Mission Statement in Florida Courts

Criminal justice system is of interest for this study, especially from the organizational side. For a better understanding of this topic, this research paper examines the mission statements of departments such as the Orlando Police Department, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Court of Justice. In the course of the study, a parallel is drawn between these goals of the functioning of organizations that are primarily aimed at preserving and protecting the residents of Orlando. All of them protect the rights and safety of the citizens of the state and work for their well-being.

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First of all, before considering the mission statements of each of the departments, it is necessary to have a clear image of what criminal justice stands for. It is defined as a particular established system through which justice overtakes those who have committed an illegal punishment. Moreover, it has many essential components such as the defender of the alleged criminal, the law enforcement officers, the court system, and the offender. This system of providing justice is based on showing what the consequences may be after the commission of a crime and how it can be if a person does not comply with the law.

Furthermore, one of the ways to examine the primary purpose of a particular component of criminal justice is to know its mission statement. In addition, this information makes it possible to find out how to inspire and convey the direction that the organization intends to stay on. It is worth noting that the mission statement applies not only to the criminal part of life but also to everyone involved in criminal justice. Through gaining awareness of the concept under study, people can understand that the protection of life becomes the primary goal. Thus, the mission statement suggests an attempt to ensure that the organization maintains its overall goals of crime treatment. Mission statements are written declaration that reflects the core purpose behind who the organization is and what they stand for. It encompasses the vital elements and keeps people within the organization on the same page, defining the necessary goals is and excluding the unimportant.

As already mentioned, the same components of criminal justice as the Florida State department, Florida Courts, and Orlando police were chosen for this work. All these aspects directly fit into the organizational structure, policies, and approaches for human security. All of them have a common goal of protecting people from criminals but work together at different levels of solving the problem. In addition, these companies continue to provide services that can significantly protect other professions, such as keeping the peace, deterring criminal acts, enforcing the law, crime prevention.

The review showed that, to a large extent, all three departments under study do not differ much from each other. All of them are aimed at ensuring the well-being of residents and taking action to combat injustice. Thus, three different mission statements were chosen for this work:

Orlando Police Department

“Keep Orlando a safe city by reducing crime and maintaining livable neighborhoods.” (“Orlando Police Department”, 2022, para. 3)

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Florida Department of Law Enforcement

“To promote public safety and strengthen domestic security by providing services in partnership with local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies to prevent, investigate, and solve crimes while protecting Florida’s citizens and visitors.” (“Our Mission”, n.d., para. 1)

Florida Court

“The mission of the judicial branch is to protect rights and liberties, uphold and interpret the law, and provide for the peaceful resolution of disputes.” (“Mission & Vision”, 2021, para. 1)

The first example, the Orlando Police Department, defines its main task as ensuring security in the state. It wants to achieve this by reducing the crime rate and maintaining decent areas of residence for existence. In addition, the state police are targeted at protecting not only its residents but also visitors. This is an important aspect, as it gives an understanding of how responsible the department is to understand the concept that any human life is of exceptional value.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement also aims to preserve public safety. Moreover, it focuses on partnerships with other local or state organizations of cities. Since the criminal forces of the state were chosen for the analysis, they all care equally about maintaining favorable conditions for garages. The last example, the Florida court, sets as its primary goal the protection of the rights of residents of the state. Moreover, the court must ensure the reasonableness and impartiality of decisions and punishments.

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Therefore, this research paper studied the mission statements of various representatives of criminal justice in Orlando, Florida. Thus, the work considered the working values and goals of such representative offices as the Orlando police department, Florida department of law enforcement, and Florida court. All these organizations had a similar feature in that they set their initial mission to protect the citizens of the state. A distinctive feature of the Florida court, which I prefer, in comparison to others, is that it is characterized by balanced decision-making. Moreover, this representative of criminal justice can weigh all possible arguments and deduce the correct punishment for the crime committed.


Mission & Vision. (2021). Florida Courts. Web.

Orlando Police Department. (2022). City of Orlando. Web.

Our Mission. (n.d.). Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, October 25). Mission Statement in Florida Courts. https://demoessays.com/mission-statement-in-florida-courts/

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"Mission Statement in Florida Courts." DemoEssays, 25 Oct. 2023, demoessays.com/mission-statement-in-florida-courts/.


DemoEssays. (2023) 'Mission Statement in Florida Courts'. 25 October.


DemoEssays. 2023. "Mission Statement in Florida Courts." October 25, 2023. https://demoessays.com/mission-statement-in-florida-courts/.

1. DemoEssays. "Mission Statement in Florida Courts." October 25, 2023. https://demoessays.com/mission-statement-in-florida-courts/.


DemoEssays. "Mission Statement in Florida Courts." October 25, 2023. https://demoessays.com/mission-statement-in-florida-courts/.