Election Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

Compulsory Voting: Is It Compatible With Democracy?

Nowadays, a significant number of discussions arise around the topic of compulsory voting. Some people are convinced that it is an integral part of democracy, and as many people as possible should express their appreciation or disagreement (Chapman 109). However, there are opponents to this position, defending the right to...

Words: 560 Pages: 2

Voting Turnout in 2020 Presidential Elections

The right to participate in the voting process is undoubtedly the most significant achievement of fighters for human rights. On November 3, US citizens are preparing to take part in the next presidential elections, which may determine the nation’s future. But is everyone ready to exercise their right to vote?...

Words: 1201 Pages: 4

Choice of Candidate and Demographic Characteristics of a Voter

Voter’s decision on the choice of a candidate is often influenced by the characteristics of the candidates. These traits can be both personal and demographic to the voter. Some of the notable features include age, gender, racial, academic, political experience, policies, affiliation or party, and interests. The personal and demographic...

Words: 2214 Pages: 8

Predicting Joe Biden’s Policy

Introduction The 2020 presidential election is probably among the most noticeable events in American history. On the one hand, it is so because the election took place against unprecedented domestic and foreign affairs. On the other hand, the difference between the candidates’ ideologies and political views was massive. The election...

Words: 949 Pages: 3

Soft Money Versus Hard Money and Political Parties

Political parties and candidates need funding to run their election campaigns to attract the votes of citizens. However, parties and candidates have different sponsors and followers, so significant budget difference is unfair in the election race. For this reason, the Federal Election Commission distinguishes between hard money, which can be...

Words: 289 Pages: 5

Long Wait Times during Early Voting

Social Problem Long lines and wait times during early voting. Such an issue not only discourages people from voting but also contributes to social inequality, disproportionately affecting black and white voters as well as wage workers that don’t get paid for time off to vote. In the 2020 presidential election,...

Words: 820 Pages: 3

The US Election 2020 and South Asia Geopolitics

Introduction The influence of the US on global politics and economics is often overwhelming, making its electoral process critical in determining the geopolitics in the South Asian countries. Biden’s presidency is expected to influence the adoption of various foreign policies, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and the East Asia...

Words: 827 Pages: 6

Students Reaction to the Presidential Election Results

Across the United States, a fraction of Americans ensued in spontaneous jubilation upon the declaration of Joe Biden as the 46th Presidents. The fiercely contested poll results showed that President-elect Joe Biden secured enough votes to ouster the incumbent, denying him a chance to secure his second term in office....

Words: 838 Pages: 3

Using Psychology to Influence Voting

Introduction In any democratic process, the choice of candidate to support is a complex choice guided by several psychological principles. A skilled candidate can learn to apply these principles and improve the voters’ attitude on him or herself and increase his or her chance to be elected. Some possible strategies...

Words: 614 Pages: 2

A Better Electoral System in Canada

The way people choose their leaders, or the electoral system, is important because it determines the composition of legislatures. Canada uses the outdated single-member plurality, which is commonly known as “first past the post” (FPTP) system. This voting modality has been in place for over a century, and it allows...

Words: 599 Pages: 2

Re-Election of Donald Trump

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump officially became president of the United States. Trump is approaching the end of his third year in power with fairly high ratings, but his position is not so stable. If Trump makes serious mistakes, he will be defeated by a Democratic candidate Joe Biden...

Words: 928 Pages: 3

The Process of the U.S. Presidential Elections

In people’s everyday lives, they have to face various types of discrimination. Fortunately, there is a possibility to fight with it since the citizens’ rights and liberties are guaranteed and protected by the Constitution. Even though some of the freedoms stated in the Bill of Rights are clearly formulated, none...

Words: 631 Pages: 2

Campaign for Any Political Office in the United States

A successful political campaign depends on several factors, many of which are the responsibility of the candidates themselves. Primarily, a potential candidate must create a good plan for their campaign that will include a list of the essential components (Priyowidodo & Sari, 2019). One of them is targeting. This is...

Words: 295 Pages: 1

Elections: Third Parties in the USA

First, it is vital to state that in the United States, there is no specific piece of legislation that establishes the two-party system; instead, it is the consequence of the winner-take-all voting system. Legally, any candidate can take part in the elections, as long as they meet the criteria, but...

Words: 558 Pages: 2

The Presidential Elections in the United States

Introduction The Presidential voting system in the USA is traditionally carried out within the realm of the Electoral College, a body of official electors who define the President of the state every four years. Although this approach to electing mostly represents the will of the majority of the population, sometimes...

Words: 1423 Pages: 5

The Vulnerability of American Elections

The recent events showed that the American election process is highly vulnerable to direct outside influence in the form of cyberattacks. Although the elections have always had a number of issues regarding voting and accuracy, the emergence of technological cyber threats undermines the core pillars of democracy. It is evident...

Words: 746 Pages: 3

Redistricting in the State of Texas

The process of redistricting is important because it shapes the ability of a community to choose representatives. The existence of equal access to party-political exemplification is also crucial because it contributes to how voters decide the outcomes of their actions and how predictable those outcomes could be. This is why...

Words: 566 Pages: 2

Political Parties, Political Participation, Campaigns and Elections

Introduction Comprehension of U.S. electorate, campaigns, and political parties is essential, as it helps citizens to make informed decisions. Presidential elections in the United States can appear complicated due to various practices and steps involved. However, distinguishing between different types of procedures, and learning more about different ways voters can...

Words: 2248 Pages: 9

Electoral College Is Bad and Here’s Why

Electoral College is bad Established in 1788 by Article II of the US Constitution. It can only be abolished through a constitutional amendment. It has been controversial. It is an indirect vote. The cons outweigh the pros. The Electoral College is the voting system used in the US, and it...

Words: 862 Pages: 3

Obama’s Presidential Campaign Strategy

Successful political campaigns must have a strategy that includes social media and database marketing. As voters shift to digitalization to increase social contact, candidates have to adopt new and important platforms, notably the Internet. For Obama, mounting an aggressive online marketing campaign earned him a win in both the 2008...

Words: 641 Pages: 2

Electoral College: Good or Bad

Introduction The US has a unique electoral process The Electoral College supports such a process The US founders were against mob rule This paper describes the 2016 presidential election It presents a case the Electoral College The election of every American president depends on the votes of the Electoral College....

Words: 848 Pages: 3

U.S. Presidential Election Process

The U.S. employs a fairly complicated system of electing a President. It involves the process of nominating a candidate and then a two-step procedure of electing the Chief Executive via the Electoral College. Combined with other factors, this process effectively ensures the enduring stability of the two-party system at the...

Words: 400 Pages: 1

“A Precinct Too Far: Turnout and Voting Costs” by Enrico Cantoni

Introduction In the United States, elections are an essential element that provides ordinary citizens with an opportunity to influence the development of their country. However, an issue arises when a few people participate in elections, which can happen because of various reasons. As for the US, it is a severe...

Words: 557 Pages: 2

Battle for the Supreme Court and the 2020 Presidential Election

Donald Trump has announced that he is willing to appoint a new Supreme Court justice next week; however, Joe Biden insists on postponing the decision until the elections are over. Current statistics show that Joe Biden has increased his lead over Donald Trump, nevertheless, the Supreme Court fight might add...

Words: 286 Pages: 1

The Body Language and the Last Presidential Election

One’s visual image has a much bigger impact on the audience than his or her words because it creates a much greater recall for one’s message (Reiman 101). That is why a brand with inconsistent visuals seeking market may not be as successful as that with consistent visuals. Nowadays, the...

Words: 2479 Pages: 10

Voting and Political Parties

Voting is an essential element of every society as far it helps developing democracy and human freedoms in it. In the United States of America, voting is an integral part of social life. Almost every citizen registers with a particular political party, either the Republican or a Democratic one, to...

Words: 821 Pages: 3

Texas Government, Interest Groups, and Elections

Introduction Interest groups play an important role in all democratic systems of government. An interest group is a group of persons organized to seek public policy influence, usually by trying to influence people in government. These interest groups differ considerably in many ways such as in age, size, sex, and...

Words: 1150 Pages: 5

Canadian Federal Elections: Who Will Win in 2015?

Introduction General elections in any country attract numerous candidates who vie for various positions through their respective political parties. The Canadian constitution stipulates that general elections should be conducted once every 5 years. Prior to the espousal of the congressional system of governance, the Canadian prime minister had the discretion...

Words: 2788 Pages: 11

Election System in Canada

Introduction Modern states have matured and this has enabled their citizens to enjoy their democratic rights and freedoms. Elections have become common ways of selecting people to fill political positions. The need to ensure everybody has a right to vote has pushed nations to establish rules that determine the eligibility...

Words: 2910 Pages: 11

The US Political Parties and the Electoral Process

Differences between Democrats and Republicans In the United States, only two parties have been successful, and many citizens are aware of their differences, even though they are not aware of their ideologies. Generally, liberalism is the main ideology that is associated with the Democratic Party, while conservatism is a philosophy...

Words: 1132 Pages: 5