The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent


Red Crescent offers its humanitarian services to various nations across the world. Through proper management and administration, the organization volunteers relief and aid to thousands of families across the globe. In fact, the Red Crescent has capitalized in programs that support the vital relief work in disaster and crises, which targets the vulnerable national societies and individuals that seek aid and relief. The Red Crescent services are also linked to the governments, public, and private sectors. This rapport is critical for the RC management in its bid of providing excellent work. The superior development and performance of Red Crescent services makes some of the major values that trigger the operations of the organization. The Red Crescent’s reputation across the universe where it offers its humanitarian services has made the organization to be perceived as the leading nonprofit organization in comprehensive operations. The research report has offered diverse humanitarian development activities that can determine the success of RC and relay the importance of functioning in a nonprofit organization.

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Executive summary

The Red Crescent (RC) is a nonprofit organization specializing in the diverse humanitarian activities. The organization provides services that range from disaster management, humanitarian diplomacy, preferment of values and principles, capacity building, recovery, risk reduction, health, and general development work. Nonetheless, the Red Crescent faces a number of opportunities and challenges in administration and management during the international operations. Red Crescent is committed be the principal philanthropic actor through its development work (IRFC, 2014). The peripherals and services have compelled RC to expand its operations in many parts of the world. Thus, this report analyses Red Crescent’s literature review on administrative and management matters in regards to the rapport amid RC, public, and private sectors. It also examines the size, scope, role, sub-sectors, and typical features Red Crescent. Ultimately, the report analyses significant management of the humanitarian activities in achieving quality service.


The RCS (Red Crescent Society) is one of the nonprofit organizations based in the United Arab Emirates. In the fiscal 1986, RCS joined the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies long after the other 138 members had joined. In fact, the RCS is the UAE’s major agency offering aid and relief. The organization is a sovereign entity that undertakes a starring role in the philanthropic activities of the government. RCS is directed by diverse values of the global movement including liberation, non-interference, and non-alignment. The institution expands it services not only in UAE but to the rest of the world. In reality, the Red Crescent promptly reacts to emergency circumstances that accrue outside UAE. The organization as well plays a part in different charitable and health practices.

Conversely, the Red Crescent has reinforced developments in many nations under the presidency of Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The Red Crescent for example in the year 2009 offered nearly 123 million dollars (452 million AED). Financially, this donation made RC the third most noteworthy contributor of monetary aid. Reports reveal that approximately 76.0% of the funds went to Asia. Precisely, the sub-Saharan Africa got 80 million AED (18.0% of the entire donation) whereas 264 million AED went to Middle East. In its development bid, the Red Crescent hand funded more than 56 republics in sustenance of several public and private sectors. The organization directs huge aids going to multi-sector developments as well as social amenities and infrastructure. For example, Red Crescent boasts the largest recipient of relief (137 million AED) in support of almost seven thousand internally displaced individuals in Yemen’s Mazraq II Camp.

The nonprofit organizations management and administration: Literature review

Relationships between the nonprofit, public, and private sectors

Lynn (2003) maintains that nonprofit organizations perform a leading role in pondering services that cannot either be done by the private or public sectors. In fact, these organizations campaign against various apprehensions in the interest of communities, ethnic groups, environment, as well as the cultural and social existence. The scholar asserts that the nonprofit organizations aggressively take part in societal building. However, numerous encounters engulf the course of such organizations’ amenities. The challenges might include the mandate for answerability, rivalry from the profit institutions, decay in charitable support, and abridged federal subsidy. In spite of the management being the mediators and designers of nonprofit organizations, such stresses averts the devotion of nonprofit administrators from the characteristic of human capital.

Characteristics of the nonprofit sector, size, scope, role and sub-sectors

Nonprofit organizations face almost identical bottlenecks regarding the kind of operation they execute despite having dissimilar roles, scope, and sizes. These range from workplace diversity, retention of workforces in non-administrative posts, and recruitment. Actually, the nonprofit organizations experiences high turnover rate in the executive than in the lower levels of management. The factor of turnover thus encourages the subject of Public Service Motivation (PSM) among the lower level employees. According to Brown (2002), benefits and compensation is critical to the nonprofit organizations. The employee benefits places the organizations at a better competitive advantage. The consistent staff convention and fundamental rewards solidifies the esteem of the workforce in order to be valued, involved, betrothed, and vested for organization’s success. The urge for serving mutual goals, the motivation of public service, and the organization’s mission enables the personnel to aspire for specialized development and growth prospects. However, the administration and management may not offer the in house preparation for the employees due to tight financial plan.

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The management tasks in building organization’s excellence

The management of a nonprofit organization can put a number of management tasks to help in building the organization’s capability of achieving excellence. In establishing accountability and setting direction towards success, the nonprofit staffs must follow the business prerequisites. Actually, they should make impartiality, accountability, and morals towards the charitable services evident. The most influential and powerful positions in nonprofit organizations are held by white people. Halpern (2006) argues that more diversity in leadership and executive positions should be fortified in term of ethnicity, race, and sexual category. It becomes important to put in place an effective board that comprise of a team of project leaders, research assistants, education experts, as well as community building directors. Besides, nonprofit organizations ought to employ the chief executive officer as well as the president to ensure excellence.

On the other hand, the human resource of the nonprofit organizations must establish proper workplace diversity, retentions, and recruitment (Green & Griesinger, 1996). The workers of nonprofit organization normally possess an archetypal profession pattern with the varying positions that necessitate diverse capacity, vision, and aptitude of working in an atmosphere that is puzzling. The organization need to establish different sub sectors encompassing information technology, development, finance, and effective personnel departments. Additionally, the various programs put in place by such organizations for success should be run by the distinct administrators and separate labor forces. As maintained by the scholars, the structure and objective of the current human resource should be improved. The uppermost HR task should be to create congruence amongst the organization and its employees rather recruiting the luxury specialists. Generally, this would ensure effective communication and presentation in the nonprofit organizations.

Red Crescent organizational analysis

The history, extent of volunteerism, and philanthropy in Red Crescent

The Red Crescent Societies is an affiliate of the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies) which was initiated in the fiscal 1919. The organization is based in the United Arab Emirates with the headquarters found in Abu Dhabi. In fact, the diverse nations’ vulnerability exposed the necessity for handy collaboration amid the societies of the Red Cross. However, the Red Crescent was established in the year 1983. The Red Crescent volunteering activities is based on their philanthropic services to help a number of devastated nations not only in the UAE but in the entire world. Actually, RC is buildup of a large body of professionals and masses of unpaid assistants (IRFC, 2014). The organization is a sovereign entity that undertakes a starring role in the philanthropic activities of the government.

The management of Red Crescent establishes its objective from that of the IFRC in developing the well-being of societies in diverse nations that suffers from calamities. The organization extends its volunteering services to unite and strengthen the condition of more than 100 nations across the world in regards to humanitarian activities, emergency relief, and health statuses. The Red Crescent Society through its voluminous volunteers remains imperative to most of the world’s nations who seek to get charitable services (IRFC, 2014). Red Crescent develops the lives of susceptible societies in matters of health, development work that take place after or before the disaster. The organizations operations are not based on the discernment of political opinions, class, religious belief, race, or nationality. In the main, the institution is channeled by the IFRC’s plans.

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The shared plan of RC philanthropic activities includes the key charitable and growth challenges (shifting minds and redeeming lives) facing most nations in the contemporary world. The RC’s power depends on the organization’s capacity to offer an international support to the susceptible populaces, community-based proficiency, and the vast volunteer system. Indeed, the Red Crescent assists in nurturing the philosophy of harmony, reinforcing flexibility, and lessening the susceptibilities across the globe (IRFC, 2014). The notion is palpable through upkeep of the benign and better societies, rapid reaction to catastrophe, operating as allies in development, and advancing the philanthropic values. Largely, the Red Crescent is functioning in the emergent and ordinary adversities in the UAE and regions having intricate societal and political conditions. These circumstances vary speedily and could have impact on the living and working situations of both the volunteers and staff.

The RC’s administrative leadership and organization

The Red Crescent organizational associates work as a family in order to create difference in improving the living standards of the susceptible societies through organizing the authority of civilization. The organization is full of pride due to the success instigated by its excellent leaders with extraordinary ideals of competencies and technical information. The Red Crescent has a properly oriented board that is well acquainted with exceptional abilities. The organization is proud of proper communication channels engrossed in the associations of the board members. The decisions as regards the organization humanitarian functions are relayed in a well-managed platform owing to the highly educated staff (ICRC, 2014). In fact, the administration is aligned with specified exertion to every member of the management.

The Red Crescent organization preserves the posts of director of operations, emergency operations manager, organizational development director, along with the representative, organizational growth, and volunteering group. Besides, the Red Crescent’s board comprise of the migration senior field marshal, sanitation and water delegation unit, reporting and planning office, as well as reception office. The well elaborate panel has undergone different training edification, and learning programs. The LET (learning, education, and training) adopted by the organization fosters group leadership, informed decision making, communication, and staff relations. It proffers an enduring learning for the Red Crescent candy stripers and personnel (IRFC, 2014). The RC’s administrative management programs are intended to create curricula and standards besides inspiring the new philosophy which is pertinent to the organization’s primary business interests.

The Red Crescent leadership issues

The Red Crescent is headed by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Al Nahyan as the President of the organization. However, the board of directors is chaired by the abled Doctor Musalam Hamdan Al Mazrouei. The leadership tracks down to the Gerneral Secretary who is assisted by the Deputy Secretaries for resource development, support services, local affairs, and universal aid. The role of this team is to execute benevolent relief tasks that assist the victims of catastrophes in the UAE and across the world. The board of directors ensures the sustenance of rapport with the executive guarantees growth and reinforces the dimensions of the Red Crescent’s volunteering services. The RC focuses on societal and healthcare matters, disaster vigilance and response, as well as sponsoring humanitarian morals through its leadership (IRFC, 2014).

The exceptional volunteering network that extends to more than 100 nations marks the Red Crescent’s leadership strong point. The paramount cooperation amongst the executive directors and the board of directors provides the organization with superior potential of development capabilities in supporting the vulnerable states. In the UAE alone, the leadership system empowers RC to spread relief to the distinct societies. Furthermore, the function of the secretariat for instance in in Geneva remains to represent the RC in the global arena, stimulate corporation amid communities, and harmonize or marshal aid to the worldwide disasters (ICRC, 2014). The delegations at the field inspire regional teamwork, plan, and promote the nationwide communities with philanthropic growth programs and processes. The leadership of Red Crescent is committed and enjoys healthy affiliation with the executive in executing the entire organization’s services.

The RC’s marketing, public relations and image

The Red Crescent remains one of the nonprofit organizations that lead in the provision of charitable services. The institution comprehends the significance of having strong public relations, management, and active programing. The RC distinguishes the meaning of vibrancy as it is answerable to the individuals that enjoy its services, its benefactors, associates, personnel, the unpaid assistants, as well as the shareholders. The principle makes Red Crescent to be respected for its services presented to the entire world’s vulnerable states. Interestingly, this obligation is echoed in the code of conducts of the IFRC which is the leader of the Red Crescent. The organization holds itself responsible for the facilities that provide its resources along with the societies that hunt for relief assistance (ICRC, 2014).

The Red Crescent is committed in different aspects and aspires to sustain the extensive public principles, attain the standards of excellence in effective practices, and gain the intent parties transparency and responsibility culture. Basically, the RC obligates itself to the growth of feedback devices from the associates, humanitarian aid beneficiaries, and the supporters that provide the organization with capitals. The organization is also devoted to generating systems for trainings, proficient and operative use of resources, reminiscent beneficiary involvement, clear information distribution, and honesty in reporting and monitoring. The Red Crescent’s image is portrayed as transparent. For instance, all functions like the field positions and vacancies are exposed and advertised online and are public to both the internal and external candidates (IRFC, 2014).

The management of Red Crescent

The vision of Red Crescent is to all the times uphold, expedite, hearten, and stimulate diverse practices of humanitarian undertakings. Through its strategic planning and management, the organization sticks to the outlook of averting and lessening human anguish. This vision is in line with the mission (organizing the power of humanity to care for the susceptible) that is based on the influence of the organization to uphold and preserve hominid peace and self-esteem in the world at large. The UAE Red Crescent appreciates the reputation of devouring the resilient administration and management of operating in benevolent programs. The administration ensures that the organizational services expand the survival of susceptible people in UAE and across the world. The management has an expansive financial plan that distributes aid in proportion to the extent of disaster or need of the affected society (ICRC, 2014).

The Red Crescent performs the services and stands in for the Red Cross in a number of Islamic republics. The human resource management ensures that all the matters related to staff and volunteers are intact. For example, the personnel ensure that the recruitment principles are followed to the latter. Essentially, this guarantees that the premier criterion of honesty, proficiency, and efficacy is met by the organization. The Red Crescent management discourages discrimination at all levels while encouraging diversity in the labor force (IRFC, 2014). Red Crescent heightens the gender parity in its management and volunteering services besides valuing the impact made by every individual. The staff and volunteers are adequately managed to increase competition in the organization. In the process of recruitment, the HR department uses telephone to conduct interviews and electronic mails to communicate to the shortlisted applicants.

The legal aspect at Red Crescent

The Red Crescent has a voluntary code of conduct that is comparable to any other certified code. This code puts in place almost 10 code implications that the organization observes in its bid of providing public-spirited operations. As well, the conduct designates the associations that Red Crescent ought to pursue with United Nation schemes as well as the host and contributor governments (IRFC, 2014).


The Red Crescent rests as one of the nonprofit organization that is a leader in the provision of philanthropic services. The institution magnifies it services not only in UAE but also to the other parts of the world. The Red Crescent’s repute from every corner of the world and in the Muslim nations where it offers its services has made the organization to be perceived as a committed nonprofit organization in development programs. The diverse humanitarian development activities by RC determine its success and relay the significance of operating in any nonprofit organization. It is therefore important to encourage the work of Red Crescent at all costs by the donor governments.


Brown, A. (2002). Inclusive governance practices in nonprofit organizations and implications for practice. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 12(4), 369-385.

Green, C., &. Griesinger, D. (1996). Board performance and organizational effectiveness in nonprofit social service organizations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 6(4), 381–402.

Halpern, R. (2006). Workforce issues in the nonprofit sector. Generational leadership change and diversity. American humanics initiative for nonprofit sector careers. Web.

ICRC. (2014). The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Web.

IRFC. (2014). The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Web.

Lynn, B. (2003). Human resource management in nonprofit organizations. Review of Public Personnels Administration, 23(2), 91-96.

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DemoEssays. 2022. "The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent." December 31, 2022.

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DemoEssays. "The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent." December 31, 2022.