Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East


This month, I worked on a proposal for my dissertation titled “The Impact of the Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East in the Configuration of the Balance of Power in the Middle East Region in the Twenty-First Century.” The proposal has been a significant milestone because it prompted me to review an extensive amount of literature, formulate the main points of research, and come up with the structure for my future thesis.

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Dissertation Proposal Summary

The dissertation is to be focused on the way geopolitical disputes between the Iranian government, Saudi Arabia, the Arab Alliance, and the United States have affected the balance of power in the Middle East. I have analyzed the factors that affected the Middle East since the beginning of the twenty-first century. They include but are not limited to the instability of oil prices, increasing securitization of the region, and the growing military capabilities of Saudi Arabia. The prospect of the Iranian nuclear program implementation is also discussed.

Aims and Objectives of the Dissertation

For my dissertation proposal, I have formulated five main research objectives. They include the impact of the interventions on the Middle East region, evaluation of the roles played by key countries in creating the balance of power, the study of “new war” technologies, identification of mechanisms used by the Iranian government to secure its position, and how Saudi Arabia, the Arab Alliance countries, and the United States resolve conflicts and secure peace.

The research question to be answered in the dissertation is how the Iranian government’s actions affected the balance of power that has emerged in the Middle East since the turn of the twenty-first century. The main aim of the research is to identify how the concept of the “new war” theory has impacted the geopolitical order in the Middle East.

Literature Analysis

Over the month, I have conducted a preliminary literature analysis on the Iranian government and its role in Middle East affairs. It helped me come up with several themes that I intend to cover in my dissertation. Among them are the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the United States’ role in the affairs of the Middle East, and the impact of Arab Spring on the emergence of new opportunities for political liberalization in the region. Besides, I am going to discuss the notions of “constructive chaos” and “new war” as threats to the Middle East’s internal stability.

Dissertation Structure Outline

Based on the preliminary research on the subject of my dissertation, I came up with the following structure outline. The first chapter will cover the background information and discuss the main research objectives. In the three following chapters, I will examine the threat posed by Iran in the Middle East as well as the response was given to it by the Arabian Gulf’s monarchical regimes and their allies. The next chapter will be dedicated to the factors that affect the balance of power in the region, such as “new war” technology and economic tensions. Then I will cover the strategies used by different countries to maintain the balance. In the final chapter, I will sum up my main findings.

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I consider writing the dissertation proposal a very important part of my academic work. It will serve as a basis for my future research. Currently, I am communicating with my dissertation supervisor. In the coming month, I will work on her feedback.

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DemoEssays. (2022, May 29). Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East.

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"Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East." DemoEssays, 29 May 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East'. 29 May.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East." May 29, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East." May 29, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East." May 29, 2022.