Police and Policing Challenges Placed by Society

Nowadays, modern society puts a number of challenges on police and policing. In the conditions of the ever-speeding up process of globalization people have special needs in securing their safety, security, liberty, freedom and guarantying their rights. In the following paper, the major challenges that modern society places on police and policing will be addressed. Overall, the evaluation of the situation suggests that policies are to meet a row of important requirements by the members of modern society including the necessity to be effective in keeping good order and protect from crimes, guarantee equal economic opportunities for all people, and defend the weak and unprotected layers of society from the illegal actions of their exploiters.

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First of all, speaking about the major challenges that modern society places on policing and police-making institutes it should be stated that major of them never changed for hundreds of years. People seek for protection and good order in the state, and in the conditions of our daily reality such needs are even more urgent (Blundell, 2007). This fact is explained by the major tendencies in the world society. The level of crime is ever more growing nowadays which makes people face more and more dangers in their daily life. On this reason one of the major tasks set by modern society before the policing-making organizations is in protecting people from the dangers connected to the situation with crime and violence (Williams, 2003). The urgent problems in the area of controlling the level of crime is drug distribution and human trafficking which became the main reasons of social and demographic problems in numerous countries of the world including the United States. One more critically important area where the society needs effective policing is gun control. In a number of lands where the law permits storing guns, this problem is utterly complicated. In particular, in the United States, it was registered that more than 70% of serious crimes are committed as a result of gun permission. On this reason, it becomes evident that policing should by all means address and effectively solve such problems as they appear to be the most complicated problem for the civilians.

Next, the other challenges are placed on policing-making organizations and institutes by the effects of the process of globalization. In a number of lands, global companies become more influential than local governments. Such situation paralyzes normal development of economy in such countries which often causes such problems as unemployment, poverty and even famines. The economies of a number of countries, especially the countries of the so-called third world, need effective regulations and policy making which would protect their economy from the bad effects of expansion of global companies (Peed, 2008). In the area of economics, the very surprising fact is that not only poor countries are badly affected by the effects of globalization; even developed countries experience significant difficulties. Thus, the governments of such countries should put a lot of efforts into creating effective policies protecting their economy from the aggressive politics by the giants of global market (Stevens, 2005). The other area where policies are to meet the challenges of modern situation in the world is also related to the effects of the process of globalization. The world becomes a big village where people from the most diversified backgrounds, cultures, nations and even races have to co-exist with each other on a daily basis. This causes such difficult problem as discrimination and national intolerance. The problem appears to be rather heated under modern conditions. This requires wise and shrewd actions form the policing-making institutes and organizations. Modern society needs such policing which would protect the interests of all its members despite their cultural, religious or any other background (Peed, 2008).

Further, policing is also connected to one more serious difficulty. As problems which are to be addressed in policies exist on different levels including the state, local and federal ones, it is important to develop an efficient strategy of distributing responsibilities among the different policing making organizations and institutes. The situation is complicated by the fact that the areas requiring the interference of policing making organizations can be related which makes it more difficult to distinguish between their responsibilities, empowerment and warrants. As a result, one more challenge in police-making is related to developing proper strategy for distributing duties between the different governmental institutes responsible for drawing up regulating acts (Blundell, 2007).

Concluding on all the above-discussed information, it appears that modern society places a number of important challenges on police and policing. First of all, such challenges are connected to the usual areas where the work of policing organizations is crucially important. These areas are related to the control over crime and violence. The next area where significant challenges are found is establishing high standards of safety and security for the population of the country. Finally, social and economical situation in the society also presents significant challenges on police and policing.


Blundell, J. (2007). Policing a Liberal Society. Economic Affairs, 27(4), 4-11.

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Peed, C.R. (2008). The Community Policing Umbrella. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 22-24.

Stevens, M. (2005). THE ROLE OF POLICE IN SOCIETY. Web.

Williams, K. (2003). The Demand for Order and the Birth of Modern Policing. Monthly Review, 16-23.

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"Police and Policing Challenges Placed by Society." DemoEssays, 30 Dec. 2022, demoessays.com/police-and-policing-challenges-placed-by-society/.


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Police and Policing Challenges Placed by Society'. 30 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Police and Policing Challenges Placed by Society." December 30, 2022. https://demoessays.com/police-and-policing-challenges-placed-by-society/.

1. DemoEssays. "Police and Policing Challenges Placed by Society." December 30, 2022. https://demoessays.com/police-and-policing-challenges-placed-by-society/.


DemoEssays. "Police and Policing Challenges Placed by Society." December 30, 2022. https://demoessays.com/police-and-policing-challenges-placed-by-society/.