International Relations Essay Examples for Free - Page 3

Factors for the Division of Korean Peninsula

Korean Peninsula is located in Northeast Asia between Japan and China. For many years, Korea was unified and ruled by dynastic kingdoms. The rule of the Joseon dynasty came to an end after Japan annexed Korea in 1910 (Eckert et al., 1990). The end of World War II brought peace...

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The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a globally endorsed assembly dedicated to transforming the world. In the document, 193 UN member states confirm their adherence to a susceptible topic, which is relevant due to the processes of globalization around the world. This document is a written confirmation that states...

Words: 2005 Pages: 7

Impact of Globalization and Technology on Negotiation

The interactions between the U.S. and China have always been complicated with a range of cross-cultural and political issues, mainly due to the incongruences between the regimes of the specified countries. However, in the wake of the global health crisis and the resulting economic disaster that has been observed globally,...

Words: 1142 Pages: 4

Ten Potential Disadvantages of BREXIT to the EU

Potential Loss of Foreign Direct Investment EU is known for the high cost of membership for the countries, and it was one of the main reasons for the UK’s exit from the EU. Annually EU received over 15 billion pounds from the UK just for the membership alone (Pettinger, 2019)....

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Israeli-Palestinian Relations Under Trump vs. Biden

President Trump and his administration have been pressing Arab countries, including Palestine, to normalize relations with Israel. However, presidential elections can change the situation and introduce a new vector of cooperation in the Middle East. Significance Jerusalem and neighboring areas have been one of the leading concerns for the international...

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Nord Stream 2: The Role of Russia and Germany

Introduction In the 21st century, the geopolitical landscape of the world has been changing rapidly. Several decades prior, the separation of powers in the bipolar world was evident, as the clash between the ideologies of the East and the West persisted throughout most of the 20th century. Nevertheless, following the...

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The Influence on Turkey–United States Relations by Trump and Biden

Event The results of the upcoming U.S. presidential elections are expected to influence both Turkey–United States relations and the country’s domestic and foreign policy. Significance With Turkey’s international position over the last four years significantly depending on Trump’s relationship with Erdogan, the Turkish government is strongly interested in his reelection....

Words: 1103 Pages: 4

Humanitarian Intervention: Is More Harm Than Good?

Humanitarian interventions have become prevalent in today’s societies as the calamities facing society keep increasing. The involvement of external stakeholders, such as the military and relief organizations, is attributable to the knowledge that the world has a moral duty to safeguard humanity. However, in most cases, the humanitarian initiatives have...

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Foreign Policy Course of the United States

Formally, the primary aim of the foreign policy course of the United States implies the provision of a safe, democratic, and prosperous world, which should benefit the U. S. population and the world society. The key directions of the current course include the activity in the United Nations and the...

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The Volga-Ural Muslim Community and Pressure on It

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the role of the ulama in the Volga-Ural Muslim community did change because of the increased involvement of the Russian Empire government and its religious conversion policies. In the Islamic tradition, ulama refers to the protectors, transmitters, and interpreters of spiritual knowledge, including its...

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UAE Winning a Seat in the Un Security Council

Introduction The United Nations is an international body whose main aim is to commit its members to maintain international peace, social progress, and improved living standards across the world, among other global initiatives. There are six principal organs in the UN, including the UN Security Council, which is mandated to...

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Deportees and Immigration Policy of the United States

The most critical policy issue in America today is the immigration policy. The previous Trump administration deported immigrants without proper documentation or those whose visas had expired. Although the policy was meant to protect the USA’s citizens, it broke many families, especially those of foreigners who already had children. In...

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Canada’s Border with the United States Debate

The article under consideration narrates the development of the debate regarding Canada’s border with the United States. The opinions of people in this respect differed depending on the stance. Some of them considered the British cause essential for the matter, whereas the others based their reflections on geographical reasons explaining...

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Options on Opposition in Terms of Abraham Accords

Introduction The agreement on the relation normalization between the UAE and Israel, called Abraham Accords, was signed on September 15, 2020. The Palestine issue remains unresolved for the entire Middle East geopolitics. The United States mediated the signing of the Abraham Accords. Concerning the normalization of relations between Israel and...

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Labor Internationalism. “In Praise of the Empire” by Connolly

Introduction The twentieth century was marked by growing dissatisfaction with capitalism, with its uneven allocation of resources between the ruling elite and the working class. To defeat the unfair capitalistic system, community leaders in various countries began to search for a better social order, which led to the development of...

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Germany’s Domestic Impact on Foreign Affairs

Introduction International affairs create a state’s image and determine how other countries perceive this specific nation. High-ranking officials’ actions, decisions, and claims are the typical manifestations of the state’s foreign politics. Germany represents a paradox when it comes to international affairs because it was reunified and became a full-fledged nation...

Words: 1930 Pages: 7

Security in the Political Context

Since the dawn of civilization, the notion of peace has been rightfully regarded as one of the most significant aspects of politics. Indeed, when thinking of security, people tend to associate the concept with the absence of war. Having lived through some severe war precedents over the past century, today’s...

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The Success of the US’ Foreign Policy Goals in the Middle East Since 1956

Introduction Before World War II, the U.S. had limited foreign involvement in the Middle East. In relation to other world powers that had colonized the region, the U.S. was regarded to be popular and respected all through the Arab world. Prior to World War II, Americans had introduced modern medicine,...

Words: 3074 Pages: 11

Trade in the Sociopolitical Context

The notion of trade has always been central to the overall patterns of socio-political development and international relations. Indeed, the exchange of commodities may be perceived as a major contributor to the development of pragmatic collaboration within the states and the international well-being. In order to analyze the trade’s position...

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Justifying State in Post-Westphalian Era

Introduction The global arena of international relations has entered a new, post-Westphalian era, which challenged theorists’ ideas of statecraft and power balance. The Treaties of Westphalia presented a revolutionary concept of sovereignty, which gave states the power to make final decisions regarding their people, land, and resources. The events of...

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Theory and Practice of International Relations

The popular phrase “the shadow of the future” is common in modern international politics. Ideally, it implies a modified change of behavior among individuals, entities, and nations when expecting positive future interactions. Transnational institutions have augmented the phrase “the shadow of the future” in different perspectives concerning relations among sovereign...

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The Role of Russia in the Syrian Conflict

An Overview The Arab Spring in Syria started on 15th March, 2011. Peaceful protesters poured out to the streets in the Syrian capital city, Damascus. They were demanding for freedom, democratic reforms, and an end to corruption. When the government responded harshly, the protesters reacted by demanding for the overthrow...

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United Arab Emirates-Saudi Arabia Relations

Saudi Arabia is considering a course for the further promotion of integration projects within the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) under its patronage as one of the main directions of its foreign policy in recent years. However, not all of the kingdom’s partners in this...

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International Cooperation and Law for Global Peace

The United Nations is an institution that has originally been set up as a mediator of state-to-state crises. The main objective of the UN is to coordinate the efforts of multiple states to ensure international peace and compliance. There are a lot of examples of the effectiveness of the United...

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Crisis on European Borders and Russia’s Threats

The strained relations with the eastern neighbors and the problematic situations in the southern regions are visible even without additional analysis. However, in recent years, new threats have emerged that pose a threat to order in general and specifically to European interests (Dennison et al., 2015). On the eastern side,...

Words: 397 Pages: 1

Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East

Introduction This month, I worked on a proposal for my dissertation titled “The Impact of the Iranian Government Intervention in the Middle East in the Configuration of the Balance of Power in the Middle East Region in the Twenty-First Century.” The proposal has been a significant milestone because it prompted...

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Bold, Centered, Upper, and Lower Case

Introduction A successful national security policy-making process involves careful assessment of the international environment. Based on such analysis, government leaders formulate the short-term and long-term foreign policy goals, the attainment of which requires the leaders to select the most appropriate instrument or a combination of several of them. The global...

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Changes in the 20th Century International Politics

Introduction The present paper looks at the most significant issues in the international politics in the twentieth century that caused most significant changes to take place across the world. Although there are a number of issues that can be put in this category such as poverty, injustice, deprivation, economic stability,...

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The Muslim Middle East: Relationships with the US

Introduction The piece of writing shows how the world super power countries view the Middle East, among other areas in the quest for peace with regard to weapons of mass destruction. The Americans are explained by trying to monopolize the world with fear, through investigations on how armed other continents...

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The Principles of Nationalism

Introduction Nationalism is an identity that is characterized by the ideas culture and the social movement of a certain group of people. There are different kinds of nationalisms that are formed based on different cultural aspects that are embraced by the people. Through nationalism, the people will hold on to...

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The United Nations and the NGOs

The horrors of the Second World War made the world leaders vow never to allow conflict on such a horrendous scale to ever happen again. As a consequence, the United Nations Organization came into being with a basic charter of ensuring peace and tranquillity in the world. However, the politics...

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UAE Foreign Policy and Association of Energy Sources

In the period that preceded the discovery of oil in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the country was relying on crop growing, cattle rearing, aquaculture, and seafaring. However, this situation changed with the discovery of oil about five decades ago. The last 40 years have seen the country shift from...

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International Community Within the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Introduction Throughout the long-term history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the international community made significant efforts in seeking solutions for its resolution. The UN and the Western authorities were the core players in the peace-seeking process, and it is considered that they defined the direction in which the events of the...

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Ole Wæver and the Idea of Securitisation

The main source chosen for this paper is the book titled Regions and Powers: The Structure of National Security by Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver. In the book, the authors explore the concept of securitisation from the historical perspective examining the domains of its structure according to various theoretical approaches...

Words: 754 Pages: 3

The US Foreign Policy vs. Soviet Domestic Failures

In December 1991, the Soviet flag over the Kremlin was replaced by the symbol of new post-Cold War era—the Russian tricolor (White 54). Decades after a sudden disintegration of the Soviet Union, historians are still arguing whether policies and actions of communist leadership or Western diplomacy or other reasons such...

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The Kashmir Conflict and the India-Pakistan Rivalry

Introduction Efforts to provide a resolution to the rivalry between India and Pakistan have so far been unproductive. The disagreement has resulted in a fortified insurgence in Kashmir leading to the formation of the Kashmir conflict. Wyman argues that the enmity between Indo-Pak republics is among the most long-lasting rivalry...

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Mainstream Immigrant Integration Policy in France

After the French riots of 2005, the problem of the immigrant groups has become more critical than ever for the French population. Numerous researchers carried out studies in order to identify the problems of the national immigration policy that led to these riots. A closer examination of this problem made...

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US Custom and Border Protection Agents Securing Borders

Running head: Border Mid Border security is important in enhancing security and promoting internal peace in a country. Many countries across the world encounter insecurities that result in mass killings of their citizens. The United States (US) Custom and Border Protection (CBP) is one of the most important organs in...

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Cognitive and Psychological Factors in Foreign Policy Making

Introduction Foreign policymaking is a complex process that demands considering a number of factors, including psychological and cognitive factors. The current international system is complicated implying that foreign decision-makers should take into consideration the interests of all actors before coming up with policies. In many states, policymakers are involved in...

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Canada-Afghanistan International Development Policy

Introduction Fragile states have become prominent within international security development as well as diplomacy landscapes. Notably, over one billion people live within the borders of the countries that are considered failed and fragile countries. The concentration of population in fragile nations has contributed to major challenges of the economy, security,...

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Intelligence Community in National Security Sphere

Introduction The Intelligence Community (IC) is comprised of specifically designed agencies that work within the realm of the national security of the United States by either collaboratively or independently collecting the information related to the state’s defense and international policy. It plays a decisive role for key governmental bodies and...

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UAE’s Hedging Policy Towards Iran

Introduction The key problem of the given memo can be identified as a long-standing hedging approach of the UAE towards Iran. The country alternated between soft balancing and hard balancing (El-Dessouki and Mansour 2020). Here, the main objectives revolve around making a clear and direct decision in regards to selecting...

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Practical Application to International Relations Theory

Introduction Investigations into the relationship between theory and practice have gone on for a long time. This relationship influences professional training programs and how the knowledge presented in this training program is applicable in testing this relationship. In the recent past, there have been many views, which have strived to...

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Pan-Asianism Movement and Geopolitics

Pan-Asianism represents a movement with aim of liberating Asia from foreign occupation. The main phase of cooperation was for a longer time represented by Japan and China, but currently involved also other Asian countries. The main idea of Pan-Asianism was based on cooperation, partnership and integral leadership. However, the Greater...

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Relations Between the United Arab Emirates and Russia

Russia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are involved in the diplomatic relationships since 1971. However, the increase in development of the bilateral relationships is observed since 2003, and for the past decade, the significant progress has been achieved in the multiple areas of the countries’ collaboration. In the last...

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Economic and Political Development of Haiti

Introduction Since regaining independence over two centuries ago, Haiti’s economic and political development has been crippled by the pervasive impacts of enormous public debt and the imperialist institutions of the former French colonial rule. The extractive economy and the oppressive and enslaving colonialist policies inflicted widespread inequalities in the country,...

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Energy and Efficiency Knowledge and Capabilities

Introduction The members’ states of Gulf cooperation council have endowed with abundance of natural resources and this has made most overlook issues relating energy efficiency materials and strategies to have renewable energy. The members’ states of Gulf cooperation council give preferential treatment to investors in the energy sector who hail...

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Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency

Introduction The purpose of this research paper is to analyze various aspects, including history and evolution; responsibilities and functions; and organizational structure of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA). The government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia established SAMA in 1952 as its central bank. History and Evolution of SAMA...

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China, Rising Power: Discussion

One of the most peculiar aspects of the post-industrial era is the fact that, as time goes on, a number of ‘developing’ nations that belong to the so-called ‘Second World’, continue to grow ever more influential, in the geopolitical sense of this word. The validity of this statement can be...

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China Goes Global: The Partial Power by Shambaugh

The author asserts that China has emerged as a crucial global player especially in terms of economic development. However, its magnitude of influence can hardly allow it to be a super power. The writer is also quite categorical that the type of power portrayed by China is only partial and...

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The United Nations Peacekeeping Failures

Introduction The United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UNPO) is mandated to see that there is peace among the member states. The UN has registered success in restoring peace in some conflict-torn areas in the world (“United Nations Peacekeeping”, 2015). However, this organ has failed to restore peace in the majority of...

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How Have Australian Attitudes Towards ‘Asia’ Changed Since the 1890s

Australia’s attitude towards Asia has changed considerably since the end of the nineteenth century. In the late 19th century, Australia was almost completely closed for Asian immigrants. There was serious fear of everything related to Asia. However, Australians are open and even find a lot to learn from such Asian...

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Cold War, International Relationship With War According to Gaddis

Cold War versus American defeat on 11th September 2001 The cold war of the 1990s contributed significantly to the defeat of America in early 2001. According to Gaddis, Clinton’s administration greatly disregarded the outcomes of the end of the Cold War. After winning many competitive wars, Clinton’s administration relaxed and...

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World Trade Organization and Chinese Legal System’s Functional Convergence

Introduction The World Trade Organization was established as an institution that would help liberalize and supervise international trade, particularly between member countries. The institution provides a framework for formalizing, as well as negotiating, trade agreements and solving disputes to ensure that participants adhere to WTO agreements (Malanczuk, 1999). Today, World...

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The Common Market of the European Union

Introduction A common market is a stage of a single market mostly evident in the European economy. There are different words that are used to mean the same as a common market and they include the European Community, European Union and European Economic Community among others. A common market can...

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American LLC Entities: Formation and Business Law

Business law, in large part, takes the course of business associations. Business entities operate as sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. Apart from these distinct forms, a business can operate as an agency if its owner engages other people to run the business on his behalf. Various business...

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Multilateralism and Regionalism Analysis

Introduction International relations has always been a complicated sphere of human activities over which economists and politics could wrangle incessantly. It represents the study of global issues and foreign affairs among the states which are involved in inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as in multinational corporations. It also deals...

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The American-Israel Political Action Committee

Introduction Founded in the year 1959, the American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC)’s main aim is to develop and maintenance of America’s support for Israel through powerful well organized and wealth backed lobbying. This comes against the background of the anarchy being witnessed in Iraq that has resulted in America entering...

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International Humanitarian Law: Peacekeeping Operations

Ever since 1945, when the introduction of the UN Charter created objective preconditions for namely the international community to be in charge of maintaining peace in the so-called world’s ‘hot spots, until comparatively recent times, the very concept of peacekeeping has been strongly associated with the principles of consent, impartiality...

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International Financial Reporting Standards

Role Currently, the importance of International Financial Reporting Standards has grown substantially worldwide. IFRS not only summarizes the experience of leading economically developed countries, but also actively influences the development of national accounting and reporting systems, both through direct implementation of IFRS in national practice and through the convergence of...

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African Conflicts and Critical Problems

There are plenty of issues in the context of African countries that have not been resolved over the years. Even though they might have various causes, there is one similarity between them: all these conflicts are somehow connected to the fight for power in resource-limited settings. Therefore, the most critical...

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Exploring the Concept of Just War

Introduction Since the beginning of civilization, the world has advanced significantly becoming one web of interconnected nations depending on each other for various sociopolitical and economic reasons. Countries have formed allies for different reasons including military support, promotion of trade, and unification to advance a certain course among other related...

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UAE-Saudi Arabia Border Dispute Review

Introduction In 1974, the UAE and Saudi Arabia signed the Treaty of Jeddah as an indication marking the end of border disputes over the dominion of the Khor al-Udaid, Al-Ain/Buraimi, and Zararah/Shaybah regions. The dispute remains unsettled after a public campaign by the UAE to renegotiate the Treaty as it...

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The UAE’s Foreign Policy Humanitarian Aid Initiatives

Introduction The United Arab Emirates is the country with one of the strongest economies in the Gulf Region and with a long history of providing humanitarian aid. Since the 1970s, when the country was created, the UAE showed interest in establishing proper relationships with other countries in diverse zones such...

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The Problem of Humanitarian Interventions in the South Africa

South Africa is distinguished by cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity – on the territory of the country, a variety of ethnic groups is present, partially as the result of colonialism. The invasion of white settlers during the age of colonization prompted the relationships between these communities to be constructed in...

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Turkey to Ascend the EU

Introduction The European Union is no longer a coalition of governments based on their geographic location. Its influence and borders extend beyond Europe, incorporating drastically different countries. Joining the EU provides multiple benefits to a country, thus causing the temptation of numerous countries to satisfy the EU criteria. Turkey is...

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Britain May Reduce Aid if Gay Men Are Not Set Free in Malawi

The problems connected to health care touch different spheres of life, and social activities, as well as politics, are the most liable to change spheres. In the article under consideration, the author admits the impact of the British government on the life of Malawi society and gives clear reasons of...

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European Merger Control: The Commission That Have a Community Dimension

Introduction On the 1st of January 1958, within the bounds of the Treaties of Rome on the creation of the European Economic Community came into effect article 85 and 86. Those articles make it “illegal for companies to enter into agreements that restrict or distort competition with the European Union,...

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The Free Movement of Goods and the Fiscal Barriers in the EU

Introduction The European Union has managed to come up with a uniform way of dealing with goods and services that flow through the borders of the member states. In the economic sense, the union has formed a single market with the characteristics of a customs union. This means that they...

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Power Transition as a Common Trend in Global Relations

Introduction The world is changing due to the political, social, economic, and cultural forces involved. The global community has established unique relationships and ideologies that dictate the growth and success of some nations. Over the centuries, concepts of nationalism, militarism, and imperialism appeared to dictate international relations. However, new trends...

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Entering the Japanese Market of Packaged Medicaments

Japan has been at the forefront of global economic development for quite a while up until recently. Due to the rapid technologic growth and the development of innovative technologies that would become the center of the world’s IT and ICT progress. According to the Central Intelligence Agency, in 2018, Japan’s...

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Arab-Israeli Relations

The Arab-Israeli conflict is a confrontation between several Arab countries, on the one hand, and the State of Israel with the Zionist movement, on the other. Although the State of Israel was created only in 1948, the history of the conflict spans about a century (Shapira, 2015). It had begun...

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Negotiating Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Background The confrontation concerning the Korean nuclear weapon remains ongoing after the year of significant negotiations and summits. The Korean Peninsula is encircled by three influencing the world powers: Russia, China, and Japan. The background of the Republic of Korea and South Korea is crucial to clarify their relations to...

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North Korea’s Nuclear Problem: Impact and Solutions

Introduction North Korea has long been working on increasing and making a more sophisticated program for nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles and is also believed to have significant capabilities in regard to the weapons that would pose either chemical or biological threats. The considerable development of nuclear technologies in the...

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Brexit: Essence, Context, and Consequences

Background On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community. Britain has been part of the block for 47 years, since January 1, 1973. While the UK and the EU are negotiating, the UK is still subject to the EU, the...

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Major Topics in the History of American Foreign Policy

The history of American foreign policy features numerous episodes that motivated statesmen to change some of the aspects of policies radically. Different approaches and grand theories can be accepted and rejected in a matter of a few months. Nevertheless, it is crucial for the whole nation to identify the issues...

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Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Foreign Policy

COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge that affects every country in the world and the global community as a whole. As a result, apart from its effects in terms of healthcare, coronavirus impacts international relations by presenting new difficulties and providing opportunities. For India, the pandemic is a reason to...

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The American Government’s Ban on Tik-Tok

TikTok, the viral social network for creating and viewing short videos owned by the Beijing company ByteDance, is under the threat of potential prohibition in the United States, doubtful of their future operations in the country. The President’s administration assumed that the involvement of China imperils the US’s internal security....

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Authoritarian Leaders and US Foreign Policy

Introduction Governmental systems and government regimes have been developing throughout centuries. The nation needs the social processes within a community to be organized and controlled so that any citizen could feel safe and comfortable. However, the social, financial, cultural, industrial, and many other systems depend not only on how the...

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Is China’s Rise a Threat for the United States

Is the China Threat Real? It is a civilizational principle that states rise and fall. The current geopolitical picture of the world shows several patterns that China could become the next global hegemon. Such a development of events could lead to a conflict of interests between the US and Chinese...

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International Law and Politics in the Bin Laden Raid, 2011

Abstract The 2011 raid and murder of Bin Laden in Pakistan by the U.S. compels the question on the lawfulness of using intense military force to restrain one who presents a threat to nations. In this research paper, I demonstrate that Bin Laden’s killing was completed in a way utterly...

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The Concept of Conflict and Cooperation

Critical Writing In the current essay, the concepts of conflict and cooperation will be presented and discussed. They will be addressed in terms of whether we are a species doomed to self-destruction, as McNamara suggested, or human beings who have chances for peaceful coexistence. The present paper’s central argument is...

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Foreign Policy of the USA Discussion

The foreign policy relates to a country’s goals abroad and the approach it seeks to achieve them. In this regard, the United States invests substantially in international affairs, mainly through strengthening its nuclear arsenal and military power. According to Porter (2018), the U.S. spends the most significant share of its...

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An Analysis of Maritime Boundary Disputes Between Two States

Resources that are seen to have an economic value have been very instrumental in heightening territorial and frontier disputes. The situation is worsened even further if there happen to be islands on the shared waters because commonly any country would like to claim any island that falls around its borders...

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Canada’s Commitment to the Paris Agreement

Climate Change Issue The change in the planet’s climate has been a subject of heated debates for decades. During the middle of the twentieth century, human activity has started to change rapidly, as more and more resources were extracted from the earth and used for heating, manufacturing, and energy production....

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US Foreign Policy in the Middle East

Background The thorough criticism that the US foreign policy received within the last four years can be seen as an essential contribution to the idea that the Trump Doctrine could be actually considered one of the arguably worst foreign policies in the history of the United States. As soon as...

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Regional Security Cooperation in Ethiopia

Introduction The maintenance of peace and security is one of the crucial goals for all nations around the globe. Regarding their past experiences, mistakes, and achievements, the governments of many developed and developing countries underline the importance of security cooperation in regional organizations. After the Cold War and World War...

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Chinese and American involvement in Africa

Introduction The paper deals with the identification and discussion on Chinese and American involvements in Africa. It has been to resolve on the concern concentration intensity those nations have on the matter. The opposite and equating approaches and resulting insinuations of different strategies executed in Africa are decided. As a...

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Brazil and the European Union: The Relations

The relations between Brazil and the European Union (EU) were established in 1960 and since that time has developed into systematic and ongoing cooperation. Brazil has retained good relations with all European countries since the end of the colonial period, and the establishment of the EU helped to formalize the...

Words: 283 Pages: 1

The Impact of COVID-19 on China’s Foreign Policy

Introduction Foreign policy refers to the position taken by a country to promote its self-interest. Covid-19 has become a primary foreign policy concern for most countries because it influences the existing global trends. The pandemic has been mainly characterized by devastating socioeconomic, political, and geopolitical effects. The purpose of this...

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Bilateral Relation Between Mexico and USA

Abstract The essay explores the bilateral relationship that exists between Mexico and USA on issues concerning drugs and drug cartels. Drug business has been a major problem in Mexico for decades. Mexico cartels of drug traffickers have played a major role in the flow of drugs such as heroin, cocaine,...

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China and Taiwan Relations

Introduction The 1995 announcement of Taiwan to transform its governance from authoritarian rule to a self-governing style of authority was influenced by the discussions with the US. The result of this was the deterioration of the relationship that existed between China and Taiwan to an extent of using military force;...

Words: 2760 Pages: 11

Legalities on the Invasion of Iraq

Summary of the Facts On March 20, 2003, the United States Government, under the leadership of George Bush, invaded Iraq to overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein.1 The Bush administration used three main arguments for attacking Iraq; the first being the allegations that Saddam Hussein was connected to al Qaeda,...

Words: 2137 Pages: 8

Third World Countries Place in International Relations

General situation and compromising position of third world countries in the international trading system in post WW II an independence periods Disadvantageous position of third world countries in the international trading system in the post-second world war/post independence period is due to two major factors, first is the Debt crisis...

Words: 1954 Pages: 8

Pros and Cons of Canada’s Relationships With US

Background information Although the relationships between the US and Canada have remained cordial for the last three decades thereby working for the benefit of the two countries, it has come with its own share of downsides emanating from disputes, diplomatic differences, and trade imbalances that emerged from time to time...

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Violations of Palestinians Rights in Israel

Introduction Israel violations against Palestinians Two state resolution Problems to be solved by two state solutions Doubts and criticisms of the two state solution Conclusion Works cited Introduction The Israel-Palestine conflict has been characterized by a series of various events ranging form the emergence of armed struggles to periods of...

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United States Foreign Policy Styles and History

A foreign policy is a country’s independent strategy or outline of how a sovereign state will deal with the rest of the world or how it will conduct its international affairs; this may encompass such fields as military, economy, and politics. The contours of US foreign policymaking strategies were shaped...

Words: 2002 Pages: 8

Order of International Relations

The theory of international relations (IR) aims at providing conceptual models on which IR can be understood and analyzed in the understanding of happenings around the world. All the theories are essential and reductive on different extents and rely on different group of assumptions. The usefulness of an international theory...

Words: 620 Pages: 3

American Foreign Policy in Colombia

Abstract U.S foreign policy in Colombia came as a result of the massive consumption of illegal drug substances in the U.S. The United States saw this as another security threat after the communist wave. Colombia was the main source of the illegal drug trade with guerrillas, paramilitary forces, and government...

Words: 2132 Pages: 8