Political Theory Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

Principles of Humanitarian Assistance That Canada Should Adhere

Canada has a developed economy, belonging to a group of countries with high economic characteristics. The level of development largely determines the degree of its participation in international assistance. The history of Canada’s international aid spans more than 70 years and currently represents an essential and integral element of the...

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New Nationalism and New Freedom

The Presidental Election held a place in 1912 was the beginning of the argument between two political parties. New Nationalism and New Freedom both desired to lead the country, employing democratic means, but their approaches were entirely distinct. Overall, it seems vital to realize the positions of two political platforms...

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How to Outsmart the Prisoner’s Dilemma

A prisoner’s dilemma is a choice and game theory conundrum that shows that two rational individuals making decisions out of their consciousness cannot achieve an optimal outcome (Dal Bo and Guillaume 52). It is a strategy in which one side seeks its well-being at the expense of the other. In...

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American Imperialism and Its Characteristics

To begin with, the 19th century is considered as an “Age of Imperialism,” when powerful states began to expand their territories. In 1898, Spanish loyalists resented American interference in Cuba’s politics, leading to the war. According to Bailey (1991), in 1898, the USS Marine sat anchored in Havana Harbor, ready...

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Academic Debates in Neoliberalism

Introduction Critical management studies (CMS) is a research field that applies critical theory to management to provide critiques of how managers and businesses operate. Per Dehler and Welsh (2016), it has four primary roles: a form of analysis, a debate catalyst, a tool to promote social change and emancipation, and...

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The Force of Nationalism and Its Role in the 21st Century

Introduction Every nation has its way of identifying itself and establishing a feeling of being proud of one’s country. Nationalism strengthens national unity by making people believe that they are better and more important than others. It also plays a crucial role in world affairs, and it can have either...

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Developing the Kansas State: The Interest Group With the Wushock Mascot Symbol

The state of Kansas has plenty of economic and political problems. Therefore, there is a need for initiatives that will create new opportunities for the members of local communities (Rishel, 2020). This paper aims to discuss the formation of the interest group with the WuShock mascot symbol that will protect...

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Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber Views on Modernity, Capitalism, and Materialism

Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber on Modernity Modernity entails the individual’s adaptation to society’s new form of life that differs from the past. Modernization is a transitional process from traditional to contemporary life. Early scholars such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber witnessed revolutionary transitions in...

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Discussion of Power Meanings and Aspects

Power is a multidimensional entity that can be interpreted and manifested in many ways on all layers of reality. A person can have power over his discipline, family, health, or other people. Some philosophers think that power is a fundamental principle that moves the whole world, all animate and inanimate...

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America as a Just Society from John Locke’s Perspective

Modern American society is complex as it presents a multicultural blend with various social interactions. The social interactions require a regulative system that could carry the weight of all kinds of different social interactions. Therefore, modern America could also be characterized by the significant influence of the economy, legal system,...

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Teaching Politics to Fifth Grade Students

Introduction Political science is a scientific discipline concerned with the study of politics. Therefore, it is concerned with the study of power and governance, political activities, thoughts, and behaviors, along with the constitution and laws (GreatSchools Staff, 2021). The contemporary approach to political science divides the discipline into international relations,...

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The Influence of Religion on Women’s Political Participation in the USA and RF

Introduction The issues of women’s participation in politics have been at the center of active discussions in recent years. Historically, this domain of human activity and self-actualization was dominated by men. As per obsolete views, it was beyond an average woman’s scope of tasks to make political decisions at any...

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Analysis of “Berlin Wall” Speech

The 40th president of the Unites States visited Berlin to remember the action of the past and what contribution the governance of North America made in relation to Germany. The main purpose of the speech is to show that people deserve freedom, and United States can always support them. Ronald...

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Democracy and Tyranny in the United States

Introduction The discussion of tyranny as a phenomenon existing in the United States by Alexis De Tocqueville highlights its complex nature and supports the idea of introducing changes in this respect. From the author’s perspective, the mentioned concept seems alarming for the grounds of American democracy while being frequently neglected...

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Marxist-Inspired Theory: Why It Is Still Relevant

The main points of Marxist-inspired theory include examining the impact of capitalism on economic, productivity, and labor development as well as the inherently exploitive relationship between workers and capitalists, which would create class conflict. The conflict would eventually culminate in an uprising whereby the working class would depose the capitalist...

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Merkel’s Germany and Trump’s Us Stances on Migration Policies

Migration policies in Germany under chancellor Angela Merkel and in the US under ex-president Donald Trump were diametrically opposing to one another both in principles and in implementation. While Trump presented a strongman policy with an announced goal “of curbing down migration from other countries, Merkel promoted an open-doors policy...

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Arendt’s and Marx’s Political Perspectives

Introduction Hannah Arendt was one of the seminal political thinkers, who provided an account of the understanding of human activities. She is interested in viva activa, and according to her, labor, work, and action are the three most significant elements adding to viva activa. Altogether, they define the meaning of...

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Discussion of Women in Politics

Influence of women legislators on policy issues in Congress The increase of the number in Congress has highly influenced policymaking and passing of bills since it can help them diffuse their priorities throughout the legislative process. Due to high representation in the Congress, women can easily pass bills that favor...

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Disparity of Resources and Wealth Leading to Dystopian Future

I recently wrote an essay on the disparity of resources and wealth leading to a dystopian future. It was an exciting experience, not even because of the format itself, but, in fact, the theme. My initially simple thoughts and ideas for writing a text in the course of work turned...

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“The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli Review

In the book The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli argues that the ruler should govern based on the observations of the real world rather than pursuing idealistic concepts. In order to understand why the author even bothered to draw such a distinction, it is necessary, first, to briefly look at the philosophical...

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The Benefits of Interest Groups for Texas Politics and Policy

Groups of interests are commonly referred to as voluntary associations formed to express and defend their politically significant interests with the state and other political institutions. The diversity of interests in modern society determines the activity of numerous diverse and diverse public associations (Holyoke 125). They represent the interests of...

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Political Science, Human Rights, and Citizenship

Political theory encompasses the assessment of the political practices and the general society. It also involves the examination of political views and values, such as democracy, equality, freedom, power, and justice that the people of an organization may have. It helps people describe better the things that have shaped the...

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“The Case for Moderate Gun Control” by David DeGrazia

Even though Americans have the moral and legal right to own private guns, the government’s most defensive gun control policy should moderate their usage. Evidence Arguments against Moderate Gun Control While private citizens have the right to own firearms, moderate gun control policy gives way to armed militias’ destructive acts...

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The Worship of Big Brother and Donald Trump

The opinion of George Orwell’s 1984 as a truly extrapolative piece of fiction regarding political turmoil has been questioned by modern and contemporary critics of Orwell’s time. This was often due to the overtly primitive, regressive, and openly vicious nature of the antagonism in Orwell’s work in contrast to other...

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Barack Obama’s Legal Authority for Geronimo

Introduction Geronimo or the Neptune Spear is an operation authorized by Barack Obama and carried out on May 2, 2011, by a particular unit of DEVGRU to assassinate the al-Qaeda terrorist organization Osama bin Laden. After that, Barack Obama delivered a speech that caused an international outcry. Most favored the...

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Politics and Social Movement: Race, Ethnicity, and the Use of Social Media

Social movements and politics of race, gender, and class became hotly debated and intertwined in modern times due to citizens’ active use of social media to express their opinions on these questions. For instance, more than 50% of millennials reported using Facebook to receive daily notifications about news on a...

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President Obama Had the Legal Authority to Order Operation Geronimo

Introduction At the time when the U.S. was facing one of the greatest crises of its recent history, the solution involving brute force and the uninhibited decision to eliminate the source of the threat seemed to be the most sensible and morally justifiable option to take. Specifically, given the effect...

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Analysis of Viktor Orbán’s Speech in Tusnádfürdő in 2018

Introduction Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, is worldwide known for his harsh rhetoric and provocative speeches, which can be aimed at anyone, from the Islamic world to European partners. In June 2018, he made one of his most famous speeches at a summer camp in Tusnádfürdő in Romania. This speech...

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Federal System’s Pros and Cons from Democratic Perspective

The U.S. Constitution adheres to a federal design, making it the most impactful document on the nation’s politics. Since the creation of the republic, Americans have debated the advantages and disadvantages of this system of governance. This paper revisits the discourse but revitalizes it by adding a democratic twist. The...

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Bureaucratic Organizational Culture in Health Care

Speaking about sociology, that is important to note how crucial it is for people and their accumulation of knowledge about the whole world. Sociology studies not only the events that occur and the relations of society to them but the connections between people who belong to one or different groups...

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Equal Opportunities Throughout American History

The concept of equal opportunity challenges may seem to arise from political and social factors making people not have equal chances in different parts of the world. Using the political theory approach, one may realize that this perspective has far-reaching implications and attracts counter-arguments from everyone. There are multiple policies...

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Community in Aristotle’s Politics

Aristotle begins his discussion of human communities by stating that they are all formed to fulfill certain needs that humans perceive as good and desirable. Aristotle admits that many animals are political by nature – for instance, bees cannot normally exist outside the community of the hive. However, speech, which...

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Political Liberalism in Brazilian Case

Individual rights and freedoms are under constant attack in modern society, whether by the government or other people. Liberalism provides a solution by pushing for the protection of individual liberty. Liberalism is a theory that defines the reason and efforts undertaken to safeguard the aforementioned personal freedom as a concept...

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Federalism and Federation Concepts in the World

In multinational states, there is a state structure in which the member States have legislative competence, their constitutional legislation, legislative, executive, and judicial bodies, and their own administrative and territorial system. That is why “federation” originated from “federalism.” It already denotes the form of organization of the territorial structure of...

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Edwards Said’s Perception of Identity

Everyone has a birthplace, and everyone should have his or her own home. This message can be seen in the lines of Edward Said in his essay, States. It is safe to say that place, or environment, shapes a person’s culture, behavior, and lifestyle. Moreover, place shapes others’ initial perception...

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Analysis of Negatives of Public Discourse

Political discourse has become more negative, disrespectful, and less fact-based. According to studies, US political discourse has significantly changed after the 2016 elections. US presidential debates in 2016 and 2020 are notorious for being disrespectful, negative, and based on rumors (Yaqub et al., 2017). According to Lockhart (2018), former President...

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The United States Key Founding Principles

Introduction The United States, one of the greatest democracies in the history of humankind, was founded on the principles of popular sovereignty, limited government, liberty, the rule of law, due process, and federalism. These principles are articulated in the Founding documents, and every US government and citizen refer to them...

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Factors of Presidential Popularity and Job Rating

Presidential popularity can be influenced by many different factors depending on the mood in the society, the current political situation in the country, and social tendencies. However, collecting and categorizing all the factors and points, there will be three main groups: government management, the president’s issue position, and moral values....

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Lack of African American Women in Federal Government Positions

Senior Executive Service (SES) represents critical government positions, and leaders are gathered here. They are designed to make sure that the executive management’s actions meet the nation’s needs (Senior Executive Service, n.d.). However, there is a part of the population whose interests may be missed due to insufficient diversity in...

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Discussion of Speed Limits’s Importance

The protection of citizens is one of the primary tasks of the government, but it can be challenging to perform in the absence of special initiatives. It is usually addressed by numerous laws aimed at eliminating potential hazards, and the most critical sphere of their application is road safety. The...

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Presidential Authority: Operation Geronimo Case Study

Operation Geronimo, which implied the killing of Osama bin Laden was a specific solution the U. S. Government accepted after the horrific events of September 11, 2001. To some people, the Operation was either authorized or did not have to follow the full range of rules to be undertaken. Others...

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The Brady Handgun Violence Act

Executive summary The Brady Handgun Violence Act was a 1993 piece of legislation that was passed amid a heated debate on whether it would be effective in reducing the number of “inappropriate people” who purchase guns from licensed weapon dealers and later uses them for criminal purposes either on themselves...

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The National Problem of COVID-19

Introduction The United States government has to safeguard and promote the security of Americans. The Americans vote for candidates they think best; American candidates pursue a policy to promote the welfare of the American population. The programming of social services is mainly achieved. Today’s US lawmakers also try to make...

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Failures in the System of Immigrant Detention: The Role of the US Marshals Service

Abstract Over the recent decades, political and cultural shifts in the United States have caused the media to pay closer attention to the nation’s rapidly growing immigrant population. Although the Immigration and Customs Enforcement is formally tasked with housing immigration detainees, it is evident that the US Marshals Services plays...

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Analysis of Need of Gun Control

For decades, gun violence has been the most deadly thing that has happened in the United States. A gunshot in the United States has become a trend that causes devastation and terror among residents. Various assaults are taking place around the United States; some assailants targeted Walmart shops, while others...

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Analysis of Mass Imprisonment in the U.S.

In the U.S., the number of imprisoned people takes the leading position in the world. It is connected to many reasons. Some of people are imprisoned for minor offences, such as failure to pay a fine or illegal entry in the country. Some get incarcerated for several times after being...

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Equality and Justice Relationship Analysis

The problem of social justice is closely related to that of equality and inequality of people in specific historical conditions. Sometimes one can come across the assertion that justice is nothing more than a consistently carried out equality. A complexly organized society based on the division of labor and social...

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“Democracy and Collective Identity in the E.U. and the USA”: Article Analysis

The authors of the research article “Democracy and Collective Identity in the E.U. and the USA” are Kathleen R. McNamara from Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., and Paul Musgrave from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. The potential bias of the research article is that both authors are American, who is...

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Communism and Fascism: An Analysis of the Theory of Self-Control

Living in a democratic society is a privilege, and therefore every citizen must contribute to the efforts to prevent its deterioration into an authoritarian state. It is essential to understand the characteristics of authoritarian rules of the past because it can help make better political decisions. Moreover, comparing the examples...

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Legislative Act Congress on June 23, 1913

President Roosevelt signed the Pure Food and Drug Act at the same time as Federal Meat Inspection Act. The law was passed during the progressive era of legislative change in the United States. The essence of the Act was that manufacturers had to indicate harmful substances in the composition of...

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Proposed Changes to the Political System of the USA: Constitutional Integrity

Enhancement Throughout the history of the USA, the governance approaches have been changed, improved, and strengthened. The dominant idea of the political system in the USA has always been in the pursuit of constitutional democracy as a type of governance capable of providing equal opportunities and justice for all. However,...

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Analysis of the Primary Sources: The American Dream

The concept of the American Dream is known globally as the idea of ​​an ideal life for a person who has everything they need: material wealth, family, democratic rights, and respect in society. As the primary sources demonstrate, this idea was formed during the early days of the United States;...

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Methods of Citizens’ Influence on Politics in a Practical Example

The events of early 2021, when on January 6th, a crowd of protesters in support of President Trump broke into the Capitol, were marked by cruelty. For various reasons, people want to be heard, draw attention to a certain problem, and there is a question of which methods are more...

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Advantages and Disadvantages of BREXIT to the UK

7 Advantages of BREXIT to the UK The UK Reclaims its Sovereignty Being a part of the EU implied that the Parliament’s primary function would be limited to mandates from the EU governing body. Due to BREXIT, the Parliament was given back its initial power to control domestic affairs. Immediate...

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Public Policy and Political Science Articles Analysis

There are many research articles, but only some of them are determined as “high-quality papers.” What determines such articles, if not the words in them? It is impossible to state whether the article is qualitative or not by just analyzing its words because of the significant number of contrasting points....

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Analysis of Government Challenges

In its work, the government faces challenges that prevent it from operating efficiently in terms of cost and quality of service in protecting the population. One of the reasons that cultivate several different issues within the government system is the lack of transparency in the governmental work process and relationship...

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Development of Policy-Making Models

An excellent policy must first get the passageway onto the political plan where there are contending speculations on how issues work towards the plan. Educational and healthcare problems, which remain burning issues in the contemporary world, have come a long way in consideration by American politicians. A good example of...

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Democratic and Authoritarian States

Introduction Democracy and authoritarianism are extremely different forms of government and can be mutually exclusive in particular contexts. In the modern world, states vary based on the degree of democratization, which finds reflection in their economic and political strategies and approaches to the limits of individual freedom. This essay seeks...

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Parliamentary Sovereignty in the United Kingdom: Pre- and Post-Brexit

Introduction The exit of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU), commonly referred to as Brexit, was one of the country’s most divisive political decisions of the last decade. The United Kingdom European Union membership referendum held on June 23rd, 2016, effectively commenced a transition period that ended...

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As Pandemic Spread Pain and Panic, Congressman Chased Profit

In As Pandemic Spread Pain and Panic, Congressman Chased Profit (2021), Associated Press criticizes the hypocrisy of a certain U.S. Congressman. The article explains how Republican Congressman Tom Malinowski, despite his heated scolding of those who take advantage of the insider information for their stock trading, used this very data...

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Analysis of the Killing of Osama Bin-Laden

The death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs elicited a range of reactions, from spontaneous public displays of joy to severe reservations about its legality. According to Margolies, “politicians, historians, legal scholars, and even a few talking heads have begun asking new questions about aspects...

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Weber’s Public Administration Theory

Introduction The study of public administration problems is reflected in various branches of social science, including political science, sociology, jurisprudence, economics, and history. In a broad sense, public administration is understood as the practical, organizing, and regulating influence of the state on people’s public and private life for its ordering,...

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Capitalism and Socialism in the Modern World

The economy has always been an integral part of society. However, it has changed substantially over the course of its existence, shifting towards a global economy with few large corporations dominating the international market. This discussion post will focus on capitalism and socialism as two primary economic models and their...

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National Census: Why Is It So Important?

A population census is an essential tool applied in various spheres of society. The census is critical to determine the number of people who will participate in elections. The census is also extremely important for identifying health risks or compiling statistics on national economic tendencies. Such statistics can be helpful...

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The First Amendment in Modern Society

The Founding Fathers have outlined the crucial rights that allowed Americans to build a country that became a world leader. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, for example, outlines the boundaries of governmental intervention in the social activities of U.S. citizens. The First Amendment is designed to disallow the...

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Supreme Court Enters a New Era of Personal Accusation and Finger-Pointing

Biskupic claims in her analytical article Supreme Court Enters a New Era of Personal Accusation and Finger-Pointing (21 May 2021) that the Supreme Court Justices’ extensive mutual criticism reached a new level, which directly correlates with the current political climate. The Justices had been long known to confront each other...

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Lobbying, Lawmakers, and Their Contribution to Inequality

Introduction The year 2020 has been challenging for many reasons, but the most prominent ones are the increased number of protests that indicate dissatisfaction with the current situation and the nationwide stress from the COVID-19 lockdown. The recent political events in the United States left the nation more divided than...

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U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime

In his article U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime (11 June 2021), Elliot Spagat addresses the changes in the Trump’s immigration politics made by the new President Joe Biden. In his efforts to link immigration to crime, Trump has created a special office that examined criminal engagement...

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Biden Announces 2nd Round of Diverse Federal Judiciary Picks

According to Colleen Long in her article Biden Announces 2nd Round of Diverse Federal Judiciary Picks (29 April 2021), the current U.S. President has expressed his keen interest in promoting diversity in the field of federal justice. Being a Democrat, Biden has already nominated eleven people out of seventy-eight vacant...

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Presidency, Lawmaking, and Administrative Procedures

The president’s role as “Commander-in-Chief” in full and the “modern presidency” As the Commander-in-Chief, the president is entitled to control the army and the Navy of the United States, protecting the nation’s security. According to the constitution of the US, when the need arises, the president is to fulfill his...

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Political Science and Reasons for Involvement

Like football, politics connects diverse people linking them to political alliances. The connecting factor in politics is ideology and patriotism, which steer the need for change. In America, what connects people within the conservative party is the group’s ethics and ideologies. Through this organization, social norms are created to act...

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The Trial of Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak

Everyone is entitled to justice. No one is above the law and any criminal is subject to judgment for justice to be served. The verdict which is given to the former president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak accuses him of being a dictator during his service as the president and in...

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Discussion of Democracy Assignment

The Right to a Competent Electorate Jason Brennan (2011) challenges the current view of democracy in his writing, specifically, the challenges the universal right for every citizen to vote. He states that he aims at reaching a preferable political system from two feasible, but, unjust and imperfect systems. Hence, Brennan...

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The American Controversy: The Struggle Within the Country

Political knowledge and culture are necessary for any person today, regardless of his professional affiliation, because, living in society, he must inevitably interact with other people and the state. Citizens’ mass political literacy is necessary for society because it protects it from despotism and tyranny, from inhumane and economically inefficient...

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Discussing of Concept of Eminent Domain

Abstract The concept of eminent domain is a legal term that denotes the right of the government to use private property for the public interest by justifying the application of that property while compensating its value. The proposed court hearing is based on the controversy over New London residents’ dissatisfaction...

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Discussing of Political Activism on the Net

The United States is going through a period of increased political activism on the Net, which has a significant impact on businesses, people, and the law. Nowadays, through protection of corporate speech and the freedom of expression, there have been significant political activism changes. Individuals and entities can easily access...

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Neorealism vs. Neoliberalism: Comparative Analysis

Introduction The neoliberalism and neorealism debate has remained dominant in the International Relations theory over the past few decades. These two schools of thought, often referred to as the neo-neo debate, defines the policies that a country embraces in international relations. As Ringmar observes, every country is often keen on...

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Political Sciences: American Religion

The significance of the month of December, 1620 is omnipresent in the American religious culture. This is because the pilgrims, who arrived in Massachusetts, found religious freedom for the very first time. Since the announcement of the first amendment to the U.S. constitution, there have been prohibitions to “the making...

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Social Cognitive Theory. Causes of Crime

According to the social cognitive theory, the relationships we have with other people such as members of our families and friends assists us reduce the rates of crime. The social cognitive theory is a tenet that was discovered by Albert Bandura. It developed from the social learning theory and offers...

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Absolutism in Relation to Human Rights

Merriam-Webster (2011) defines absolutism as “a political theory that absolute power should be vested in one or more rulers” (Para 1). Under absolutism, the dictatorial power has no restricted powers. This means that the dictator’s power has utterly no checks. As Clapham posits, “The absolutist system believes that the ruling...

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The Social Contract: Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau

Introduction One of the theories concerning the origin of the governmental state of the society is the theory of the social contract. Although philosophers gave a lot of thought to the questions of how society should function, and what the ideal governor should be like, back in the ancient times...

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UAE Soft Power against Human Rights Accusations

The issue of the policy brief is the exploration of the United Arab Emirates application of good governance, precisely soft power as the means of promoting itself in international media as a model of good governance in order to respond to the false accusations against the United Arab Emirates in...

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Organizational Behavior in Criminal Justice: McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

Behavioral management theories address the issue of human participation in organizations. They work on the assumption that satisfaction at the workplace results in improved performance (Robbins & Judge, 2013). The author of this paper holds that behavioral management takes into account some aspects of McGregor’s theories X and Y. In...

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The US GAAP and IFRS Convergence

The shares of several foreign companies are listed on the various stock exchange markets in the United States. Such companies often use sets of accounting standards that are different from the US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Before the year 2007, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mandated such companies to...

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Leadership Hitches Caused the Rwandan Genocide

The Rwandan genocide started with ethnic clashes and disputes but culminated into the death of millions of Tutsis and Hutus thought to be moderate (Mamdani 27). The fighting started soon after the assassination of the Rwandan president by shooting down a plane carrying him and Burundian president on their way...

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Democratic Society and Capitalist System

Democratic societies are based on the fundamental principle of the right to private property. The opportunity to accumulate wealth led to social inequality and raised numerous social issues. At the same time, a wide range of other democratic principles ensured social security and a number of policies that helped maintain...

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Bill of Rights in Australia

Australian political system is believed to be one of the most tolerant and democratic in the modern international community. The country has always been considered as one of the chief protectors and promoters of liberal values; the governments policies are now set as a model for many developing nations. The...

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The Origin, Justification, and Importance of Private Property

The private property usually is a result of exerted labor pressure on the available natural resources. According to Colombatto and Tavormina (2017), private property justifies the homestead principle, which claims that one can gain full permanent possession of natural resources not owned through the performance of original appropriation actions. This...

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“Civil Disobedience” Essay by Henry David Thoreau

The main arguments and themes of Thoreau’s essay are centered on the relationship between government and citizens. Thoreau starts his essay by noting that the “government is the best which governs least” (1). In this regard, he argues that governments serve the interests of a few people and do not...

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Democracy and Western Cultural Values Worldwide

Democracy has long been outperforming non-democracies in both social and economic terms. The rapid economic growth that a number of economies under authoritarian regimes have shown in recent years can be explained mainly by the industrialization process that was possible due to Western investments and technologies. Once most of those...

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Technology in Utopian Society According to Engels

Engels idealized a society where advanced technology plays a critical role in shaping labor and society itself. The concepts are based on the work of Karl Marx, whose foundation revolved around the transformation of labor using machines. Both of them discuss how machines replace human labor, hence creating a hostile...

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Rhetorical Analysis of Norman Ornstein’s Article

Introduction The United States was always characterized by a highly politicized population, which has differing opinions on numerous issues. Norman J. Ornstein’s article “Why America’s Political Divisions Will Only Get Worse” analyzes the book by Ezra Klein “Why We’re Polarized”. Both authors examine the manifestations of viewpoint discrepancies among Americans....

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Government Assistance for Informal Caregivers: Tax Reduction

The issue of informal caregiving is one of the more complicated issues in healthcare since it suggests addressing the ethical implication of the specified change. Currently, informal caregivers for the elderly, who are typically represented by the latter’s family members, experience quite a number of difficulties associated with access to...

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The History of Political Science in Canada

A state is “a legal/political and administrative entity composed of a governing central authority that makes and reinforces laws and is recognized as the primary subject of the international legal system” (Guy, p. 99). To be a state, this entity has to possess a permanent population, a defined territory, a...

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Libertarian Camp. “Socialist Fun” by G. Tsipurian

Since Karl Marx introduced the leftist paradigm in the XIX century, people have been discussing and having debates on the economic model of the social structure. The author of the text to analyze seems to support the opposite, libertarian camp. However, they also believe that there is no place for...

Words: 364 Pages: 1

Health Inequity: Institutions and Ideologies

Introduction The idea of equity as the potential of every person to achieve the same quality of life regardless of their background appears to be the goal of human rights advocates. Among the aspects of this principle, health equity is considered as well; it is not a presence of equal...

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Bureaucracy and Its Role in Society

Bureaucracy is a relevant concept in sociology, first described by Max Weber in the homonymous essay in 1921. Nowadays, it is usually associated with a range of negative tendencies, such as operation delays, redundant requirements of documentation, a non-transparent system of standards, and other complexities in meeting customers’ needs. However,...

Words: 402 Pages: 1

Changing State-Society Relationship in China

In establishing the relation between state and society, based on the provided case study, in the context of civil society, state corporatism and societal corporatism indicate civil society as the final destination, where the changes and the reforms throughout the last decades will ultimately lead to it. The interpretations of...

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Federalism: Challenges and Debates

The interest in the theory and practice of federalism, federal relations, the federal structure of states has always been quite high among legal scholars, lawyers, political scientists in connection with the great importance of these problems for the development of human society. This is due to the need to further...

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