Developing the Kansas State: The Interest Group With the Wushock Mascot Symbol

The state of Kansas has plenty of economic and political problems. Therefore, there is a need for initiatives that will create new opportunities for the members of local communities (Rishel, 2020). This paper aims to discuss the formation of the interest group with the WuShock mascot symbol that will protect the Kansas citizens from the free-rider problems in some particularly important areas and explain the difference between insider and outsider approaches to influencing the political process.

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For instance, there are problems with the quality of jobs due to the lack of college graduates working in the state, the low level of yearly adding new jobs, the controversy regarding Medicaid insurance, and the failed ‘supply-side economic’ project. Therefore, the WuShock mascot project is going to attract attention to the need for creating a platform that will support the start-ups aimed first, to protect the environment and second – to enhance the business opportunities within the state. There may be a problem with the free-rider when people who will see the ads regarding the new socially friendly initiative will perceive it as already implemented and will not invest in its development.

Therefore, the interest group will be attracted by creating a detailed motivation plan that will refer to the particular needs and consider the intrinsic motives of the group. There may also be problems related to the activity of the insiders accumulating social, political, and economic resources. But, recently, there has been a growing tendency the support the outsider approaches, that is, the support for transparent and group-centered initiatives; this obstacle could be easily overcome.

Thus, the formation of the interest group was discussed, and the differences between the insider and outsider approaches were presented. The insiders tend to rely on their ties with politics or other influential structures or people; the religious organization is a good example. The outsiders tend to choose a more group-centered and transparent approach to overcoming the barriers. Then, the free-rider problem can be overcome thanks to using proper motivation to attract the interest group.


Rishel, H. (2020). Kansas has a primary problem. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, October 31). Developing the Kansas State: The Interest Group With the Wushock Mascot Symbol.

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"Developing the Kansas State: The Interest Group With the Wushock Mascot Symbol." DemoEssays, 31 Oct. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Developing the Kansas State: The Interest Group With the Wushock Mascot Symbol'. 31 October.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Developing the Kansas State: The Interest Group With the Wushock Mascot Symbol." October 31, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Developing the Kansas State: The Interest Group With the Wushock Mascot Symbol." October 31, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Developing the Kansas State: The Interest Group With the Wushock Mascot Symbol." October 31, 2022.