Humanitarian Intervention: Is More Harm Than Good?

Humanitarian interventions have become prevalent in today’s societies as the calamities facing society keep increasing. The involvement of external stakeholders, such as the military and relief organizations, is attributable to the knowledge that the world has a moral duty to safeguard humanity. However, in most cases, the humanitarian initiatives have failed to achieve their set target and instead caused substantial suffering. For instance, the sending of armed military contingents exacerbates the situation and might impede prompt conflict resolution. Therefore, the uncontrolled humanitarian action can cause harm to the affected communities, undermining the goal of the external forces involved in the situation.

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The strongest arguments supporting the motion include humanitarian interventions are applied selectively, with the small and isolated nations suffering the brunt. Secondly, humanitarian action fails to consider the complex nature of the situation at hand, such as the civil war in a country. The notable points against the motion include the resolution of humanitarian crisis helps restore order and law in the affected region. Neutrality in humanitarian action is crucial if success is to be realized in the initiative since it ensures everyone understands what is expected of them. The focus on the people when responding to a crisis ensures it addresses their needs and concerns.

In formulating a response to a humanitarian crisis, there is a need to understand the current situation’s cause and influences. The ability to separate humanitarian issues from political violence ensures the intervening forces are effective in their operations. For example, in responding to genocide in different countries, there is a need for the external forces, such as the military, to be neutral in their conduct and support the civilians affected by the incident. The outcome of the debate is surprising since I believe humanitarian interventions as currently constituted are problematic.

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DemoEssays. (2022, July 2). Humanitarian Intervention: Is More Harm Than Good?

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"Humanitarian Intervention: Is More Harm Than Good?" DemoEssays, 2 July 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Humanitarian Intervention: Is More Harm Than Good'. 2 July.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Humanitarian Intervention: Is More Harm Than Good?" July 2, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Humanitarian Intervention: Is More Harm Than Good?" July 2, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Humanitarian Intervention: Is More Harm Than Good?" July 2, 2022.