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Popular Politics Essay Subjects

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Recent Political Essay Samples

Read the freshest political paper examples to learn more about the topic and get inspiration for your own paper!

Shaping American Healthcare and Politics Through Checks and Balances

Introduction The White House is a symbol of power in U.S. politics because it is the official residence of the most powerful individuals in the world. The three branches of the government respect and honor the White House based on its bounding relationships with the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary. According...

Words: 1665 Pages: 6
International Relations

Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia

Introduction Today, humanity witnesses significant historical events that might impact the future of numerous states and the global balance of power. The opposition between the western world and Russia became similar to the tensions of the Cold War period. The differences in ideologies and perspectives on geopolitics resulted in the...

Words: 858 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Canadian Police Force: Systemic Racism, Use of Force, and Public Trust

Introduction Canadian society places great trust in its police forces, responsible for upholding the law, safeguarding its citizens, and maintaining social stability. In Canada, police officers perform an ever-expanding range of duties, including law enforcement, crisis response, and crime prevention (Wortley et al., 2021). On several occasions, the police have...

Words: 2986 Pages: 10
International Relations

Berlin vs. Hong Kong: HR Strategies & Expansion Considerations

Introduction Among the opportunities to grow and ways to use an organization’s competitive edge is to conduct an international expansion. To succeed during expansion, it is necessary to pay attention to cultural aspects, such as language and people’s views, ethical factors, political and economic stability, employee preferences, and labor availability...

Words: 2741 Pages: 10
Law Enforcement

The Impact of Social Factors on Police Perceptions in Ohio

Introduction The location of growing up plays a significant role in the development of perception related to police officers. People who grew up in unfavorable regions of the country might see the police as a force that wants to harm society. Moreover, according to Sternheimer (2017), background and education can...

Words: 357 Pages: 1
International Trade

Evaluating U.S.-Cuba Trade Embargo and Sugar Business Opportunities

Evaluating the Future of the U.S.-Cuba Trade Embargo: Should It Be Permanently Lifted? Due to the development of technology, transport networks, liberalization of trade and investment, and modern laws, international trade has become a powerful engine of economic development around the world. Even small companies are increasingly expanding their activities...

Words: 433 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Analysis of V-22 Osprey Program: Acquisition Reform and Development Challenges

Introduction The ability to move arms, troops, and vehicles to the required spot is one of the most critical factors determining the success of a mission. The quicker the assets can reach their destination, the better the outcome will be. Unsurprisingly, every military puts substantial effort and resources into developing...

Words: 2154 Pages: 8

Impact of Hollywood Soft Power on Arab World: Cultural Influence and Public Diplomacy

Introduction Improvement in film technology plays a crucial role in international relations by sharing persuasive and coercive ideas. Specifically, Hollywood films are heavily laden with cultural imperialist agendas because the directors and actors believe American culture is superior (Chen & Shen, 2021). This misunderstanding between Western film creators has led...

Words: 2213 Pages: 8
Law Enforcement

Exemplary Policing Leadership: Chief Art Acevedo’s Approach

Introduction Every day one can see and evaluate the leadership of people in different areas. One of such leaders is Chief Art Acevedo of the Houston Police Department. He has extensive experience in police and is an outstanding example of excellent leadership in police by applying principles of justice, dignity,...

Words: 382 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change

Introduction Numerous instances of excessive force by law enforcement have sparked widespread protests and calls for change. Particularly in recent years, the problem of police brutality has grown significantly in the United States. The topic was selected from a wide range of alternatives since it is essential to comprehend many...

Words: 680 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

The Fight Against Cybercrime: Upholding Security

With the increasing pervasiveness of the Internet in daily life, cybercrime has grown exponentially, posing new critical challenges to law enforcement. It is important to explore the complex interplay between the jurisdictional constraints investigators face and their moral and ethical obligations to assist the public. It is also necessary to...

Words: 337 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

The Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: Reducing Recidivism

Introduction The effects of different punishments on offenders’ recidivism, incarceration, and reintegration into society are among the most important topics in criminology research. The belief that harsh consequences deter crime is challenged in research, suggesting alternatives for people’s circumstances and behavior affecting factors (Turner et al., 2002). Currently, many locations,...

Words: 1718 Pages: 6
Law Enforcement

An Increase in the Number of Women in Prison

In recent years, the number of women in prison has increased exponentially. This phenomenon has become one of the major issues for discussion for law enforcement agencies, the government, and activists, as it poses a serious threat to society. The causes of this growth can be different, including political, economic,...

Words: 391 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Solitary Confinement in the Correctional Institutions

Abstract The issue of solitary confinement and its adverse effects on prisoners is receiving increasing attention among researchers. The current paper considers the features of solitary confinement in terms of its health effects and efficacy. Studying these aspects is necessary since the measure’s inefficiency with its negative health consequences will...

Words: 5249 Pages: 19
Law Enforcement

Examining Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement

Minority groups from all spheres of life are disproportionately affected by actual or perceived racial profiling by law enforcement officers. Concerns about the use of race, ethnicity, or national origin in identifying suspects for detentions, searches, and arrests have long existed among the public and law enforcement (Shusta et al.,...

Words: 283 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Rehabilitation and Reintegration: The Impact of Prison Programs in the U.S.

Various prison programs adopted in the United States can have a critical impact on inmates in many different aspects. These programs aim to rehabilitate prisoners by providing them with educational opportunities, professional skills, as well as therapeutic and social support. First, prison education programs can significantly influence inmates’ life by...

Words: 299 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Nexus of Student Debt Crisis and Neoliberal Policies in the US

The US is currently having a major student debt crisis, which is due to the government’s monetary policy. Student loan debts cause significant harm to many people in the US, and the situation is aggravating each year. Carlson reports the volume of federal and public student loan debt reached an...

Words: 560 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Drug Felony Convictions

Introduction Governments always establish policies to relieve the suffering of some vulnerable social groups. One such policy is Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), which helps parents provide for their children when they cannot, forcing them to get employment while receiving financial aid. However, this help remains ineligible for women...

Words: 377 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Empowering Women: The Path to Gender Equality

Introduction Equal access to educational and economic opportunities is the basis for building a gender-equal society and empowering women worldwide. In the modern world, education is vital in eliminating gender disparities and is the basis for further development and progress. Women who have access to education not only achieve a...

Words: 1407 Pages: 5
Law Enforcement

Prison Programs: Impact on Rehabilitation and Opportunity

Prison programs play an important role in the life of prisoners and the US correctional system. They are aimed at rehabilitating convicts, providing them with new opportunities, and reducing the risk of relapse after release. Three typical prison programs are educational, employment, and inmate substance dependence programs. Educational programs in...

Words: 309 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Alcohol Enforcement as Crime Control: Tennessee’s Gun Carry Laws Scrutinized

Introduction Alcohol consumption is a leading cause of many crimes, including gun violence. In the United States, few state and federal policies address the intersection of firearms and alcohol. However, most states have developed a law prohibiting bearing weapons, including concealed firearms, while under alcohol. Since no standard policy exists...

Words: 1392 Pages: 5
Law Enforcement

UK’s Anti-Money Laundering Efforts: Analysis of Effectiveness and Compliance

Introduction The United Kingdom (UK) is a signatory to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and has implemented the FATF’s 40+9 Recommendations to prevent money laundering. This has resulted in the establishment of an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regime comprising regulations, policies, and procedures that are enacted by the UK government...

Words: 1130 Pages: 4
Law Enforcement

Due Process Model – Ensuring Justice and Liberty

The role of police and law enforcement in the prevention and reduction of crime in society is of paramount importance. Primarily, police officers serve as a conspicuous deterrent to potential offenders by instilling a sense of fear and uncertainty in the minds of criminals. Secondly, they undertake the task of...

Words: 322 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Leadership in Ending Police Brutality

Introduction Using excessive force by police officers constitutes brutality, a form of misconduct. American law enforcement is facing challenges, with cases of police brutality against black people rising to national prominence in recent years (GBD 2019 Police Violence US Subnational Collaborators, 2021). Due to the complexity of the problem, solving...

Words: 1396 Pages: 5