73 Marxism Research Topics & Essay Examples

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📝 Marxism Research Paper Examples

  1. Marxism and Realism in International Relationships
    In the sphere of international politics, the primary opponent of Marxism was probably political realism - the central IR doctrine during the Cold War.
  2. Marxism Philosophy, a Constitutional Republic and American Criminal Justice
    This essay demonstrates how the teachings of Marx are useful in revealing the faults of American constitutionalism and the criminal justice system.
  3. Marxism: Speech for the Presentation About Marxism
    The paper will tell about Marxism, its history, fundamental theories, and principles, as well as its significance for the world and science.
  4. Difference Between Liberal and Marxist Understandings of Human Freedom
    Marxist and Liberalist ideas are not compatible with the modern forms of political governance since they were developed and implemented at critical historical times.
  5. Ideological Beliefs for Liberals, Marxists, and Conservatives
    The purpose of the paper is to discuss different political doctrines: liberalism, Marxism, and conservatism, and pay special attention to their ideological beliefs.
  6. Marxism, Fascism, Capitalism, Socialism, and Liberalism Concepts
    This essay will intend to discuss the essence of Marxism, fascism, capitalism, socialism, and liberalism concepts and clarify the difference between them.
  7. Marx and Waltz Philosophy Comparison
    Ideology is the frame of reference through which an individual sees the world and defined to be the total sum of a combination of values, attitudes, beliefs, and aspirations.
  8. Marxism: Understanding the Times
    This paper is an annotated bibliography of the five articles that review different aspects of the marxism ideology.

🏆 Best Marxism Essay Titles

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  1. Free Marxism, Global Capitalism and the Human Being as a Commodity
  2. Marxism, Crypto-Marxism and the Political Economy of Capitalism
  3. Marxism Philosophy and Modern Communism
  4. Economic and Social Values of Marxism to Communism
  5. Lenin’s Radical Philosophy Favored a Modified Marxism
  6. Karl Marx vs Max Weber: Views on Capitalism
    Marx, and Weber both criticized capitalism, although, Weber’s ideas on class interaction seem to be more applicable today.
  7. Marxism and Existential Nihilism: An Analysis of Political Intention
  8. Free Will Agency According to Marxism and Free Market Capitalism
  9. Marxism Today and the Unmaking of the British Working Class
  10. Marxism, Crisis, and Economic Laws
  11. Marxism and Its Effects on the World‘s Republic of China
  12. Factors That Hindered the Success of Marxism in Russia
  13. Marxism, Neo-Marxism, and Their Fallacies
  14. Ecological Economics, Marxism, and Technological Progress
  15. Dehumanization: Marxism and Modern Era
  16. Karl Marx: Marxism and Contemporary Society
  17. Marxism and Its Contribution to the World Politics
  18. Marxism, Global Capitalism and the Human Being as a Commodity
  19. Economism and Marxism’s Vulnerability
  20. Marxism the Resource Mobilization Theory and General Economics
  21. Marxism and Economic Liberalism a Comparison Politics
  22. Comparing and Contrasting Functionalism and Marxism
  23. Marxism: View of Ideal Societies
  24. Marxism’s Influence and the Great Leap Forward
  25. “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King
    Racism was a serious challenge in the United States before the close of the 20th century. The worst affected segments of the North American population were the African Americans.
  26. Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: An Agenda
  27. Karl Marx and Marxism on Modern Thought and Society
  28. Marxism Will Not Return as a Major Ideology in the 21st Century
  29. Marxism and Anarchism: The Concepts of Concentration Versus Decentralization
  30. Differences Between Capitalism and Marxism
  31. Marxism: The Economic Basis of Being Human
  32. Structuralism, Neo-Marxism, and Neoliberalism
    This paper discusses what are the key ideas in the three theories of development – structuralism, neo-Marxism and neoliberalism.
  33. The Emergence and Spread of Marxism in the United States
  34. The Difference Between Capitalism and Marxism
  35. Analysis Class Conflict and Marxism
  36. Analytical Marxism and the Marxian Theory of Crisis
  37. Bureaucrats, Subordinates, and the Failure of Soviet Marxism
  38. Marxism’s Tools for Contemporary International Relations
  39. Amazon Company: Management of Human Capital
    This essay critically analyzed the management of human capital in Amazon in view of management models. The analysis illustrates that Amazon is an exploitative employer.
  40. Analysis Marxism Political Economy
  41. European History: Marxism and Darwinism
  42. Lenin and His Views on Marxism
  43. International Political Economy Interpreted Through Nationalism, Liberalism, and Marxism
  44. The Best Political Philosophy Is Marxism

❓ Marxism Research Questions

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  1. Why Did Western Europe Never Fully Envelope Marxism?
  2. How Does Marxism Explain the Role of Education in Society?
  3. How Did the Russian Marxism Movement Evolve in the Period?
  4. Who Followed Marxism More?
  5. What Walrasian Marxism Can and Cannot Do?
  6. How Did Lenin Revise Marxism?
  7. Why Has Marxism Been Neglected for International Relations?
  8. How Did Lenin Add to Marxism up to 1905, and With What Consequences?
  9. Has Post-Marxist and Critical Theory Strengthened Marxism?
  10. Why Has Marxism Been So Popular Among Latin American Intellectuals?
  11. What Are the Concepts of Marxism and Feminism?
  12. How Important Was Marxism for the Development of Mozambique and Angola?
  13. How Did Marxism and Socialism Challenge the Status Quo in Russia at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century?
  14. What Is the Link Between Marxism and Social Justice?
  15. What Role Does Culture Play in Western Marxism
  16. Does Marxism Adequately Explain the 1917 Russian Revolution?
  17. What Is Cultural Marxism?
  18. Can Feminism and Marxism Come Together?
  19. What Does Marxism Tell Us About Economic Globalisation Today?
  20. How Much Did Stalin Deviate From Marxism?
  21. What Is the Link Between Marxism and the Revolutionary Tradition?

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"73 Marxism Research Topics & Essay Examples." DemoEssays, 1 May 2023, demoessays.com/topics/marxism-research-topics/.


DemoEssays. (2023) '73 Marxism Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 1 May.


DemoEssays. 2023. "73 Marxism Research Topics & Essay Examples." May 1, 2023. https://demoessays.com/topics/marxism-research-topics/.

1. DemoEssays. "73 Marxism Research Topics & Essay Examples." May 1, 2023. https://demoessays.com/topics/marxism-research-topics/.


DemoEssays. "73 Marxism Research Topics & Essay Examples." May 1, 2023. https://demoessays.com/topics/marxism-research-topics/.