Deportees and Immigration Policy of the United States

The most critical policy issue in America today is the immigration policy. The previous Trump administration deported immigrants without proper documentation or those whose visas had expired. Although the policy was meant to protect the USA’s citizens, it broke many families, especially those of foreigners who already had children. In addition, the way the immigrants were deported violated human rights. The immigration policies are crucial today because the current government opposed how deportees were handled.

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The U.S. is also a country that attracts people from across the globe. This, therefore, implies that many people come to the country with the hope of having a good life. Besides, the country’s constitution upholds high standards of human life and dignity, which can be violated when deporting some people. The main problem to be solved is the handling of the deportees. According to The Society for Community Research and Action (2018), some people were deported to the wrong nations; hence their rights were violated. Therefore, the handling of deportees is an issue that should be tackled.


The Society for Community Research and Action. (2018). Statement on the effects of deportation and forced separation on immigrants, their families, and communities. American Journal of Community Psychology, 62(1-2), 3-12. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 27). Deportees and Immigration Policy of the United States.

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"Deportees and Immigration Policy of the United States." DemoEssays, 27 Dec. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Deportees and Immigration Policy of the United States'. 27 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Deportees and Immigration Policy of the United States." December 27, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Deportees and Immigration Policy of the United States." December 27, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Deportees and Immigration Policy of the United States." December 27, 2022.