The Most Common Forms of Government

Currently, one of the most common forms of government is an oligarchy, that is, the power of a particular rich group of people. Democracy was not valued as a good form of government, as it generated only unrest and disputes. Rich people have tremendous opportunities both in the quality of their own lives and in the political arena. Wealthy people could buy and sell stocks at the most appropriate time, which allowed them to become super-rich. The power of oligarchs can lead to tyranny, violation of the rights of less wealthy people, as well as to even more complicated financial situations among poor people.

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An interesting fact is that people used to hire security guards in order to protect their sheriff. Another exciting fact is that one of the most complex and destructive forms of government is democracy. The third interesting fact is that most people were able to earn great money through the sale and purchase of shares (DocumentaryMixDotCom, 2010). The most exciting event was that democracy leads only to chaos, and it cannot be called a successful form of government. This interested me because in many countries in modern times, it is the democratic form of government.

Undoubtedly, everyone wants to be rich, but neither my family nor I seek unlimited power or earn money by searching for the sharpest drop in prices. My opinion that oligarchy is much better than democracy is slightly different from what is demonstrated in the video. Probably democracy has a destructive power, but still, the accumulation of power on only one hand is incorrect. Indeed, all the most successful moments in world history are connected with the power of the wealthy class or the sole manager. In this regard, as a change, I would consider the power of wealthy people as a likely successful choice for the growth and development of the country.


DocumentaryMixDotCom. (2010). Capitalism, socialism and communism documentary [Video]. YouTube. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, March 15). The Most Common Forms of Government.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "The Most Common Forms of Government." March 15, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "The Most Common Forms of Government." March 15, 2023.


DemoEssays. "The Most Common Forms of Government." March 15, 2023.