooding due to sea level rise. Nature Communications, 12.

McAlpine, S. A., & Porter, J. R. (2018). Estimating recent local impacts of sea-level rise on current real-estate losses: A housing market case study in Miami-Dade, Florida. Population research and policy review, 37(6), 871–895.

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DemoEssays. (2023, March 16). Miami Flood Issue and Infrastructure Support.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "Miami Flood Issue and Infrastructure Support." March 16, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Miami Flood Issue and Infrastructure Support." March 16, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Miami Flood Issue and Infrastructure Support." March 16, 2023.