Adding Migraines to Act for Cannabis Prescriptions

Public Health Impact

The proposed policy suggests adding chronic and complex migraines to the Texas Compassionate Use Act for Low-THC Cannabis prescriptions as it was done regarding numerous other health conditions.

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How does the policy address the problem or issue?

The proposal to add Migraine diagnosis to the Texas Compassionate Use Act for Low-THC Cannabis will have a significant impact on the productivity and quality of life of people with such illness. Migraine symptoms vary; however, they may severely interfere with a person’s everyday life, especially if such a headache happens on a regular basis. Cannabis can be useful in the treatment of migraines, causing pain symptoms to relieve due to its natural compounds (Cuttler et al., 2020). Frequently, people find an acceptable solution for migraine treatment due to individual symptoms and their severity. Therefore, adding it to the Texas Compassionate Use Act for Low-THC Cannabis will terminate the issue of inability to find a solution and consequently become a relief to the lives of thousands of migraine sufferers.

What are the magnitude, reach, and distribution of benefit and burden?

Medical marijuana is an entirely natural treatment option that can be applicable to any person, limiting only individuals with lung or heart diseases if used on a long-term basis. Depending on such factors, the reach of such treatment is broad. Moreover, a study that explored the effect of such therapy confirmed that patients decreased the use of strong analgesics that have a harmful impact on a person’s health if taken regularly (Cuttler et al., 2020). In fact, there is no risk of any fatal side-effects or overdosing factors due to the natural compounds of the drugs.

What population(s) will benefit? How much? When?

Statistic states that more than 44 million Americans get affected by migraines annually, which calls for a concerning number, requiring a sufficient solution (McGrath et al., 2019). People affected by this illness most likely cannot properly function and perform their work duties and daily activities, disrupting plans and routines. Based on the study at the University of Colorado, 40% of people with regular migraine headaches decreased their frequency in half after the daily use of marijuana for preventive purposes (Houskeeper, 2019). Therefore, cannabis shows immediate relief in a considerable percentage of the population. People with chronic migraines are to receive the most benefits, as they may experience such headaches more than 15 days a month, which makes a person unable to effectively perform their responsibilities.

What population(s) will be negatively impacted? How much? When?

Despite the confirmed relieving effect of cannabis on the population with chronic or regular migraines, there are some limitations that are to be considered. Among individuals who must be prevented from including marijuana in headache treatment are those who have a previous history of addiction, as there is an increased chance of becoming addicted to such form of medication, proceeding to use it not according to the doctors’ prescription. Additionally, people with any lung or heart impairments can suffer from dizziness, weakness, moodiness if used on a prolonged basis. However, short-term use is completely safe for health.

Will the policy impact health disparities / health equity? How?

The policy will not affect health disparities. Medical cannabis is more affordable than certain strong analgesic medicine that is usually used in treating severe headaches.

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Are there gaps in the data/evidence-base?

The research on studying the effect of cannabis in treating migraines is not yet well-studied; however, it contains enough respectable and reliable information, confirming its benefits.


Cuttler, C., Spradlin, A., Cleveland, M. J., & Craft, R. M. (2020). Short- and long-term effects of cannabis on headache and migraine. The Journal of Pain, 21(5-6), 722−730. Web.

Houskeeper, E. (2019). Healing the mind and body with cannabis. UVM Continuing and Distance Education. Web.

McGrath, K., Rague, A., Thesing, C., Collins, E., Seecof, O., & Liantonio, J. (2019). Migraine: Expanding our TX arsenal. The Journal of Family Practice, 68(1), 10−24.

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DemoEssays. (2022, August 4). Adding Migraines to Act for Cannabis Prescriptions.

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"Adding Migraines to Act for Cannabis Prescriptions." DemoEssays, 4 Aug. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Adding Migraines to Act for Cannabis Prescriptions'. 4 August.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Adding Migraines to Act for Cannabis Prescriptions." August 4, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Adding Migraines to Act for Cannabis Prescriptions." August 4, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Adding Migraines to Act for Cannabis Prescriptions." August 4, 2022.