US Citizenship Test Review

One of the questions I think is important in the citizenship test is “who makes laws in the United States?” This is an important question because laws govern society, and it is essential to know who makes them. In addition, people applying for a US citizenship must understand the legislative process including who makes the laws of the land. This question is related to the duty of the Congress. In general, I think questions about the laws of the land are important. It is necessary to demonstrate that I am aware of the lawmaking process.

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Another question I think is important is “what is the constitution?” The answer to this question is that it is the highest form of law in the United States. This document is held in high regard in the US since it guides the legal system. For this reason, I think it is critical to be able to clearly define what the constitution is and explain why it is an important document.

A question I do not think is important is “Who presides over the local government?” The answer to this question is county commissioners. I think this question is trivial because citizens participate directly in the local government, and it does not matter who presides over it. Although the local government is an integral part of the citizens’ life, I do not think it is an important question in the citizenship test.

Another question I do not think is quite important relates to the flag of the United States. For instance, I do not think it is important to ask the color of the stars or stripes on the flag. Most government websites and offices display the US flag and a person can easily see these colors. I think it would be more meaningful to ask what the colors symbolize. All the same, I have the answers to all the questions likely to be in the test.

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DemoEssays. (2022, September 1). US Citizenship Test Review.

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"US Citizenship Test Review." DemoEssays, 1 Sept. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'US Citizenship Test Review'. 1 September.


DemoEssays. 2022. "US Citizenship Test Review." September 1, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "US Citizenship Test Review." September 1, 2022.


DemoEssays. "US Citizenship Test Review." September 1, 2022.