International Relations – Barry Posen’s Views on Multipolarity and Robert Kagan’s

The development of international relations is the question that attracts the attention of many political scientists and historians. This paper is aimed at discussing the views expressed by Barry Posen and Robert Kagan who offer different evaluations such a trend as the decline of unipolarity. Both authors agree that the United States may face significant geopolitical competition. Yet, Barry Posen believes that the emergence of a multipolar world may not necessarily be a threat for America. More likely, this tendency will give rise to new geopolitical alliances. In his turn, Robert Kagan focuses on the challenges that the country can face because it may have to deal with undemocratic regimes. These are the main questions that should be discussed.

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First of all, Barry Posen believes that the attempts to construct a unipolar world have not been effective. For example, the policy, which is aimed at dominating international relations, can detrimentally affect the economic life of a country (Posen 576). To some degree, this problem affects the United States since this country has to spend a significant fraction of its GDP on its military strength. This is one of the aspects that can be identified. Additionally, some of the countries may try to increase the spheres of their influence. Furthermore, the decline of unipolarity implies that it may be necessary to form new political alliances (Posen 570). This is another challenge that should be overcome by American political leaders. However, Barry Posen believes the decline of the unipolar world should not be perceived only as a possible threat because other countries will not want to enter into direct competition with the United States (Posen 576). Currently, America has an opportunity to establish a set of alliances that will be important for the stability and security of international relations. In this way, policy-makers can make the transition to multipolarity less dangerous. Overall, Barry Posen outlines the possible strategies that diplomats can adopt in order to respond to the changes in the external environment.

In his turn, Robert Kagan notes that the United States still remains the world superpower. However, this scholar notes that political leaders should be aware of geopolitical changes that can affect various countries (Kagan 577). In particular, diplomats should be ready for possible competition staged by countries like China or Russia. Moreover, these countries can view the United States only as competitors (Kagan 577). This author believes that policy-makers should recognize the fact that the global democratic and liberal community has not been constructed. This is one of the aspects that can be identified. However, the acceptance of this fact is necessary for the effective development of U. S. foreign policies.

Overall, these scholars agree on the idea that the unipolar world may not exist for a long time. Barry Posen accepts the decline of unipolarity and urges policymakers to adjust to this change. In turn, Robert Kagan focuses on the possibility of a confrontation with the regimes that can be hostile towards the United States. This is one of the details that should be considered.

This discussion suggests that the development of international relations may take various forms. For example, this trend can contribute to the growing power of undemocratic regimes that may be opposed to the United States. However, the decline of unipolarity can lead the alliances that can strengthen international security. This is one of the issues that should be considered.


Kagan, Robert. “The Return of history.” International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues. Ed. Robert Art and Robert Jervis. New York: Pearson Education, Limited, 2011. 577-587. Print.

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Posen, Barry. “Emerging Multipolarity: Why Should We Care?” International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues. Ed. Robert Art and Robert Jervis. New York: Pearson Education, Limited, 2011. 570- 577. Print.

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DemoEssays. (2022, March 24). International Relations - Barry Posen’s Views on Multipolarity and Robert Kagan’s.

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"International Relations - Barry Posen’s Views on Multipolarity and Robert Kagan’s." DemoEssays, 24 Mar. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'International Relations - Barry Posen’s Views on Multipolarity and Robert Kagan’s'. 24 March.


DemoEssays. 2022. "International Relations - Barry Posen’s Views on Multipolarity and Robert Kagan’s." March 24, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "International Relations - Barry Posen’s Views on Multipolarity and Robert Kagan’s." March 24, 2022.


DemoEssays. "International Relations - Barry Posen’s Views on Multipolarity and Robert Kagan’s." March 24, 2022.