New Jersey Educational Leadership Policy Formulation and Implementation


Students’ success depends on education policies put in place by the state officers and teachers. Learners come from an economically diverse background which may adversely affect the education policies set to govern student and teacher conduct. Diversity hinders the realization of the set goals and objectives in New Jersey. Policymakers usually formulate reforms that must be implemented at the district, state, or country level. This paper seeks to explore different education policies in New Jersey can be made meaningful through successful leadership to address the learners from an economically diverse environment.

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In some cases, policies may focus on innovative curricula that might be tested in a few selected schools before widespread implementation. Innovative instruction approaches aim to change instructional methodologies, particularly in the economically diverse environment. Their success depends on the efforts and capacity of local leadership and motivators (Leithwood et al., 2020). As such, the state and district leaders are essential when it comes to effective policy formulation and implementation

New Jersey, as a state, has a population with disparities in income; thus, learners from this region tend to differ. As such, leaders charged with educational policy formulation and implementation must bring every stakeholder on board for the overall success of students in New Jersey. Any reform to improve student academic achievement is ineffective unless it incorporates district and school leaders’ input, which helps acceptance and improves effectiveness. Policymakers seek support from parents and the local community to embrace externally initiated reforms collectively. Effective leadership is key in any state as it is what determines learners’ academic success in a diverse environment.

Impact of Leadership on Student Learning

Successful leadership is crucial for student learning; however, it is not considered to be among the key factors influencing better academic outcomes in most cases. Policymakers can differently conceptualize the impact of successful leadership; to some, it is not much needed in schools. Classroom instruction is what policymakers attach a lot of importance to as far as student achievement is concerned. Some evidence suggests that leadership is second to classroom instruction as one factor that shapes learners’ academic success. The wrong kind of leadership underscores the need for New Jersey to ensure schools operate under people who have the capacity and prowess to lead students of diverse cultural backgrounds. For example, in every state, learners are from a diverse economic environment, which requires an empathetic leader who understands that individual differences in school influence academic achievement. Therefore, a leader should adopt policies that would address every leader’s unique needs, thus developing an interest in classroom learning (Day et al., 2016). In most cases, leadership matters in schools that are in difficult circumstances, and such an institution cannot succeed without someone who can bring onboard the buy-in of the local population, parents, and learners. In essence, successful leadership can catalyze underperforming schools; thus, New Jersey can try to change that leadership in poorly performing schools as one strategy to enhance learning and school reconstitution.

Essentials of Successful Leadership

All schools are usually under a leader, but does one leader’s leadership style differ from the other? There must be basics on which successful leadership is developed. Several basics shape successful leadership. One of the factors that make successful leadership is the ability to set directions (Mombourquette, 2017). Students can only succeed where there are clearly set goals that are personally compelling but challenging. In New Jersey, some schools perform poorly because learners lack a leader who can first understand the economic background of every student, so when they set goals, it suits everybody. Developing shared goals makes learners sense their work, enabling them to find a sense of identity within their school context.

Understanding the School Context

The first context is the economic background that a leader must consider when implementing educational policies. Here it may be in the form of a school’s geographical location; it can be urban, suburban, or rural (Baeket al., 2018). In New Jersey, learners from schools located in rural areas are the ones characterized by poor performance. What happens in these schools adopting externally initiated reforms which are ineffective. Successful leaders may implement such policies partially depending on the individual needs of every learner (Peters et al., 2018). The second context that is crucial in policy formulation and implementation is the student population. In this state, students are from different economic backgrounds; those from disadvantaged families or those with diverse racial and cultural backgrounds require special attention, which can only be affected by a successful leader. Similarly, where there is overpopulation, leaders must be aware of the teaching strategies that can be incorporated to address the needs of learners with diverse educational needs. Successful leaders can generate high expectations among students by fostering faster pace instruction to enhance effective learning among peers.

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Conclusively, it has been established that the success of learners in a school depends on leadership styles. Learners from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds require good leaders who can blend individual needs with education policies during implantation. Some learning context also determines the success of students in their respective schools. Disadvantaged students need successful leaders for them to compete effectively with their counterparts from well-off families. The state of New Jersey comprises learners of a diverse environment, which policymakers must consider to enable them to realize better academic results.


Baek, C., Hörmann, B., Karseth, B., Pizmony-Levy, O., Sivesind, K., & Steiner-Khamsi, G. (2018). Policy learning in Norwegian school reform: A social network analysis of the 2020 incremental reform. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 4(1), 24-37. Web.

Day, C., Gu, Q., & Sammons, P. (2016). The impact of leadership on student outcomes: How successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference. Educational Administration Quarterly, 52(2), 221-258. Web.

Kawar, T. I. (2012). The impact of leadership on student learning. International Journal Of Business and Social Science, 3(8). Web.

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Leithwood, K., Sun, J., & Schumacker, R. (2020). How school leadership influences student learning: A test of “the four paths model”. Educational Administration Quarterly, 56(4), 570-599. Web.

Miller, P. W. (2018). The nature of school leadership. The Nature of School Leadership (pp. 165-185). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Web.

Mombourquette, C. (2017). The role of vision in effective school leadership. International Studies in Educational Administration 45(1). Web.

Peters, B. G., Capano, G., Howlett, M., Mukherjee, I., Chou, M. H., & Ravinet, P. (2018). Designing for policy effectiveness: Defining and understanding a concept. Cambridge University Press.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 31). New Jersey Educational Leadership Policy Formulation and Implementation.

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DemoEssays. "New Jersey Educational Leadership Policy Formulation and Implementation." December 31, 2022.