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Popular Politics Essay Subjects

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Recent Political Essay Samples

Read the freshest political paper examples to learn more about the topic and get inspiration for your own paper!

The Advice and Consent Process: Navigating Supreme Court Nominee Selection

Introduction The process of advice and consent is a crucial part of the nomination process for the Supreme Court. It involves the executive and legislative branches of the United States government, and its leading players include the President, the Senate, and the American people. This process is essential for the...

Words: 372 Pages: 1
Political Communication

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech: A Call for Unity and Progress

Introduction The inaugural speech delivered by John F. Kennedy in 1961 is an oratory piece that is etched in the annals of American history, owing to its iconic status as a rallying cry for progress and unity. This address, delivered on January 20, 1961, against the stunning backdrop of the...

Words: 628 Pages: 2
Political Theory

Ideologies of Change in Europe: Beatrice Webb’s Beliefs on Industrialization

Webb’s Linking the Industrial Revolution to Her Own Political Beliefs Beatrice Webb is one of the famous socialists who drove significant policies concerning economics. Webb’s political belief was that socialism would evolve gradually and unopposed if political action and education collaboratively took charge. Her belief meant that many problems and...

Words: 939 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Government’s Role in Social Welfare Policies During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Social Welfare policy is aimed at helping those in need and overcoming poverty. These programs set the goal of leveling socioeconomic inequalities that cause limited opportunities and access to resources for the poor or vulnerable categories of the population, like the elderly or disabled people. This policy includes developing...

Words: 651 Pages: 2
Political Culture

The Impact of Platform Switching on Black Voter Alignment in U.S. Politics

Introduction Throughout the development of political views and ideologies, society evolved and decided that all people have equal rights and opportunities. Thus, Blacks were given the right to vote in the United States as full citizens. This topic is significant for the history of America and has many historical aspects...

Words: 655 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Obama’s Political Strategies: Healthcare Policymaking and Lobbying

Policymaking First and foremost, policymaking comprises a set of initiatives and programs that a politician implements to disseminate his values and ideas. For example, it was important for Barack Obama to engage in health care reform because he placed health care at the center of his policies (Kirk et al.,...

Words: 304 Pages: 1

Comparing Obama’s and Trump’s Presidential Transitions and Legacies

Introduction In any democratic nation, the presidential election period is characterized by a critique of the current regime’s policies and rules. Aspects such as the economy, crime, public opinion, policies, and actions in the office form a strong basis that influences the success of the ruling government. These factors remain...

Words: 1743 Pages: 6

Mahatma Gandhi: Revered Leader or Controversial Figure in Modern India?

Introduction Mahatma Gandhi is known around the world as a fighter for Indian independence. He professed and used methods of non-violent resistance to achieve his goals. Notably, Gandhi was devoted to the Hindu religion, finding inspiration for social change in it. However, in some aspects, he disagreed with Hindu traditions,...

Words: 390 Pages: 1
Public Policy

President Biden’s 2023 State of the Union Proposals: Health, Education, and Violence Prevention

Introduction In the State of the Union Address 2023, President Biden raised many questions about public policies in various directions. In particular, these problems concern unemployment, inflation, healthcare, education, prevention of violence, and other areas. Although the President proposed options for solving problems in these areas, some may seem doubtful...

Words: 632 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Comparing the US Withdrawals from Afghanistan and Saigon: Similarities and Differences

Introduction Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the war in Afghanistan began on October 7, 2001. The primary goal of the war was to demolish the Taliban government, which was accused of sheltering Al-Qaeda militants who carried out the assaults. For 20 years, thousands of US soldiers...

Words: 661 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Prioritizing Soldiers’ Mental Health, Physical Fitness, and Tactical Readiness for Military Performance

Introduction The military is a complex institution that operates on discipline, strategy, and readiness principles. Every nation needs a strong military to protect its citizens and uphold peace and stability. Military personnel, especially soldiers, are critical in ensuring the nation’s security and sovereignty. However, military service is a difficult job...

Words: 1455 Pages: 5
Military Leadership

Addressing Sexual Assault in the U.S. Army: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Introduction For many years, the frequency of sexual assaults in the U.S. Army has been a chronic and alarming problem. The urgency of the problem is dictated by the important goals of the armed forces, on which the security and well-being of the entire population of the country depends. While...

Words: 610 Pages: 2

Shaping American Healthcare and Politics Through Checks and Balances

Introduction The White House is a symbol of power in U.S. politics because it is the official residence of the most powerful individuals in the world. The three branches of the government respect and honor the White House based on its bounding relationships with the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary. According...

Words: 1665 Pages: 6
International Relations

Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia

Introduction Today, humanity witnesses significant historical events that might impact the future of numerous states and the global balance of power. The opposition between the western world and Russia became similar to the tensions of the Cold War period. The differences in ideologies and perspectives on geopolitics resulted in the...

Words: 858 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Canadian Police Force: Systemic Racism, Use of Force, and Public Trust

Introduction Canadian society places great trust in its police forces, responsible for upholding the law, safeguarding its citizens, and maintaining social stability. In Canada, police officers perform an ever-expanding range of duties, including law enforcement, crisis response, and crime prevention (Wortley et al., 2021). On several occasions, the police have...

Words: 2986 Pages: 10
International Relations

Berlin vs. Hong Kong: HR Strategies & Expansion Considerations

Introduction Among the opportunities to grow and ways to use an organization’s competitive edge is to conduct an international expansion. To succeed during expansion, it is necessary to pay attention to cultural aspects, such as language and people’s views, ethical factors, political and economic stability, employee preferences, and labor availability...

Words: 2741 Pages: 10
Law Enforcement

The Impact of Social Factors on Police Perceptions in Ohio

Introduction The location of growing up plays a significant role in the development of perception related to police officers. People who grew up in unfavorable regions of the country might see the police as a force that wants to harm society. Moreover, according to Sternheimer (2017), background and education can...

Words: 357 Pages: 1
International Trade

Evaluating U.S.-Cuba Trade Embargo and Sugar Business Opportunities

Evaluating the Future of the U.S.-Cuba Trade Embargo: Should It Be Permanently Lifted? Due to the development of technology, transport networks, liberalization of trade and investment, and modern laws, international trade has become a powerful engine of economic development around the world. Even small companies are increasingly expanding their activities...

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Military Leadership

Analysis of V-22 Osprey Program: Acquisition Reform and Development Challenges

Introduction The ability to move arms, troops, and vehicles to the required spot is one of the most critical factors determining the success of a mission. The quicker the assets can reach their destination, the better the outcome will be. Unsurprisingly, every military puts substantial effort and resources into developing...

Words: 2154 Pages: 8

Impact of Hollywood Soft Power on Arab World: Cultural Influence and Public Diplomacy

Introduction Improvement in film technology plays a crucial role in international relations by sharing persuasive and coercive ideas. Specifically, Hollywood films are heavily laden with cultural imperialist agendas because the directors and actors believe American culture is superior (Chen & Shen, 2021). This misunderstanding between Western film creators has led...

Words: 2213 Pages: 8
Law Enforcement

Exemplary Policing Leadership: Chief Art Acevedo’s Approach

Introduction Every day one can see and evaluate the leadership of people in different areas. One of such leaders is Chief Art Acevedo of the Houston Police Department. He has extensive experience in police and is an outstanding example of excellent leadership in police by applying principles of justice, dignity,...

Words: 382 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change

Introduction Numerous instances of excessive force by law enforcement have sparked widespread protests and calls for change. Particularly in recent years, the problem of police brutality has grown significantly in the United States. The topic was selected from a wide range of alternatives since it is essential to comprehend many...

Words: 680 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

The Fight Against Cybercrime: Upholding Security

With the increasing pervasiveness of the Internet in daily life, cybercrime has grown exponentially, posing new critical challenges to law enforcement. It is important to explore the complex interplay between the jurisdictional constraints investigators face and their moral and ethical obligations to assist the public. It is also necessary to...

Words: 337 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

The Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: Reducing Recidivism

Introduction The effects of different punishments on offenders’ recidivism, incarceration, and reintegration into society are among the most important topics in criminology research. The belief that harsh consequences deter crime is challenged in research, suggesting alternatives for people’s circumstances and behavior affecting factors (Turner et al., 2002). Currently, many locations,...

Words: 1718 Pages: 6