Examining the Supreme Court Appointments: Life-Long Impact

Appointing a Supreme Court Justice is an especially significant process for the government of the United States. As the highest court institution in the federal judiciary, the Supreme Court holds tremendous power over the future development of the state, undoubtedly impacting the welfare of the nation and its citizens (McMillion, 2021). Although the Supreme Court appointments are not frequent, they can substantially impact the state procedures for several decades, as the position of a Supreme Court Justice is considered a lifetime nomination (Geer et al., 2019). In this regard, choosing an individual that possesses the necessary qualities for productive and influential performance during their occupation requires extensive caution from the President.

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The overall function of the Supreme Court Justice is critical for the judicial and court system. As such, Justices in this institution are tasked with interpreting the laws and properly applying them in consideration with the case circumstances, preserving the execution of justice (The White House, n.d.). After that, through judicial review, Justices ensure that government entities appropriately exercise their powers and remain within the established limits. Finally, members of the Supreme Court are required to protect the civil rights and liberties granted by the Constitution, and they are authorized to determine whether a particular law upholds or violates this legislation (The White House, n.d.). Considering the impact of the Supreme Court Justices’ decisions on the application of laws and exhibits of power by other institutions, the individuals that are chosen for this position can considerably affect the process of law execution. By interpreting the meaning behind numerous regulations and deciding how they should be implemented in case trials, the Supreme Court Justices directly influence how defendants will be tried and prosecuted in the future decades.

Another significant detail that concerns the lasting impact of the Supreme Court appointments is the life-long nomination of the Justices. Given that the members of this institution are not required to leave their position after a certain time, the only possibilities for the Justices to leave the occupation are resignation, passing away, or impeachment (Geer et al., 2019). While remaining at the post for decades, members of the Supreme Court are expected to shape the judiciary process according to their experience rather than based on contemporary political tendencies (The White House, n.d.). Even though the Justices are not exempt from external influence, they are less concerned by temporary effects, namely re-election or their political standing, which allows them to execute their functions based on the expertise obtained.

Of special concern is the connection between the Supreme Court Justices’ power and the legacy of individual presidents. As these government officials are nominated specifically by the President, there is a significant correlation between the ideas promoted by the Justices and the ideas of the President who appointed them to the Supreme Court (Geer et al., 2019). Presidents tend to nominate a person who will support the approval and development of their opinions, and Justices often demonstrate convictions that are closely related to the President’s views (Geer et al., 2019). In this regard, during their service, members of the Supreme Court might advance the judicial preferences that are similar to those of a certain United States leader, thus further promoting his or her legacy. Furthermore, as the Justices remain at their position for a life-long period, these ideas might be translated through years and decades, even after the end of the President’s term.


Geer, J. G., Herrera, R., Schiller, W. J., & Segal, J. A. (2019). Gateways to democracy: An introduction to American government, enhanced (4th ed.). Cengage Learning.

McMillion, B. J. (2021). Supreme Court appointment process: President’s selection of a nominee. Congressional Research Service (Report No. R44235). Web.

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The White House. (n.d.). The judicial branch. Web.

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"Examining the Supreme Court Appointments: Life-Long Impact." DemoEssays, 17 Sept. 2022, demoessays.com/examining-the-supreme-court-appointments-life-long-impact/.


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Examining the Supreme Court Appointments: Life-Long Impact'. 17 September.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Examining the Supreme Court Appointments: Life-Long Impact." September 17, 2022. https://demoessays.com/examining-the-supreme-court-appointments-life-long-impact/.

1. DemoEssays. "Examining the Supreme Court Appointments: Life-Long Impact." September 17, 2022. https://demoessays.com/examining-the-supreme-court-appointments-life-long-impact/.


DemoEssays. "Examining the Supreme Court Appointments: Life-Long Impact." September 17, 2022. https://demoessays.com/examining-the-supreme-court-appointments-life-long-impact/.