Open Door Policy in Nursing

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Open Door Policy

Communication is the fundamental key to the success of any well-developed company or organization. However, the implementation of the open door policy has some advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account. The open door policy allows the employees to express their opinion regarding the work with the senior managers. Having difficulties in communication with the supervisor, the employee can seek for the help in the senior management office. One of the advantages is that the open door policy contributes to the establishment of the relationship based on trust and respect between the workers (DeNisco & Barker, 2013). However, it should be stressed that the ability to go to the senior manager directly can be seen as the disadvantage of the system as well (Roussel, Swansburg, & Swansburg, 2013). There are different levels of management and workers should strictly follow the division and consult the senior managers only in special cases. The open door policy is beneficial as it makes supervisors understand that their actions should be just and in the case of the abusive treating, the employee can go directly to the senior managers. This fact will improve the work of the supervisor and will contribute to the establishment of the prolific and respectful atmosphere in the working place.

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‘Open Door’ and ‘Closed Door’ Hours

To perform tasks in an appropriate way, the employees should be motivated and feel respected and appreciated (Milkovich, Newman, & Gerhart, 2014). As the matter of fact, the ability to talk about the problems with the senior manager reduces the distance between the worker and the person of higher rank and provides the understanding the complications of the employee matter to the senior manager and he will do the best to eliminate them. Although, certain rules should be developed in order to differentiate problems. I suppose that the implementation of the ‘open door’ and ‘closed door’ hours contributes to the improvement of the working process. It should be stressed that this division helps to evaluate the level of significance of the issue. When the problem should be tackled immediately, the worker can address to the office but in case the issue does not demand the urgent solution, the employee should wait for the ‘open door’ and probably the problem will be solved by that time. Despite the fact that the open door policy supports the employees and their willingness to talk to the senior managers, they should understand that some complications should be solved on a different level, simply by addressing to the supervisor as the senior management office has other responsibilities. I am sure that respect and appreciation should be the guiding powers in the working process, and it will eliminate the difficulties.


DeNisco, S., & Barker, A. (2013). Advanced practice nursing (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Milkovich, G., Newman, J., & Gerhart, B. (2014). Compensation (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Roussel, L., Swansburg, J., & Swansburg, C. (2013). Management and leadership for nurse administrators (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "Open Door Policy in Nursing." September 16, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Open Door Policy in Nursing." September 16, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Open Door Policy in Nursing." September 16, 2023.