The Revolution of Transportation Systems

Transportation systems are very important for a country to realize positive socio-economic changes (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006). The movement of freight, people as well as territorial accessibility are crucial in this type of relationship (p.14 – 16). Wherever transportation infrastructures ensure access to resources and markets as well as to answer mobility needs, there is the likelihood to realize a rise in economic opportunities (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p.83). Several regions all over the world have been influenced in different ways by economic development, the industrial revolution, globalization as well as economic integration processes in recent years. Rodrigue, Comtois, and Slack (2006, p.83) state “International, regional and local transportation systems alike have become fundamental components of economic activities. A growing share of the wealth is thus linked to trade and distribution”.

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The recession of 2009 had serious effects on the United States of America since it led to a tremendous fall in private consumption. Hence, consumer confidence went down as their pension savings were destroyed and house value dropped. The recession also led to job loss in the US as employers were forced to shed several jobs. By the end of 2009 millions of American people had lost their jobs because of the recession. Therefore, even after the 2009 recession, rebuilding, expanding, and modernizing the transportation infrastructure of the United States of America should still be a priority. Many benefits come with improved infrastructure in any given economy, thus the benefits that the US is likely to reap from rebuilding, expanding, and modernizing the transportation infrastructure are worth the investment (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p.23 – 24).

The development of infrastructure in the US is critical in addressing the problems that were brought about by the 2009 recession such as employment. Kavinoky (2008) argues that there is a need to create job opportunities as well as to modernize the country’s infrastructure since there is harmony between the needs of job creation and infrastructural development (p. 48). President Barrack Obama, according to Kavinoky (2008), called for inventive approaches to the investment in infrastructure. The president reasoned that the government is not able to rebuild, expand, and modernize as well as maintain the country’s infrastructure on its own. About 180 billion USD in private capital has been set aside for investment in the infrastructure of the US, especially in the nation’s intermodal transportation system.

The federal government’s intention of offering motivation to institutions to develop the country’s infrastructure privately as well as to encourage communities and states to get involved in private investment is likely to yield long-term benefits. Sofge (2008) and Rodrigue et al. (2006) argues that the infrastructure of America is in trouble and needs expansion, rebuilding, and modernization (p.48 – 50). The reason he gives for such assertion is that most of the infrastructure of the country was constructed in the 20th century. To fix infrastructural problems of America manifested in congested ports, roadways as well as dilapidated levees, Sofge reports that ASCE has estimated that the country needs to set aside 1.6 trillion USD in the next five years, of which they say 1 trillion USD has been either promised or allocated to that effect. The remaining 600 billion USD could reverse the slide of America’s infrastructure.

Sofge (2008) observes that one of the infrastructural development efforts should aim at fixing bridges. Sofge (2008) argues that 25% of 599893 America’s bridges have outdated designs and structural problems. Other than rebuilding the bridges, Sofge says that they can be made better by using the latest designs, best steel-concrete as well as employing a computerized surveying system to detect any form of decline in quality (p.56 – 58). In addition, ports also need to be fixed since they play a very important role in the country’s economy. It is estimated that 28.9 million containers passed through America’s port in 2007, where it has been established that containers entering the US delay for even more than seven days. The agile port system, which is currently being developed is thought to be timely and will be able to boost the efficiency of ports in all states. Locks and dam networks, which transport about 625M tons of freight every year also need to be fixed by either modernizing or replacing them.

Kavinoky (2008) believes that there is an urgent need to bring the Aviation system of the United States up to the standards of the 21st century to be able to improve efficiency in the industry. Kavinoky (2008, p.1) states,

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Mr. Obama calls high-speed rail “long overdue”. So is a modern air traffic control system. A car GPS navigation unit is more advanced than the 1950s-era equipment being used today. The Federal Aviation Administration is putting the pieces in place to make NextGen operational. It would allow more planes to get into and out of the air faster, relieving airport congestion and reducing delays. This is especially important for the New York area. A third of all U.S. flights go through the region, and a hiccup at any of its four major airports can affect two-thirds of the nation’s air traffic.

Efficient and reliable innovation is instrumental in curbing congestion in the air transport system as well as increasing their competitiveness.

According to Kavinoky (2008), maintaining, expanding, modernizing as well as rebuilding America’s transportation infrastructure is critical and it should be the country’s national priority in the aviation industry. The aviation industry plays a very important role in ensuring efficient mobility of different products and human beings through business, private as well as commercial travel. The prevailing status of the aviation system of the US is in poor repair and needs urgent modernization and investment (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p. 95). Proper investment in the industry will enable the country to recover very fast from the past recession because it will lead to job creation and its effectiveness will result in greater economic returns that will boost the country’s economy (p.5). The call for development in the industry is critical because most of the infrastructure and technology of the aviation system and the network of air traffic control of the United States are dates back to over 50 years ago (p. 48 – 54). It is envisaged that the transport and logistics industry will not be in a position to contain the projected thirty percent growths in the sector in the next four years. Kavinoky (2008) argues that the expansion and modernization of aviation infrastructure will facilitate the economic growth of the United States as well as support the envisaged increase in freight and passengers. Development of infrastructure in a bid to improve transportation in the US should be integrated with the extension and renovation of terminals and airstrips among others.

Long-term investment in infrastructure should be America’s priority even after the 2009 recession because infrastructural development provides the foundation for economic prosperity (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p.5). In research conducted by Kavinoky (2008), it was established that 94% of the citizens across all religions and communities of the United States are seriously concerned about their country’s infrastructure. During such economic uncertainty, the economy of the United States seriously requires an additional stimulus to be able to support a wide recovery in all economic sectors. It should be the responsibility of the administration of President Barrack Obama to prop up economic recovery and boost job creation. Such prosperity can only be realized the government invests heavily in the development of infrastructure. Infrastructure investment support jobs, which is evidenced when the construction industry lost 437000 jobs in 2007. It is believed that unemployment in construction is the highest compared to all sectors of the economy. Hence investment in infrastructure will address the unemployment brought about by the past year’s recession.

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The federal government should consider the revolution of intermodal transportation systems of the United States even after the 2009 recession (Rodrigue, Comtois & Slack, 2006, p. 5 – 820). It should be the federal government’s priority because infrastructure investment will ensure lasting economic gains. The most important benefit that the United States of American will get from expansion, modernization, and rebuilding of its transportation infrastructure is an improved economy (p.52 – 55). The intermodal transportation systems are a suitable platform for stable economic development. It is high time the United States kept pace with the infrastructural demands to be able to improve on the economy as well as the living standard of its citizens (Reference for Business, 2010). Therefore, transport infrastructure development is critical since it is the key to economic growth and opportunities (p.6).


Kavinoky, J. (2008). Creating jobs through the rebuilding of America’s Infrastructure. Web.

Reference for Business. (2010). Infrastructure. Web.

Rodrigue, J., Comtois, C. and Slack, B. (2006). The Geography of Transport Systems. London: Routledge.

Sofge, E. (2008). Expanding America special report: How to fix US infrastructure. Web.

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DemoEssays. "The Revolution of Transportation Systems." March 2, 2022.