Politics Essay Examples for Free - Page 13

Our free political essay examples database is here to help you with your studies. All the samples are written by straight-A students.
International Relations

Water and Its Influence on Political Power

Introduction Water, oil, and gas have historically been important resources for every country in the world. They provide workability and living conditions for the population. Water can be used for various purposes, but the main one is drinking. At the same time, the percentage of drinking water on earth is...

Words: 323 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Body-Worn Cameras and How They Affect Law Enforcement Leaders

Introduction First American police forces were primarily influenced by those in England. American law enforcement organizations borrowed from London’s first modern police agency, crime control and prevention missions, preventative patrol strategies, and quasi-military organizational designs. Along with these three components, American policing adopted additional aspects of British policing, such as...

Words: 2298 Pages: 8

Dato Ir. Alice Jawan on Indigenous Women Empowerment

Doctor Alice Jawan is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Utilities Sarawak, previously known as Ministry of Public Utilities, since January 2017. She personally oversees the development and implementation of electricity, water and gas on Malaysian territory. As a professional engineer with the Civil Engineering degree from the University...

Words: 680 Pages: 2
International Relations

Global Issues: Politics, Economics and Culture by Payne

Summary Wars result from the proliferation of weapons, which may be diverse from time to time. Nations with huge capital tend to put high budgets to fund their militaries. Moreover, research has led to the increase in the sophistication of weapons, from simple artillery such as catapults to current mass-destruction...

Words: 287 Pages: 1
Public Administration

Performance Appraisal in Public Administration

Personnel administration is essential since it entails employee recruitment, training, discipline, and personnel placement within an organization. Organizations have been encouraged to ensure that the personnel in public administration is adept in the field and does not practice any form of prejudice since it can impact the organization’s performance. Different...

Words: 563 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

The Right to Remain Silent: Brief Analysis

Introduction In the movies depicting criminal investigations, viewers often see that the accused appeal to their right to remain silent and speak only in the presence of their attorneys. The right to keep silent is indeed existent, and it is prevalent not only in the US judicial system but also...

Words: 2213 Pages: 8

US Congress: House of Representatives and Senate

The Congress of the United States is a legislative body that consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Depending on the distribution of the two parties, these chambers have always exhibited some degree of polarization (Neal 103). Ideally, the elected officials are supposed to represent the U.S. citizens’...

Words: 851 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Punishment in America and Its Historical Evolution

Introduction For a functioning society, the people that comprise it must obey sets of explicit and implicit rules. The various existent laws are therefore aimed at protecting peace in the society, such as by protecting people’s property rights and personal security, and to create communities that are efficient and well-ordered....

Words: 929 Pages: 3

American Government Structure

Party Platform The Party of Social Justice actively fights against any forms of racism, xenophobia, and radical nationalism, and creates necessary conditions for the development of the American multinational culture. In the field of education, we are in favor of raising teachers’ salaries, as well as expanding the staff of...

Words: 690 Pages: 2
Political Theory

Factors of Presidential Popularity and Job Rating

Presidential popularity can be influenced by many different factors depending on the mood in the society, the current political situation in the country, and social tendencies. However, collecting and categorizing all the factors and points, there will be three main groups: government management, the president’s issue position, and moral values....

Words: 370 Pages: 1

Government Purposes Based on Presidential Views

The government’s purpose is to moderate, lead, and watch a country in all its official affairs: political, economic, social, and military. It is the governing body that unites the nation under a shared system. Gerald Rudolph Ford once said that a “government big enough to give you everything you want...

Words: 300 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

The Constitution and the US Supreme Court

The United States Constitution is a finely balanced document. According to Central Washington University (2013), the Constitution is a living document; it is intended to support a national government that is powerful and flexible enough to satisfy the republic’s demands while remaining restricted and just enough to safeguard people’s fundamental...

Words: 406 Pages: 1
Political Theory

Operation Geronimo and Presidential Authority

Introduction On May 1, 2011, the founder and leader of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, was killed following President Obama’s command. This operation was performed under the code name of Operation Geronimo because bin Laden, like the famous Native American Geronimo, was eluding American troops for years....

Words: 953 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Visual Documentation of Jim Crow Laws

The Jim Crow laws are the common unofficial name for the racial segregation laws in some states in the United States between 1890 and 1964. After the Civil War, which freed the black people from slavery, the federal government took steps to ensure their rights. In response, Southern Democrats passed...

Words: 1109 Pages: 4
Public Policy

The US Department of Justice’s Union Policies

Introduction Within the context of governmental organization performance, the issues of standard workforce procedures are viewed differently with the concern about the context in which these organizations work. Given the particularities that characterize the United States Department of Justice in terms of its decisive role in the correctional sphere, the...

Words: 894 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Australian Welfare State Debates as to Disabled

Population Group According to the law, in case of health anomalies that are difficult to treat or are considered not removable, an Australian citizen is entitled to a particular disability group. The special status of a person with restrictions, regardless of age, guarantees them a pension and various preferences. Disabled...

Words: 2399 Pages: 8
Law Enforcement

Conflict and Power Relationship in Society

Power plays a significant role in conflicts among individuals, organizations, and nations. Typically, power is mostly held by people who occupy positions of influence in society such as politicians, priests, celebrities, and prominent businessmen. According to Prorok (2017), the relationship between power and conflict in any country emanates from the...

Words: 1207 Pages: 4
Public Policy

US Constitution and Thomas Jefferson

The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and Thomas Jefferson’s letters to the Danbury Baptists differ in expectations and interests. The Declaration of Independence broadcasts the 13 permitted states which were not under the British standard. It portrays the United States of America as an autonomous nation. The Constitution...

Words: 647 Pages: 2
Public Policy

May-Can-Should Applied to Social Justice Bill

When passing a policy through Congress to be further approved by the President of the United States, all the legislature members, ideally, should be guided by the principles of morality and humanity. It is apparent that in reality, this is rarely the case. In this essay, the author attempts to...

Words: 681 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Combating Drug Abuse: Public Policy Issue

Social policy in the U.S. and other global countries has become a battling ground between various political lobbying groups. Often the specific decisions and initiatives are not conducted independently, but instead attached to a political party or a non-profit organization whose sponsors display traceable political pursuits. This tendency results in...

Words: 586 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

State Law Enforcement Agencies: Centralized and Decentralized Models

Law enforcement agencies are bodies that carry out law enforcement activities through the application of legal measures of influence in order to protect and protect citizens. Essentially, state law enforcement agencies are municipal and county police departments, highway patrol, and deputy sheriffs (Hyland, 2018). For example, the Highway Patrol is...

Words: 297 Pages: 1
Capital Punishment

The Death Penalty in Texas

History of the Death Penalty, Globally and in Texas The idea of punishing crimes with death is far from being new. According to the existing historical accounts, the earliest death penalty laws date back to the 1800s B.C., when the King Hammurabi of Babylon implemented it as a penalty for...

Words: 1882 Pages: 7
International Relations

State as a Dominant Actor in International Politics

International Relations (IR) initially concentrated on the relationships between states. However, over the past decades, the definition has been broadened to encompass interactions between all sorts of political entities. Additionally, other entities such as multinational corporations, international organizations, citizens, and societies have been involved in IR. They cover an array...

Words: 1106 Pages: 4
Capital Punishment

Why Death Penalty Is Acceptable

The notion of the death penalty is one of the most divisive issues in societies worldwide since it raises numerous related questions concerning ethics, morality, and humanity. The problematic nature of the debate about whether it is acceptable to implement the death penalty lies in the fact that it essentially...

Words: 1369 Pages: 5
Capital Punishment

The Legality of Obama’s Decision to Kill Osama bin Laden

During a war, the government often has to make complex, serious, and conflicting decisions that can greatly affect the well-being of the country and the course of the war. Moreover, if the President understands that a country, organization, or person poses an actual or potential threat, the authorities’ responsibility is...

Words: 877 Pages: 3
International Relations

Canadian Values in International Politics

Canada, like any other state, participates actively in international politics. At the same time, it is necessary to identify the principles and values that guide the Canadian government in its decision-making. It is important to identify and examine the core Canadian values that are key to the country’s international engagement:...

Words: 244 Pages: 1
International Relations

The United States and Iran Disagreement

Introduction One of the most acute conflicts that have matured in 2019 was the disagreement between the United States and Iran. In 2015, the United Kingdom, Germany, China, the United States, Russia, France, and Iran agreed on an action plan designed to lift sanctions in exchange for limiting Iran’s nuclear...

Words: 1119 Pages: 4
International Relations

The Significance of Maritime Power in UK Foreign and Defense Policy

One of the United Kingdom’s historical features, or rather the British Empire, was the world’s largest navy. However, after the two world wars, the decolonization processes, and the strengthening of the air forces’ significance, the state’s maritime power and its importance began to diminish under the influence of world trends....

Words: 945 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Agencies and Their Roles

Law enforcement agencies are a separate group of state bodies that carry out activities to protect human rights and freedoms, the protection of law and order, and the rule of law in society and the state. The system and structure of the US prosecutor’s office, as well as the judicial...

Words: 614 Pages: 2
Political Theory

Lack of African American Women in Federal Government Positions

Senior Executive Service (SES) represents critical government positions, and leaders are gathered here. They are designed to make sure that the executive management’s actions meet the nation’s needs (Senior Executive Service, n.d.). However, there is a part of the population whose interests may be missed due to insufficient diversity in...

Words: 366 Pages: 1
Political Theory

Discussion of Speed Limits’s Importance

The protection of citizens is one of the primary tasks of the government, but it can be challenging to perform in the absence of special initiatives. It is usually addressed by numerous laws aimed at eliminating potential hazards, and the most critical sphere of their application is road safety. The...

Words: 568 Pages: 2
Political Theory

Presidential Authority: Operation Geronimo Case Study

Operation Geronimo, which implied the killing of Osama bin Laden was a specific solution the U. S. Government accepted after the horrific events of September 11, 2001. To some people, the Operation was either authorized or did not have to follow the full range of rules to be undertaken. Others...

Words: 652 Pages: 2
Political Theory

The Brady Handgun Violence Act

Executive summary The Brady Handgun Violence Act was a 1993 piece of legislation that was passed amid a heated debate on whether it would be effective in reducing the number of “inappropriate people” who purchase guns from licensed weapon dealers and later uses them for criminal purposes either on themselves...

Words: 2279 Pages: 8
Political Theory

The National Problem of COVID-19

Introduction The United States government has to safeguard and promote the security of Americans. The Americans vote for candidates they think best; American candidates pursue a policy to promote the welfare of the American population. The programming of social services is mainly achieved. Today’s US lawmakers also try to make...

Words: 878 Pages: 3
Political Theory

Failures in the System of Immigrant Detention: The Role of the US Marshals Service

Abstract Over the recent decades, political and cultural shifts in the United States have caused the media to pay closer attention to the nation’s rapidly growing immigrant population. Although the Immigration and Customs Enforcement is formally tasked with housing immigration detainees, it is evident that the US Marshals Services plays...

Words: 4995 Pages: 15
Political Theory

Analysis of Need of Gun Control

For decades, gun violence has been the most deadly thing that has happened in the United States. A gunshot in the United States has become a trend that causes devastation and terror among residents. Various assaults are taking place around the United States; some assailants targeted Walmart shops, while others...

Words: 611 Pages: 2
Political Theory

Analysis of Mass Imprisonment in the U.S.

In the U.S., the number of imprisoned people takes the leading position in the world. It is connected to many reasons. Some of people are imprisoned for minor offences, such as failure to pay a fine or illegal entry in the country. Some get incarcerated for several times after being...

Words: 334 Pages: 1
International Relations

Anarchy and Sovereignty in International Relations

Introduction To begin with, the main problem that is being discussed in the sphere of global relations is the meaning and intricacies of two diachronic terms: anarchy and sovereignty. Many social studies scientists who specialize in international communications and development strategies have argued on what is the most effective way...

Words: 1113 Pages: 4
International Relations

American-Chinese Relationships: Compete or Collaborate?

Research Question Will the new approach of competing with China rather than collaborating with it be beneficial for the United States strategically? Annotated Bibliography Anwar, Brigadier Muhammad Shakoor. 2020. “Relevance and Significance of Pak- China Relationship for USA in Changing Regional Dynamics.” Journal of Law & Social Studies (JLSS) 2,...

Words: 2747 Pages: 9
Political Theory

Equality and Justice Relationship Analysis

The problem of social justice is closely related to that of equality and inequality of people in specific historical conditions. Sometimes one can come across the assertion that justice is nothing more than a consistently carried out equality. A complexly organized society based on the division of labor and social...

Words: 632 Pages: 2
International Relations

How Can We Do More Good for the World?

According to the latest Good Country Index, the U.S. is ranked 38th among 149 countries (The Good Country, n.d.). The worst indicators include a global contribution to international peace and security (108th place) and environmental protection (82nd place), while the best sphere is health and well-being (9th place). The presented...

Words: 395 Pages: 1
Public Policy

American Government Event Related to Education

Abstract The institutions of higher learning contribute significantly to how society is shaped. As such, politicians have often explored ways of enhancing democracy. Just months after his inauguration, President Joe Biden, through the ministry of education, allocated a significant amount of money to colleges and universities that were most affected...

Words: 1766 Pages: 6
Public Policy

Public Policy Meeting on COVID-19 and Children

Introduction COVID-19 is a frequently discussed topic in today’s health care. People want to know how to protect themselves against the virus. Some individuals have concerns about the effectiveness of strategies the government and medical staff offer. Most official meetings and discussions are organized online to follow the preventive measures...

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Public Policy

Maryland Centre for the Book’s Reading Promotion

Literature is one of the richest, most emotionally gratifying forms of art, regardless of a person’s nationality, race, gender, or other sociological characteristics. It is arguably the most popular form taken by storytelling that allows individuals to interact with worlds beyond reality, strengthening their imagination and empathy. However, different communities...

Words: 297 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Modern Patrol Strategies: The Benefits of Technology

Abstract Patrolling is one of the basic activities performed by law enforcement professionals that have proved to be effective. Patrolling reduces crime rates, which is specifically critical in low-income communities. Some of the most urgent challenges related to patrolling include the lack of manpower and the development of routes for...

Words: 3032 Pages: 11

Why America Changed Its Form of Government

When discussing the U.S. constitutions, people usually talk about the one which came into effect in 1789 and ignores the fact that it was significantly influenced by the Articles of Confederation, which nevertheless were rejected. Both of the documents have certain similarities, especially their stress on republicanism, which implied that...

Words: 853 Pages: 3

The United States Is Not Really a Democracy

The term “democracy” comes from the Greek language and means “power of the people.” The issues of democracy have been discussed for several thousand years, but people still have not found the definition of this concept, which everyone would agree with. It can be partly explained by the fact that...

Words: 1161 Pages: 4

Fundamental Rights Extended to African Americans

The American post-independence period remains a dark path in the country’s democratic journey, marked by unending civil violence. Despite the constitutional amendments that rapidly altered the country’s civil and political landscape, civil struggles remained a challenge to the multicultural American society. However, during the post-civil war era, the Civil War...

Words: 458 Pages: 3

Resistance to Civil Government by H.D. Thoreau

There were numerous non-conformists in the 19th century because the social norms were absurd at times. For instance, Ralph Waldo Emerson raised the question of non-conformity in his famous essay Self-Reliance. The author claimed that in order to be an authentic self, it is vital to follow one’s desires and...

Words: 276 Pages: 1

Great Britain and Civil Society

Great Britain is a democratic state, which implies a political system ruled by elected representatives, who are simultaneously accountable to their voters. Nevertheless, almost every democratic system’s dilemma is the question of whether such a statement is true. McCormick (85) believes that in practice, there is a substantial gap between...

Words: 906 Pages: 3
International Relations

Effects of Brexit on the United Kingdom’s Policies

Introduction Until recently, the current situation in the geopolitical arena of Europe has been represented by economic and political interactions between the largest interstate unit, the European Union, and countries outside it. However, the historical paradigm of the development of European powers demonstrates that allied states rarely remain partners for...

Words: 1519 Pages: 5

Donald Trump’s Campaign in the CNN Article

The article by CNN called “The raging new Donald Trump campaign starts up where he left off” tries to analyze the recent stunt of ex-President of the US – Donald Trump. On September 10, Trump announced that he would like to box President Joe Biden and “easily win the fight.”...

Words: 324 Pages: 1
Public Policy

The Bismarck Model or Social Insurance System

The Bismarck model, which is also called the Social Insurance system, is adopted in Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, and countries of Latin America. This system assumes that the majority of patients are treated by private health care providers, whose services are financed from non-profit insurance funds (Zaman & Hossain,...

Words: 398 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

The United States Navy: Performance Management

Description of the Human Resource Management Issue and the Organization The United States Navy is one of the branches of the US Armed Forces responsible for the protection of the country against any external threats. Founded in 1775, the Navy has played a critical role in enhancing the security of...

Words: 2786 Pages: 10
Military Leadership

The Army Combat Fitness Test and Its Development

For almost 40 recent years, the US Army measured the physical fitness of American soldiers by using the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). It took place during soldiers’ initial selection, basic training, and then in their unit every six months. Soldiers passed this test collectively and usually at platoon level....

Words: 569 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Women as Correctional Employees

Adequate access to justice is one of the most important rights enshrined in numerous documents within the universal system of human rights protection. The obligation not to discriminate against women and achieve de facto equality between men and women is an integral part of these rights. Very often, due to...

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Military Leadership

The Manhattan Project Team and the Tuskegee Institute Team Comparison

The performance of different groups in history varies; some performed well while others presented poor performance. The Manhattan Project was a plan initiated by the Americans to create an operational atomic bomb. The development of the atomic weapon required the engagement of the U.S military and other highly- skilled scientific...

Words: 617 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Procedure for Leading Troops in the Army

Troop Leadership Procedure (TLP) is practiced by leaders to prepare soldiers for combat. It is imperative to understand the aspects of the procedure because the ability to use TLP is crucial for the result of any operation. A leader must first determine the mission and tactical situation committed to the...

Words: 352 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

“Explainer: Why Is the Military Taking Control in Myanmar?”: Article Analysis

Identification of the Argument Presented In the Article In Myanmar, the armed forces have taken over the country. Military TV declared a state of emergency in the country for one year (Milko, 2021). Aung San Suu Kyi, the State Counselor of Myanmar, was detained. Several Myanmar officials were also arrested....

Words: 598 Pages: 2

The US President’s Actions for Five National Issues

The United States president is one of the most influential leaders in the world. The powers and responsibilities of the President are outlined in Article 2 of the Constitution of the United States. However powerful the President might appear to be, the powers are highly limited, and most of the...

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Law Enforcement

Mandated Reporters’ Statute in Child Abuse Case

Background Information Texas mandated reporter statute requires any individual with knowledge of suspected child abuse or neglect to communicate this information to the appropriate authorities. Compulsory reporting appeals to all individuals and is not restricted to teachers and health professionals. The law also expands to individuals whose personal relationships may...

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Explaining the Role of the Electoral College in Electing the U.S. President

The United States of America presidential elections are unique as the citizens do not directly vote to choose the president. Instead, the U.S. president is chosen through a process called the Electoral College, where a group of electors cast their votes to determine who wins the election. During the national...

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Political Theory

“Democracy and Collective Identity in the E.U. and the USA”: Article Analysis

The authors of the research article “Democracy and Collective Identity in the E.U. and the USA” are Kathleen R. McNamara from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., and Paul Musgrave from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. The potential bias of the research article is that both authors are American, who is...

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Capital Punishment

Death Sentence Penalty of Lisa Montgomery

Introduction The ethnographic group for the study comprised people supporting the death sentence penalty. As the sole creator, only God has the right to take a person’s life. No one, regardless of legal qualification, has the mandate to kill another human. The research team involved students because of their accessibility....

Words: 1201 Pages: 4
Political Theory

Communism and Fascism: An Analysis of the Theory of Self-Control

Living in a democratic society is a privilege, and therefore every citizen must contribute to the efforts to prevent its deterioration into an authoritarian state. It is essential to understand the characteristics of authoritarian rules of the past because it can help make better political decisions. Moreover, comparing the examples...

Words: 395 Pages: 1

Presidential Elections and Health Care

Politics significantly determines the quality of health institutions, and many political events may have implications for the health services to the public. One of the most important factors of influence is the person at the head of the White House. Before the US presidential election, only a month and to...

Words: 833 Pages: 3
Political Theory

Legislative Act Congress on June 23, 1913

President Roosevelt signed the Pure Food and Drug Act at the same time as Federal Meat Inspection Act. The law was passed during the progressive era of legislative change in the United States. The essence of the Act was that manufacturers had to indicate harmful substances in the composition of...

Words: 1023 Pages: 4
Political Theory

Proposed Changes to the Political System of the USA: Constitutional Integrity

Enhancement Throughout the history of the USA, the governance approaches have been changed, improved, and strengthened. The dominant idea of the political system in the USA has always been in the pursuit of constitutional democracy as a type of governance capable of providing equal opportunities and justice for all. However,...

Words: 1647 Pages: 6

American Voting System: Still Fighting for Suffrage

Introduction Suffrage is one of the fundamental rights of a democratic citizen and the major claim of the first feminists, who are therefore also referred to as suffragists. Most governments, including that of America, satisfied the claim during the 20th century. Nevertheless, the voting right remains a sensitive issue in...

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Political Culture

The Evolution of the United States Pop Culture

Introduction Popular cultural texts and other aspects of social life, depicted by their widespread presence and acceptance, are significant power assets used by countries in their international relations and foreign policy. America’s pop culture, embodied in communications and various products, has increasingly gained worldwide appeal, enhancing the nation’s ability and...

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Political Culture

Populism and Its Influence on the Political Landscape

The political discourse of the 21st century can be characterized by the increasing influence of populism, which exists in a close connection to the general political ignorance of the audience. In the context of politics, the idea of populism implies telling the people what they want or expect to hear....

Words: 885 Pages: 3
Political Culture

Difference between “Legal” and “Ethical”

One of the most basic principles people learn in early childhood is respect for the law. At the same time, another truth is taught, which is valued equally – behavior according to moral standards. Both are important concepts in the upbringing of children and the cultivation of societal values. However,...

Words: 561 Pages: 2
Public Administration

The Potential and Actual Risks That Humanitarian Aid Workers Face

Despite the fact that humanitarian workers are trying to help populations that experience a natural disaster, live in a warzone, or have other conditions adversely affecting their lives, these individuals are often subjected to injuries, kidnapping, or even death. According to Reiefweb’s (2019) statistics, 155 aid workers were killed between...

Words: 571 Pages: 2
Political Culture

Criminal Justice System Supporting Distinct Aboriginal Culture

The Canadian criminal justice system needs to uphold the distinct cultures of the Aboriginals to promote self-administration in the department. Annotated References Cesaroni, C., Grol, C., & Fredericks, K. (2019). Overrepresentation of indigenous youth in Canada’s criminal justice system: Perspectives of indigenous young people. Australian & New Zealand Journal of...

Words: 559 Pages: 2
Public Administration

“Oakdale Administrator”: Decisions

The “Oakdale Administrator” case study is a description of a new city’s administration actions and mistakes that the new Mayor Hoffnagel made in an effort to make the city’s citizens happy. The case study outlines issues that a town with a population of 5,000 people and a low median household...

Words: 1143 Pages: 4

The Growth and Complexity of the Federal Government

Firstly, it is important to establish one simple but undeniably important proposition for further discussion: the United States federal government has outgrown the limits enforced on it by the Constitution. When America gained its independence over 200 years ago, the founding fathers had in mind a national government, which would...

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Political Culture

Highly Polarized America: Overview of the Situation

The current state of the political affairs in the country continues to get worse annually, as protests, riots, and marches remain heavily separated by the political affiliation of their participants. There is a strong necessity to defuse the current situation in the United States, as Republicans and Democrats continue to...

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Law Enforcement

Crimes and Police Officers Number Correlation Analysis

The rate of crimes is believed to depend on geographic area and police force distribution. Sewell Chan discussed this issue in The New York Times article titled “Counting heads along the thin blue line,” published in March 2006. The author of this article asks an important question about the optimal...

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Law Enforcement

Police Training Issues: Overview and Analysis

Police departments represent the primary source of law enforcement, and hence it is vital to provide sufficient police training in diverse dimensions. Training requirements may differ in various states, yet, in most cases, there are general regulations. Such standards include legislation knowledge or learning about law enforcement standards, firearms proficiency,...

Words: 305 Pages: 1
Political Theory

Analysis of the Primary Sources: The American Dream

The concept of the American Dream is known globally as the idea of ​​an ideal life for a person who has everything they need: material wealth, family, democratic rights, and respect in society. As the primary sources demonstrate, this idea was formed during the early days of the United States;...

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Public Policy

Aspects of the Political Strategy

Thank you for your insightful discussion post analyzing the cases of Susanna and Tiffani. The political strategy you selected consists of several meaningful steps to alter the current policy that caused harm to the girls and their families. I agree that it is not the best practice to separate an...

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Public Policy

National Politics Guiding Citizens’ Lives

The implementation of public policy agendas constitutes a significant part of the national politics guiding citizens’ lives. The quality of public policy implementation predetermines the outcomespolicies’ outcomes quality of citizens’ life. The news article by Cunningham (2021), chosen for discussion in the present essay, covers President Biden’s signing of the...

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Law Enforcement

Police Brutality Issue Overview

Police brutality which may be defined as law enforcement’s unwarranted and excessive use of force has already become a critical issue for modern American society. By arresting, injuring, and killing people without substantial evidence of guilt and on the basis of racism, police violate basic human rights without any legal...

Words: 370 Pages: 1
Public Administration

Public Employees and Leave of Absence

Public employees should take a leave of absence from work when running for elective office. The desire for political leadership is considered a lawful reason for taking leave from the workplace. This practice is protected by federal law under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) enacted in 1993 (Nigro...

Words: 287 Pages: 1

Voting or Not Voting for American Citizens

Voting is the responsibility of the citizens, and it is an essential part of every democracy, although it is not a legal requirement. By casting their vote, people contribute to the democratic process of participating in the nation’s affairs. The reason behind voting is to choose the leaders who shall...

Words: 1123 Pages: 4
Public Policy

Joe Smoe the Ideal Candidate

Joe Smoe is the ideal candidate in this election mainly because he has the best track record among the current presidential candidates. He is a selfless servant who greatly participated as a decorated marine in the first gulf war and later in the Bosnia Serbia campaign. In addition, Joe Some...

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Political Ideology

Trends That Define Global Politics Today

In his TED talk, Joseph Nye argues that the “tectonic plates” of power in the world are shifting. In particular, the speaker singles out two overarching trends that define global politics today. Firstly, it is a power shift from West to East, and secondly, it is the diffusion of power...

Words: 296 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

US Citizenship Test Review

One of the questions I think is important in the citizenship test is “who makes laws in the United States?” This is an important question because laws govern society, and it is essential to know who makes them. In addition, people applying for a US citizenship must understand the legislative...

Words: 322 Pages: 2
Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment / Position Paper

The death penalty is a cruel punishment for terrible crimes. When I first thought about it and imagined the crimes for which such a sentence can be imposed, my reaction was to support death penalty. However, thinking about this issue longer and studying related data, I came to the opposite...

Words: 1232 Pages: 4
Political Ideology

The Variety of Capitalism (VoC) Approach and Examples

The modern epoch of globalization cements the ties among national economies that influence each other increasingly more seriously. Therefore, it is becoming critical to examine the principles different states rely on to reach economic prosperity. This can be done effectively with the Variety of Capitalism (VoC) approach. Its multi-dimensional framework...

Words: 299 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

Impact of Colonialism on Africa’s Politics

Introduction African politics remains a unique subject that provides unique and powerful lessons to more students and leaders. The continent is characterized by many countries with unique processes, aspects, ideas, and goals that are different from the ones recorded elsewhere across the globe. The region is characterized by countries with...

Words: 1956 Pages: 7
Political Theory

Methods of Citizens’ Influence on Politics in a Practical Example

The events of early 2021, when on January 6th, a crowd of protesters in support of President Trump broke into the Capitol, were marked by cruelty. For various reasons, people want to be heard, draw attention to a certain problem, and there is a question of which methods are more...

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Political Theory

Advantages and Disadvantages of BREXIT to the UK

7 Advantages of BREXIT to the UK The UK Reclaims its Sovereignty Being a part of the EU implied that the Parliament’s primary function would be limited to mandates from the EU governing body. Due to BREXIT, the Parliament was given back its initial power to control domestic affairs. Immediate...

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International Relations

Researching of Global governance

Global governance is a relatively novel concept that has managed to attract the attention of both international relations scholars and practitioners. The primary purpose of such a phenomenon is considered by many to be international cooperation in an effort to address a variety of current issues, which appear to be...

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International Relations

Factors for the Division of Korean Peninsula

Korean Peninsula is located in Northeast Asia between Japan and China. For many years, Korea was unified and ruled by dynastic kingdoms. The rule of the Joseon dynasty came to an end after Japan annexed Korea in 1910 (Eckert et al., 1990). The end of World War II brought peace...

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International Relations

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a globally endorsed assembly dedicated to transforming the world. In the document, 193 UN member states confirm their adherence to a susceptible topic, which is relevant due to the processes of globalization around the world. This document is a written confirmation that states...

Words: 2005 Pages: 7
International Relations

Impact of Globalization and Technology on Negotiation

The interactions between the U.S. and China have always been complicated with a range of cross-cultural and political issues, mainly due to the incongruences between the regimes of the specified countries. However, in the wake of the global health crisis and the resulting economic disaster that has been observed globally,...

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International Relations

Ten Potential Disadvantages of BREXIT to the EU

Potential Loss of Foreign Direct Investment EU is known for the high cost of membership for the countries, and it was one of the main reasons for the UK’s exit from the EU. Annually EU received over 15 billion pounds from the UK just for the membership alone (Pettinger, 2019)....

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International Relations

Israeli-Palestinian Relations Under Trump vs. Biden

President Trump and his administration have been pressing Arab countries, including Palestine, to normalize relations with Israel. However, presidential elections can change the situation and introduce a new vector of cooperation in the Middle East. Significance Jerusalem and neighboring areas have been one of the leading concerns for the international...

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International Relations

Nord Stream 2: The Role of Russia and Germany

Introduction In the 21st century, the geopolitical landscape of the world has been changing rapidly. Several decades prior, the separation of powers in the bipolar world was evident, as the clash between the ideologies of the East and the West persisted throughout most of the 20th century. Nevertheless, following the...

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International Relations

The Influence on Turkey–United States Relations by Trump and Biden

Event The results of the upcoming U.S. presidential elections are expected to influence both Turkey–United States relations and the country’s domestic and foreign policy. Significance With Turkey’s international position over the last four years significantly depending on Trump’s relationship with Erdogan, the Turkish government is strongly interested in his reelection....

Words: 1103 Pages: 4