What the United Nations Organization Is

I explored the United Nations website (www.un.org) and discovered some details. After thoroughly examining the website, I realized that several activities are facilitated by the website. For example, from the internet site, it is apparent that the UN is a fundamental tool in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. The site has four tabs About Us, Our Work, Events, News, Get Involved, and COVID-19, all of which outline different organizations’ information (“Peace, Dignity, and Equality” 1). From the About Us tab, I discovered that it describes the general organization’s details like stating when it was founded, its member states, its charter, and its secretariat. In addition, it generally explains what the UN organization is.

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After clicking on the Our Work button, it is obvious that the UN coordinates its functions with the funding, packages, specialized organizations, and other agencies of the UN structure. The UN fulfills functions including but not limited to praising and protecting human rights, upholding peace and unity, ensuring sustainable development and observing climatic change, upholding international law, provision of humanitarian aid, and observing global issues. For instance, as the globe’s only universal worldwide organization, the UN has developed the forefront forum to tackle problems that surpass national boundaries and can never be resolved by one country functioning alone. But its significant role after perusing the website is to maintain peace, self-worth, and equality on a healthful planet (“Peace, Dignity, and Equality” 1). Upholding international peace is a primary objective of the UN as it strives to ensure every state lives harmoniously without fear of hostility from their neighboring countries. In addition, the aspect of human rights is quite sensitive as the violation of the privileges leads to adverse effects. The UN encourages the recognition and protection of human rights and dignity for all individuals to ensure everyone is treated fairly without favor. Based on humanitarian aid, the UN tries its maximum best to ensure that any state that encounters a calamity of any type is well mitigated and the citizens revert to their normal lives (“Peace, Dignity, and Equality” 1). It eradicates the calamities like floods, drought, and hunger, killer diseases, for example, the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ebola epidemic. Moreover, through its sustainable development goals, it will build a more supportable worldwide economy which will diminish the greenhouse gas release to the environment causing climatic change.

On the Events and News tab, information concerning how the UN is functioning to tackle the critical issues troubling the international community (“Peace, Dignity, and Equality” 1). Also, it includes summaries of all the events performed by the UN as well as news, releases, and features. The Get Involved tab generally provides information on how individuals can join the organization and work together. The UN Charter begins with, ‘we the individuals,’ function with us, and in unison, we will better our future. Some of the ways suggested that someone may use to join are applying and developing a staff individual, intern, or volunteer. The final tab, Coronavirus (COVID-19), details information concerning the COVID-19 pandemic like the countries greatly affected by the epidemic, the recovered population, how to avoid the spread of the disease, and the strategies put in place to curb the epidemic. For instance, the efforts of the World Health Organization in the fight against the pandemic are outlined in this section.

Work Cited

“Peace, Dignity, and Equality on a Healthy Planet.” United Nations, Web.

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DemoEssays. (2024, February 5). What the United Nations Organization Is. https://demoessays.com/what-the-united-nations-organization-is/

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"What the United Nations Organization Is." DemoEssays, 5 Feb. 2024, demoessays.com/what-the-united-nations-organization-is/.


DemoEssays. (2024) 'What the United Nations Organization Is'. 5 February.


DemoEssays. 2024. "What the United Nations Organization Is." February 5, 2024. https://demoessays.com/what-the-united-nations-organization-is/.

1. DemoEssays. "What the United Nations Organization Is." February 5, 2024. https://demoessays.com/what-the-united-nations-organization-is/.


DemoEssays. "What the United Nations Organization Is." February 5, 2024. https://demoessays.com/what-the-united-nations-organization-is/.