The Future of the World Health Organization

The development of technologies and various scientific discoveries provide many opportunities for medical workers who should improve the health of people around the globe. Nevertheless, there are significant disparities in health conditions between and within nations. When an individual looks at the data about infant mortality rates or other indicators, he/she can conclude that many healthcare organizations fail to promote the wellbeing of people. This is one of the first issues that should be considered by legislators and administrators.

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It seems to me that much attention should be paid to the role of the World Health Organization. This institution should act as an intermediary between local government, private businesses, and medical organizations. For example, WHO should promote the adoption of best medical practices throughout the world. Furthermore, this organization has to raise awareness about particular problems existing in a certain country or region. Other commentators believe that this agency should foster partnership between medical institutions and private organizations. To a great extent, this strategy is quite justified since healthcare problems can often be attributed to the lack of resources. More importantly, this institution should be able to transcend national borders because bureaucratic obstacles can prevent healthcare professionals from achieving their objectives. This barrier affects the lives of many individuals who suffer from various health problems. This is the main argument that can be made.

I am not familiar with the work of the World Health Organization. I can learn about the functioning of this agency from secondary sources. Nevertheless, I am familiar with those people who work at an international level. In the opinion of these people, the lack of leadership, partnerships, and scientific cooperation are the main factors that prevent the improvement of health conditions in different countries. Currently, the World Health Organization increases the awareness of policy-makers, but it does not have sufficient capacity to improve health conditions in many countries. This is the main problem that should be addressed by people.

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DemoEssays. (2022, April 28). The Future of the World Health Organization.

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"The Future of the World Health Organization." DemoEssays, 28 Apr. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'The Future of the World Health Organization'. 28 April.


DemoEssays. 2022. "The Future of the World Health Organization." April 28, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "The Future of the World Health Organization." April 28, 2022.


DemoEssays. "The Future of the World Health Organization." April 28, 2022.