Government Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

State Constitution vs United States Bill of Rights

State power is the ability of a state to coordinate and regulate behaviors and enforce order within its borders. This essay will explore the New Jersey state power compared to the federal power of the Bill of Rights of the United States of America (USA). The comparison will focus on...

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American Government: Checks and Balances

Similarly to the government structure established globally, the American government consists of three key branches, namely, the legislative, the executive, and the judicial ones (Lawton, 2020). The specified approach to the separation of powers allows maintaining the principles of democracy. By ensuring that the approach toward managing legal and political...

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The Confrontation Between the Ontario Government and Indigenous People

I feel very involved in the confrontation between the Ontario government and indigenous people, and I sincerely hope that this conflict transforms into cooperation. Our society is multicultural, and I strongly believe that the government should provide equal opportunities to people of any background. However, unfortunately, indigenous people have suffered...

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Permanent Campaign and Its Effect on Governing Process

Introduction A political campaign has become an essential part of the political process in the United States and most other democratic states across the world. Political campaigns provide voters with the necessary information about candidates, so they can make their choice on a person who can represent them in Congress...

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Analysis of Louisiana Purchase

The acquisition of Louisiana posed several fundamentally new and vital questions to the American government and Congress, one of which was the question of the constitutional legitimacy of the purchase. The US Constitution did not contain an article providing the acquisition and accession of new territories to the union. Therefore,...

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Non-Profits and Government Relations in Italy

For today’s discussion, I would like to share with you the relationships between NGOs in Italy and the government. The EU government highly influences the relationships between NGOs and the private sector in Italy. NGOs cooperate with the government closely, as the government sees a valuable source of reasonable criticism...

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Limited Government and Balance Budget Amendment

Introduction The United States of America is one of the illustrations of the benefits of capitalism and its drawbacks. The political and economic systems of the country are based on liberal values and ideas articulated by John Locke or David Hume, with a focus on people’s personal rights and certain...

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Issue Priorities in Biden’s Budget

Authorities’ budget plans for upcoming years affect people in multiple ways depending on what is considered a priority that will receive more funding and what will receive less funding. President’s budget for the new fiscal year is meant to include recommendations for the fiscal policy, changes for spending and tax...

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The Concept of Administrative Agencies

History of Administrative Agencies The Congress created the first federal agency, Interstate Commerce Commission, in 1887 to control commercial trucking and railroads between states. The agency had the right to enforce legislation against companies influencing the prices and railroad rates. In 1995, the Congress closed this agency and gave all...

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American Political System: Then and Now

America is considered to be one of the most potent and abundant countries with an affluent economy, efficient political efficacy, and positive internal sentiment among its residents. This nation tries to act firmly in defense of its citizens in all directions and prospects. Well-administered society took many endeavors on public...

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The Two-Party System in United States Politics

The existence of several parties in the political system implies the differences between the parties’ consideration of come pivotal issues and their approach to image building and public reaching. Within the two-party system in US politics, the Republican Party’s and the Democratic Party’s websites have been reviewed. On the one...

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The Separation of Powers in the US

The Separation of powers in the US was developed to comply with a system of checks and balances. And the decision to divide the power into executive, legislative, and judicial power was not taken by chance. This separation of powers ensures parity between different representatives and allows to find solutions...

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Examining the Supreme Court Appointments: Life-Long Impact

Appointing a Supreme Court Justice is an especially significant process for the government of the United States. As the highest court institution in the federal judiciary, the Supreme Court holds tremendous power over the future development of the state, undoubtedly impacting the welfare of the nation and its citizens (McMillion,...

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Gaps in Mentorship Programs for Afro-American Women

The exploration of available evidence on mentorship for African American women to attain executive government positions has shown that research on it is highly limited. The majority of the studies accessed through a comprehensive search of databases have indicated a significant underrepresentation of AAW in leadership positions, including the sphere...

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Intergovernmental Relations: US Medicaid

Medicaid Medicaid is the US social service that pays the hospitals for medical services rendered to qualifying citizens. It is aimed to be a safety net that helps low-income Americans receive the medical care they otherwise would not be able to afford. The states are not required to participate, but...

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Consequences of One-Man Reform

Historical analysis of systems of government often shows that government reforms, often undertaken by the political leader of a nation alone, can create conflicts of interest. A bill promoted by a manager may not actually meet the needs of society as a whole or of a particular socio-economic class. As...

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Comparative State Politics of Texas and Maryland

Introduction Texas perceives itself as a representation of the best qualities of America, both economically and politically. Texas has experienced an evolution in various aspects of its political status, with the outsiders having a different viewpoint from what the Texans view themselves. A comparison between Texas and other states provides...

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US Congress: House of Representatives and Senate

The Congress of the United States is a legislative body that consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Depending on the distribution of the two parties, these chambers have always exhibited some degree of polarization (Neal 103). Ideally, the elected officials are supposed to represent the U.S. citizens’...

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American Government Structure

Party Platform The Party of Social Justice actively fights against any forms of racism, xenophobia, and radical nationalism, and creates necessary conditions for the development of the American multinational culture. In the field of education, we are in favor of raising teachers’ salaries, as well as expanding the staff of...

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Government Purposes Based on Presidential Views

The government’s purpose is to moderate, lead, and watch a country in all its official affairs: political, economic, social, and military. It is the governing body that unites the nation under a shared system. Gerald Rudolph Ford once said that a “government big enough to give you everything you want...

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Why America Changed Its Form of Government

When discussing the U.S. constitutions, people usually talk about the one which came into effect in 1789 and ignores the fact that it was significantly influenced by the Articles of Confederation, which nevertheless were rejected. Both of the documents have certain similarities, especially their stress on republicanism, which implied that...

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The United States Is Not Really a Democracy

The term “democracy” comes from the Greek language and means “power of the people.” The issues of democracy have been discussed for several thousand years, but people still have not found the definition of this concept, which everyone would agree with. It can be partly explained by the fact that...

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Fundamental Rights Extended to African Americans

The American post-independence period remains a dark path in the country’s democratic journey, marked by unending civil violence. Despite the constitutional amendments that rapidly altered the country’s civil and political landscape, civil struggles remained a challenge to the multicultural American society. However, during the post-civil war era, the Civil War...

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Resistance to Civil Government by H.D. Thoreau

There were numerous non-conformists in the 19th century because the social norms were absurd at times. For instance, Ralph Waldo Emerson raised the question of non-conformity in his famous essay Self-Reliance. The author claimed that in order to be an authentic self, it is vital to follow one’s desires and...

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Great Britain and Civil Society

Great Britain is a democratic state, which implies a political system ruled by elected representatives, who are simultaneously accountable to their voters. Nevertheless, almost every democratic system’s dilemma is the question of whether such a statement is true. McCormick (85) believes that in practice, there is a substantial gap between...

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The US President’s Actions for Five National Issues

The United States president is one of the most influential leaders in the world. The powers and responsibilities of the President are outlined in Article 2 of the Constitution of the United States. However powerful the President might appear to be, the powers are highly limited, and most of the...

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The Growth and Complexity of the Federal Government

Firstly, it is important to establish one simple but undeniably important proposition for further discussion: the United States federal government has outgrown the limits enforced on it by the Constitution. When America gained its independence over 200 years ago, the founding fathers had in mind a national government, which would...

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Democracy in the US: Is It Real Today?

Democracy in America is a political system that may be considered to be one of the most proper and applicable forms of government. Democracy entitles every eligible citizen to decide what is necessary for the harmonious existence and development of the state. Therefore, with such a political system, people are...

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The Antebellum Capitalism and Jeffersonians and Jacksonians Capitalist Ideals

The antebellum period saw the United States develop from peripheral to core capitalism through the growth of the manufacturing sector. Any country that seeks to escape peripheralization must create core activities that push it onto the world economy as a capitalist. During such development, the government provides guidance through economic...

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Governmental Authority and Constitutional Foundations

Biblical Worldview As a starting point for research, one should take Exodus from the second book of the Old Testament. First, it legally accurately reproduces the Ten Commandments (King James Version, 2017, Ex. 20:2-17), and generally presents binding norms of behavior in a systematic form (King James Version, 2017, Ex....

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The Purpose of the Government

Human civilizations require orderly systems to function, and for people to prosper. Governments are a universal factor across the whole globe regardless of culture. Some governments fall under authoritarian style when others follow a democratic route. Although some may argue that existence of governments is unnecessary and even harmful to...

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Effect of Non-State Actors on the International System

Non-state actors encompass individuals and organizations that are not connected with, directed by, or sponsored through the state government. They include NGOs, armed resistance groups, paramilitary, cyber-criminals, private financial organizations, and corporations.1 Moreover, non-state actors’ ideas are well comprehended by incorporating any other entity that is not a state but...

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Australian Federal Government and Its Viability in the 21st Century

Over a century as a nation, Australia has grown and cemented as a Federal Commonwealth inside its basic constitutional framework, but in ways that the founders could not have imagined. The constitutional text lays forth the Federal Commonwealth’s institutional framework, with the first and most important chapter dealing with Parliament...

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Federalism in the United States of America

In the United States of America, local, state, and national levels of government can be distinguished. The U.S. adopted the federalist system with all three layers enjoying jurisdictions in the same territory. Different states emerged as a result of separate colonies merging into a federalist system. Initially, states and federal...

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The Duty to Defy Unjust Laws

Unfortunately, no government can be considered a flawless system that defends the civil rights of every citizen. There are always a vast number of problems that cannot be solved without debates or even political crimes. Therefore, being a citizen means to stand up for oneself, fight against injustice, and never...

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Power and Limitations of the US Judicial Branch

The judicial branch is one of the constituent elements of the federal government of the United States. This branch is constitutionally mandated to interpret the law, not only for the other two arms of government, but also for the citizens of the United States. This, by default, gives the judiciary...

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The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Press

The First Amendment is a highly important legislative element of the United States Constitution, which protects two major institutions and rights. It explicitly protects people’s freedom of speech and the press as the main channels of distribution of information. Although it was intended to do so, the history of the...

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Representation in American Congress

Representation of different populations in politics in other spheres of public life is increasingly important. It allows minority groups to express their opinions, address their needs in a safer environment, and feel more validated in the wider community. Representation of various groups in the United States Congress can illustrate the...

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Public Procurement and Government Contracts

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is an essential set of regulatory laws that help manage government actions in public procurement. It contains uniform rules for all federal agencies applicable to the process of acquiring goods and services. Uniform regulations and operations make the process transparent and fair. Part 9 Contractor Qualifications...

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What Joe Biden has Done in His First One-Hundred Days as the President

Effects of President Biden’s Administration on Domestic Policy The domestic policy covers several areas, including health care, law enforcement, money and taxes, natural resources, business, education, and energy. The strategies include the American rescue plan, American jobs plan, and American families’ plan. American Rescue Plan COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the...

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Federal System in the United States

States’ Rights The Constitution gives the United States federal government some sovereignty over states and American citizens. Federalism is “a political system in which the national government shares power with local governments” (Scardino 49). The federal system is characterized by shared responsibility between the state and federal governments. In this...

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The Creation of Modern America

The creation of the modern United States was characterized by political and cultural enlightenment as views of societal progress, and common humanity permeated the land. The new political era that started with Jefferson’s presidency defined the American union as the strengthening of voluntary bonds of citizens to each other and...

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“At the Centre of Government” by Brodie

Canada is a constitutional monarchy, where all the supreme power is in the hands of the Queen of Great Britain. In fact, the state is governed by the Prime Minister of Canada, whose status and powers go far beyond the scope of the nominal head of government. The Cabinet is...

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State Legislative: New Jersey

New Jersey Government and Party Politics New Jersey has three primary government branches; that is, the executive, the judiciary and the legislative. The governor is the head of the executive branch. Notably, the governor makes most of the government appointments, which the legislature approves. In particular, the judiciary branch makes...

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Government and Well-Being of Population

Currently, the United States is regarded as one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world, with the most advanced technological base and stable economic and political systems. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the real GDP per capita of the USA accounts for $62,530, as of...

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State and Nation: UN Security Council

There are different ways in which people may organize themselves and the territory they live in, and states and nations are some of the most important. ‘State’ refers to an organization that has sovereignty over a specific territory, meaning that it can institute laws and ensure those present in this...

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Protest Process for Government Contracting

Introduction A contract protest refers to a written opposition by an interested party to the contract award of a company that claims that either the contract was not qualified or was not to be awarded. The protest may include the termination or revocation of contracts due to the improper award...

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The Concern over the Growing Polarization in USA

Dear Chairman Tim Kaine: On he was elected the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama commented that “we have never been a collection of red states and blue states; we are, and always will be, the United States of America.” Even though President Obama made a direct appeal...

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Discussion of Supreme Court in 2024

The US Supreme Court is the highest in America. The current composition consists of 9 judges, 6 of whom are conservatives, 3 are liberals. However, it is worth considering each judge separately, as only two of them are of extreme political views, and there is no chairperson among these two....

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Relation Between Polarization and Biden

Political polarization in the United States is among the major problems due to the overall intensity and scale of the tension between Republicans and Democrats. It is important to note that both parties used to occupy a political position closer to the center with room for deviation, but the recent...

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Federalism and Its Effect on the U.S. Response to COVID-19

Federalism is one of the core principles on which the United States is built. It is a system of government in which authority is divided equally among the federal government and the states (Schmidt et al., 2018). The Constitution outlines what power each side holds (Schmidt et al., 2018). In...

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Separation and Balance of Powers

The separation of powers may be regarded as one of the most significant concepts of the United States Constitution that aim to guarantee the stability of federal governance and the limitation of all power for one group or individual. Thus, the government is divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches....

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Trump’s Responsibility for Capitol Insurrection

The state’s principal buildings have a special meaning not just as architectural structures but as symbols of the government and its power. For the American citizens, the Capitol represents the legislative branch of the government. The Insurrection of the Capitol has become a tragic and unprecedented event in the United...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of the First Political System

The first American Political System existed during the period between 1792 and 1824. The system used two parties competing for control over the congress, the states, and the presidential position. The federalist party was created by Alexander Hamilton, and the Republican party was formed partly by Thomas Jefferson. The advantages...

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Powers of German Chancellor

Introduction The Chancellor is the head of the German government and hence referred to as the Federal Chancellor. He/she heads the Federal state and therefore in charge of the executive branch of the government. This position is equal to the position of the prime minister in other countries or the...

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“The New Right” Conservative Emergence in American Politics

Conservatism was more concerned with each other where they believed in protecting one another. For example, when Savio was arrested, the protesters ensured that they fought for his release and later created the Berkeley Free Speech movement that incorporated students involved in campus political parties (Boyer 887). Their liberal views...

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Ethical Decision-Making for Guerrilla Government in Seattle

The ethical issues illuminated in the case were identified as a strategic application of tactics to circumvent stipulated policies and mismanagement of public funds. There was a bitter relationship between those in authority and their juniors, who could not point out the wrongdoings perpetrated by their seniors. Decision-making became a...

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Discussion of Functions of the Presidency

The United States of America is a presidential republic. Under this form of government, the role of the head of state is enormous. The President has specific functions, rights, and duties, although power, as in any democratic country, is limited to the legislative and judicial bodies. The future development of...

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Relevancy of the Second Amendment Today

The right to bear arms remains a contentious subject in the United States, with the public holding divided opinions on the issue. The Second Amendment outlines the citizens’ liberty to keep and bear arms (Winkler, 2018). In framing the provisions of the Second Amendment, the founding fathers sought to empower...

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Major Concerns About the Fourth Branch of Government

The fourth branch of the United States government is a conglomerate of administrative agencies funded by public money to help in the expansive sharing of powers. In many instances, this unofficial arm of the government gets delegated with decision making duties by the U.S Congress; hence raising some concerns. One...

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Political Quotas and Increasing Representation of Women

Political quotas have played a crucial role in helping women increase their political representation in Latin America and in the Dominican Republic specifically. These gender-specific political quotas are a direct application of gender and equality laws established in the Dominican Republic (Jiménez 133). Quotas have helped increase women’s political representation...

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The Proposal Adequacy Checklist

Introduction Checklists are necessary to ensure that issues have been addressed and that all relevant information required by concerned parties has been included. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is the cornerstone for government procurement laws and regulations. FAR provides necessary details of confirming that everybody follows the rules. PAC is...

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Should Police Officers Have a College Degree?

The work of police officers is dangerous, challenging, and requires a specific set of skills. However, the list of such abilities is often reduced to physical development and not includes wide range of intellectual one. For this reason, higher education is not among recruitment demands, and usually finished high school...

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China’s Economic, Social, Political, and Cultural Issues

Differences Within China China has several differences within its population ranging from social, cultural, political, religious, and education variations amongst others. Chinese societies have class divisions which have led to the categorization of people based on their work, healthcare services, education, and occupation. China has different languages, with Mandarin being...

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Contracting and the Federal Acquisition Regulation

The Federal government’s purchasing processes in the United States are governed by strict procurement laws, protocols, and regulations that specify the correct procedures to be adhered to. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is one of the essential rules. FAR is a complex collection of regulations that governs the federal administration...

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The Formation of the Federation of the UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an exemplar of a Union with positive impacts far outreaching the strength of a single nation. On August 6, 1966, Sheikh Zayed, ruler of Abu Dhabi, rose into Presidency and thus began his visionary move toward creating a Federation almost a decade before the...

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The United States Congress’ History and Functions

Introduction The United States Congress is a legislative branch of the federal government of the United States that is made up of two branches: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Article One of the Constitution details its formation, the process of lawmaking, the powers that each house possesses, and...

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Good Governance and Development

The Concept of ‘Good Governance’ Good governance is used primarily within the international development studies to explore the way in which government institutions go about resources management and control over the public. According to Agere, governance consists of the decision-making and the ability to implement institutional policies (25). Governance is...

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Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances, and Federalism

The American government operates on three main principles; the separation of powers, checks and balance, and federalism. The three principles guide the functions and coexistence between the federal and the state governments and the three departments of the government, the judiciary, legislature, and the executive. Separation of powers ensures the...

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Hansberry’s Play Analysis

Acute racial-based social inequalities are one of the key topics raised by Hansberry in her play A Raisin in the Sun. In particular, the author focuses on housing issues and cites controversial situations reflecting the attitude of the US white population to the black community regarding a possible neighborhood and...

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Understanding the Balance of Power

Introduction One of the distinct features of the U.S. governmental system is the existence of three separate (though interdependent) powers, including the legislative, the judiciary, and the executive branches. Although the functions of the President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court may be easily identifiable, there is no actual mention...

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The Top Lobbying Groups in New York Influence

Introduction The discrepancies in national and state government policies can cause the fall of federalism. In particular, the negligence of public spheres, specifically healthcare and education, will not contribute to an economic advancement of the country (Smith, 2010, p. 14). With regard to the above, the primary goal of lobbying...

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The Alaska Bicameral State Legislature

The figure below shows the structure of the Alaska State Legislature and the committees operating within it. The Alaska State Bicameral is the smallest legislative system in all of the states of America. This is based primarily on factors such as geographic size of the state and its small population....

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“Tactical Urbanism 2: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change” by M. Lydon

Author’s Main Ideas The article on “Tactical Urbanism 2: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change,” presents Mike Lydon’s ideas on what he considers the best steps that a government should take in transforming community neighborhoods. Through their actions, the outcomes will have significant effects on the projects that people embarked on at...

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UAEs Authority Youth Empowerment Policy Research

It can be stated that the political, economic, and social sustainability of a country and the empowerment of youth are interrelated phenomena. Intra-state situations influence the shaping of many of a generation’s unique traits, but it is the youth who decides the country’s future. The UAE government has adopted seventeen...

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Organization of Emergency Management

Introduction Natural disasters occur on Earth more and more often, bringing death and suffering to people, destroying the economy, and damaging the environment. A hurricane is an extremely fast and strong, often destructive and long-lasting air movement. It is one of the most powerful forces of the elements and its...

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The Supreme Court of the United States: Powers and Limits

Introduction The supreme court of the United States is the top judicial organ according to article three of the country’s constitution. As a result, the court has judicial powers over other courts in the country including the federal and state courts. The court is tasked with various judicial and constitutional...

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Researching of Incident Command System

Summary It is crucial both economically and socially, to prevent emergency situations or significantly reduce their scale in case of occurrence. To solve this problem, it is necessary to implement a targeted state policy in the field of protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies. Such protection...

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Researching of Preventive Sector of NFR

The first stage of the National Response Framework’s activities is to prevent the emergence of a terrorist, the Internet (cyber), or other massive threat to the population. It should be noted that it is not only the structures of national and regional security that deal with threat prevention. Individuals and...

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How Inspector General Office Supports Quality Care Services

Introduction A concerted effort has been undertaken by the US health care system to improve the quality of care received by American citizens. These efforts are based on the Affordable Care Act of 2010 that documents new incentives and strategies for quality health care (Ogrosky & Kracov, 2010). The government...

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Practice Lobby Advocacy: Efficiency and Implications

Although there are numerous ways to address any issue, the best results can be achieved when it has been thoroughly analyzed and presented to a general audience. Moreover, it is crucial to set up a campaign and advocate for its implementation, providing proper reasoning in a bright and concise manner....

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Researching the ‘Dance of Legislation’

According to Wasserman, the ‘dance of legislation’ is the process when an idea or a bill can become a law. The main job of Congress is to create laws. Laws are usually developed from an idea proposed by politicians or legislation coming from the President of the United States. However,...

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Urban Renewal and Highways: Intergovernmental Relations Programs

Urban Renewal Urban renewal is a complex series of processes which attempt to revitalize struggling or run-down urban areas via means of land redevelopment, conservation, rehabilitation, or other tools to encourage social and economic growth (Mallach, 2017). Involves citizens, organizations and agencies at national, state, and local levels. Congress creates...

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National Supremacy vs. State Sovereignty Views

In 1787, at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, the views on the issue of national supremacy were divided, and these disputes still reemerge during important political discussions. Some of the delegates were concerned that giving more powers to a new centralized government would threaten democracy (The great debate, n.d.). However,...

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Democracy vs. Other Types of Government

Introduction All countries in the world are governed by a system known as the government. The government is made up of systems and people such as administrators and legislators among others whose main role is to ensure proper governance of the state. From time immemorial, state governments have played significant...

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Crisis Facing Canada’s Aboriginal Reserves

Canada is undergoing a national crisis on its aboriginal reserves. The crisis involves the shortage, overcrowding as well as ramshackle homes in the many reserves of Canada. Several factors have led to this condition being faced, and the government is trying to look into the issue. It has set up...

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Raising in the Nation’s Debt Ceiling

Introduction On the first day of August 2011, the House of Representatives passed a bill to raise the nation’s debt ceiling by $400 billion to $14.294 trillion (Levit, 2012, p.21). The bill was referred to as the Budget Control Act of 2011. Congress had engaged in extensive discussions and negotiations...

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United States Government Surveillance on Citizens

The US government should be allowed to continue tracking and reading the emails, Facebook posts and websites of its citizens in order to protect them against terrorism. National security remains a critical issue in the United States. Citing the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers on 11 September 2001 and...

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Political Bribery and Abscam Operation

Introduction The misuse of public authority for individual gain remains a major problem in most parts of the world if not all over the place. Throughout history, the United States has witnessed countless related cases involving individuals who misused property and authority for selfish interests. Several government officials have continuously...

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Parliamentary Legislative Process

Introduction The parliamentary legislative process ensures that bills are debated before they become acts of parliament. The bills are drafted and then presented to parliament. The legislative process can be categorized into pre- legislative scrutiny, legislative scrutiny and post legislative scrutiny. In some cases, the bill is presented by the...

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Corporate Governance in the UAE

Corporate governance is described as the structure by which business organizations are organized and managed. The accepted standards of corporate governance include facilitating the practice of shareholder privileges and impartial treatment of shareholders; acknowledging the needs of other stakeholders; describing corporate conduct that is moral and merged with reliability; describing...

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The Government Accounting Standards Board

Introduction The Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is a body that ensures that accounting practices by government agencies are of high standards (Granof & Wardlow, 2010). This is accomplished through ongoing research in different areas of the accounting discipline, and particularly those that pertain to government entities. GASB has a...

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Killing Jobs and Making Us Sick

In this paper, Joe Nocera details Republicans’ move to cut the Food and Drug Administration’s budget despite the latter’s broad new authority of ensuring food safety, a move that will have several consequences on the FDA’s activities by crippling its activities. In writing the paper, Nocera has a clear thesis...

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Risks Facing the Health Sector in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Healthcare is one of the vital pillars of a country’s economy. Provision of health services to the citizens is necessary for the implementation and realization of a country’s strategies and economic goals. In this regard, the thriving of a nation is influenced partly by the state of its healthcare...

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The Smoking Policy of Saudi Arabia

The government of Saudi Arabia came up with a policy to prevent smoking among its citizens. For instance, the government restricted smoking in government institutions and public places. The government did this under a royal decree; the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) made this possible. Secondly, the policy prohibited people under...

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International Financial Management, Government Budget

The current financial transaction carried out by a nation with other countries across the world is measured by its current account balance. In addition, it is crucial to mention that a nation that borrows from other global partners might operate its current account in deficit. This implies that its position...

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Government Regulations: Guidance From Founding Fathers

Type of Government The creation of the Declaration of Independence was influenced by two major factors. First, the 13 states were considered colonies of the British Empire. Second, the socio-economic forces that prevailed during that time period were different from the socio-economic forces that exist today. As a result, the...

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The Legal System of Russian Federation

Introduction With the disintegration of the USSR or Soviet Union in 1991, the newly formed Russian Federation was the largest of the 15 geopolitical entities. Russia went into a deep recession despite initiating a number of reforms to help it come out of the centrally planned economy. The situation was...

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