International Organizations Essay Examples for Free

UNESCO World Heritage Program: Preserving Global Culture and Nature for Future Generations

Introduction Mission and Goals of UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) aims to promote international cooperation among countries in various fields of culture and science. One of the most well-known initiatives is the World Heritage Program, which should protect humanity’s historical and cultural memory. The primary...

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Fortex: Impact of the European Mechanisms

During crises, the situation in specific geographic points on the borders of EU member states can become precarious. To address the potential issues, the European Commission presented the EU ‘hotspot’ practice in its European Agenda on Migration of 2015 (Tas, 2022). The aim of this strategy was to offer operational...

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The United Nations: Legitimacy Sources

Relationship of the UN to the Current International System of States The creation of the United Nations was a manifestation of the devastated world’s desire to prevent horrible global conflicts in the future. The UN Charter and structure adopted lessons from the failures of the League of Nations (Mingst &...

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Aspects of the Non-government Organizations

Introduction Non-government organizations are commonly credited for the way they impact various crises in different countries. However, the ways in which social and political unrest affects them is a rather insightful and crucial aspect as well. Unstable governments and societies play a certain role in this field as well. The...

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International Institutions’ Impact on Nation-States

The future of the nation-state is one of social philosophy’s most debatable and still unresolved concern. The heated controversy around this issue has progressed to a new level, gaining increased relevance in the context of contemporary processes and phenomena named globalization. Over a long historical period, the state has served...

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The International Committee of the Red Cross’ Activity

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a humanitarian organization that provides aid to those affected by conflict and violence impartially and independently. The organization’s primary goal is to alleviate suffering and assist those in need. In terms of its support for the United States National Security Strategy,...

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The Protect Children International Organization

Cover Letter from Chair of Board and the Executive Director In the past 100 years, Protect Children International Organization (PCIO) has been dedicated to supporting the ever-growing number of children affected by issues such as war, famine, and drought across the world. During the initial stages of the entity, 25...

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The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the UAE

Introduction Shanghai Cooperation Organization requires sufficient funds to create a regional security foundation but should consult legal counsel on the suitability of being a guarantor of the security and interests of the UAE. Background The enduring association of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization originally addressed the border security interest of five...

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The World Health Organization: Chadwick and Shattuck’s Contributions

Edwin Chadwick and Lemuel Shattuck were two key figures in developing the World Health Organization (WHO). Chadwick was a British civil servant who played a significant role in establishing the WHO. At the same time, Shattuck was an American doctor who served as the organization’s first director-general (Wu, 2020). Both...

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Discussion: E.U. Membership Influence

Introduction The EU is a 26-member social, political, economic, and ideological international organization, that shares a single internal market, intertwined security measures, and maintains common policies on a range of governance aspects ranging from trade to regional development. The EU has grown over time and has expanded its influence in...

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Organizational Analysis: United Nations

Introduction The United Nations (UN) is an international organization comprising several sovereign states. Its roles and responsibilities are widespread but mainly focus on maintaining political, economic, and social stability. In this paper, the purpose of the UN will be examined to understand the challenges it has encountered in fulfilling its...

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Unity in Diversity in the European Union

Introduction The European Union is often a project of peace, prosperity, and unity in diversity. This is certainly true when one looks at the history of the EU. The EU had its roots in the aftermath of the Second World War when European leaders came together to try and prevent...

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Strengthening the United Nations for Global Sustainability

Strong monitoring organizations are required to strategically and financially sustain the globe in the face of difficulties as the present global order becomes increasingly brittle. However, the present weak institutions, especially the UN, are pretty weak. The United Nations has not yet failed, but it is in jeopardy. Many nations...

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Rules of Application to the European Union

A supranational union is a special type of association that stands above a single state and is able to perform the functions of a single state, making decisions as if it were a single state. The European Union is just such a type of assembly, which is a conglomerate of...

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International Trade Organizations: Impact on Brands’ Development

The international trade organizations consist of agreements and rules established for the trade processed between the members. They are designed to regulate international trade between countries to ensure equal opportunity for economic development with the elimination of discrimination. Since the regulatory function of the international trade organizations induces healthy competition...

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International Labor Organization: Supervisory Mechanisms

Introduction The need to create a better and accommodative working environment for workers across the globe is a major concern that has drawn the attention of ILO. Laborers, irrespective of their workplace or country of origin, deserve to have their rights and freedom protected by the state and the employer...

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Copyright Office Legislative Agency

Legislative agencies were established by Congress to assist by administering federal laws in different industries. Thus, legislative agencies are granted rulemaking authority, but their authority is limited by the industry of specific public service. Therefore, Congress uses the assistance of several different legislative agencies specialized in one field to create...

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The Cooperation of NATO and EU

In the 20th century, a partnership between the European Union and NATO emerged as the two main political, economic and military-political structures of the Western world in the field of international regional crisis management. It is becoming more and more real and, perhaps, the dominant factor in resolving conflict situations...

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Law: Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Introduction With a total of fifty-seven member countries scattered across the world and a number tally of approximately over one billion individuals, the Organization for Islamic Cooperation. (OIC) has been considered one of the top intergovernmental organs, as well as a follower of the UN. Despite a considerable composition, this...

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The United Nations as an Effective Law Enforcement

The United Nations (UN) was established to pioneer international security and cooperation among nations. It performs some law enforcement functions to foster harmony, majorly among member countries. It has five chief organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, and the...

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Discussion of an Outline of United Nations

History of UN United Nations is an international organization that was assembled after the Second World War in 1945. At first, 51 countries were included in the list of the nations intended to maintain international peace and security while promoting social progress and safeguarding essential human rights (United Nations). There...

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Non-Profit Organization Review: The Red Cross

The International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) is an organization that has been around for more than hundred years as of right now. Its main mission involves helping people caught in the middle of an armed political conflict, however, the organization transcends this particular aim and expands its competence into...

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The International Festivals & Events Association: Roles, Aims, and Advantages

The International Festivals & Events Association (IFEA) was founded in 1956 and is currently headquartered in Idaho, US. It represents a global industry of festivals and other events through its regional branches, such as IFEA Africa, IFEA Europe, IFEA North America, etc. (International Festivals & Events Association 2021). It also...

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International Organizations Memorandum

International organizations play an essential role in the world community’s life, being a mechanism that helps to establish peace. The list of problems may also include economic and social issues that threaten the order of the commonwealth. Such associations are significant in an era of globalization, in which many states...

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The Eight Millennium Development Goals and Globalization

Introduction The eight millennium development goals are central and the top priority objectives of the global community represented by international organizations, such as the World Bank. It is important to note that these aims are of critical purpose since achievements and works need to be done in each of them...

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The Challenges for the European Union

The European Union (EU) is a remarkable association wherein part states have pooled sway in certain strategy regions and fit laws on a wide scope of monetary and policy-centered issues. The weaknesses of the European Union are large government deficits and rising debt. These include small economic growth, inefficient service...

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Red Cross and Child Rights: Aligning Humanitarian Goals and Rights

Mission, Vision, or Purpose The objectives, mission, and purpose of the Red Cross humanitarian organization are covered in sections of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, for instance, stipulates in Article 16 that no child shall be the...

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NATO’s Evolution: Challenges, Expansion, and Responses to Global Security Threats

Introduction Twenty-eight nations from North America and Europe have joined forces to form the Organization for the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO), which is dedicated to achieving the agreement’s objectives, signed on April 4, 1949. The North Atlantic Treaty’s core concept establishes the organization’s guiding principles and specifies the primary course...

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The Political and Economic Implications of Brexit for the EU and the UK

Introduction Due to the profound benefits of the integration process during this time, Britain was threatened with withdrawal from the European Union. Moreover, the idea of a self-determined future project was enshrined in the views of many people in the United Kingdom. Therefore, Brexit should be considered a natural consequence...

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The United Nations Tackling the Global Issues

It is important to note that the modern world is reaching its key and existential pivotal point, where the future will be either massively disastrous or immensely prosperous. Considering the current geopolitical tensions, environmental pollution, profit-driven capitalistic systems, and inefficient, international institutions as well as national governments, the pessimistic projection...

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The Doctors Without Borders Organization’s Activity

One example of Nongovernmental Organizations that the military may interact with while executing their assigned missions is Doctors Without Borders, also known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). This organization was established in 1971 by a group of French doctors and journalists in response to the dire need for medical assistance...

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The History, Status Quo, and Role of the European Union

The creation of the European Union economic and political bloc was an unprecedented and bold experiment in the late-20th century, that few thought would succeed. For nearly three decades, the EU continues to exist, but as outlined in the article by Kaiser (2017), there are two distinct perspectives on the...

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The American Red Cross Organization Overview

American Red Cross is a national branch of the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC), which is the largest humanitarian organization in the world. As an affiliate, American Red Cross shares the main principles of the IFRC, which is to prevent and relieve human sufferings. The organization strives to protect...

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s History

Introduction The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in 1949 by countries such as the U.S., Canada, and several nations in Western Europe. The main objective of the countries was to ensure mutual protection against the Soviet Union, which posed an immense threat to other nations. Following World War II,...

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The United Nations: Historical Development

Introduction The foundation of the United Nations (UN) was a critical event in the history of humanity, and its relevance in the present-day world seems conditional upon its effects on all countries’ affairs. On a personal level, it means the possibility of making a change while acting within the established...

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The European Union Institutions and Integration

Introduction With the need to have better economic, social, and political advancement, a number of European countries came together to form an organization called the European Union (EU). The EU was tasked with various responsibilities on behalf of its members. It aimed at integrating the region by fostering military security...

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Role of the United Nations in Resolving Global Conflicts

The United Nations U.N. is an international organization whose role is to maintain international peace and safety, protect natural human rights, dispatch humanitarian support, and promote sustainable growth to uphold international law in all its 193 member countries. The Russo-Ukrainian war that started on February 24, 2022, is the latest...

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World Trade Organization: Global Trade

World Trade Organization (WTO) is an entity that deals with rules of trade between nations globally. Its goal and objective are to help producers of commodities, exporters, and importers carry out their business. It is a symposium for governments to do negotiations and settle business disputes. Its functions are coordinated...

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Japan’s Withdrawing From the International Whaling Commission

The chosen opinion piece is a publication from The New York Times which is called “Japan: Stop Slaughtering Whales” (The New York Times, 2018). The article was published on 31 December 2018 by the editorial board. The thesis of the opinion piece states that Tokyo should reconsider its decision related...

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International Organizations: Role in the Modern World

The world is governed by international organizations that seek to solve conflicts through negotiations rather than force. Nowadays, when the world is becoming more and more interconnected, these organizations play a major role on the world arena. Established to maintain peace and economic prosperity, they unite countries on their way...

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Pros and Cons of Lobbyists as a Tool for Special Interest Groups

The concept of lobbying refers to the lawful influence on legislators and attempting to promote the interests of companies or influential stakeholders and interest groups. One of the major advantages of lobbyists is that they represent the interest of minorities (Komarnytskyy, 2020). The government commonly tries to meet the interest...

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What the United Nations Organization Is

I explored the United Nations website ( and discovered some details. After thoroughly examining the website, I realized that several activities are facilitated by the website. For example, from the internet site, it is apparent that the UN is a fundamental tool in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide....

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Kuwait and Germany as NATO’s Partners

The paper introduces an interesting discussion regarding of NATO’s partners. The alliance retains a strong bond with Kuwait, relying on this partnership within the framework of various operations in the area. Following years of cooperation and friendship, NATO and Kuwait signed the renewal of their official partnership program in 2019...

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Nato’s Relations With the Middle East

In April 2021, NATO will celebrate its seventy-second birthday, which prompts the question of how successful the organization has been, especially in its efforts to stifle the conflict in the Middle East. After all, the region is one of the threats to global security due to its instability and relative...

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The United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Regarding five Ws for the United Nations and its foundation, it is an international organization (what), which unites different nations to solve global problems. The organization was founded in 1945 (when); the foundations of its activities and structure were developed during the Second World War by the leading members of...

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The Bureaucratic Capacity: Influence of International Non-Governmental Organizations

In the modern world, the policy process and delivery of public service in many countries are happening not in isolation but with the engagement of different international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). The article “International development NGOs and bureaucratic capacity: Facilitator or destroyer?” written by Cambell, DiGiuseppe, and Murdie focuses on the...

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Intergovernmental Organizations: European Union

Introduction Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) refer to entities formed by treaties and may involve two or more states that come together to work in good faith without aspects of common interest. IGOs do not exist unless they have been passed in during a treaty, and they are confined by legal protection....

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The United Nations Operation in the Congo

The end of the Second World Wave triggered the process of the colonies’ withdrawal from the power of their metropolises. The Republic of the Congo was no exception and gained independence from Belgium in 1960. This event triggered a wave of chaos and unrest on the territory of the African...

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In What Ways Is the European Union a Powerful International Actor?

Ensuring that relationships between states remain lawful and ethical is much more difficult than it might seem, even though the foundations of international relations etiquette might seem obvious. Due to the differences in the legal and economic standards across countries, the European environment, in general, would remain a grey area...

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Arms Control by the United Nations

Introduction In a world characterized by aggressive cut-throat competition in technology, weaponry development has not been left behind. As such, there is a need to curb their mass production by countries. Arms control is the restriction and limitation of the development, stockpiling, distribution, proliferation, and usage of weapons (Kolodkin). Further,...

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United Nations Children’s Fund’s Impact, Vision & Mission

Organization’s Work Impact UNICEF has played a vital role in addressing the community’s safety and health requirements. For example, the group has aided children’s social services and health. The firm has also had a significant impact on the lives of women and children by addressing health and safety issues. The...

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UN: Alternative to Existing Global Power Distribution

Currently, the world faces a number of pressing challenges, which is why people look to the United Nations (UN) as an institution capable of resolving existing issues in global health, security, and environmental protection. The initial reason behind the creation of the UN has been an undeniable need of a...

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International Organizations Assignment

There are multiple approaches for Secretary Blinken to address the developmental assistance, humanitarian engagement, and working with the IGO/NGO communities in the New Foreign Policy Consensus for the United States. The criticisms of past U.S. approaches toward aid, assistance, or development programs can be acknowledged through the direct mentioning of...

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The Future of the World Health Organization

The development of technologies and various scientific discoveries provide many opportunities for medical workers who should improve the health of people around the globe. Nevertheless, there are significant disparities in health conditions between and within nations. When an individual looks at the data about infant mortality rates or other indicators,...

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Common Currency for Gulf Cooperation Council

Introduction Trade and economic trends in the 21st century world has become so interdependent that no nation or region can survive on its own, at least economically. This evident from the 2008 financial crisis in the US that nearly led to the collapse of the world economy and the ongoing...

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United Nations: From Creation to the Present Day

Introduction The United Nations was established in 1945 immediately after the end of the Second World War. At the time, the world saw a lot of mayhem caused by the use of new technologies in armed combats. For instance, the use of atomic bombs in the war resulted in much...

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United Nations Security Council

Introduction The United Nations Security Council is the largest body in the world that is mandated with the task of maintaining peace and security among its member states. It is also considered to be one of the most powerful arms of the UN whose mandate is to carry out debates...

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World Trade Organization Membership Impact

Problem Statement Introduction This research paper critically illustrates the perceptions and attitudes of the WTO membership connecting the socioeconomic responses in the Gulf Arab region and factors touching the motivation and exploration of the GCC policymakers within the existing practice of necessary reformations suggested by WTO that emerged and experienced...

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Habitat for Humanity International, a Charitable Organization

Introduction Charitable organizations can be seen as those firms that are involved in community welfare activities. Charitable organizations do not have any profit motives in their activities. They are purely non-profit. The main goals are directed towards philanthropic activities. To optimize the benefits to the public through its activities, every...

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Non-State Actors and Criminal Networks

Introduction NGO refers to a range of varied organizations. NGO as a terminology was formulated by the UN. In most cases, it is associated with organizations that are working independently without government influence or guidance. Such organizations are not driven by profit objectives. “The World Bank defines NGOs as private...

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What Role China Plays in Shaping the Contemporary Politics of the World

China and the Global Politics of Regionalization At a time when the regionalization of China has a great impact not only on the eastern part of Asia but also on other parts of the world such as Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East, it becomes necessary to examine economic...

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The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent

Abstract Red Crescent offers its humanitarian services to various nations across the world. Through proper management and administration, the organization volunteers relief and aid to thousands of families across the globe. In fact, the Red Crescent has capitalized in programs that support the vital relief work in disaster and crises,...

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Mitigating Measures for Containing the Occurrence of Corporate Deviance

From the international outlook, the exploitation of under-developed nations by developed countries and multi-national corporations is being monitored by international organizations- such as the United Nations, International Criminal Court, Transparency organizations etcetera, with an aim of upholding justice and fairness in all international relations, treaties and enterprises (Simon, 1993, p....

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International Labor Organization

Introduction The international labor organization (ILO) is a Geneva-based (Switzerland) branch of the United Nations which deals with the rights of workers across the globe. However, its establishment can be traced to years before the UN was established because it was formed by the Treaty of Versailles when the UN...

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World Food Program: Development Challenges

Introduction The situation of nutrition and food supply in the world is different due to several factors. The first place here should be taken to the economical factors and political climate in the country or within a community of people. Millions of people lack food and healthy nutrition (Jacobsen, 2008)....

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The EU Development Policy: Anti-terrorism Measures

Responding to the geopolitical needs of the European Union, such as migration control and anti-terrorism measures, has become an integral part of the EU Development Policy. However, recent events have exposed the potential inadequacy of current measures. In 2019, the European Commission announced that the migrant crisis that started off...

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EU’s Homeland Security as a Part of Its Foreign Policy

The European Union is an active and influential actor in international relations. Its political activities are closely linked to supranational bodies. Their existence indicates that the EU is not just an economic but also a political association. The various areas of their activities depend significantly on countries outside the Union,...

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The EU and NATO: Role of the Relationship

Maintaining stability and peace throughout the world is a challenging task, requiring the cooperation of forces from all countries of the globe. However, since the interests of many countries do not coincide in matters of world order, it is almost impossible to form one alliance. Therefore, the world community was...

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Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP)

Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) is an integral part of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union. It already includes both military and civilian operations, which are required to preserve peace, prevent conflicts, and conduct humanitarian activities. Therefore, the overall future of CSDP is bright,...

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The World Health Organization and its Role

With the rise of globalization, countries have become tightly interconnected, encouraging both domestic and international travel. Public health has become a global concern – an outbreak in one region has the potential to spread to other continents quickly because of the fast movement of people across the globe. The World...

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Global Governance Structuring International Cooperation

Different types of international governmental organizations are available in the light of global cooperation and unified action: United Nations Organisation and its many organs, such as UNICEF, UNCTAD, UNDP, UN Security Council, etc. Although the UN is seen as the prime global governance body, there are also other specialized and...

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International Organizations and Interstate Cooperation

Introduction Cooperation between countries has been analyzed as long as the world exists. While some states are in a constant state of conflict, others try to find resolutions to complicated situations and endeavor to mitigate disagreements. Quite often, the participation of a third-party state is necessary for the successful resolution...

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The Role of the UN in the Promotion of Human Rights

Introduction The United Nations represented ideologies, political systems, religious and cultural backgrounds, and various stages of economic development. They aimed at ensuring the document they were drafting gave a picture of various cultural traditions and integrate common values inbuilt in the world’s principal legal systems, religious and philosophical traditions (Mertus...

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Global Public Goods and Non-State Actors

The dependence of modern countries on non-state actors(NSAs) and vice versa increases each year as society evolves. This collaboration is essential to support growing populations as more and more nations turn to democracy. In times of dire need, resources that are drawn together from states and non-state actors allow the...

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The UN Policy: Dispute in the East China Sea

Introduction The marine areas of the East China Sea, where the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands are located, are abundant invaluable environmental resources, including oil and natural gas. Both Beijing and Tokyo claim their rights to these territories and have long been unable to agree on a maritime boundary. The presence of both...

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“Wrong with the US and How to Fix It” by Wiess

The book What’s Wrong with the United Nations and How to Fix It, written by Thomas Wiess, analyses the functions of the United Nations (UN), focusing on its pitfalls over the years. The author introduces the UN through the book and further displays his agenda for change based on its...

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Is European Integration Unraveling?

The European Union (EU) is one of the most influential international organizations in the modern world. It contributes to the cooperation of its member states in the domains of political, economic, cultural, and social spheres. Even though the union was initially successful, it has faced a few challenges recently. Thus,...

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Labor Unions for the 21st Century

Introduction Union organizations were created as a result of a mediocre environment. The product of a diverse society and multiculturalism had made a significant negative effect on society in the past. Racism and unfair labor had brought workers within an industry to become closer to each other sharing a common...

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Weakened Sovereignty: the IMF and the World Bank

Introduction Within the last twenty years, there have emerged non-state world aristocracies that have more global power than the nation-states. These international bodies include the IMF and the World Bank, which have created powerful international bureaucracies. Although people did not elect these bodies, they set rules of the economic game...

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Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an organization which was established in the year 1960. Its main goal was to facilitate the policies of the member countries. Additionally, OPEC was established in order to provide market for petroleum and petroleum products to the member countries. This could provide...

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European Union as an Economic and Political Integration

The European Union is the single biggest economic and political integration since the Soviet Union. Europe had embraced the industrial revolution and there was high industrial development across the region before World War II. The war brought the economy of Europe into waste, with many of its industries destroyed. From...

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International Financial Institutions’ Purposes and Results

Introduction To understand what International Financial Institutions are, in particular, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and why they were created, it is important to evaluate that state of Europe and the world at the time of their inception. In 1944-1945, the...

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Innovation Arabia: Innovation and Supply Chain Management

Innovation Arabia 10 is the leading congress on education, environment, business, finance, and health in the region; currently, it focuses on the theme of ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship: the Engines of Sustainability’ (Wamda 2017). The Innovation Arabia’s presentation included four speakers: Hisham Al Gurg, Majed Al Suwaidi, Hisham, and Eddy Maroun....

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European Union Policies as to Human Rights

Introduction The European Union is a partnership between European countries. European Union is typically a political and economic partnership that covers much of the continent to implement its policies and achieve its targets. The formation of the European Union was after the Second World War to mainly encourage and promote...

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The World Trade Organization

World Trade Organization (WTO) provides certain rules to control the trade flow between the countries. The regulation receives priority because of the globalization process. The main purpose of the WTO creation was to secure and provide the nations with a reliable trading process. The WTO is a unique trading company...

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Gulf Cooperation Council vs Gulf Union

The Gulf Cooperation Council, which was established in 1981, has proved to be a very beneficial alliance for its six member states. Owing to its success, there have been proposals by some member states for the alliance to be strengthened by transforming it into a Gulf Union. I am of...

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Future Role of the International Monetary Fund

It is painfully obvious, that the critically acclaimed International Monetary Fund (IMF) was quite instrumental, and still is, in the rejuvenation of myriad countries, both developed and developing, that were steadily taking precarious economic directions. This was partly occasioned by poor economic management, because of perennial budget deficits that were...

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International Relations Questions: United Nations Organization

The role played by the UN on the stage of world politics The United Nations Organization, commonly referred to as the UN, was formed on October 24, 1945, from the defunct League of Nation by “peace-loving” states from across the world. The objective of the organization was to actively prevent...

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World Trade Organization Role in International Business

Introduction The steady increase in the interactions between countries and people, a process known as globalization, resulted in a steady increase in the volume of trade among nations. This coupled with the observed shift by nations from trading solely with their traditional trade partners to including other varied nations over...

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The United Nations Security Council and Its Power

The realization of effective international relations is central toward fostering global peace and security. Historically, poor intercontinental affairs led to the development of devastating conflicts as depicted by cases of World War I and World War II. As such, the establishment of the United Nations (UN) in 1945, just after...

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