Energy and Efficiency Knowledge and Capabilities


The members’ states of Gulf cooperation council have endowed with abundance of natural resources and this has made most overlook issues relating energy efficiency materials and strategies to have renewable energy. The members’ states of Gulf cooperation council give preferential treatment to investors in the energy sector who hail from member countries. This is geared towards protection of the interests of the Gulf States agreements that considers cooperation among them. For this reason, Gulf cooperation council member states lags behind in renewable energy.

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Energy efficiency is a green concept achievable thorough observation of environmental friendly practices. It involves deriving the maximum possible benefit from energy consumed to meet a given object. As such energy efficiency leads to realization of energy optimization. In this regard it is possible to minimize cost through energy efficiency along the supply chain and therefore increase the profit margins. Reducing energy consumption reduces the production of greens house gases and pollutants and thus enhances the environment. This certainly enhances the relationship between the community and the organization.

Government support and initiatives

If the government, the whole society, and the globe support energy conservation, then big changes would be seen. The government greatly affects what people do. It can therefore influence citizens to conserve energy. Government can use mass media to inform the public of possible consequences if they do not heed to the call to conserve energy. This will enable many people to change on the way they live so that energy problem could be solved. If the society is also informed about the issue, no one would want to lag behind in the conservation. Globally, if everyone would have an input on the conservation, then the world would be a nice and safe place to live in.

The governments of Gulf cooperation council have undertaken adjustment policies including deregulating some industries support energy efficient. Deregulation is core to the environment sustainability and since deregulation; it has experienced massive capital investment in renewable. The aim is to promote environmentally sound, economically fruitful, behaviorally suitable, and thoroughly responsible development is to serve as a model for other areas’ improvement. The emphasis of this programs is on wide-ranging utilization of natural resources, all-inclusive management of environment, and comprehensive advancement of people through introduction of technology, integrative ecological development, and capability building

Suppliers own initiatives

Suppliers help in creating scientific forums to discuss issues relating to the environment and how to produce energy efficient products. It attracts diverse scientific knowledge and research findings that could help populations like those of Evansville to adopt environmentally viable development strategies. The global community can also help push for creation of policies meant to protect the earth’s atmosphere from degradations caused by release of chemicals such as is experienced by the communities of Gulf cooperation council.

Suppliers support and initiatives is required to aid participation in environmental clean ups as well as in environmental campaigns. This is best achieved when both government and suppliers conduct Suppliers outreach programs. The community acts as the best tool to implement sustainable environmental programs. The Suppliers also helps highlight the environmental challenges and lobby for change. It will also produce willing individuals who will study environmental issues at professional levels and utilize the skills in sustaining their ecosystems. The Suppliers will also be very instrumental in electing leaders who are keen to work for environmental conservation

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Gulf cooperation council governments Action

The first action item includes collecting significant data on air pollution in the region to gain a clear insight and a meaningful basis for seeking to push for sustainable environmental programs. With this information, it will also be possible to understand the existing impact of industrial air pollution on the community. This process will take one month to carry out and the action step will involve working with the Gulf cooperation council Environmental Protection Agency to produce a regional environmental report.

Second, the plan will seek to work with each member country Environmental Protection Agency to implement air cleaning programs under the United Nations Development Program. The action step will take one month and will involve putting in place implementation strategies. Third, the action will undertake environmental audits on the industries to check their compliance. The action step will take three weeks and will involve inspecting compliance to reduced industrial air emissions(Gonzalez, 2005).

The fourth item will be to institute and carry out community involvement programs that entrench air pollution awareness and education. The action step will be to carry out community engagement programs targeting the local authorities, populations, industries and other stakeholders. This process will take a period of one month to implement. The fifth action item includes prioritizing the environmental issues that keep emerging to aid future policy formulation on environmental sustainability and will take one week. The action step is to institute actions on noncompliant industries. The sixth action item is to institute regular meetings among stakeholders. The stakeholders will meet biannually to evaluate progress and plan for future protection strategies.

Hindrances and ways to overcome

It is quite challenging for environmental strategies incorporated in the action plans of Gulf cooperation council member states to strike a balance between promoting environmental sustainability and promoting economic stability and industry in their countries. Measures put in place to handle any emerging environmental issues also face the challenges of handling the complaints presented by the urban residents. This is because the urban community of their towns is growing fast and is characterized by conflicting business, industry and residential boundaries. The government will also face the challenge of having to transcend the legislative provisions for environmental management in order to protect the environment and the communities in it.

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Most people feel that this is not a big issue affecting them now and therefore, there should be no worry about it(Saxby, Parker, Nitse and Dishman, 2002).


In order to safeguard the civic fitness and protection and guarantee a good quality of life, Gulf cooperation council should support the most lucrative and ecologically acceptable policies, also comprising of concern of universal climatic change. The Gulf cooperation council furthermore will work to make sure that low-earning individuals do not undergo unbalanced difficult effects from the growth of new energy infrastructures.

The achievement of energy efficiency programs has had an impact upon the energy efficiency awareness in Gulf cooperation council member states. There are opportunities in Gulf cooperation council member states global community to help and supply energy efficient materials as well as train local population importance of renewable energy.

It appears that some Gulf cooperation council member states are reaping some success in its environmental efforts through the protection. Gulf cooperation council sustainable development tries to re-impose the state economic planning, which is actually the state planning of people’s lives under the guise of environmental protection; this would further harm the environment, aggravate poverty, and hurt the future generations.

Reference List

Gonzalez, G., 2005. The politics of air pollution: urban growth, ecological modernization, and symbolic inclusion. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Saxby, C., Parker, K., Nitse, P., Dishman P., 2002. Environmental scanning and organizational culture. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 20 (1): 28-34.

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DemoEssays. (2022, April 9). Energy and Efficiency Knowledge and Capabilities.

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DemoEssays. (2022) 'Energy and Efficiency Knowledge and Capabilities'. 9 April.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Energy and Efficiency Knowledge and Capabilities." April 9, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Energy and Efficiency Knowledge and Capabilities." April 9, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Energy and Efficiency Knowledge and Capabilities." April 9, 2022.