Dallas County’s Pursuit for a Better Economic Position


Following the current technological advancement and modernization, various countries are being faced by crisis in various aspects especially in the economic aspects. As depicted in the budgets of these countries, intensive stagnancy in various economic sectors has occurred as a result of adopting policies which inhibit their usual way of operations. In this case the most radical changes observed in many countries of the world reflect the extensive strategies that such countries employ in their pursuit for a better economic position. This paper presents the problem statement of the Dallas County in US as it tracks down to better its economic status (Coghlan & Brannick, 2009).

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Description of the Situation in Dallas County

Various researches have revealed that; the budgetary preparation and presentation in Dallas County has been poorly done which exposes it to various crisis; mainly financially. As it has been observed in US over the last few years, the extensive outsourcing and divestment for resources strategies have been found to be impacting negatively on some of its counties. More specifically, the divestment and outsourcing of resources have been achieved through but cuts even to the core sectors in the economy like the automobile assembly resulting into downsizing. As it has been observed, the pattern of downsizing has not been uniform in which some counties have been positively affected while others affected negatively as it has been in Dallas County (Perrewé, 2007).

Perhaps, several situations have been observed in Dallas County in which several departments have been severely affected; like the workforce which dropped from 155,000 to 85 in which there is likelihood of its further decline. More so, security in managerial jobs has not been put into stability in which managers in various departments are exposed to regular retrenchments. In fact this has generally affected the entire job market in the Dallas County in which it has been eminent in the department of petrol. Certainly, psychological related disorders have been reported as a result of this job insecurity which has further impacted negatively in the entire economic conditions of the Dallas County (Perrewé, 2007).

Statement of the problem in Dallas County

Being one of the counties in US, the Dallas County has been faced by current outsourcing and divestment of resources in the entire country. In this case therefore, it leaves no doubt that; the current crisis in this county has been as a result of certain outstanding conditions facing the entire US fraternity. Does the downsizing of the budgetary allocations for various departments in the Dallas County contribute to its current crisis?

Description of the problem

As it has been revealed, the cutting down of the amount of money allocated to various departments in the Dallas County has impacted a lot in the general economic conditions of the county. Perhaps, the contraction of financial provision in various departments in the Dallas County can be described as having both short-term and long-terms effects in the entire county. More specifically, there are low chances of advancements in research and expansion in innovations and inventions in this county. With limited financial resources, the entire county is expected to remain stagnant for long or even drag the developments in it backwards (Coghlan & Brannick, 2009).

For instance, the cutting down of budgetary allocations in the patrol department has been found to inculcate the increase in the level of crimes in the Dallas County as well as reducing the level of security in the entire county. By so doing the economic wellbeing of the county is threatened; and this drags other departments backwards. More specifically, the cutting down of work opportunities for the locals has led to the high poverty levels found in the Dallas County as evidenced by its low productivity. As the situation has been over the last few years, many people in the region have been very idle which has enhanced the development of various crimes which have impacted negatively in the economic conditions of the entire county (Fox, 2006).

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Relevance of the study of the problem facing the Dallas County

It is of great importance to note that, the wellbeing of economic conditions of a region usually impacts a lot in the general performance of all the other sectors in the entire region. On this basis therefore, the study of the problem facing the Dallas County can be described as being one of the key issues affecting its general wellbeing. As it has been revealed, the cutting down of its budgetary allocations for various departments has greatly impacted negatively on the economic status of the county. Further, it has been reported that, all the other sectors in the entire county like social sector and political sectors have been affected also, due to the adverse conditions in the economic sector. In this case, the study of this problem is highly significant so as to shed some light on the ultimate cause of the devastating conditions in the Dallas County (Coghlan & Brannick, 2009).


Generally, the cutting down of budgetary allocations for various departments in the Dallas County has been revealed to impact a lot in the general performance of the county. In this case, the crisis facing the economic sector of the county has been reported to project negative impacts to social and political sectors in the entire county.

Reference list

Coghlan, D. & Brannick, T. (2009). Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization. New York: Harcourt Publishers.

Fox, S. (2006). “The stressor-emotion model of counterproductive work behavior”: In E.

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Locke (Ed.): Handbook of principles of organizational behavior. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Perrewé, P. (2007). Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being: Exploring Theoretical Mechanisms and Perspectives: New York: JAI Press.

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DemoEssays. (2022, February 22). Dallas County's Pursuit for a Better Economic Position. https://demoessays.com/dallas-countys-pursuit-for-a-better-economic-position/

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"Dallas County's Pursuit for a Better Economic Position." DemoEssays, 22 Feb. 2022, demoessays.com/dallas-countys-pursuit-for-a-better-economic-position/.


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Dallas County's Pursuit for a Better Economic Position'. 22 February.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Dallas County's Pursuit for a Better Economic Position." February 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/dallas-countys-pursuit-for-a-better-economic-position/.

1. DemoEssays. "Dallas County's Pursuit for a Better Economic Position." February 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/dallas-countys-pursuit-for-a-better-economic-position/.


DemoEssays. "Dallas County's Pursuit for a Better Economic Position." February 22, 2022. https://demoessays.com/dallas-countys-pursuit-for-a-better-economic-position/.