The Top Lobbying Groups in New York Influence


The discrepancies in national and state government policies can cause the fall of federalism. In particular, the negligence of public spheres, specifically healthcare and education, will not contribute to an economic advancement of the country (Smith, 2010, p. 14). With regard to the above, the primary goal of lobbying groups is to enhance the importance of the public sector that is considered an inherent component of a prosperous economic situation. In New York state, the lobbying groups resort to serious steps for influencing governmental politics so as to meet the needs in each client’s case (Pecorella and Stonecash, 2006, p. 100). Thus, the legislature body is largely affected by in-depth research conducted by the public interest groups in New York. They provide specific recommendations and claims to encourage the changes in favor of the public segment (Pecorella and Stonecash, 2006, p. 101). Among the NY lobbying groups, it is necessary to single out three most influential ones in New York: 1199 Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Greater New York Hospital Association, and New York State United Teachers. Most of their reforms are directed at improving and financing health care services and educational spheres.

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General Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Lobbying Groups under Consideration

Judging upon the amount of money spent on lobbying and lobbying activities, the presented interest groups in New York pay sufficient attention to the situation in social relations in the NYS public sector (RocDoc, 2010). However, the evident leader among those is Greater New York Hospital Association that spends around $ 1. 576. 722 on lobbying. However, the lobbying activities are not the strongest side of this non-profit organization (RocDocs, 2010). In this respect, NYS United Teachers succeed in striking the balance between lobbying and campaign contributions in encouraging the fulfillment of the established goals (Celebration of Teaching & Learning WNET, 2010).

Analysis of Recent Legislature Proposals Put forward by the NY Lobbying Groups

As it has been reported, the NY Lobbying Groups are extremely concerned with the medical care sphere. In this respect, GNYHA introduced and approved the adoption of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (GNYHA, 2006). The project is aimed at reevaluating the budget formation. In particular, the interest group calls for improving health and educational situation through enhancing the financial support of the corresponding sectors. The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act was ratified by the President and was taken into consideration by the government. Hence, the budget was reconsidered in favor of health care and education through cutting the financial support of the banking establishments. As a result, the lobbying groups received a monetary reward in the amount of $ 3 million (Brangin, 2010, p. 15).

The same strategies and problems were analyzed in the Healthcare Education Project put forward by 1199 SEIU and GNYHA. The prevention of budget cutting in health care sector is a necessary step up for improving the social and economical situation (Health Care Education Project, 2010). This necessity is predetermined by insufficient financing of all service industries and lack of legislative reforms regulating this issue. In order to monitor the NYS authorities, the collaboration project include all types of activities, from presenting TV materials to providing correspondent legal provisions. Aside from this joint project, 1199 SEIU activities are also directed at working out legislature improving the quality of employment environment for immigrants (1199 SEIU, 2010). The fact that the plan has been introduced and considered in Congress is already considerably progress.

The reforms provided by NYS United Teachers received the highest approval from the government in financial terms. The lobbying group argues the necessity for advancing the standards of an educational process. This concerns the quality of teaching and learning process. The reform has been $ 1 billion investment into the school development and about $ 300 million has been introduced for the improvement of higher education standards (NYS United Teachers, n. d.). Moreover, NYS United Teachers managed to introduce great shifts in ethical codes and programs of schooling. In particular, their program called Safe School argues the necessity to launch ethical programs of conduct in classes for ensuring parents and students that educational establishments are the safest places to learn and to teach (NYS United Teachers, n. d.). In addition, the legislative department of NYS United Teachers group also advocates federal and state representative to retaining professional advancements (GNYHA, 2006).

Judging from the statistics and the government’s reaction to the requirements and legislative recommendations provided by the leading lobbying groups in Ney York, the NYS authorities are predominantly guided by public interest sector. Although not all legislatures were ratified, the government managed to pay considerable attention to it.

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Evaluating the Lobbying Groups’ Campaign Contributions to Their Candidates

Analyzing the statistics on the amount of money spent on donations and on lobbying activities, several assumptions can be made. All lobbying have different ratios of funding, which are explained by different priorities. In particular, NYS United Teachers put an emphasis on lobbying activities and provide less financial contributions to the candidates. In contrast, 1199 SEIU and GNYHA are more concerned with the electoral board financing instead giving less stress on reforming (RocDocs, 2010). The statistic, hence, reveals different strategies applied by the lobbying groups. Some groups give priority to imposing a political and legal impact on the government, where other interest groups are more concerned with developing their own policies. One way or another, all their attempts contribute to the advancement of the public sector.

In general, the campaign financing in New York State is insignificant due to the considerable contribution limits. More importantly, although the New York lobby’s laws are influential and enhanced by the state legislature, they have introduced slight shifts in the legal procedures and regulations (Pecorella and Stonecash, 2006, p. 104). This is explained by the fact that lobbyist are more concentrated in research process and information gathering for policy analysis rather on working out effective strategies for reforming the public sector. Thereby, having a great influence on state regulations, it neglects its opportunity.


The analysis of recent legislature proposals introduced by 1199 SEIU, NYS United Teachers and Greater New York Hospital Association has revealed some controversies in their policies and lobbying activities. To begin with, all their concerns are connected with their specific interests and, therefore, their core goal is to provide alterations to the state legislature that can satisfy their needs and conform to their legal requirements. Second, New York lobbyists put an emphasis on research development and information exchange rather than on political development. Third, their legal reforms are aimed at improving the health care sphere and educational situation, which is also connected with public sectors. One way or another, some of their amendments considerably affect the legal system of the United States.


1199 SEIU. (2010). Who We Are. United Healthcare Workers East. Web.

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Brangin, W.(2010). Obama signs higher-education measure into law. The Washington Post. 44(2) p. 15.

Celebration of Teaching & Learning WNET. (2010). Premier Sponsor: New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). Thirteen Celebration. Web.

GNYHA. (2006). About GNYHA. Web.

Healthcare Education Project (2010). GNYHA, 1199 SEIU TV Ad: “No More Health Care Cuts, Enough is Enough”. Web.

NYS United Teachers (n.d.) Legislative Action Center. Web.

Pecorella, R. F., and Stonecash, J. M. (2006). Governing New York State. US: SUNY Press.

RocDocs (2010). Top 50 Lobbying Groups. Web.

Smith, K. B. (2009). State and Local Government 2009-2010. US: CQ Government.

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DemoEssays. "The Top Lobbying Groups in New York Influence." May 21, 2022.