Alternatives for Developing Jamaica

Despite the difficult internal situation, in the XX century Jamaica firmly occupied the place of an important spiritual center of the African-American civilization area. This happened due to alternatives for developing the country that the government of Jamaica implemented. While most developing countries borrowed the culture of developed states, in Jamaica the state vector was the opposite. Cultural impulses, due to the English language, migration and various types of old colonial ties, later penetrated into the intellectual field of the Anglo-Saxon states. In the USA and partly in the UK, these concepts were creatively refined and enriched. Thus, it was possible to achieve a noticeable resonance — primarily due to more developed means of mass communication capable of broadcasting relevant ideas to other countries and regions.

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The ideas that originally originated among the black population and were intended mainly for Africans and African-Americans did not dissolve in Western culture. Due to alternatives for developing the country that the government of Jamaica implemented, they gradually became the property of Western culture in its broad interpretation. These ideas have achieved notable success both at the level of mass culture (reggae and hip-hop), and as a subculture and underground Rastafarianism (thepostarchive, 2022). This is explained by the cultural searches of different strata of Western society, which needed new cultural trends and turned to borrowings from outside in search of such.

Jamaica is a vivid example of how a socially and economically backward state can have a significant impact on the minds of residents of much more developed and influential countries. This is due to the growing importance of the role of the media and intellectual hunger in other countries. However, such an influence does not affect the well-being of the majority of the population of Jamaica itself or its place in relations between the states of the world.


thepostarchive. (2022). Life & debt, 2001 [Full doc on neocolonialism in Jamaica] [Video file]. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, March 15). Alternatives for Developing Jamaica.

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DemoEssays. (2023) 'Alternatives for Developing Jamaica'. 15 March.


DemoEssays. 2023. "Alternatives for Developing Jamaica." March 15, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Alternatives for Developing Jamaica." March 15, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Alternatives for Developing Jamaica." March 15, 2023.