The Confrontation Between the Ontario Government and Indigenous People

I feel very involved in the confrontation between the Ontario government and indigenous people, and I sincerely hope that this conflict transforms into cooperation. Our society is multicultural, and I strongly believe that the government should provide equal opportunities to people of any background. However, unfortunately, indigenous people have suffered greatly from the colonization process, and, even today, its consequences are still noticeable. In general, this topic concerns culture and how it was stripped from indigenous people. There are various traditions regarding language, family, education, hunting, spirituality, and communal customs that are gradually disappearing. However, in some cases, these transformations occur involuntarily due to the vast influence of the dominant culture. At present, there are also problems concerning the deficiency of clean water in local communities and the absence of proper social assistance programs. Ultimately, I believe that the government should provide additional help to indigenous people.

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Additionally, having learned about the colonization atrocities and their consequences, I feel determined to mend some of the mistakes of previous generations. As a result, I believe that all members of our society, myself included, should unite efforts to provide a healthy environment for everyone regardless of cultural, ethnic, and racial heritage. In this sense, I am ready to advocate for the rights of indigenous people and put additional effort into the good cause. The recent news declared that ‘revitalization of Indigenous laws in Ontario’ is one of the core priorities of the government (Department of Justice Canada, 2021, par. 1). This course of development should empower the indigenous communities and support the endangered traditions (Department of Justice Canada, 2021, par. 13). I completely agree with this objective and am ready to take part in the local programs in an attempt to make a positive change.


Department of Justice Canada. (2021). Revitalization of Indigenous law in Ontario a priority for the Government of Canada. Government of Canada.

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DemoEssays. (2022, October 4). The Confrontation Between the Ontario Government and Indigenous People.

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"The Confrontation Between the Ontario Government and Indigenous People." DemoEssays, 4 Oct. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'The Confrontation Between the Ontario Government and Indigenous People'. 4 October.


DemoEssays. 2022. "The Confrontation Between the Ontario Government and Indigenous People." October 4, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "The Confrontation Between the Ontario Government and Indigenous People." October 4, 2022.


DemoEssays. "The Confrontation Between the Ontario Government and Indigenous People." October 4, 2022.