U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime

In his article U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime (11 June 2021), Elliot Spagat addresses the changes in the Trump’s immigration politics made by the new President Joe Biden. In his efforts to link immigration to crime, Trump has created a special office that examined criminal engagement of immigrants and was supposed to help its victims. However, Biden ultimately decided to disband the office, instead replacing it with a specialized and inclusive support system for the victims. As Spagat claims, by doing so, Biden and his government reject Trump’s immigration policies once and for all. The new Victims Engagement and Service Line will contain every existing service for people to report immigration-related mistreatment, as well as provide a special lawyer notification system. Altogether, the author states that the new line will become a much needed assistance tool for resolving immigration issues, supporting it with related citations.

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However, Spagat also presents the critique that the Trump’s affiliates express towards the new system. One of the Trump’s key government figures tries to link the line to the Drug Enforcement Administration, claiming that it would only provide legal support for drug dealers and other criminals. Nevertheless, the author himself proceeds then to criticize Trump’s perpetual desire to establish a visible connection between immigration and crime, highlighting his questionable decisions. It is clear from the article’s second part that Spagat supports Biden’s immigration policies, as he does not points out any flaw in his new system as he does with Trump’s VOICE. Overall, the article gives a good representation of Trump’s system, explaining as why it has been a wrong approach from the start. As Spagat enters the subject of Biden’s freshly passed orders regarding immigration, he develops an overall positive picture of the new President’s opinion on immigration issues.


Spagat, E. (2021). US closes Trump-era office for victims of immigrant crime. AP NEWS. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 27). U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime. https://demoessays.com/u-s-closes-trump-era-office-for-victims-of-immigrant-crime/

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"U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime." DemoEssays, 27 Dec. 2022, demoessays.com/u-s-closes-trump-era-office-for-victims-of-immigrant-crime/.


DemoEssays. (2022) 'U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime'. 27 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime." December 27, 2022. https://demoessays.com/u-s-closes-trump-era-office-for-victims-of-immigrant-crime/.

1. DemoEssays. "U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime." December 27, 2022. https://demoessays.com/u-s-closes-trump-era-office-for-victims-of-immigrant-crime/.


DemoEssays. "U.S. Closes Trump-Era Office for Victims of Immigrant Crime." December 27, 2022. https://demoessays.com/u-s-closes-trump-era-office-for-victims-of-immigrant-crime/.