Performance Appraisal in Public Administration

Personnel administration is essential since it entails employee recruitment, training, discipline, and personnel placement within an organization. Organizations have been encouraged to ensure that the personnel in public administration is adept in the field and does not practice any form of prejudice since it can impact the organization’s performance. Different companies have designed ways of ensuring that discrimination is curbed in practices involving public administration. For instance, one of the essential topics that encourages an individual to utilize the concepts in public administration is the idea of performance appraisal. Therefore, one can reflect on how public administration personnel can benefit from utilizing this concept.

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Significance of Performance Appraisal in Public Administration

Performance appraisal is an essential topic that involves evaluating workers to improve their performance. The concept is used in many organizations to ensure that workers focus on approaches to reach organizational and individual goals. Typically, individual performance is vital for companies since workers ensure that they work harder to acquire some benefits such as promotions and bonuses. Hence, performance appraisal helps workers evaluate how well they have conducted their duties and learn some of the issues that limit their performance (Nigro & Kellough, 2014). Personnel in the public administration also focuses on the appraisal performance to show employees their efforts in their work field.

The assumption that individual workers’ greater performance leads to improved organizational performance has been emphasized in performance appraisal. However, it also helps personnel in public administration focus on the organization’s environment as it can largely impact workers’ performance. For instance, a hostile environment in companies where employee satisfaction is not observed inhibits workers’ performance. Leadership can also impact the performance of individuals in an organization. In this case, managers with poor leadership skills can lead to workers’ poor performance due to issues such as organizational conflicts. Therefore, performance appraisal has been of great significance in helping public administration personnel reduce constraints that limit workers’ performance. Managerial problems have also been analyzed in performance appraisal since public managers are encouraged to effectively accomplish objectives established under law and by their superiors’ policy initiatives (Nigro & Kellough, 2014). In this case, managers are encouraged to ensure that the policies do not oppress the workers and do not lead to their poor performance.

Another essential aspect of performance appraisal is that it gives more responsibilities to managers in the planning phase. Managers can develop an individual’s performance plan to encourage workers to learn about their job responsibilities, performance expectations, and performance measures. Therefore, public administration personnel can use the performance appraisal to get an idea about different duties that each individual has in various departments and how one can achieve them.

The development phase is another aspect of appraisal performance that can be analyzed by public administration personnel. Typically, organizations ensure that workers can develop their skills to achieve their performance expectations. Thus, appraisal performance encourages workers and managers to jointly set performance expectations and development goals for the next cycle that will enhance the employees’ effectiveness at work (Nigro & Kellough, 2014). The development plan is also essential since it may involve setting up some training. Therefore, reflecting on appraisal performance is vital in public administration since it helps personnel evaluate workers’ performance, factors impacting their performance, and ways of enhancing their performance. Managers and leaders can also use the appraisal performance to develop approaches that can improve workers’ performance.


Nigro, L., & Kellough, J. (2014). The new public personnel administration (7th ed.). Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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DemoEssays. (2023, September 25). Performance Appraisal in Public Administration.

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"Performance Appraisal in Public Administration." DemoEssays, 25 Sept. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'Performance Appraisal in Public Administration'. 25 September.


DemoEssays. 2023. "Performance Appraisal in Public Administration." September 25, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Performance Appraisal in Public Administration." September 25, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Performance Appraisal in Public Administration." September 25, 2023.