The Role of Government in the Effective and Constant Functioning of the State

For the effective and constant functioning of the state, it is necessary to form a high-quality and competent government. Before identifying the main tasks of this body, it is necessary to determine what it is. Thus, the government is a body authorized to maintain power and control, engaged in both legislative and public activities. An effective government is formed and implemented in accordance with the will of the people, which is enshrined both in the Constitution and is the basis of any democratic system (C-Span, 2009). Despite the fact that the analyzed body has a lot of powers and functions, it can be divided into several main groups, which form the main goals.

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First of all, it is worth highlighting the concern for the people, citizens, and human rights in general. Such goals were formed together with the collapse of colonial America and the creation of an independent state, the main driving force of which is the people (Pilon, 1999). The government elected by the people is a certain group of highly qualified specialists who enjoy high prestige and a positive reputation in society (Associated Press, 2012). In addition to taking care of the residents, this community is called upon to regulate both relations with other states and the country’s economy, preventing or solving critical situations in time (Pilon, 1999). Together, these two goals can be combined into a political branch, which is designed to strengthen the position and preserve the independence of the nation at the international level.

It is important to identify the methods by which the government achieves its goals, which are measured in terms of the level of happiness and satisfaction of the population. The main instruments are reforms, laws, and security support. In the first case, due to the adjustment of state aspects, for example, equalization of citizens rights, the government edits the already existing norms (Pilon, 1999). In the second case, in order to control and support new social trends and situations, specialists develop norms and rules. Finally, special units are used to maintain welfare and security, for example, the police.


Associated Press. (2012). Obama, Romney debate ‘Role of government’ [Video]. YouTube. Web.

C-Span. (2009). C-Soan: President Reagan 1981 inaugural address [Video]. YouTube. Web.

Pilon, R. (1999). The purpose and limits of government. Cato Institute.

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DemoEssays. (2022, November 20). The Role of Government in the Effective and Constant Functioning of the State.

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"The Role of Government in the Effective and Constant Functioning of the State." DemoEssays, 20 Nov. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'The Role of Government in the Effective and Constant Functioning of the State'. 20 November.


DemoEssays. 2022. "The Role of Government in the Effective and Constant Functioning of the State." November 20, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "The Role of Government in the Effective and Constant Functioning of the State." November 20, 2022.


DemoEssays. "The Role of Government in the Effective and Constant Functioning of the State." November 20, 2022.