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International Relations

Britain May Reduce Aid if Gay Men Are Not Set Free in Malawi

The problems connected to health care touch different spheres of life, and social activities, as well as politics, are the most liable to change spheres. In the article under consideration, the author admits the impact of the British government on the life of Malawi society and gives clear reasons of...

Words: 188 Pages: 1
International Relations

European Merger Control: The Commission That Have a Community Dimension

Introduction On the 1st of January 1958, within the bounds of the Treaties of Rome on the creation of the European Economic Community came into effect article 85 and 86. Those articles make it “illegal for companies to enter into agreements that restrict or distort competition with the European Union,...

Words: 2122 Pages: 8
Military Leadership

Women in Elite Combat Units

Introduction Wars have flooded the history of humankind, in which women often had to take the place of men not only in the production lines but also in the field of battle. Although most militaries appreciated their help during dire times, they also refused to consider recruiting female soldiers as...

Words: 1168 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

Army Values and Recommended Adaptation Approach

Army values are critical in developing a progressive and disciplined force of soldiers. Security officers protecting a country from external attacks are considered important for improving social peace and economic prosperity. Consequently, ethical values and morals are objective in maintaining an environment of respect and trust among individuals (Walker, 2020)....

Words: 1122 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

Servant Leadership Within the Army

The chief, who seeks to show his professionalism and effectiveness, should be the leader for his or her team. Nevertheless, there is no universal answer to the question of what qualities the leader should have since everyone adapts to circumstances and chooses their own leading style. One of these types...

Words: 874 Pages: 3
International Relations

The Free Movement of Goods and the Fiscal Barriers in the EU

Introduction The European Union has managed to come up with a uniform way of dealing with goods and services that flow through the borders of the member states. In the economic sense, the union has formed a single market with the characteristics of a customs union. This means that they...

Words: 825 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Strengths and Weaknesses of Open Source Information

Introduction Open-source information is the unclassified processed information by individuals and organizations but can be accessed by people via the available ethical and legal means. Roger (1998, p.15-30) claims that most of the information is availed by the media, the internet, professional journals and newsletters, gray literature, information service providers,...

Words: 591 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Police Corruption and its Causes

Introduction Police corruption is a major and complex issue that faces police departments around the world today. Of the various internal problems that the police officers face, nothing is so detrimental and compromising than the acts of corruption that are taking place in the police department. The police in any...

Words: 724 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement: Comparison of the FBI and the Korean NIS

Introduction For as long as human societies have been in existence, organizations have played a great role in civilization. Even before the birth of Christ, the Romans had complex bureaucracies. Further down the history line, the Greeks also exhibited forms of organizational structures. Similarly, these structures have remained to this...

Words: 1721 Pages: 6
Law Enforcement

Miranda Rights. A Content Analysis

Introduction The Miranda rights, also known as the Miranda warning, are an iconic legal term associated with law enforcement. These set of rights are a notification given by law enforcement officers to individuals in police custody and interrogation. Based on a high-profile Supreme Court case, the Miranda warning is targeted...

Words: 1505 Pages: 5
Law Enforcement

Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

Introduction According to Smith (2003), Federal law enforcement is defined as a structure of enforcing the law in countries that have a federal government that has control all over the country. Where a federal government exists, the nation is divided into smaller sections and every smaller section possesses its laws...

Words: 2176 Pages: 8
Law Enforcement

Becoming a US Marshal Officer

Introduction The United States Marshals Service is one of the pioneer law enforcement agencies that was formed in 1969 and operates under the justice department. It took its responsibilities from the Executive Office for the United States Marshals which itself was formed in 1965. The law enforcement agency is credited...

Words: 815 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Comparison Between Germany & America’s Correctional Systems

Introduction This study paper seeks to establish a comparative analysis between German and American correctional systems. It then passes a considered opinion of the writer as to which correctional system is more effective and justifiable. In addition to it, an opinion on whether any elements of the American correctional system...

Words: 1431 Pages: 4
Law Enforcement

Canadian Police Powers

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which falls under the Constitution Act of 1982, was developed to guarantee the rights and freedoms of all Canadian citizens. The Canadian Charters deals with all human rights aspects and issues such as freedom of speech, worship and communication by stating that everyone...

Words: 1185 Pages: 4
Law Enforcement

The Use of the Internet in Police Technology

In this essay, I will present my thoughts on the importance of the Internet as a law enforcement tool. For reference, I’ll mainly use Raymond Foster’s Police Technology handbook as it’s considered the Bible of information related to technological advances when applied to law enforcement. I will also use my...

Words: 1145 Pages: 4
Law Enforcement

Bill of Rights and Challenges for Law Enforcement Agencies

Introduction Criminal procedure is the branch of law with the mandate of maintaining order in society and protecting the rights of all citizens by ensuring that they live in peace and are free from government interference. This paper will look at the criminal proceedings concerning the first, fourth, fifth, sixth,...

Words: 1644 Pages: 6
Law Enforcement

Segregation in Prisons

Introduction Segregation in prisons has been and still is a matter of great controversy particularly in the United States of America. In one way or another, inmates in prisons find themselves being separated along with factors of homogeneity ranging from natural factors such as gender differentials to factors that exist...

Words: 3453 Pages: 11
Law Enforcement

Community Policing: Impact on the Law Enforcement Agencies

Introduction In the past, policing strategies were based on proximity, and the price of this has limited the size of the populace to which data could be sent. In particular, interaction with to a large number of citizens needed compromises in the degree of information richness. With the increasing span...

Words: 3501 Pages: 13
Political Ideology

Political Realism Is the Theory of International Relations

Political realism is one of the main concepts in the theory of international relations. The basic concepts and principles of diplomacy began to be defined within the framework of a realistic paradigm, and states built their political strategies based largely on these principles. One of the main ideas of realism...

Words: 293 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

Challenging the Myths: The Idea of ‘Demographics as Destiny’

The idea of ‘demographics as destiny’ refers to the concept that because one falls within a specific demographic group, one is more likely to behave in a way that has been predicted for that group. More generally, it suggests that trends for the demographic group seen in the present can...

Words: 736 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

Three Changes to the Australian Constitution

Introduction To begin with, there is strong necessity to mention that Australian constitution was based on the principles of British constitution and country government. The fact is that, it was initially formed with the intention of British control over the Australian territory; nevertheless, it was further amended in order to...

Words: 809 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

Realism and Liberalism: Review

International regulation exists from the beginning of human civilization, as tribes had to divide their territories and agree on peace. These days, foreign affairs present a matter of extreme significance. Each country has its interests and intentions, which are highly likely to interfere with each other. Such a conflict may...

Words: 833 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Community Policing: Governmental Strategies

Introduction Community policing is a scheme that promotes governmental strategies that help in maintaining efficient use of partnerships and problem-solving techniques, to proactively deal with urgent conditions that increase public insecurity issues such as crime, social disorder, and fear of crime. It involves collaboration between the police and the community...

Words: 577 Pages: 2
Public Policy

Social Workers in Political Campaigns

Modern political campaigns are all about following social standards and strengthening democracy. Thus, there is a high need for the direct involvement of social workers in politics. The joining political campaigns give them an excellent opportunity to choose a suitable future leader who fits the social standards. During the period...

Words: 400 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

The Role of the State: Ideologies and Policies

An ideology is a series of dogmatic principles that shape a person’s or a group of persons’ understanding of how the world works. The four ideological models that support capitalism are liberalism, Keynesianism, mixed market ideology, and neo-liberalism. Liberalism first appeared in an attempt to focus on individual freedoms. It...

Words: 280 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

Marxism: Speech for the Presentation About Marxism

Hello! Today I will tell you about Marxism, its history, fundamental theories, and principles, as well as its significance for the world and science. The first thing we need to find out is what is Marxism in general. However, some difficulties arise in this matter, since representatives of different sciences...

Words: 974 Pages: 4
Political Ideology

Marxism Philosophy, a Constitutional Republic and American Criminal Justice

The Marxist philosophy is often seen as a product of its time that has served good in the past but lost its practical use in today’s late-stage capitalism. Many political figures disparaged its legacy: for instance, in the 1960s, the UK Labor Prime Minister Harold Wilson stated that it was...

Words: 3419 Pages: 12
Public Policy

The United States Foreign Policy

Today the Middle East is a vital region in international relations, determined by many political, military, economic, geographical, and demographic factors. On the one hand, it increases its value among other countries and makes people build long-term business relationships with its leaders. On the other hand, it leads to international...

Words: 559 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Karl Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto” Analysis

Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto is the most famous work of the author, which addresses the issue of class conflict. The work begins with a claim that the entire history of humanity was based on the struggle of class (Marx 14). The bourgeoisie is the wealthiest elites who oppress, undermine,...

Words: 339 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

Political Institutions in Turkey: Analysis

Introduction Turkey has a complex society that has developed over time. The nation has to balance religion with secularism and democracy to remain stable and achieve economic development. Moreover, the statist economy requires liberalization and the factors which will determine its state as either European or Middle Eastern. This essay...

Words: 957 Pages: 3

Government. Illegal Immigrants and National Security

Introduction The number of illegal immigrants into the United States has increased. Illegal immigrants have not only threatened our nation’s security but, have also put a strain on the economy. The United States has been burdened with excessive medical bills, gang violence, and an abundance of drugs and weapons that...

Words: 2808 Pages: 10

Confederation and the US Constitution: A Comparison

Historically, the United States has operated under two constitutions: the Articles of Confederation from 1781 until 1788 and the Constitution from 1788 until this day. Both documents were written at the same period and by the same people, and yet, they show more differences than similarities. In fact, comparing the...

Words: 290 Pages: 1

Pathway of a Bill in Congress: Legislative Process Review

Introduction The United States Congress is a bicameral legislature made up of the House of Representatives (lower) and the Senate (upper house). The federal government governs 13 states, each state has 2 senators in the upper house. The number of representatives is not fixed because it is dependent on the...

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The Bill of Rights Freedoms: Benefits and Drawbacks

The Bill of Rights is comprised of the first ten amendments to the US constitution, which guarantee its citizens personal freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. These rights were first proposed in the 18th century and were generally meant to protect people...

Words: 1141 Pages: 4

Civil Rights: The Right to a Fair Trial

The right to a fair trial, in my opinion, is one of the most fundamental and important civil rights bestowed upon the people since their birth. When dealing with something as complicated and serious as criminality, the governments should be able to guarantee each citizen an equal chance to be...

Words: 279 Pages: 1

Was Reconstruction a Social, Economic, and Political Failure or Success?

It might be tempting for a present-day person living in a relatively equal society and affected by a hindsight bias to view Reconstruction as a successful project. Nevertheless, Reconstruction overall was predominantly a social, economic, and political failure. From a social perspective, Reconstruction did not achieve its purpose but created...

Words: 839 Pages: 3

Corporate Governance in Islamic Perspective

The purpose of this research paper is to establish the differences that exist between the Islamic corporate governance and the mainstream orientation. Corporate governance is defined as, the processes, principles and rules that govern a corporation or a company in order for it to achieve its mission. Corporate governance is...

Words: 1258 Pages: 4

The American Federalism

I believe that the states should be allowed to create the policy that they want, even if it goes against the federal government, as long as it does not harm the citizens and does not go against the Constitution. It is a misnomer to equate the federal government with the...

Words: 381 Pages: 1

The Influence of Interest Groups on the US Political System

Interest groups have played a major role in the formation of the US political scene for a long time. In my opinion, their existence is integral to American democracy because they increase citizens’ involvement in politics. While political parties’ programs can often be too complicated and ambiguous, as they have...

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Civil Liberties & the Supreme Court

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is an organization concerned with the preservation of the civil liberties guaranteed by law in the United States. The ACLU is involved in lobbying and litigation, providing legal assistant when civil rights of individuals seem to be violated. One of the ACLU and the...

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Accountability Reporting Non-profit Organizations

The governmental and non-profit, or not-for-profit, organizations constitute the basis on which the economy of every state is founded. The activities of these organizations should be monitored by society as the development of the latter is dependant on the former. With the recent increase in scrutiny and public demand of...

Words: 286 Pages: 2

Lord Denning’s Judgements

To begin with it is necessary to mention that Lord Denning was a judge for nearly 40 years. His career started in 1944. He often made courageous, however justified decisions and made a great contribution to the development of the law and was rather an influential judge in the Commonwealth...

Words: 688 Pages: 3
Public Policy

Transitioning to Community Policing

Introduction As the head of the local police department, several issues have led me to think of implementing a community policing system. This system would integrate and emphasize on the interaction of the wider community towards curbing crime within the area. I have realized that the wider community can play...

Words: 957 Pages: 3
Public Administration

Government’s Role in Mine Explosions

Public administration is necessary for the adequate functioning of all spheres of human life, ensuring the safety of citizens and their property. Unfortunately, modern realities indicate that American society has moved far from this ideal. This paper aims to examine four cases of mine explosions in which dozens of people...

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Public Administration

Police Corruption. Definition and Types

Introduction Police corruption is a serious issue in police departments that is not always easy to measure, and it is critical to recognize the variety of its forms. The purpose of the research paper is to explore the state of knowledge regarding this problem and summarize information on the different...

Words: 2038 Pages: 7
Public Administration

Controversies in Office of Health, Safety and Security

Introduction The Office of Health Safety and Security (HSS) is charged with a vital role in ensuring the safety and security of workers in nuclear weapons production facilities. It does this through policy development, offering technical aid, training, enforcing, and oversight programs. It operates under the Department of Energy (DOE)....

Words: 742 Pages: 2
Public Administration

Dallas County’s Pursuit for a Better Economic Position

Introduction Following the current technological advancement and modernization, various countries are being faced by crisis in various aspects especially in the economic aspects. As depicted in the budgets of these countries, intensive stagnancy in various economic sectors has occurred as a result of adopting policies which inhibit their usual way...

Words: 945 Pages: 3
Public Administration

The Effect of State Regulations on Health Insurance Premiums

Introduction In some states, there has been enactment of community rating ordinances that seeks to restrain the degree to which insurance premiums in the health insurance markets can change with an individual’s health status. The state passed laws that sought to increase insurance accessibility for individuals who have high-risk health...

Words: 1944 Pages: 7
Public Administration

The Issues of Politics and Administration Dichotomy

Politics is a term that refers to the existence of authority and power, that enable the governing and influences the allocation of resources. It entails making a decision by a group of individuals in a collective way. It also plays a major role in policymaking. The administration is the state...

Words: 742 Pages: 2
Public Administration

Government Transportation in the United States

GAO (2009) has ascertained that there will be remarkable growth following the decision of the Base Realignment and Closure also known as BRAC, which will lead to significant growth in communities’ transportation systems. The initiatives of other defense will also add to the needs of the transportation. Growth of the...

Words: 575 Pages: 2
Public Administration

Domestic Health Policy of American Government

Domestic policy is the critical area for the evaluation of any government as it influences all ordinary citizens’ lives and well-being. However, considering the current polarization of American society, it is incredibly complicated to provide a fair and unbiased assessment. Still, some conclusions are supported by most experts regardless of...

Words: 338 Pages: 1
Public Administration

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Introduction Nuclear Energy has found many positive uses worldwide. The use of nuclear energy has not only been to generate electricity but it has also been widely used in medicine and research. The process of nuclear energy production involves breaking up atoms through chain reactions which need to be monitored...

Words: 753 Pages: 2
Public Administration

The Government Response to COVID 19 Virus in Florida and Arizona States

Introduction Presently, COVID 19 has been considered one of the worst diseases ever to emerge. The rate at which the disease continues to spread causes human suffering and devastated the global economy has continued to create several puzzling questions. The documented statistical data indicate that the confirmed Corona Virus cases...

Words: 2204 Pages: 8
Public Administration

Policies on Nuclear Waste Management

Introduction Some people believe that Nuclear energy is the only source of energy that can meet the increasing energy demands especially in industrialized countries. On the other hand, others are concerned about the effects of nuclear waste on people and the environment. This waste is a radioactive material that comes...

Words: 1415 Pages: 5
International Relations

Power Transition as a Common Trend in Global Relations

Introduction The world is changing due to the political, social, economic, and cultural forces involved. The global community has established unique relationships and ideologies that dictate the growth and success of some nations. Over the centuries, concepts of nationalism, militarism, and imperialism appeared to dictate international relations. However, new trends...

Words: 2270 Pages: 8

The Cancellation of Lambert Airport P3 Lease

Lyda Krewson, Mayor of St. Louis made an announcement about the unsuccessfulness of the effort to privatize the city’s airport. This has been made public after several years of studies and multiple discussions. The fact that Lambert was controlled by one city being a regional resource has been disturbing people...

Words: 307 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Debate on NATO Commitment

The EU has long been considered to be a part of a broader geopolitical concept. Nevertheless, that vision may be revised in terms of several years if some of the current political processes continue to accelerate. The growing popularity of nationalist approaches, the migration crisis, and Trump’s decisions concerning NATO...

Words: 443 Pages: 1
Public Policy

Privatization of Government Services and Public Sector

Over the past decades, the issue of federal government downsizing and funding ability shortage has become one of the most challenging aspects of managing state institutions. While some researchers claim the following tendency to be caused by the lack of proper resource allocation pattern in the governmental framework, others are...

Words: 658 Pages: 2

US Political Systems: The Virginia Plan

Introduction The Virginia Plan that was prepared by James Madison became the working model of the Constitution of the US. Being one of the closest associates of Washington and Jefferson, Madison actively takes part in the formation of the structure of the American government and defining the norms of relations...

Words: 1653 Pages: 6
International Relations

Entering the Japanese Market of Packaged Medicaments

Japan has been at the forefront of global economic development for quite a while up until recently. Due to the rapid technologic growth and the development of innovative technologies that would become the center of the world’s IT and ICT progress. According to the Central Intelligence Agency, in 2018, Japan’s...

Words: 2654 Pages: 10
International Relations

Arab-Israeli Relations

The Arab-Israeli conflict is a confrontation between several Arab countries, on the one hand, and the State of Israel with the Zionist movement, on the other. Although the State of Israel was created only in 1948, the history of the conflict spans about a century (Shapira, 2015). It had begun...

Words: 1457 Pages: 5

The New Government of Cronad

Since Cronad has been through tough times due to years of war and the divisions in the country, there is a need for a new form of government. To establish new order there has to be a certain structure to the plan that will include the principles of the governing...

Words: 946 Pages: 3
International Relations

Negotiating Nuclear Non-Proliferation

Background The confrontation concerning the Korean nuclear weapon remains ongoing after the year of significant negotiations and summits. The Korean Peninsula is encircled by three influencing the world powers: Russia, China, and Japan. The background of the Republic of Korea and South Korea is crucial to clarify their relations to...

Words: 816 Pages: 3
International Relations

North Korea’s Nuclear Problem: Impact and Solutions

Introduction North Korea has long been working on increasing and making a more sophisticated program for nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles and is also believed to have significant capabilities in regard to the weapons that would pose either chemical or biological threats. The considerable development of nuclear technologies in the...

Words: 1660 Pages: 6
International Relations

Brexit: Essence, Context, and Consequences

Background On January 31, 2020, the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community. Britain has been part of the block for 47 years, since January 1, 1973. While the UK and the EU are negotiating, the UK is still subject to the EU, the...

Words: 1217 Pages: 4
Public Policy

The Effects of Recovery And Reinvestment Act

Abstract President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law in February 2009. This paper aims at evaluating the impact the act had on homeowners and lending institutions on the loans they offer. The Act has provisions that affect businesses and individuals. It has introduced tax cuts, credit...

Words: 3558 Pages: 13
Public Policy

The New World Order

The political and economic global transformations are widely discussed nowadays, especially in the context of building the New World Order. This term is used in politics for various phenomena and forecasts for the future form of the world. Despite its various interpretations, the term is mostly associated with the ideological...

Words: 913 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

The Foundation of Army Leadership: Attributes and Competencies

Effective leadership is important for any organization because it influences the process of achieving organizational goals. In the Army, leadership plays an even more important role since the accomplishment of the Army’s missions affects national security and the safety of many people, including both soldiers and civilians. According to the...

Words: 848 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Non-Commissioned Officer 2020 Strategy in Army

The army is a structure in a constant process of change, improvement, and modernization. This process is necessary so that the armed forces are always ready to fulfill their task and adapt to any conditions. However, this modification can only be successful if each person in military service changes along...

Words: 630 Pages: 2
Public Administration

Organization of Police Department: Area, Time, and Purpose

Police Department The organization of police forces is very important in determining the effectiveness of the police. Leaders in police departments will play a vital role in ensuring that not only the organization of the forces exists but also that the forces are effective. The effectiveness of the police organization...

Words: 629 Pages: 2
Public Administration

Government Regulation of Business

Introduction Regulation can be defined as a set of rules, norms, and mechanisms for their enforcement (Birch et al. 115). When it is done by the state, the objective is typically to steer socially important activities in the direction that would make them comply with the law. The subset of...

Words: 581 Pages: 3
Public Administration

Running for Local Political Office

The process of running for a local political office may vary depending on the state and the office, but certain basics remain the same. If one belongs to a political party, it is usually a good idea to contact its local committee to discuss the idea of running. While it...

Words: 285 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

The Importance of Respect in the Military

The Army is a multilayered system of individuals, traditions, and rules that serves the function of protecting the country. All interactions between military personnel are codified and regulated. While most communication is written, some of the rules exist on an unwritten basis. Conduct in the military is regulated by customs...

Words: 564 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The Foundation of Army Leadership

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to discuss the foundation of army leadership and what is expected of military chiefs. Effective management is vital for any profession, and every worker should have a sense of direction in their job. In the armed forces, management is paramount as it can...

Words: 824 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Military Information Support Operations

Military Information Support Operations (MISO) is one of the core capabilities of Information Operations. MIS forces specialize in influencing the cognitive aspect of the information environment (Joint Chiefs of Staff 2012, II-10). The primary goal of MISO is to employ information to alter the perceptions and behavior of foreign authorities...

Words: 567 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Drug Problem in the US Navy and Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Introduction Stereotypes of psychoactive drug use have historically been common among U.S. military service personnel, with a wealth of literature demonstrating that they extend back through centuries (Bray, 2010; Bachman et al., 1999). This has necessitated the Department of Defense (DOD) to specifically underscore drug use and abuse among military...

Words: 4505 Pages: 15
Military Leadership

Concepts of Global Positioning Systems for Defense

Introduction Due to increasing global insecurity and changing life patterns, presently there exists much technological advancements in terms of systems development, where by each country is endeavoring to ensure its citizens live comfortably and confidently. One of such latest technologies is development of a global position system by the U.S.,...

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Military Leadership

“National Security Powers: Are the Checks in Balance” by M. Ulrich

The entire article deals with the critical analysis of the paper by Marybeth Ulrich named “National Security Powers: Are the Checks in Balance”. The investigation the matters explained in the paper is done to seek out relevance and irrelevance depicted in it. 2008 U.S. military intervention into Iraq was failure...

Words: 862 Pages: 11
Public Policy

Article Analyze the Emancipation Proclamation

Emancipation Proclamation (1863) is an essential executive order signed by the United States President Abraham Lincoln. The document, which came into effect on January 1, 1863, covers one of the most serious issues of that time. It defines the rights and legal status of millions of enslaved African Americans on...

Words: 280 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

An Analysis of the Mungiki Vigilante Group in Kenya

Kenya, a country in the East African region has recently been in the news for all the wrong reasons. The post-election violence of 2007-2008 that pitted supporters of the two leading political parties against each other almost brought the country to its knees and it saw the emergence of vigilante...

Words: 1654 Pages: 6
International Relations

Major Topics in the History of American Foreign Policy

The history of American foreign policy features numerous episodes that motivated statesmen to change some of the aspects of policies radically. Different approaches and grand theories can be accepted and rejected in a matter of a few months. Nevertheless, it is crucial for the whole nation to identify the issues...

Words: 621 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Trump’s “Zero-Tolerance” Policy Effect

Introduction The family separation policy is part of immigration policy initiated by the administration of the outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump. Its presentation and approach to the public came as ‘zero tolerance’ and aimed at deterring illegal immigration, encouraging more stringent legislation (Human Rights Watch, 2018). The official adoption of...

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Political Ideology

Comparison of Democracy Levels in Uruguay and Venezuela

Democratic institutions face difficult times in winning back the confidence they have lost in the recent past in many countries worldwide. The ruling political parties and congress have not inspired confidence in the general public. Incumbent presidents have abused the democratic space by clinging to power and making amendments in...

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Political Ideology

The Idea of Republican Theory

Introduction The idea of republican theory came into being in the early seventeenth century within Europe and around the eighteenth century in Italy and America. The republicans believe in the decree of law with people fighting for the good of the community. The republican theory has been mainly centered on...

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International Relations

Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Foreign Policy

COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge that affects every country in the world and the global community as a whole. As a result, apart from its effects in terms of healthcare, coronavirus impacts international relations by presenting new difficulties and providing opportunities. For India, the pandemic is a reason to...

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International Relations

The American Government’s Ban on Tik-Tok

TikTok, the viral social network for creating and viewing short videos owned by the Beijing company ByteDance, is under the threat of potential prohibition in the United States, doubtful of their future operations in the country. The President’s administration assumed that the involvement of China imperils the US’s internal security....

Words: 995 Pages: 5
Political Ideology

McCarthyism and its Aftermath

Senator McCarthy started to gain popularity in 1950 after a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia. He revealed that over two hundred prominent communists were residing in the State Department. Furthermore, he claimed that communists were a part of almost every department of the U.S. administration. His unreasonable charges became a...

Words: 1159 Pages: 4
Political Ideology

Credit Card: The Credit Card Act

Introduction There were, and still are, many experts and non-experts of law and the financial sector that wonder if its redundant to transform into legislation regulations that are like copy-paste of already imposed rules by banking institutions?!! Anyway, regardless this interrogative point in the minds of many, the newly minted...

Words: 6133 Pages: 12
Political Ideology

The Failure of Democracy in South America

Over the last two centuries, all Latin American countries have attempted to institute democracy. Most retain a democratic structure today, regularly carrying out elections and having the populace influence their nation’s politics through them. Moreover, a wide variety of government types have existed in the region, positioned in many different...

Words: 305 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Mandatory National Service Program in the United States

The idea that a citizen of a country should serve it in a military or civil capacity is nothing new. Many countries around the globe have mandatory military service that able-bodied young adults are required to complete. Arguments for Americans to do the same have been proposed in various forms...

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Law Enforcement

The Concept of Qualified Immunity in Government Field

Government officials are mostly protected from civil liability when faced with statutory and constitutional claims, according to a doctrine called qualified immunity. Ordinary individuals, regardless of their ranks in society, are expected to follow the law strictly. They can be sued and fined if they violate another person’s legal rights....

Words: 395 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Life in Prison and Correctional Policy

Prison life has changed completely, especially in the 21st century. Prison life of the past lacked a lot of improvements that are present in the current prisons. Nowadays, prisoners enjoy freedom of activities, an aspect that was not found in the past prisons. Despite that they are prisoners they are...

Words: 1700 Pages: 6
Law Enforcement

Development Project: Enhanced Police Patrol Drones for Crime Prone Neighborhoods

Introduction Police patrols in crime-prone regions in major cities have been expensive and risky. With this, it can be quickly understood why unmanned drones are being embraced as a new way of demonstrating a police presence in an area. Technology comes with excellent capabilities that law enforcement agencies can leverage...

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Law Enforcement

The Police Undercover Operations

Today, most aspects of policing from simple traffic enforcement to homicide investigation rely on identification and acknowledgement of a police agent as a law enforcement officer. The presence of a “highly visible police have a deterrent effect” (Baker, 2009) to crime, and many believe that any criminal intending to commit...

Words: 840 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

President Trump’s Closure of Mosques Unconstitutional

An executive order directing the closure of all mosques would be grossly unconstitutional as it would effectively infringe the free exercise of Islam religion in contravention of constitutional provisions. The American Constitution contains various inalienable prerogatives which could not be surrendered or derogated by the state. According to its drafters,...

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Law Enforcement

Sir Robert Peel’s Position on Policing

Sir Robert Peel (2004) is most remembered for his contribution to reforming British criminal law, the penitentiary institutions, the police service, the fiscal policies, and the economic policies. Because of his pragmatic approach to social and political problems, he managed to make government an instrument for social reform. His career...

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Law Enforcement

Nutritional Care for Pregnant Women in Californian Prison

Location California Institution for Women (CIW) is the only female state prison located in the city of Chino, San Bernardino County, California (Laner 2). The total lot size is 120 acres (49 ha) and is surrounded by the rural area. We decided to create a facility for pregnant prisoners who...

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Law Enforcement

Police Discretion and Discrimination

In the police system, discretion and discrimination are two issues that are often confused and misinterpreted by the public. Both issues have a great impact on ethical and moral decisions accepted by police officers and determine human rights and freedoms. Criminal justice institutions can change the situation by realizing, understanding,...

Words: 974 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Prison Administration Systems in the United States

Introduction The role of prison administration is to confine people arrested either before or after court rulings. The system entails putting suspects and those indicted for committing crimes under confinements in state prisons, private jails, house arrests, and other types of prisons. The penitentiary system is a debatable issue in...

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Law Enforcement

Understanding of Community Policing

Community policing ordinarily refers to the cooperation that exists between the society members and the law enforcement agencies in maintaining law and order. Several things can be done by the community to enhance the success of such operations in an area and this is what community policing focuses on. Fielding...

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Law Enforcement

Community Policing and the Community

Introduction Different types of policing models exist mainly depending on the way or focus to solving problems and carrying out the duties of policing. Community Policing is a form of policing which focuses on the use of the community to collaborate with the police, as a way of dealing with...

Words: 3543 Pages: 13
Law Enforcement

Racism in the Criminal Justice System

As compared to constituents of the socially dominant faction, ethnic minorities are much more liable to be detained, questioned, and searched by law enforcement officials. Once they have been arrested, minority members are also more likely to suffer police brutality and are more likely to be held in jail while...

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