Security in the Political Context

Since the dawn of civilization, the notion of peace has been rightfully regarded as one of the most significant aspects of politics. Indeed, when thinking of security, people tend to associate the concept with the absence of war. Having lived through some severe war precedents over the past century, today’s world community pools its efforts to mitigate both tangible and intangible potential contributors to war outbreaks. To obtain a better understanding of the issue in the global context, it is necessary to dwell on its most important concepts.

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Firstly, nowadays, the process of security management is primarily anthropological, as people’s lives are, by all means, assets that should be protected at all costs. One of the most influential institutions as far as security is concerned is the United Nations (UN), as the organization’s principle outlines the patterns of peaceful interaction between the states and their rights. Thus, the notion of peace in the context of the Security Council is introduced through the focus on state sovereignty and refusal of the force. International security is generally embraced with the help of peacekeeping. This process, while not officially presented in the Security Council’s agenda, is aimed at reinforcing peacekeeping personnel at locations that might be potentially dangerous for one’s sovereignty and civilians’ safety.

Secondly, it is of paramount importance to keep in mind that every state should do its best in order to avert conflict. Indeed, historical data demonstrates that conflicts between two states may serve as a precedent for a full-scale global crisis. For example, nuclear proliferation is considered one of the severest threats to international security. When addressing previous precedents, such as the Caribbean crisis of 1962, it should be outlined that any large-scale misunderstanding between the two states requires immediate international intervention.

Having taken these aspects into consideration, it may be concluded that today’s perception of security is highly dependent on the states’ willingness to collaborate. Thus, under the UN’s guidance, countries and public organizations are doing their best to minimize the risks of conflict. In doing this, they pay much attention to the process of critical assessment of one’s intentions to initiate a peace disruption and address them in a timely manner.

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DemoEssays. (2022, June 7). Security in the Political Context.

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"Security in the Political Context." DemoEssays, 7 June 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Security in the Political Context'. 7 June.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Security in the Political Context." June 7, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Security in the Political Context." June 7, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Security in the Political Context." June 7, 2022.