Politics Essay Examples for Free - Page 16

Our free political essay examples database is here to help you with your studies. All the samples are written by straight-A students.
International Relations

Germany’s Domestic Impact on Foreign Affairs

Introduction International affairs create a state’s image and determine how other countries perceive this specific nation. High-ranking officials’ actions, decisions, and claims are the typical manifestations of the state’s foreign politics. Germany represents a paradox when it comes to international affairs because it was reunified and became a full-fledged nation...

Words: 1930 Pages: 7
Public Policy

Conflicting Interests of Social Spending on the Elderly and Children

Introduction The government’s expenditure on kids seems to be continuously decreasing every year as that for the elderly increases. This disparity means that the authorities who prepare the federal budget do not care much about the children’s future. However, the same government increases the national debt annually and might keep...

Words: 620 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Banning of Civilian Handguns in the US

Introduction There has been a problem with gun-related violence in the USA for a long time. Most of the crimes committed involve the use of a gun. These crimes include suicide, homicide, and robberies. These crimes are often senseless and cause a lot of innocent people to lose their lives...

Words: 1423 Pages: 6
Public Policy

The U.S. Drug Prices as a Health Policy Issue

Name, Sponsor, Link to the Event The event name is U.S. Drug Prices: Why Are They So High? The sponsor of the event was Reuters. The link to the forum is https://theforum.sph.harvard.edu/events/u-s-drug-prices/. Place, Date, Length of the Event The event was live-streamed from the Harvard Chan School on September 26,...

Words: 680 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Federal Trade Commission Privacy Policy Program

Congress has given the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) the power to implement consumer protection regulations. The FTC is an independent agency with a mission of shielding consumers, regulating activities that impede competition among businesses, and enhancing organizational performance (Lowry et al., 2017; Newman, 2019). An FTC assessment can give a...

Words: 345 Pages: 1
Political Theory

Discussing of Political Activism on the Net

The United States is going through a period of increased political activism on the Net, which has a significant impact on businesses, people, and the law. Nowadays, through protection of corporate speech and the freedom of expression, there have been significant political activism changes. Individuals and entities can easily access...

Words: 589 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Iranian Relations With Azerbaijan and Armenia

Introduction International politics: a complex environment with a very fragile power balance; International political theories: tools for managing and controlling these relationships; Existence of multiple perspectives on managing political relationships; Two foundational philosophies: Realism (Thucydides) and Liberalism (Immanuel Kant). Realism: Definition and Key. Principles “a view of international politics that...

Words: 455 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

Professionalism and Ethics in the Military

It is challenging to overestimate the role of the military for world growth and well-being. However, it is worth considering that this body can only lead to positive outcomes if it relies on the right principles and ideas. Multiple phenomena can determine whether the military sphere is sufficiently developed, while...

Words: 558 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Discussion of the Young’s Statement

Self-Contradictory of Young’s Statement Social justice theory is on the rise in the current Western social science discourse. However, it is not without its flaws. The statement about unintentional oppression that Young made in her book, which can be considered a significant contribution to the theory of social justice, contradicts...

Words: 285 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Aviation and Defense Sector: Strategic Risk Management

The aviation and defense (A&D) sector plays a critical role in the economy of the United States. The industry is the country’s third-largest exporter and accounted for up to $142 billion, translating to about 9% of total exports (A&D Edge, 2018). The supply chain is crucial in creating the $78...

Words: 600 Pages: 2
International Relations

Security in the Political Context

Since the dawn of civilization, the notion of peace has been rightfully regarded as one of the most significant aspects of politics. Indeed, when thinking of security, people tend to associate the concept with the absence of war. Having lived through some severe war precedents over the past century, today’s...

Words: 364 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Nelson Mandela: A Historical Case Study of Negotiations

In the history of humanity, the relations between people, groups, and nations have always been mediated by negotiation and conflict resolution. In their daily lives, people continuously bargain over multiple aspects of life. However, while conventional everyday life conflict resolution might not have significant consequences, political negotiations at the international...

Words: 1887 Pages: 6
Military Leadership

Petersburg: Civil War History Issues

Petersburg was a flourishing industrial center that played an essential role in the Civil War military conflict due to its proximity to and the defense of the Confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia. Although the Union was a dominant power, the year of 1861 brought drastic changes to Petersburg’s political background and...

Words: 273 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

The Importance of Devoting One’s Life to Issues that Help Others

Anyone engages in helping another to some extent, but a subset of people chooses to make it their vocation. Such professions as a doctor, a firefighter, a police officer, and others are built upon the principles of selfless assistance and sacrifice. Certain representatives of the affluent class also constantly donate...

Words: 577 Pages: 2
International Relations

The Success of the US’ Foreign Policy Goals in the Middle East Since 1956

Introduction Before World War II, the U.S. had limited foreign involvement in the Middle East. In relation to other world powers that had colonized the region, the U.S. was regarded to be popular and respected all through the Arab world. Prior to World War II, Americans had introduced modern medicine,...

Words: 3074 Pages: 11
International Relations

Trade in the Sociopolitical Context

The notion of trade has always been central to the overall patterns of socio-political development and international relations. Indeed, the exchange of commodities may be perceived as a major contributor to the development of pragmatic collaboration within the states and the international well-being. In order to analyze the trade’s position...

Words: 584 Pages: 1
International Relations

Justifying State in Post-Westphalian Era

Introduction The global arena of international relations has entered a new, post-Westphalian era, which challenged theorists’ ideas of statecraft and power balance. The Treaties of Westphalia presented a revolutionary concept of sovereignty, which gave states the power to make final decisions regarding their people, land, and resources. The events of...

Words: 1428 Pages: 5
International Relations

Theory and Practice of International Relations

The popular phrase “the shadow of the future” is common in modern international politics. Ideally, it implies a modified change of behavior among individuals, entities, and nations when expecting positive future interactions. Transnational institutions have augmented the phrase “the shadow of the future” in different perspectives concerning relations among sovereign...

Words: 865 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Lack of Strategic Leadership: Unable to Move Forward after Mission Change

This paper is a four-part project that encompasses the lessons that have been learned during the LDR701S course. The objective of this investigation is to pick a strategic leadership issue that impacts a military organization. The course’s learning objectives are embedded in the current project and support it thoroughly. In...

Words: 3269 Pages: 10
Military Leadership

Army Values Overview and Analysis

Introduction Many people have knowledge of army values: allegiance, obligation, respect, integrity, truthfulness, individual courage, and unselfish service, but most do not know the application of these values in life. The seven army values are the fundamental qualities of a good soldier and the backbone of the U.S army. Army...

Words: 870 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Inter-State Strategic Competition and Security

Introduction Since the victory in World War 1 and World War 2, the United States, as the representatives of the Allies, remains the most powerful county globally. The US Department of Defense (DOD) endeavors to maintain this position by deterring war and protecting the security of the country. However, the...

Words: 1678 Pages: 6
Military Leadership

The Norfolk Navy Station’s Business Model Analysis

Norfolk Navy Station, VA (Date of Origination – October 13, 1775) Today, the United States has the most powerful scientific and technological potential on the planet, which also works for the Navy. The government of the country finances dozens of programs aimed at increasing the combat capabilities, combat effectiveness, and...

Words: 649 Pages: 3
International Relations

The Role of Russia in the Syrian Conflict

An Overview The Arab Spring in Syria started on 15th March, 2011. Peaceful protesters poured out to the streets in the Syrian capital city, Damascus. They were demanding for freedom, democratic reforms, and an end to corruption. When the government responded harshly, the protesters reacted by demanding for the overthrow...

Words: 2637 Pages: 10
International Relations

United Arab Emirates-Saudi Arabia Relations

Saudi Arabia is considering a course for the further promotion of integration projects within the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) under its patronage as one of the main directions of its foreign policy in recent years. However, not all of the kingdom’s partners in this...

Words: 644 Pages: 2
International Relations

International Cooperation and Law for Global Peace

The United Nations is an institution that has originally been set up as a mediator of state-to-state crises. The main objective of the UN is to coordinate the efforts of multiple states to ensure international peace and compliance. There are a lot of examples of the effectiveness of the United...

Words: 697 Pages: 2
International Relations

Crisis on European Borders and Russia’s Threats

The strained relations with the eastern neighbors and the problematic situations in the southern regions are visible even without additional analysis. However, in recent years, new threats have emerged that pose a threat to order in general and specifically to European interests (Dennison et al., 2015). On the eastern side,...

Words: 397 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

“Military Chaplains and Religious Diversity” by Kim Hansen

Introduction The author of this book, Kim Hansen, is an American scholar who has spent many years studying religion in different contexts in the country. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of North Dakota1. Hansen proceeded to the University...

Words: 1379 Pages: 5
Military Leadership

Force Management Systems: Sustainment and Generation

Introduction Force management systems are profoundly useful in the military profession. Information posited in previous classwork modules is enough proof of the importance of force management to senior officials such as Sergeant Majors (SGM) and Command Sergeant Majors (CSM). This paper presents a reflection of force management systems, their sustainment,...

Words: 1200 Pages: 4
International Relations

Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East

Introduction This month, I worked on a proposal for my dissertation titled “The Impact of the Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East in the Configuration of the Balance of Power in the Middle East Region in the Twenty-First Century.” The proposal has been a significant milestone because it prompted...

Words: 567 Pages: 2
International Relations

Bold, Centered, Upper, and Lower Case

Introduction A successful national security policy-making process involves careful assessment of the international environment. Based on such analysis, government leaders formulate the short-term and long-term foreign policy goals, the attainment of which requires the leaders to select the most appropriate instrument or a combination of several of them. The global...

Words: 2448 Pages: 8
Law Enforcement

“Surveillance” by Dyson

The tenth chapter of the book by Dyson (2015) is titled “Surveillance.” It reviews the key features of various approaches to surveillance that are not technology-assisted. In particular, the author considers different types of officer behavior (moving, fixed, and combination surveillance) and various methods of coverage. The author uses evidence...

Words: 919 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Policing Strategy in the United States

Policing strategy in the United States encompasses two critical aspects, including crime-fighting and community care-taking responsibilities. The police must adhere to the key professionalism standards to meet the assigned tasks and enforcement functions. Therefore, the concept of professionalism in law enforcement is the critical feature of the legalistic style of...

Words: 290 Pages: 1
International Relations

Changes in the 20th Century International Politics

Introduction The present paper looks at the most significant issues in the international politics in the twentieth century that caused most significant changes to take place across the world. Although there are a number of issues that can be put in this category such as poverty, injustice, deprivation, economic stability,...

Words: 1899 Pages: 7
International Relations

The Muslim Middle East: Relationships with the US

Introduction The piece of writing shows how the world super power countries view the Middle East, among other areas in the quest for peace with regard to weapons of mass destruction. The Americans are explained by trying to monopolize the world with fear, through investigations on how armed other continents...

Words: 792 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The US Army Training & Doctrine Command’s Features

Introduction Assessing the activities of a particular organization based on the analysis of its structure, purpose, and other aspects of work is a practice that contributes to describing the features of its operating activities comprehensively. As an object of this work, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) will...

Words: 928 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Weapons of Mass Destruction in North Korea

North Korea’s ability to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD) had been worrying the global community, especially the United States of America for almost two decades. In 1993, North Korea had announced that it would withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. That is when sanctions were imposed on the North...

Words: 868 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

Combat Bunker to the Corporate Boardroom

It is known that leadership is a type of management interaction based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation, aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. Strength and compulsion in leadership are often replaced by drive and excitement. As a result of...

Words: 703 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model

Introduction The Nadler-Tushman Congruence model for organizational behavior analysis is a strong diagnostic model as it considers the input, output, and the transformation process in an organizational system. In this case study, the US Army organization’s output factors are put under analysis based on the Nadler-Tushman Model, for identifying the...

Words: 1248 Pages: 4

Hansberry’s Play Analysis

Acute racial-based social inequalities are one of the key topics raised by Hansberry in her play A Raisin in the Sun. In particular, the author focuses on housing issues and cites controversial situations reflecting the attitude of the US white population to the black community regarding a possible neighborhood and...

Words: 1722 Pages: 6

Understanding the Balance of Power

Introduction One of the distinct features of the U.S. governmental system is the existence of three separate (though interdependent) powers, including the legislative, the judiciary, and the executive branches. Although the functions of the President, the Congress, and the Supreme Court may be easily identifiable, there is no actual mention...

Words: 1825 Pages: 6
Military Leadership

Budget Issues of the U.S. Air Force Core Missions

The U.S. Air Force, also known as USAF, is the American aerial warfare service branch that ensures the welfare and safety of the citizens. It is impossible to overestimate the significance of this uniformed service. However, since national defense budgets always force service leaders to make difficult choices, it may...

Words: 291 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Threee Modern Military Conflicts

Citizens play a significant role in the resolution of political and ethnical conflicts that emerge in various nations across the world. In the conflict of Abkhaz-Georgian, the Georgians and Abkhaz fought each other due to political reasons of independence, as the Georgians did not want to grant the Abkhaz independence....

Words: 1720 Pages: 5
International Relations

The Principles of Nationalism

Introduction Nationalism is an identity that is characterized by the ideas culture and the social movement of a certain group of people. There are different kinds of nationalisms that are formed based on different cultural aspects that are embraced by the people. Through nationalism, the people will hold on to...

Words: 1868 Pages: 6
International Relations

The United Nations and the NGOs

The horrors of the Second World War made the world leaders vow never to allow conflict on such a horrendous scale to ever happen again. As a consequence, the United Nations Organization came into being with a basic charter of ensuring peace and tranquillity in the world. However, the politics...

Words: 2172 Pages: 7

The Top Lobbying Groups in New York Influence

Introduction The discrepancies in national and state government policies can cause the fall of federalism. In particular, the negligence of public spheres, specifically healthcare and education, will not contribute to an economic advancement of the country (Smith, 2010, p. 14). With regard to the above, the primary goal of lobbying...

Words: 1126 Pages: 4

The Alaska Bicameral State Legislature

The figure below shows the structure of the Alaska State Legislature and the committees operating within it. The Alaska State Bicameral is the smallest legislative system in all of the states of America. This is based primarily on factors such as geographic size of the state and its small population....

Words: 479 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Recruiting Practices in the United States Army

Organization of the US Army The United States Army plays a unique role in the safe and protection of the country as it provides all possible land forces in case they are required. The organization of the modern US Army trains real soldiers and makes leaders from them who are...

Words: 422 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test

The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test has to be taken by military recruits (Powers 1). This examination is aimed at determining if a person is suitable for the service in the U.S. Army. Additionally, it can identify those jobs and programs that can best fit the knowledge and...

Words: 558 Pages: 2
International Relations

UAE Foreign Policy and Association of Energy Sources

In the period that preceded the discovery of oil in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the country was relying on crop growing, cattle rearing, aquaculture, and seafaring. However, this situation changed with the discovery of oil about five decades ago. The last 40 years have seen the country shift from...

Words: 2192 Pages: 8
International Relations

International Community Within the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Introduction Throughout the long-term history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the international community made significant efforts in seeking solutions for its resolution. The UN and the Western authorities were the core players in the peace-seeking process, and it is considered that they defined the direction in which the events of the...

Words: 1746 Pages: 5
International Relations

Ole Wæver and the Idea of Securitisation

The main source chosen for this paper is the book titled Regions and Powers: The Structure of National Security by Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver. In the book, the authors explore the concept of securitisation from the historical perspective examining the domains of its structure according to various theoretical approaches...

Words: 754 Pages: 3
International Relations

The US Foreign Policy vs. Soviet Domestic Failures

In December 1991, the Soviet flag over the Kremlin was replaced by the symbol of new post-Cold War era—the Russian tricolor (White 54). Decades after a sudden disintegration of the Soviet Union, historians are still arguing whether policies and actions of communist leadership or Western diplomacy or other reasons such...

Words: 794 Pages: 3
International Relations

The Kashmir Conflict and the India-Pakistan Rivalry

Introduction Efforts to provide a resolution to the rivalry between India and Pakistan have so far been unproductive. The disagreement has resulted in a fortified insurgence in Kashmir leading to the formation of the Kashmir conflict. Wyman argues that the enmity between Indo-Pak republics is among the most long-lasting rivalry...

Words: 2198 Pages: 8
Public Policy

Federalism and COVID-19 Response in the United States

Introduction The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has provoked unprecedented attention to federalism in the United States and other federal-based systems, such as Mexico, India, and Germany. The US’s federal system assigns power to multiple government levels, mainly national, state, and local administrations. The established structure creates autonomous control levels, which...

Words: 2263 Pages: 8

“Tactical Urbanism 2: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change” by M. Lydon

Author’s Main Ideas The article on “Tactical Urbanism 2: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change,” presents Mike Lydon’s ideas on what he considers the best steps that a government should take in transforming community neighborhoods. Through their actions, the outcomes will have significant effects on the projects that people embarked on at...

Words: 1370 Pages: 5

UAEs Authority Youth Empowerment Policy Research

It can be stated that the political, economic, and social sustainability of a country and the empowerment of youth are interrelated phenomena. Intra-state situations influence the shaping of many of a generation’s unique traits, but it is the youth who decides the country’s future. The UAE government has adopted seventeen...

Words: 160 Pages: 21
International Relations

Mainstream Immigrant Integration Policy in France

After the French riots of 2005, the problem of the immigrant groups has become more critical than ever for the French population. Numerous researchers carried out studies in order to identify the problems of the national immigration policy that led to these riots. A closer examination of this problem made...

Words: 561 Pages: 2
International Relations

US Custom and Border Protection Agents Securing Borders

Running head: Border Mid Border security is important in enhancing security and promoting internal peace in a country. Many countries across the world encounter insecurities that result in mass killings of their citizens. The United States (US) Custom and Border Protection (CBP) is one of the most important organs in...

Words: 907 Pages: 3

Organization of Emergency Management

Introduction Natural disasters occur on Earth more and more often, bringing death and suffering to people, destroying the economy, and damaging the environment. A hurricane is an extremely fast and strong, often destructive and long-lasting air movement. It is one of the most powerful forces of the elements and its...

Words: 1437 Pages: 5

The Supreme Court of the United States: Powers and Limits

Introduction The supreme court of the United States is the top judicial organ according to article three of the country’s constitution. As a result, the court has judicial powers over other courts in the country including the federal and state courts. The court is tasked with various judicial and constitutional...

Words: 580 Pages: 2
International Relations

Cognitive and Psychological Factors in Foreign Policy Making

Introduction Foreign policymaking is a complex process that demands considering a number of factors, including psychological and cognitive factors. The current international system is complicated implying that foreign decision-makers should take into consideration the interests of all actors before coming up with policies. In many states, policymakers are involved in...

Words: 2239 Pages: 8
Public Policy

The Issue of Increasing Environmental Sustainability in the UK

Environmental Problems and Causes in the United Kingdom The country that will be focused on this study of sustainable futures and environmental problems is the United Kingdom. According to research conducted by Power (2003) on the environmental issues that affect the low-income communities in the UK, Power noted that the...

Words: 1114 Pages: 4
Public Policy

The Intervention Health Policy: Controlling the Spread of Tuberculosis

The intervention at the Lemuel Shattuck Hospital aimed at the control of the spread of Tuberculosis targets mainly individuals that are homeless and may not be able to complete the treatment. Among the factors identified as the leading causes for drug-resistant Tuberculosis is the deviation from the strict 6 to...

Words: 619 Pages: 2
Public Administration

Limestone County Virtual School: Overview

Introduction There have been growing demands for effective government management at all levels. Successful public administration is hinged on the achievement of efficiency and innovation in providing public goods and services (Hodgkinson et al., 2017). Successful public administration practitioners identify problems facing citizens effectively and provide interesting interventions (Shafritz &...

Words: 905 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Political Costs and Repealing the Affordable Care Act

Elected legislators must balance multiple priorities in their political decision-making, the highest of which is to ensure re-election. This tendency can be seen in the unsuccessful efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Regardless of their views on health care, legislators on both sides were mindful of the political...

Words: 365 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

The Military Core Values

Core values refer to the basic elements that are used by individuals while performing their daily activities. The military core values are significant because they form a strong teamwork culture, respect, and excellence (Rose par. 2). As a result, the army is strengthened and enables soldiers to adapt and overcome...

Words: 334 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Summative Assessment: Case Conferences

The purpose of the paper is to define and discuss the role of case conferences. The essay will focus on a specific scenario and use it to analyse the roles involved in case conferences and the process of decision-making. The paper will also examine the legal framework applied in the...

Words: 2509 Pages: 10
Public Administration

Full Government Control in an Emergency

Every day all over the world there are emergencies of various scales. According to the Cambridge Dictionary (n.d.), “emergency is something dangerous or serious, such as an accident that happens suddenly or unexpectedly and needs fast action in order to avoid harmful results”. Thus, these phenomena require immediate liquidation. Elimination...

Words: 297 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Policy Feedback, Politics of the Affordable Care Act

The article under analysis is written by Béland et al. (2019) and entitled “Policy feedback and the politics of the Affordable Care Act.” The article was published in the Policy Studies Journal, which addresses diverse public policy issues in 2019. Béland et al. (2019) argue that the Affordable Care Act...

Words: 835 Pages: 6
Public Policy

Government Benefits for Middle-Class Families

Over the years there has been the misconception that government assistance is for the poor, but research has shown that a lot of people benefit from government assistance including middle-class families. Some of these benefits include health coverage, education loans, housing support, and retirement security for middle-class families. In terms...

Words: 699 Pages: 2

Researching of Incident Command System

Summary It is crucial both economically and socially, to prevent emergency situations or significantly reduce their scale in case of occurrence. To solve this problem, it is necessary to implement a targeted state policy in the field of protecting the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies. Such protection...

Words: 1832 Pages: 5

Researching of Preventive Sector of NFR

The first stage of the National Response Framework’s activities is to prevent the emergence of a terrorist, the Internet (cyber), or other massive threat to the population. It should be noted that it is not only the structures of national and regional security that deal with threat prevention. Individuals and...

Words: 280 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Policy Issues: Criminal Justice Administration

The United States criminal justice system has recently become subject to fierce criticism. Recent events, such as the widespread incidents of police brutality, have drawn a lot of attention towards the issue of criminal law enforcement and exposed the deficiencies and shortfalls of the criminal justice system. Liberal politicians have...

Words: 1221 Pages: 4
Law Enforcement

“The Collateral Victims of Criminal Justice” by Dewan

The Article by Shaila Dewan (2015) is devoted to a prominent issue of criminal justice system (CJS), that is, the collateral damage. Another issue (that is not included in the title) is concerned with the suggested bias of the system. It is illustrated through the lighter penalties for the “corporate...

Words: 671 Pages: 2
Public Administration

The Central American Integration System’s Strategic Analysis

Central America is widely known for its conflicts and poverty of the region, as well as exclusion. The Central American Integration System (SICA) was established in 1991 as the restored organizational structure for Regional Integration in Central America. According to Bornemann-Martínez et al. (2017), SICA is a “relevant and complex...

Words: 3045 Pages: 11
Political Theory

Neorealism vs. Neoliberalism: Comparative Analysis

Introduction The neoliberalism and neorealism debate has remained dominant in the International Relations theory over the past few decades. These two schools of thought, often referred to as the neo-neo debate, defines the policies that a country embraces in international relations. As Ringmar observes, every country is often keen on...

Words: 2793 Pages: 10

Barrack Obama’s Leadership Skills and Style

President Barrack Obama is leader who has portrayed great leadership skills with an almost perfect combination of emotional intelligence competencies which have elevated him to the top in an unprecedented short span of time. On the element of self-awareness, president Obama has been very outspoken on who he is based...

Words: 799 Pages: 2
International Relations

Canada-Afghanistan International Development Policy

Introduction Fragile states have become prominent within international security development as well as diplomacy landscapes. Notably, over one billion people live within the borders of the countries that are considered failed and fragile countries1. The concentration of population in fragile nations has contributed to major challenges of the economy, security,...

Words: 2727 Pages: 10
Law Enforcement

Policing in the US: Tactics and Philosophies

Introduction Regardless of the particular stage of societal development, whether the primitive community or the high-tech era, law and order and security preservation are essential. There is no doubt that a civilization devoid of law enforcement structures will ultimately lead to anarchy, chaos, crime, and disorder in social relations. In...

Words: 1979 Pages: 6

Religion & Vote for Obama Relationship

Introduction It is worth acknowledging that the information environment of society has undergone significant changes over several decades. Whereas previously, the quantity and quality of information media was limited to printed newspapers, radio, or human-to-human communication, the modern development of technology has led to a tremendous expansion of the media...

Words: 1600 Pages: 5

Holbrooke’s Decisions in the Peace Agreement of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Introduction The conflict known as the Bosnian War is filled with complicated issues and questions that seemingly do not have an obvious correct answer. The decisions made by Richard Holbrooke, a United States diplomat who has been tasked with dealing with the former Yugoslavian region, could also be both supported...

Words: 837 Pages: 3

How Inspector General Office Supports Quality Care Services

Introduction A concerted effort has been undertaken by the US health care system to improve the quality of care received by American citizens. These efforts are based on the Affordable Care Act of 2010 that documents new incentives and strategies for quality health care (Ogrosky & Kracov, 2010). The government...

Words: 756 Pages: 3

Biography and life path of Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris Kamala Devi Harris is the current vice-president-elect of America, making history as the first woman to hold such an office. In addition, she becomes the first Asian American and black person to occupy in the position. Harris officially began serving the public after completing her college education where...

Words: 2534 Pages: 9
Public Administration

Public Administration Considering Watergate Scandal

Introduction Each employee of the United States has an obligation to both the country and its citizens. They are required to maintain unwavering loyalty to the nation’s constitution, abide by the stipulated laws, and uphold the ethical principles. This should overshadow the individual’s objective of public gain. The Code of...

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Practice Lobby Advocacy: Efficiency and Implications

Although there are numerous ways to address any issue, the best results can be achieved when it has been thoroughly analyzed and presented to a general audience. Moreover, it is crucial to set up a campaign and advocate for its implementation, providing proper reasoning in a bright and concise manner....

Words: 635 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Alliances and Strategic Partnerships in 21st Century

Introduction Throughout history, the U.S. relied on and offered substantial assistance in return to its alliances and partners that, in their turn, provide military and political support whenever the U.S. needed it. For example, during World War II, the main allies were the U.K., France, and the U.S.S.R., to whom...

Words: 3299 Pages: 12
International Relations

Intelligence Community in National Security Sphere

Introduction The Intelligence Community (IC) is comprised of specifically designed agencies that work within the realm of the national security of the United States by either collaboratively or independently collecting the information related to the state’s defense and international policy. It plays a decisive role for key governmental bodies and...

Words: 2197 Pages: 8
International Relations

UAE’s Hedging Policy Towards Iran

Introduction The key problem of the given memo can be identified as a long-standing hedging approach of the UAE towards Iran. The country alternated between soft balancing and hard balancing (El-Dessouki and Mansour 2020). Here, the main objectives revolve around making a clear and direct decision in regards to selecting...

Words: 1141 Pages: 4

Researching the ‘Dance of Legislation’

According to Wasserman, the ‘dance of legislation’ is the process when an idea or a bill can become a law. The main job of Congress is to create laws. Laws are usually developed from an idea proposed by politicians or legislation coming from the President of the United States. However,...

Words: 1703 Pages: 6
Political Ideology

Transformation to Communism and Societal Problems

Introduction The debate over whether communism is a valid alternative to capitalism or even its logical replacement seems endless, exacerbated by its practical implementation in history. The countries where the government tried to enforce the ideology, such as the USSR, China, and others, were mostly noted for their undemocratic regimes,...

Words: 927 Pages: 3

Urban Renewal and Highways: Intergovernmental Relations Programs

Urban Renewal Urban renewal is a complex series of processes which attempt to revitalize struggling or run-down urban areas via means of land redevelopment, conservation, rehabilitation, or other tools to encourage social and economic growth (Mallach, 2017). Involves citizens, organizations and agencies at national, state, and local levels. Congress creates...

Words: 941 Pages: 4
Public Services

Aviation Security, Its Elements and Models

The Onion Model of Security: Purposes and Benefits The Onion model is used primarily for purposes of cyber-security, being applied in different fields with the goal of protecting their userbase and data. The basic of the structure is similar to a real onion – multiple layers of different security measures...

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The 2016 Presidential Campaign and Long-Term Impacts on American Politics

Introduction Although the race for the American presidency has often been characterized by unprecedented eventualities; the candidacies of Mr. Bernie Sanders and Mr. Donald Trump were the most extraordinary political occurrences in the recent past. Although the 2016 election took place a few years ago, political observers, pundits, and commentators...

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Military Leadership

The Foundations of US Army Leadership

US Army leadership comprises a combination of democratic foundations and values to enhance competencies in administration, development, achievement, and change. The roles and functions of Army leaders vary, including the demonstration of personal growth and the possibility to support subordinates. It is not enough to introduce a strong command philosophy...

Words: 843 Pages: 3
Public Policy

The Optimal Set of Policies for Australia

Overview International Trade is an important economic tool for countries around the world, including tangible products and invisible, knowledge based products. Strong international trade results in the achievement of various government macroeconomic objectives including increased gross domestic product, positive economic growth, greater foreign exchange and a positive balance of payment....

Words: 3777 Pages: 13
Law Enforcement

Structure and Working of Community-Oriented Policing

Abstract Community-oriented policing aims at getting rid of all the situations that promote crime in a community. The approach to the concept of community-oriented policing has a direct visible benefit of ensuring that there is a good relationship between the community and the police. As such, this enables the police...

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Military Leadership

Followership vs. Servant Leadership in Military

In the army, leadership is defined as a capacity of having an influence on other people by providing them with a purpose, direction, and encouragement for accomplishing a specific goal. On the contrary, followership is the ability or willingness to follow the instructions given by a leader. The military values...

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Capital Punishment

Is the Death Penalty a Deterrence?

Introduction Among other methods of punishing violent crimes, the death penalty is the most discussed one. This form of justice implies execution for committing a homicide. Although it is challenging for many people to accept the necessity of capital punishment, this approach is considered useful in some countries. I believe...

Words: 557 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Defunding the Police: Safety for Citizens

Defunding the police refers to the re-allocation of funds from the department (Patel, 2020). Individuals who support this strategy do not mean the abolishment of policing, but they want to see corrections in the system. A good example is Camden’s case in New Jersey when the institution disbanded the police...

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International Law

AlMarai Subsidiary in the United States of America

Introduction Almarai is a Saudi-based company that mainly deals with agricultural products. Over the years, the company has seen its product range diversify to include such agricultural products as dairy liquids, foods, bakery treats, juices, poultry, yogurt and desserts, among others (Almarai para 2). In its quest to become a...

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