Politics Essay Examples for Free - Page 14

Our free political essay examples database is here to help you with your studies. All the samples are written by straight-A students.

Governmental Authority and Constitutional Foundations

Biblical Worldview As a starting point for research, one should take Exodus from the second book of the Old Testament. First, it legally accurately reproduces the Ten Commandments (King James Version, 2017, Ex. 20:2-17), and generally presents binding norms of behavior in a systematic form (King James Version, 2017, Ex....

Words: 287 Pages: 1
Capital Punishment

Talk About the Death Penalty

One of the cruelest punishments in human history is the death penalty. This judgment has been known to society since biblical times. The event’s roots date back to ancient times when the custom of blood feuds was widespread. During this period of human history, the torturer of evil was destroyed...

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The Purpose of the Government

Human civilizations require orderly systems to function, and for people to prosper. Governments are a universal factor across the whole globe regardless of culture. Some governments fall under authoritarian style when others follow a democratic route. Although some may argue that existence of governments is unnecessary and even harmful to...

Words: 291 Pages: 1
Political Theory

Development of Policy-Making Models

An excellent policy must first get the passageway onto the political plan where there are contending speculations on how issues work towards the plan. Educational and healthcare problems, which remain burning issues in the contemporary world, have come a long way in consideration by American politicians. A good example of...

Words: 936 Pages: 3

Effect of Non-State Actors on the International System

Non-state actors encompass individuals and organizations that are not connected with, directed by, or sponsored through the state government. They include NGOs, armed resistance groups, paramilitary, cyber-criminals, private financial organizations, and corporations.1 Moreover, non-state actors’ ideas are well comprehended by incorporating any other entity that is not a state but...

Words: 1019 Pages: 4
Political Ideology

The Views of Smith and Marx in Their Works

Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations is a work which ultimately allowed people to become familiar at least at a basic level with how free-market economies work. The concept of the “invisible hand,” which Smith described in the book, outlines how individuals can unknowingly contribute to society’s well-being through personal efforts....

Words: 298 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Educational Policies on Internal and Local Populations

Introduction Education is one of the critical sectors in every nation since it primarily impacts development and growth. Many states have ensured that they implement strategies to improve their education sector. For instance, educational policies have been introduced in many states and can impact the academic industry in various ways,...

Words: 914 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Healthcare Allocation Policy and Implications

Introduction The notion of healthcare has always been one of the most discussed issues in terms of policy introduction and administration. Moreover, when speaking of the modern context of healthcare perception in circumstances of the ongoing global pandemic outbreak, it is of paramount importance to reconsider the overall approach to...

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Public Policy

American Political Development

Introduction The changing times result in a change in public policy, which is the tool of the state for solving problems and issues arising during governance. New governments coming in equally result in the evolution of policy due to the shift in power and authority. The onset of the 20th...

Words: 2594 Pages: 9
Public Policy

Public Policy for Social Change

In a democratic society, among all the available options, public policy is the most suitable tool to facilitate tangible and lasting social change. A public policy refers to laws or rules enforced by certain governmental bodies to facilitate programs or regulations affecting a specific population or social area. It is...

Words: 275 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

Difference Between Liberal and Marxist Understandings of Human Freedom

Liberalism and Marxism are comparative theoretical perspectives on human freedom that has sparked debates in education. However, differentiating between the two models is challenging. Liberalism involves the ideology, political construct, and philosophy indicating that a person’s freedoms form the legal base of the society and economic order. Liberalism aims to...

Words: 985 Pages: 4

Australian Federal Government and Its Viability in the 21st Century

Over a century as a nation, Australia has grown and cemented as a Federal Commonwealth inside its basic constitutional framework, but in ways that the founders could not have imagined. The constitutional text lays forth the Federal Commonwealth’s institutional framework, with the first and most important chapter dealing with Parliament...

Words: 1375 Pages: 5

Leadership Qualities of Bill de Blasio and Andrew Cuomo

Introduction According to the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a staggering 203,000 people tested positive for the coronavirus during the first three month of the novice pandemic (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2020). Leaders’ behaviors and choices can have a profound impact on various...

Words: 392 Pages: 1

The Life of Colin Luther Powell

Colin Luther Powell is among the most well-known and well-respected politicians of the United States, who is also a general with four stars and a highly experienced diplomat. He was born in the South Bronx of New York City in 1937, and he was raised by his immigrant Jamaican parents...

Words: 603 Pages: 2

The Obama and Trump Administrations Compared

The United States has had 46 presidents, including the current one, Joe Biden. These presidents have played an essential role in the growth and development of the United States. Whereas Barrack Obama and Donald Trump’s leadership seem similar, they are different in several ways, and the difference is vital in...

Words: 678 Pages: 2

The Negativity of Clinton’s Presidency: Annotated Bibliography

Summary The president of any nation is assigned powers and authority by the constitution to be the leader of several bodies in the country. The president has an obligation to sign bills, implement the laws passed by Congress, to be the commander-in-chief, amongst other vital roles to protect the common...

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The Teapot Dome Scandal Analysis

Teapot Dome Scandal is one of the most outrageous situations of unprecedented avidity and corruption in the U.S., which occurred in the 1920s. It was referred to as the most scandalous instance of bribery, after the Watergate Scandal, in the history of American politics. The event started decades ago when...

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Government Member Roudelyne Nogar’s Biography

Roudelyne Nogar Jean currently serves as the Consul General of Haiti in Atlanta (“Caribbean women,” n.d.). In the current position, she serves as the representative of the island in the United States since many local residents visit Haiti for vacations. The primary responsibilities of Jean include overseeing and managing rights...

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Federalism in the United States of America

In the United States of America, local, state, and national levels of government can be distinguished. The U.S. adopted the federalist system with all three layers enjoying jurisdictions in the same territory. Different states emerged as a result of separate colonies merging into a federalist system. Initially, states and federal...

Words: 621 Pages: 2

Analysis of Life of Otto Von Bismarck

Introduction Otto Von Bismarck is a significant political leader in modern Germany. He was the first iron chancellor who unified the nation through effective leadership. Otto Von Bismarck was a master strategist who initiated decisive wars that realized the unification of the 39 independent German states. He introduced progressive reforms...

Words: 831 Pages: 3
Public Administration

Government Legislation for Educational Institutions

Introduction The US government legislation has led to the formulation of laws that impact educational institutions, especially in the area of academic performance. Government legislation acts mainly define how educational institutions functions and guides their operations. The legislation creates a standard of quality for learning and safety as well as...

Words: 886 Pages: 3
Public Administration

The Relationship Between Prostitution Non-legalization and AIDS Infections in the USA

Prostitution is regarded as one of the world’s oldest profession. Subsequently, the laws that prevent prostitutions are the government oldest forms of government regulations and discriminations. It is believed that in a free society such laws are biased since they curtail the freedom of those people that practice prostitutions. Prostitution...

Words: 836 Pages: 3
Public Administration

To What Extent Is Gentrification Evident in Brixton

Introduction Gentrification is one of the strongest accounts of the 21st urbanisation process, and the concept of Gentrification has informed the development of new urbanism. Gentrification is the process whereby the working classes in London have been displaced by the upper and lower middle class. In most part of London,...

Words: 2002 Pages: 8
Public Administration

Reforming Public Personnel Administration

Human resource management emphasizes management practices, policies, and needs. As such, oversight of organizational outcome and performance management are the main public personnel administration functions. For organizations to attain their goals, such as ensuring their services and goods are efficiently and effectively produced, they have to try and eliminate political-related...

Words: 537 Pages: 2
Public Administration

Public Education Budget Shortage Analysis

Introduction Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated measures, government revenues have been falling, leading to budget deficits. To compensate for this damage, lawmakers have implemented funding cuts across various agencies, requiring them to work within the newly imposed limitations. Missouri’s schools are among the institutions...

Words: 851 Pages: 3
Public Administration

National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Life Cycle

This paper will discuss the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in terms of Anthony Downs’ “The Life Cycle of Bureaus” and Max Weber’s characteristics of bureaucracy. According to Downs, government agencies go through eight stages of development: birth, dominance by advocates, struggle for autonomy, struggle for support, rapid growth, deceleration,...

Words: 387 Pages: 1
Public Administration

The National Response Framework and the All-Hazards Approach

Evolving of National Response Framework Every hazardous situation places the nation and its residents at significant risk and disadvantage in accessing vital resources. To bridge the gap between national needs and disaster complications, national governments establish flexible, proactive frameworks that allow various institutions to intervene early during a hazard (Federal...

Words: 369 Pages: 1
Public Administration

Engagement and Retention of Millennials in the Public Sector

Introduction The issue of engaging and retaining millennials and Generation Z in the public sector’s workforce has attracted attention for the past few years. Scholars and experts believe that this group of employees pose specific challenges because they are harder to manage than older generations. Even in the media, the...

Words: 2216 Pages: 8
Military Leadership

Analysis of Policing in the United States

Introduction The important thing of every government and society, in general, is safety. And safety cannot exist without proper law enforcement set in place. Therefore, the main aim of police as a system is to provide comfort and security to the country’s citizens and protect them if they require it....

Words: 681 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Aspects of Army Leadership

Introduction An essential part of a successful military operation is leadership, which addresses diverse factors and utilizes several techniques and methods. There is three main leadership levels, direct, organizational, and strategic leadership. Direct leadership takes place between a leader and a small group or an individual. Organizational leaders control from...

Words: 326 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

The Foundations of Army Leadership

Army leadership presents itself as a mixture of several unique leadership styles. It is based on the strict hierarchical structures implied in armies around the globe. The traits identical for the majority of Army leaders involve high professionalism, integrity, and ability to cooperate with their subordinates to reach efficient teamwork....

Words: 834 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Why We Should Have One Year of Mandatory Military Service

Military service is a type of federal public service, which is the professional service activity of citizens in military positions. The difference between military service and other types of public service is the obligatory taking of the oath by military personnel. The main task of conscription is constant, purposeful preparation...

Words: 1665 Pages: 6
Military Leadership

The Foundation of Army Leadership and Emerging Challenges

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to discuss the foundation of Army leadership. This notion means the responsibility of officers to timely address emerging challenges. It also implies accomplishing the mission and achieving goals in the long run. Therefore, leaders are accountable for the outcomes of their actions. Besides,...

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Military Leadership

Army Leadership Competencies

In the challenging complexity of the modern world, the Army needs competent leaders of strong character, because they provide an example for other soldiers to follow. To give direction and motivation to their superiors, peers and subordinates, leaders have to introduce the elements of the Army Leadership Model into their...

Words: 832 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Barriers to Peace from the Israeli Perspective

In the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, one of the main barriers to peace from the Israeli perspective is its unwillingness to compromise over occupied territory. The Israelis subscribe to the messianic belief that the territorial assets belong to them and as such, victory in the Arab-Israeli war fulfilled Jewish destiny (Bunton 2013)....

Words: 610 Pages: 2
Public Administration

Plutocratic Type of Governance, Based on Reich’s Book

Plutocracy is a type of governance under the exclusive control of wealthy people. This concept has existed since the Roman Empire, in which the wealthy had the power to elect administrative officials and come up with new policies. Reich’s arguments illustrate that the wealthy have to exercise their power and...

Words: 319 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Pros and Cons of Body Cameras from the Public and Officer Perspectives

Introduction Body cameras worn by police officers have changed the landscape in the profession of law enforcement. However, the subject has remained controversial, which is arguably the reason why some departments are just beginning to embrace the gear. In a news article by Pruitt-Young (2021), federal officers have now been...

Words: 1383 Pages: 5
Political Theory

Democratic and Authoritarian States

Introduction Democracy and authoritarianism are extremely different forms of government and can be mutually exclusive in particular contexts. In the modern world, states vary based on the degree of democratization, which finds reflection in their economic and political strategies and approaches to the limits of individual freedom. This essay seeks...

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Law Enforcement

Organizational Change Management in Criminal Justice Institutions

Introduction The given case illustrates several issues of private prison change management that I, as a consultant, have to face. The two facilities under consideration lack discipline and are challenged with alarming staff turnover rates. There is a discrepancy between the staff’s capabilities and management procedures in one of the...

Words: 1394 Pages: 5
Political Theory

Parliamentary Sovereignty in the United Kingdom: Pre- and Post-Brexit

Introduction The exit of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU), commonly referred to as Brexit, was one of the country’s most divisive political decisions of the last decade. The United Kingdom European Union membership referendum held on June 23rd, 2016, effectively commenced a transition period that ended...

Words: 1499 Pages: 5
Law Enforcement

Defunding the Police: A Critical Review of the Literature

Introduction The growing concerns regarding the problem of police violence, especially towards minorities, were triggered by a series of murders over the past years. This threat to the wellbeing of corresponding population groups was well studied by scholars who attempted to examine the matter from different perspectives. Although this issue...

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Law Enforcement

Policing Principles by Sir Robert Peels

In 1829, Sir Robert Peel’s proposed ideals that were effective in ensuring collective peace and welfare under the constitution. The principles are still applicable, and they are used in community policing organizations and law enforcement agencies. While the principles are not formally recognized as an ethical code, they are focused...

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Law Enforcement

Drug Law Enforcement: The Challenges, Federal and State Statutes on Drugs

Introduction In this paper, I will present the findings of an interview I had with a Federal drug law enforcement officer about the challenges of enforcing existing laws relating to the sale and consumption of illegal drugs in the United States. Discussions also explored possible solutions that could improve their...

Words: 1565 Pages: 8
Military Leadership

Comparison and Contrast between Servant Leadership and Followership

Introduction Servant leadership and followership are two distinct principles that current senior United States (US) army officers use with their juniors in their daily operations. Since the army functions as a unit, its leaders cannot handle all military activities without the assistance of lower-ranking officials. Soldiers build and develop their...

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Public Policy

The Stages of the Policy Life Cycle

The process of initiatives’ implementation at the state level is a complicated task for the present-day activists. It implies the participation of numerous actors as well as following the pre-defined procedure complying with legislative frameworks. Therefore, to demonstrate this aspect of societal impact, this paper aims to consider the stages...

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Public Policy

Revision Strategies Essay: Concerned Citizen

An essay by a “concerned citizen” intends to identify and discuss the controversy behind the United States government’s decision to discontinue funding the World Health Organization (WHO). Such a move is based on Donald Trump’s administration’s suspicions against the specialized United Nations agency (Horton 1330). The latter was accused of...

Words: 670 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector

The public policy can be redirected dynamically to reduce healthcare costs while boosting longevity and quality of life. One of the strategies to regulate healthcare services’ cost is implementing policies that restrict physicians’ compensation. One of the loops in the United States of America healthcare system is the loose measures...

Words: 868 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Joining the Imperialist Club in the US

On the one hand, the proponents of imperialism in the United States had many strong arguments. Without any doubt, the most powerful of them was that international trade could create many economic opportunities, which would largely contribute to the nation’s progress. The country produced great numbers of industrial and commercial...

Words: 282 Pages: 1
Public Policy

The Role of Religion, Morality, and Worldview in the Shaping of Public Policies

The government of any country has many responsibilities to its people. One such authority is to provide parameters and guidelines for the appropriate behavior of the citizens. The government enacts policies to address urgent issues, facilitate desirable actions, and respond to the needs of its residents. This paper will argue...

Words: 616 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Opioid Crisis and Drug Policy in Ohio

Introduction The topic of drug and drug policy can be traced back to the colonial era when the government had taken responsibility for regulating the consumption of drugs, both legal and illicit. In the United States, the fight against illegal drugs has already been described as a failure considering that...

Words: 4186 Pages: 15
Public Policy

Major Shifts in African Americans’ Issue

Diversity is supposed to be the US’s fundamental strength. The data show that the nation will continue to become progressively more diverse. However, different political and social groups translate contradicting views on the problem, as seen in the actions of Obama’s and Trump’s administrations. As a fact, Obama clearly stated...

Words: 872 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The Foundation of Army Leadership

Introduction Military policy is an essential element of general political and foreign administration activities aimed at ensuring national security of the state, prevention of wars and armed conflicts, strengthening strategic stability. It is determined by considering a state’s national interests and economic, social, diplomatic, and other capabilities. Army leadership is...

Words: 946 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

Security and Regulatory Measures: Application of Security Vulnerability Assessment

A Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) is a useful tool for international banking because this field requires powerful measures of security control. International banks depend on their digital systems, must comply with regulatory standards to avoid fines and bans, and should satisfy their customers’ demands to maintain competitiveness. They should respond...

Words: 664 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Public Policy: Public Policy Submission

Introduction Public policy is important in addressing public issues that affect the population and help improve the situation. Public issues often affect a large portion of the population, making it hard for them to live in a comfortable way. Homelessness is a major public issue in Australia, as evident by...

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Political Ideology

Spread of Capitalism, Imperialism and Globalization

Capitalism started in Europe, specifically in England due to the weak feudal system, which gave peasants land rights and the bargaining power to dictate market trends for agricultural produce based on forces of demand and supply. Competition among peasants created room for job specialization and improved productivity, thus allowing farmers...

Words: 570 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Just War Theory: The Conflict in Iraq

The just war theory is an idea from military ethics, theology, and political philosophy. The revival of the just war theory relates to the desire to find objective moral criteria of justification for the armed force. The primary goal of the concept is to provide a morally justifiable reason for...

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Political Ideology

Creating a Presidential Campaign Plan in the US

My home state is Maryland, and I represent the Republican Party. My campaign slogan is “It’s always been a matter of trust”. It is a line from the theme song I will use, called “A Matter of Trust” by Billy Joel. I chose this song because I do believe that...

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Political Ideology

Nuclear Waste Storage in Nevada

One of the most pressing problems of the state of Nevada is the disposal of nuclear waste, the history of which dates back to the days of the Cold War. Fierce disputes are due to constructing the only US repository for spent nuclear fuel in the Yucca Mountains of Nevada....

Words: 357 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

2019 China Military Power Report Description

The China military report is a formal report that gives a yearly account of military and security developments that the people of China are undertaking. The report gives track the development and evaluate how the development influences both Chinese and the world population. Typically, this kind of report addresses many...

Words: 312 Pages: 1

Disseminating the Presidency of Obama and Trump

Summary The United States has had 46 presidents, including the current one, Joe Biden. These presidents have played an essential role in the growth and development of the United States. Whereas Barrack Obama and Donald Trump’s leadership seem similar, they are different in several ways, and the difference is important...

Words: 783 Pages: 3

The Duty to Defy Unjust Laws

Unfortunately, no government can be considered a flawless system that defends the civil rights of every citizen. There are always a vast number of problems that cannot be solved without debates or even political crimes. Therefore, being a citizen means to stand up for oneself, fight against injustice, and never...

Words: 544 Pages: 2

Power and Limitations of the US Judicial Branch

The judicial branch is one of the constituent elements of the federal government of the United States. This branch is constitutionally mandated to interpret the law, not only for the other two arms of government, but also for the citizens of the United States. This, by default, gives the judiciary...

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The First Amendment: Freedom of Speech and Press

The First Amendment is a highly important legislative element of the United States Constitution, which protects two major institutions and rights. It explicitly protects people’s freedom of speech and the press as the main channels of distribution of information. Although it was intended to do so, the history of the...

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Vice-President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s Leadership Style

Introduction Emotional and cultural intelligence have become sought-after qualities in modern leaders. Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined as the ability to be aware of, control, and express emotions (Darvishmotevali, Altinay, and De Vita, 2018, p. 34). Emotional intelligence (EI) comes with essential elements: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management....

Words: 1534 Pages: 6

Colin Powell’s Political and Military Leadership

Introduction Colin Powell is considered to be one of the world’s most impactful leaders. He worked with presidents from both sides of the divide to ensure the nation progressed. The General was born in Harlem in 1937 to Jamaican immigrant parents who placed emphasis on the need for personal achievement...

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Representation in American Congress

Representation of different populations in politics in other spheres of public life is increasingly important. It allows minority groups to express their opinions, address their needs in a safer environment, and feel more validated in the wider community. Representation of various groups in the United States Congress can illustrate the...

Words: 637 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Discussion of Authoritarianism in Modern World

It is agreeable on what conservatives argue about many liberals adopting the norm of political correctness. Senator Tim Scott’s opinion on woke supremacy raised concerns about what is right or wrong on social matters (Sandys, 2021). The senator, who criticized the notion that being in a particular political movement guarantees...

Words: 303 Pages: 1

Public Procurement and Government Contracts

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is an essential set of regulatory laws that help manage government actions in public procurement. It contains uniform rules for all federal agencies applicable to the process of acquiring goods and services. Uniform regulations and operations make the process transparent and fair. Part 9 Contractor Qualifications...

Words: 854 Pages: 3

Bolivian President Evo Morales as a Non-Western Leader

A president’s leadership competence determines the progressive growth of an economy and a country’s social development. The political experience of an individual helps enhance standards of living among public members. Nevertheless, this case analysis evaluates former Bolivian President Evo Morales, who resigned after the country’s general elections in 2019 (Rogatyuk,...

Words: 578 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Sexual Assault in the US Army

The issue of sexual assault persists in the ranks of the American armed forces. Thousands of military personnel fall victim to harassment and discrimination every year. In the past decade, complaints of sexual violence in the US military have increased. Previously, the US authorities have already admitted the existence of...

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Military Leadership

The Opium Wars and Taiping Rebellion in China

The Opium Wars and Taiping Rebellion are significant events in China’s history. They took many people’s lives and severely influenced the Chinese economy. The West was rapidly expanding in the 19th century, trying to make China a part of the world economy, yet the Chinese did not see benefits in...

Words: 877 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

The Constitution as a Controversial Document

Introduction In 1776, Scottish political economist Adam Smith discussed “Mercantilism” in his book called “The Wealth of Nations.” Here he argues that Mercantilism represents a theory standing for a nation to gain economic power; the state needs to export more than it imports. When Stuarts came to rule, the new...

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Political Ideology

CSR Campaigns Used in the UAE

As the effectiveness of CSR practices has been previously analyzed for Western countries with regard to their economies, it was necessary to see how effective such practices can be for developing economies such as one the United Arab Emirates. As a result of the research, I enhanced my understanding of...

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The Nixon Administration Events

The Watergate scandal is the most famous event associated with the presidency of Richard Nixon. However, he was in power from 1969 to 1974, during which there were other significant episodes. First of all, in April 1989, he proposed to consolidate federal funds. This initiative implies the formation of a...

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Analysis of Henry Myers Speech on Motion Pictures

The ability of media sources to impact individuals and societies has long attracted people’s attention. They can inspire good deeds, cultivate strong characters and promote mutual understanding. However, they also can be reasons behind delinquent behavior, destructive values, and the rise of hate and mistrust among the citizens. Therefore, there...

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Political Theory

As Pandemic Spread Pain and Panic, Congressman Chased Profit

In As Pandemic Spread Pain and Panic, Congressman Chased Profit (2021), Associated Press criticizes the hypocrisy of a certain U.S. Congressman. The article explains how Republican Congressman Tom Malinowski, despite his heated scolding of those who take advantage of the insider information for their stock trading, used this very data...

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Political Theory

Analysis of the Killing of Osama Bin-Laden

The death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs elicited a range of reactions, from spontaneous public displays of joy to severe reservations about its legality. According to Margolies, “politicians, historians, legal scholars, and even a few talking heads have begun asking new questions about aspects...

Words: 752 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Colin Powell: Military Operations vs. Army Values

All professional and military establishments have specific sets of guidelines and values that govern their members’ work and behaviors. In the Army, there are seven core values that all leaders and soldiers adhere to loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. However, there have been cases when...

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Public Policy

Temporary Aid to Needy Families

Introduction Racial disparities remain a topical issue in the United States, despite recent efforts aimed at equality. This problem is systemic, and its development is observed across history. Accordingly, structural racism affects many people, but families in need, especially their children, are particularly vulnerable. The institute of welfare is widely...

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Political Theory

Weber’s Public Administration Theory

Introduction The study of public administration problems is reflected in various branches of social science, including political science, sociology, jurisprudence, economics, and history. In a broad sense, public administration is understood as the practical, organizing, and regulating influence of the state on people’s public and private life for its ordering,...

Words: 2184 Pages: 8
Political Theory

Capitalism and Socialism in the Modern World

The economy has always been an integral part of society. However, it has changed substantially over the course of its existence, shifting towards a global economy with few large corporations dominating the international market. This discussion post will focus on capitalism and socialism as two primary economic models and their...

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Military Leadership

The Civil-Military Relations in the US and Russia

The military is an essential institution for every nation which wants to ensure the security and integrity of its borders. Every year, countries spend billions of dollars on maintaining their armies and providing them with the latest technological solutions and modern arms. The United States of America and Russia are...

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Political Theory

National Census: Why Is It So Important?

A population census is an essential tool applied in various spheres of society. The census is critical to determine the number of people who will participate in elections. The census is also extremely important for identifying health risks or compiling statistics on national economic tendencies. Such statistics can be helpful...

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Military Leadership

Mental Health Counseling for Police Officers

Police officers frequently deal with situations that could negatively affect their mental health and emotional stability. The study conducted by Fox et al. (2012) reveals that out of 150 examined police officers, less than half seek help from a psychologist, 19 percent suffer from alcohol abuse, 24 percent have post-traumatic...

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Political Ideology

The Significance of Labor Unions

The emergence of labor unions is a factor that renders a significant impact on the management of organizations. The workers’ confederation is an institutional entity based on democratic practice. In this case, the officials in the alliance get elected to the position as representatives of the members. Over the decades,...

Words: 835 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Role of Religion, Morality, and Worldview in the Creation of Public Policy

The interaction of religion, moral life, worldview, and politics is one of the most critical problems in any state. Various aspects influence people’s decisions due to the personal beliefs and cultural views of an individual. Depending on certain assumptions caused by a spiritual direction or a general outlook on life,...

Words: 554 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The Effectiveness of the United Nations’ Peacekeeping Mission Armed Conflicts

Peacekeeping practices are of the utmost importance in managing international political relationships across the nations. The United Nations (UN) is the intergovernmental alliance responsible for maintaining global peace and security, nurturing amicable relationships among parties involved, and building international collaboration. The essential contribution of the United Nations was made into...

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Military Leadership

Should the US Government Reduce Military Funding?

The military budget of the United States of America has long been of an immense amount. For example, according to the data mentioned in the article from Scientific American, the annual spending on arms, army maintenance, and social aid for veterans constitute $826 billion (Negin, 2020, para. 3). This number...

Words: 574 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Foundations of U.S. Army Leadership

From an institutional perspective, the Army differs from other organizations because its security and ability to complete tasks depend on subordination. Moreover, people in the Army are often placed in dangerous environments, where they can be wounded or killed. To ensure that the United States Army can achieve its goals,...

Words: 826 Pages: 3
Political Theory

The First Amendment in Modern Society

The Founding Fathers have outlined the crucial rights that allowed Americans to build a country that became a world leader. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, for example, outlines the boundaries of governmental intervention in the social activities of U.S. citizens. The First Amendment is designed to disallow the...

Words: 840 Pages: 3
Public Policy

New Jersey Educational Leadership Policy Formulation and Implementation

Introduction Students’ success depends on education policies put in place by the state officers and teachers. Learners come from an economically diverse background which may adversely affect the education policies set to govern student and teacher conduct. Diversity hinders the realization of the set goals and objectives in New Jersey....

Words: 885 Pages: 3

What Joe Biden has Done in His First One-Hundred Days as the President

Effects of President Biden’s Administration on Domestic Policy The domestic policy covers several areas, including health care, law enforcement, money and taxes, natural resources, business, education, and energy. The strategies include the American rescue plan, American jobs plan, and American families’ plan. American Rescue Plan COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the...

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Federal System in the United States

States’ Rights The Constitution gives the United States federal government some sovereignty over states and American citizens. Federalism is “a political system in which the national government shares power with local governments” (Scardino 49). The federal system is characterized by shared responsibility between the state and federal governments. In this...

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Military Leadership

The Importance of Establishing Private Military Company

These days, when the war is introduced to society literally as the act of an affair, it is crucial to adequately distribute the national needs in the army inventories. As many people know, when the nation establishes a “war economy,” all the industry works to satisfy special war demands. In...

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Law Enforcement

The Ethic of Care Principle in Community Policing

Introduction Law enforcement agencies have been criticized for their inability to quell crime due to the prevalence of unfair practices. The targeting of minority communities and the resultant loss of life due to the ruthless application of the law has alienated the police from the communities they serve. Consequently, people...

Words: 860 Pages: 3
Political Theory

Supreme Court Enters a New Era of Personal Accusation and Finger-Pointing

Biskupic claims in her analytical article Supreme Court Enters a New Era of Personal Accusation and Finger-Pointing (21 May 2021) that the Supreme Court Justices’ extensive mutual criticism reached a new level, which directly correlates with the current political climate. The Justices had been long known to confront each other...

Words: 297 Pages: 1
Political Theory

Lobbying, Lawmakers, and Their Contribution to Inequality

Introduction The year 2020 has been challenging for many reasons, but the most prominent ones are the increased number of protests that indicate dissatisfaction with the current situation and the nationwide stress from the COVID-19 lockdown. The recent political events in the United States left the nation more divided than...

Words: 2034 Pages: 7
Public Policy

Changing Employment Sector in Public Administration

Chapter ten in this module has been useful in comprehending vital social concepts and public administration policies of employment in the U.S. Personnel working for profit-making entities are entitled to employment benefits, including medical covers and family leaves. Similarly, there is standardized legislation that regulates business practices in the employment...

Words: 608 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Trade Adjustment Assistance Policy in the US

Introduction The evolution of technology enables more advanced means of communication and transportation, strengthening the trade relations between nations. Easier international trade has its advantages on the macroeconomic scale, as it ensures a stable supply of products and services capable of meeting the growing demand of the public. Consequently, countries...

Words: 2040 Pages: 7
Public Policy

Health, Wealth, and Happiness: Government’s Responsibility

One of the principal challenges of the present-day countries is the provision of essential benefits to their citizens and respect for their rights. These considerations frequently conflict with the policies conducted by the governments. Subsequently, a threat to the people’s wellbeing appears, and additional actions are required for its elimination....

Words: 833 Pages: 3
Public Policy

How Language Influences Modern-Day US Politics

Language has always played a crucial role in US politics. It was particularly evident during World War II and the subsequent Cold War when politicians obfuscated certain domestic events, such as the internment of Japanese-Americans, and rallied the population against the USSR. Nowadays, in the age of social media, language...

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