Maryland Centre for the Book’s Reading Promotion

Literature is one of the richest, most emotionally gratifying forms of art, regardless of a person’s nationality, race, gender, or other sociological characteristics. It is arguably the most popular form taken by storytelling that allows individuals to interact with worlds beyond reality, strengthening their imagination and empathy. However, different communities interact with this medium in their own specific way, most often relevant to local history and culture. For this statement, the members of Maryland Humanities; are a local non-commercial organization that ensures the promotion of liberal arts among the youth in the state.

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The Maryland Humanities Centre has chosen to focus on the preservation and further development of the cultural heritage of the state and its promotion, particularly among the younger demographic. Its community is fuelled by multiple educational programs and fully or partially subsidized events, such as talks, play productions, and cultural open evenings. Maryland Centre for the Book is a part of the aforementioned organization, dedicated specifically to the prosperity of local libraries and the promotion of reading. It engages in a variety of popularization tactics, offering literary walking tours and writing workshops to Maryland residents (“Maryland Center for the Book – Maryland Humanities,” 2021). Teenagers and young adults are an especially important target audience within the organization’s agenda since the interests of the majority of them heavily focus on digital entertainment.

Historically, literature has maintained its importance despite the change in times, trends, and customs, yet in the modern day, more and more people are preoccupied with its upcoming fate. The joy of reading might appear less accessible when compared to apps and video games. Yet its cultural significance and irreplaceable role in education and entertainment alike are preserved for future generations of readers by organizations such as the Maryland Centre for the Book.


Maryland Center for the Book – Maryland Humanities. (2021).

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DemoEssays. (2022, September 7). Maryland Centre for the Book's Reading Promotion.

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"Maryland Centre for the Book's Reading Promotion." DemoEssays, 7 Sept. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Maryland Centre for the Book's Reading Promotion'. 7 September.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Maryland Centre for the Book's Reading Promotion." September 7, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Maryland Centre for the Book's Reading Promotion." September 7, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Maryland Centre for the Book's Reading Promotion." September 7, 2022.