Non-Commissioned Officer 2020 Strategy in Army

The army is a structure in a constant process of change, improvement, and modernization. This process is necessary so that the armed forces are always ready to fulfill their task and adapt to any conditions. However, this modification can only be successful if each person in military service changes along with the formation. The purpose of this essay is to reflect on and analyze the changes in the army in connection with the role of a non-commissioned officer in its structure.

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Non-commissioned officers, first of all, are leaders, people who have authority over soldiers. Therefore, the development of leadership qualities for those holding this title is critical. Besides, the NCO’s task is to manage the soldier’s staff and actively participate in its development and improvement. Non-commissioned officers must train, assist and support soldiers, helping them to become leaders, since ultimately, the readiness of the entire army as a whole depends on this (“NCO 2020 strategy,” n.d.). In 2020, the subordinate staff’s leadership development concept is formalized into three main principles: development, talent management, and stewardship of the profession (“Noncommissioned officer 2020 strategy,” n.d.). For me of these concepts, the most important are the first and the last. It seems that these areas of activity allow us to prepare the most reliable leaders who can guide people and take responsibility.

The first characteristic, development, includes various processes associated with the formation and transfer of experience. The most important is the fact that this process should take place throughout the life of a soldier and should be a part of his life (“Noncommissioned officer 2020 strategy,” n.d.). From my perspective, only a person who entirely devotes himself to this role, being ready to invest to the maximum, can become a real leader. The second characteristic related to the profession’s management is fundamental due to developing practical skills and trust-building. The life of a non-commissioned officer must be subject to the corporate spirit, and NCOs must carry out their service with pride and honor (Lindsey, 2019). This direction is important because it allows instilling the necessary primary skills, building healthy relationships within the team, instilling the essential morality, and teaching self-development.

After returning to the unit, the acquired and learned proficiencies will help me become the basis for future self-improvement. Besides, since the management directive focuses on personal development, I can apply the acquired skills to my subordinates, also helping them to develop themselves. The learned principles of morale and honor can be implemented within a unit, increasing confidence and discipline among soldiers. Finally, the knowledge gained will help me pass on the soldiers’ accumulated experience and develop those leadership qualities that I also strive to form.

Naturally, such a process of learning and transfer of experience cannot proceed without obstacles. First of all, the behavior of individual soldiers who do not want to participate in a leadership development program or actively develop themselves can become a problem. If somebody does not want to improve, it is impossible to make them do it by force. However, I can try to reach as broad a circle of soldiers as possible, thereby increasing the overall status and influencing other subordinates directly and indirectly. Likewise, the problem of insufficient trust on the soldiers’ part in relation to me may be solved. In this case, I can build as much trust as possible with the other unit members, thereby setting an example and winning over others.

Thus, the prospects for changes in the army for non-commissioned officers are associated, first of all, with the optimization of the work of all servicemen. To do this, non-commissioned officers must focus on three main aspects: development, talent management, and professional management. Each of these directions allows improving each of the units’ performance, thereby increasing the army’s readiness as a whole.

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NCO 2020 strategy. (n.d.). ArmyADP. Web.

Lindsey, B. (2019). NCO 2020: Understanding the lines of effort. NCO Guide. Web.

Noncommissioned officer 2020 strategy. (n.d.). The Official Home Page of the United States Army. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 21). Non-Commissioned Officer 2020 Strategy in Army.

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DemoEssays. 2022. "Non-Commissioned Officer 2020 Strategy in Army." December 21, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Non-Commissioned Officer 2020 Strategy in Army." December 21, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Non-Commissioned Officer 2020 Strategy in Army." December 21, 2022.