What Role China Plays in Shaping the Contemporary Politics of the World

China and the Global Politics of Regionalization

At a time when the regionalization of China has a great impact not only on the eastern part of Asia but also on other parts of the world such as Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East, it becomes necessary to examine economic and political approaches adopted by China. As such, Emilian aims at outlining the overview of the regionalization of China by looking at the impacts of China on contemporary politics. Such is done through activities that the country has engaged in the past, present as well as plans.

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Emilian presents the significance of China in world’s politics following the adoption of a ‘new regionalism’ paradigm. The author has divided the approach into two parts whereby, part I covers the comparative, analytical, and historical aspects of global politics. Part 2, on the other hand considers the insights that are evident from China’s regionalization and its involvement in global politics. According to the Emilian, China is one of the potential actors in global politics. The country has made progress in disintegration of the global order that involves Cold War bipolarity. In addition, China has continued to extend its differentiated attitudes towards the complexity that exists in global politics. For this reason, China has played a transformative role in shaping the global politics.

The information presented in this piece of work is useful in that it provides a link between China’s past and its present with respect to global politics. For example, Emilian shares the goals of explicitly linking this country’s history to the strategies that it has adopted presently towards global politics.

Even though Emilian provides useful insight and link in China’s milestone as far as world’s politics are concerned, there are a number of flaws in the information provided. For example, the author fails to offer explanation regarding the way forward after linking China’s past with its present. Such a limitation can be attributed to the fact that the work does not propose any methodologies to be followed. In spite of such limitation, it is evident that China’s impacts on contemporary politics can be traced from its activities in the past, present, as well as in the future. As such, Emilian’s work is helpful in this research in that it provides grounds for evaluation of China’s activities to ascertain its role in world politics.

Latin America and China under Global Neo-liberalism

China has been experiencing a rapid economic growth, which has been instrumental in its involvement in world’s politics. The country’s export and import business has placed it at the helm of global affairs. This article, therefore, looks at the growth of China and its impacts on contemporary global politics. Eric and Barbara present the impacts of China in global politics by analyzing its economic and political position with respect to international involvement. Through such analysis, the authors explain how China’s economic growth has played a major role in contemporary politics of the world.

This piece of work is useful in that it touches on major economic and political activities of China. Such activities form the basis for determining the influence of the country in worldly matters such as politics. However, the information provided is limited on the aspects of industrialization and its role in the country’s position in global politics. Eric and Barbara neglect the fact that China is a developing country. In addition, the authors fail to explain whether such a state of development has any impacts on the contemporary politics of the world.

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In conclusion, the growth of the China’s economy has been presented as a major factor for the country’s involvement in contemporary global politics. As such, China has become more prominent with emphasis placed on the country’s developing status.

This work is a perfect fit in the research about the impacts of China on contemporary world politics in that it clearly provides figures as well as facts that explain the meaning of global expansion and the role that China plays in shaping the politics of the world.

Contemporary World Politics and China’s Role

Wang’s book offers an overview of China’s contribution in world’s politics. The book begins by addressing the initial features of contemporary global politics. According to Wang, such features have negative impacts of globalization, whereby as they become steady they have a counter effect on the economic development that is lopsided as well as on non-traditional security issues. According to Wang, the launch of the China’s policies of openness along with its political reforms was a pathway to the country’s integration into global politics. With such reforms, China joined several other countries in enjoying the advantages that come with being part of the world’s economy.

As such, the author through a narrative approach wishes to enlighten readers on the activities that China has involved itself in as far as contemporary politics are concerned. The involvement of China in world’s politics has seen the country become quite active in the determination of international rules in the field of global politics. Through its involvement in various international organizations, China has created a platform for change in the way different nations view leadership. In addition, the country has set international rules along with contributing to improve world’s political as well as economic status.

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In most of its activities, China works towards substantiating and promoting development aimed at achieving world’s peace. As such, chapters from this book are significant in offering insight on research about the role that China has played with regard to global politics. Even though the work of Wang does not explain the negative effects China on contemporary global politics, the aspects of global politics, challenges, and activities discussed in this book are useful. This is because they provide a ground on which one can adequately understand the impacts of China on contemporary global politics.

From the foregoing, it is evident that China’s involvement in world affairs has greatly changed the outlook of both economic affairs and global politics.


Emilian, Kavalski. “China and the Global Politics of Regionalization.” Chinese Political Studies 17, no. 4. (2013): 97-98.

Eric, Fernandez and Barbara, Hogenboom. “Latin America and China under Global Neo-liberalism.’’ Developing Societies 23, no. 1 (2007): 467-501.

Wang, Jisi. Contemporary World Politics and China’s Role. England: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

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"What Role China Plays in Shaping the Contemporary Politics of the World." DemoEssays, 2 Apr. 2022, demoessays.com/what-role-china-plays-in-shaping-the-contemporary-politics-of-the-world/.


DemoEssays. (2022) 'What Role China Plays in Shaping the Contemporary Politics of the World'. 2 April.


DemoEssays. 2022. "What Role China Plays in Shaping the Contemporary Politics of the World." April 2, 2022. https://demoessays.com/what-role-china-plays-in-shaping-the-contemporary-politics-of-the-world/.

1. DemoEssays. "What Role China Plays in Shaping the Contemporary Politics of the World." April 2, 2022. https://demoessays.com/what-role-china-plays-in-shaping-the-contemporary-politics-of-the-world/.


DemoEssays. "What Role China Plays in Shaping the Contemporary Politics of the World." April 2, 2022. https://demoessays.com/what-role-china-plays-in-shaping-the-contemporary-politics-of-the-world/.