Educational Policies on Internal and Local Populations


Education is one of the critical sectors in every nation since it primarily impacts development and growth. Many states have ensured that they implement strategies to improve their education sector. For instance, educational policies have been introduced in many states and can impact the academic industry in various ways, such as performance and graduation rates. Typically, educational institutions are dynamic and diverse, making it vital to focus on equality. This report analyzes the effects of educational policies on internal and local populations, educational institutions, and how they manifest themselves in the community.

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Impacts of Educational Policies

Educational policies have significant effects on local and internal populations in various ways. For instance, they have been used to create standards of quality for learning in different institutions. Educational leaders have ensured that all learners can acquire adequate skills in their institutions by implementing policies that ensure that teachers are accountable for quality learning. Instructors are also expected to provide excellent services and guarantee that students can achieve better academic results. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was introduced by President Obama to bring equal educational opportunities to student all students (Saultz et al., 2017). Therefore, the policies have been of great significance in many states since they have enabled schools to develop structures necessary to provide for the educational needs of the students.

Educational institutions are dynamic and diverse, and leaders have ensured that policies do not discriminate against any population. For example, equality has been encouraged, whereby all individuals should be appreciated and valued irrespective of their differences (Dasm & Kachroo, 2020). Racial-based discrimination has become common in various states and has been encountered in learning institutes. Therefore, educational leaders have introduced strategies to ensure that all races are respected and that no student or teacher is discriminated against based on his or her race. Moreover, people have different cultural beliefs and religions. Thus, leaders have ensured that policies to curb conflicts in learning institutions have been implemented. Although states vary significantly in the policies enacted, many states have focused on discrimination as one of the major issues that should be eradicated in the educational sector. Moreover, all states have individuals from different backgrounds, and there is a need to protect all people and guarantee that they can access education without facing oppression.

The funding of education is also a significant issue that can influence the performance of an institution. Many states have implemented policies to ensure that all institutions can acquire resources to help them develop educational programs. The funding policies are also essential to the local and internal populations since they help students from low socioeconomic families access education easily (Normand et al., 2018). Moreover, many states have ensured that misuse of resources is limited by guaranteeing that auditing is exercised to account for all funds used.

The guidelines can also manifest themselves in the community. For instance, New York State has implemented educational policies to ensure that academic performance is improved in the learning institutions, including higher education (Davidson et al., 2020). The commissioner of education in the state is responsible for enforcing educational laws, compliance with academic policies, and general supervision of learning institutions. New York educational policies regarding discrimination have also been implemented (Jackson et al., 2017). In this case, all individuals should be appreciated and allowed to learn in the various learning institutions. The procedures manifest themselves in the community in multiple ways. For instance, people have known about the need to avoid racism and appreciate all individuals. Moreover, the public has learned about valuing different cultures. Leaders ensure that students can learn to interact with others and learn about the different religions, values, and races. The approach has been significant since it has enabled people to unite in the community and avoid discrimination.

Another issue that leaders are practicing to make a difference in educating people about the importance of the policies and how they can help develop the institutions and community. For instance, parents are being encouraged to support their children and guarantee that they acquire an education. Educational experts have also analyzed the effects of state policy and accountability systems on student achievement (Carnoy & Loeb, 2002). Issues such as child labor have also been addressed since they force children to drop out of school before graduating. Moreover, funding for needy students has been introduced to prevent children from engaging in child labor (Kelchen, 2018). Therefore, the policies have been of great significance in New York. Many people have learned about the importance of education and other aspects that impact how people interact in the community, such as race, culture, and religion.

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To conclude, educational policies play a significant role in different strategies. Educational leaders have ensured that learning institutions provide academic opportunities for all individuals. Limiting discrimination is one of the fundamental approaches that the New York educational commissioner has emphasized to guarantee that students, teachers, and administrators are not oppressed in learning institutions. The policies have also helped shape the community by ensuring that a culture that appreciates and values all people is developed. Policies regarding the funding of the education sector have also been implemented and contributed to the improvement of learning in many states. Students from low socioeconomic families have also benefited from the policies. Although regions vary significantly in the types of guidelines enacted, many states, such as New York, have ensured that the education sector is developed and all individuals have the opportunities to pursue their academic goals.


Carnoy, M., & Loeb, S. (2002). Does external accountability affect student outcomes? A cross-state analysis. Educational evaluation and policy analysis, 24(4), 305-331. Web.

Das, P., & Koul Kachroo, A. (2020). Discrimination in Education. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(7), 1184-1188. Web.

Davidson, C. T., Ashby-King, D. T., & Sciulli, L. J. (2020). The higher education funding revolution: An exploration of statewide community college “free tuition” programs. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 44(2), 117-132. Web.

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Jackson, K. T., Keller, L., & Flood, N. (2017). The encyclopedia of New York City. Yale University Press.

Kelchen, R. (2018). Do performance-based funding policies affect underrepresented student enrollment?. The Journal of Higher Education, 89(5), 702-727. Web.

Normand, R., Liu, M., Carvalho, L. M., Oliveira, D. A., & LeVasseur, L. (2018). Education policies and the restructuring of the educational profession: Global and comparative perspectives. Springer.

Saultz, A., Fusarelli, L. D., & McEachin, A. (2017). The Every Student Succeeds Act, the decline of the federal role in education policy, and the curbing of executive authority. Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 47(3), 426-444. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, August 29). Educational Policies on Internal and Local Populations.

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DemoEssays. 2022. "Educational Policies on Internal and Local Populations." August 29, 2022.

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DemoEssays. "Educational Policies on Internal and Local Populations." August 29, 2022.