Discussion of Authoritarianism in Modern World

It is agreeable on what conservatives argue about many liberals adopting the norm of political correctness. Senator Tim Scott’s opinion on woke supremacy raised concerns about what is right or wrong on social matters (Sandys, 2021). The senator, who criticized the notion that being in a particular political movement guarantees progress and inclusive thinking, allowed Democrats to have prejudiced on his stand on racial alienations, specifically on whites (Sandys, 2021). People who decide to stand firm on what they see as right may witness authoritarian mindsets where the opinion of the minority does not count.

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Authoritarian intolerance is indeed a hallmark only of political conservatism. In most cases, the conservatives would give insights about a particular issue that those who are in power may be advocating for (Sandys, 2021). Therefore, the anti-authoritarianists will enlighten those without the power of the potential risk of injustices such as discrimination and ethnic profiling. There appears to be a supremacy battle between conservatives and the authoritarians in regards to woke supremacy. For example, Tim Scott is a black American, Republican and has highlighted cases where institutions such as Columbia University have practiced racial segregation and discrimination on social status (Sandys, 2021). It can be a contradicting matter when the two parties do not complement each other on various issues.

Political liberals can occasionally be equally authoritarian, intolerant, and prejudiced. The reason is that partisan progressives are termed as prejudiced against conservatives just the way the conservatives are when it comes to liberals (Sandys, 2021). Liberalists demonstrate intolerance by utilizing criticisms of political precision as a defense against oppression. The group may practice prejudice by pointing to the outcome of political competition based on what has been there historically (Sandys, 2021). Therefore, the liberals’ movement may attempt to intensify discrimination in law by only advocating their political metrics.


Sandys, T. (2021). Opinion: Tim Scott: Let’s set the record straight on ‘woke supremacy’ and racism. Web.

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"Discussion of Authoritarianism in Modern World." DemoEssays, 22 Aug. 2022, demoessays.com/discussion-of-authoritarianism-in-modern-world/.


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Discussion of Authoritarianism in Modern World'. 22 August.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Discussion of Authoritarianism in Modern World." August 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/discussion-of-authoritarianism-in-modern-world/.

1. DemoEssays. "Discussion of Authoritarianism in Modern World." August 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/discussion-of-authoritarianism-in-modern-world/.


DemoEssays. "Discussion of Authoritarianism in Modern World." August 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/discussion-of-authoritarianism-in-modern-world/.