Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector

The public policy can be redirected dynamically to reduce healthcare costs while boosting longevity and quality of life. One of the strategies to regulate healthcare services’ cost is implementing policies that restrict physicians’ compensation. One of the loops in the United States of America healthcare system is the loose measures that guide the compensation of physicians. A physician carries out a diagnosis and gets equally compensated despite the intensity of the activity.

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This is a loop that promotes the leakage of funds while enhancing the cost of medical care in the government budget. It is important that the public policy on the compensatory procedure gets addressed under the mainframe of compensation of healthcare professionals. An excellent example of redirection is the increase in the guidelines of compensation where the public policy on the compensatory procedure must be intensified. Further, the government amends the policy on healthcare practitioner payment to restrict and prevent compensations’ leakage

Management is an ideology that enshrines the concept of providing solutions and strategies to boost the quality of healthcare service delivery. In most hospital institutions, healthcare practitioners focus on the number of patients and cases. However, one of the key health risk management strategies is boosting the quality of healthcare services. Therefore, the best solution to promoting quality healthcare services involves assigning the hospitals the liability for poor quality services. The mandatory bundled payment system establishes that government compensation to the healthcare institutions only depends on the quality of healthcare services.

The quality of the healthcare services, on the other hand, is measured based on the number of patients and the frequency of the treatment of the particular disease. Further, the policy also states that if the hospital expenses exceed the budgeted expenses, the hospital pays off the government for the inefficiency. The institution’s main objective entails the capacity to hold the hospital management accountable for poor quality healthcare services.

Another health risk management strategy is the control of the compensation procedures, especially among healthcare professionals. Government records increased fraudulent activities within the healthcare sector mainly because of the identified loopholes of financial spillages. In this case, the government resolved to restrict the procedure in the remittance of payments to the various healthcare institutions and the private sectors.

One of the programs involved the change of the ICD-9 to ICD-10 that reinforces the report for the management. Once a physician carries out a diagnosis and a treatment procedure, the healthcare practitioner must fill in the ICD-9 using codes to show the type of disease and the treatment procedure. However, the government introduced a different program that enhances a well-detailed report that delimits fraudulence. The ICD-10 entails the addition of codes that ensure the physicians fill inadequate details for identification. Although incorporating the program renders the marginalization of the private sector from the knowledge and skill-intensive, it is an effective risk management strategy in healthcare.

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In a different spectrum, health risk management is a multidimensional ideology that revolves around risk and lifestyle habits. A country’s poverty level determines the impact of health risks. Apart from the lack of affordable healthcare insurance, low-income families face high health risks from their lifestyle habits. In most cases, the poor live in the slums without proper drainage systems. As a result, the individuals get exposed to hazardous chemicals from the drainage and sewerage. Therefore, the researcher indicates that health risk management relies on developing training programs that enlighten the poor about health risks. Ideally, according to the researcher, such programs as hygiene, first aid, and sanitization training programs offer the ultimate solution to the significant health risk among individuals.

A different factor that affects an individual’s health is the nature of the social interactions among individuals that highly affect the level of risk management in the healthcare sector. Different social determinants affect the level of the healthiness of an individual. The different social determinants encompass access to healthcare services, education, the environmental construct, the community’s context, and the stability of the economy. The lack of satisfaction from social determinants increases the chances of distress. Therefore, the researcher establishes that it is essential to ensure that individuals attain satisfaction from the dynamic social determinants to boost healthiness.

The United States of America is one of the countries whose issues revolve around environmental pollution, racism, wealth and poverty disparities, and the poor implementation of healthcare policies. One of the underlying issues that are quite sensitive to address is healthcare policies. Over the decades, the government seeks measures to reduce the waiting time for the United States of America seeking such treatments as hip replacements and cancer screening. The lack of institutional policies that aim to reduce the waiting time risks the well-being of the people of the United States of America.

Consequently, public policy is an underlying issue that threatens the healthy co-existence between the government and the citizens. Therefore, it is essential that the bureaucrats focus on positively influencing the politicians to follow the law and protect the rights of the citizens. A bureaucrat is an individual whose influence in the government is significant and enforces the implementation of policies that promote social and economic growth and development. Ideally, the bureaucrat is the bridge in the dichotomy of political administration.

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DemoEssays. (2022, August 24). Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector.

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"Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector." DemoEssays, 24 Aug. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector'. 24 August.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector." August 24, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector." August 24, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector." August 24, 2022.