Challenges of Law Enforcement – Policies Issues

Intelligence-led policing involves collection and analysis of information with an aim of detecting suspicious activities to help prevent criminal activities (Ratcliffe, 2008). In the US, intelligence-led policing has been used to fight car burglary, terrorism, and other forms of crime. Intelligence-led policing is an emerging field in the department of Law enforcement. Intelligence-led policing plays important role in helping police to prevent crimes by ensuring that vulnerable targets are protected hence combating crime (Ratcliffe, 2008). This research paper will discuss the role of intelligence-led policing used by security agencies in fighting major crimes across the world.

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Terrorism has become rampant in society and terrorists are becoming more aggressive every day. After the terrorist attacks of September 1,1 2001, the US administration and the entire world have prioritized fighting terrorism (Whittaker, 2007). While fighting terrorism, security agencies have experienced challenges since terrorists are determined and even ready to die to accomplish the set mission. However, fighting terrorism has become costly considering that terrorists are training recruits every day (Whittaker, 2007).

Organized crime has become common in society has caused the emergence of new forms of criminal activities in all parts of the world (Wright, 2006). Kidnapping is also a major crime in society. Cases of kidnapping have been on the increase with children and women being the main victims. Today, kidnapping has become a challenge resulting in increased crime rates.

Carjacking is also a major crime that has existed for a long time. Police and security agencies have been on the look but ensuring zero crime rates has not been easy. Cases of car robbery are taking place every day (Police department, 2006). Lastly, human trafficking is another crime that is more challenging for the police. Human trafficking has also become rampant in the US.

The major challenges the Law enforcement agencies face include the widespread corruption in the police department and society that has really facilitated the increase of crime especially terrorism (Police department, 2006). Due to corruption, criminals have been able to smuggle firearms and other weapons facilitating terrorism, kidnapping, and burglary. The use of illegal drugs has also been one of the biggest boosts to criminal activities.

Another major challenge in fighting crime is that criminals are developing new techniques and the nature of crime is also changing (Police department, 2006). Crimes are evolving and the police have to adopt new techniques to be ahead of the criminals. Cases such as carjacking and kidnapping have taken new twists with the emergence of information technology causing more damage in the society. Notably, the internet has enhanced kidnapping activities since social networks are regularly used as baits because of many users.

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Owing to the fact that terrorists from strong global networks, it is one of the biggest challenges Law Enforcement Agencies face in trying to combat terrorism. Other challenges include the fact that terrorists have enough funding and hence they possess sophisticated weapons (Police department, 2006).

Police also face problems of interpreting confusing data that must be stored as evidence and determining exactly what happened at the crime scene (Police department, 2006). The voluminous data faced by crime-fighting genies is a big challenge and the police must put measures to ensure they are able to deal with massive data by adapting better storage mechanisms.

In most cases, the police face hurdles when dealing with and investigating cases of human trafficking and kidnapping. Many security agencies also experience problems in conducting the investigations process. This is because investigations must be conducted in an appropriate way as the outcome depends on the cooperation of different agencies. As such, certain procedures must be used in questioning to elicit the correct information (Police department, 2006).

To ensure a long-term solution that will meet future needs, the police should provide timely intelligence. As such, intelligence-led policing can be effective in fighting crime and ensure safe environment. To fight crime, security agencies should adapt modern data storage devices and collect as much information as possible. The use of Comp stat technology can be a long-term solution in this case (Police department, 2006). This will help in dealing with massive data.

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Agencies should develop ways of sharing information, increase surveillance, and collaborate with the media and all private and public sectors (Police department, 2006). Coordination and cooperation of the agencies is very crucial. Investigators must work closely with the prosecutors to get reliable testimony (Police department, 2006). To ensure success, effective law enforcement will fully depend on corporation of community members, prosecutors, and governmental organizations (Police department, 2006).

Police should relay on support investigation and develop computerized database, train intelligence officers, and always use analysts (Ratcliffe, 2008). In fact, the government should rectify this problem, analysts, officers, and investigators should be given quality training. They should work “from a single integrated IT platform” to save time, eliminate double data entry, reduce cost, and ensure quick feedback (Police department, 2006).

In summary, security agencies have problems in managing data and conducting investigations properly. However, the use of technology can offer a solution to ensure a safe environment. To attain these changes, security teams must be able to establish strong networks by collaborating with all stakeholders. The ability to tackle crime effectively will be a positive step in bringing positive social change.


Police department. (2006). Fighting crime: the challenges facing local law enforcement and federal role: hearing. Darby: Diane Publishing.

Ratcliffe, J. (2008). Intelligence-Led policing. London: Willan Pub.

Whittaker, J. (2007). Terrorism: understanding the global threat. Boston: Longman.

Wright, A. (2006). Organized crime. London: Willan Pub.

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