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Recent Political Essay Samples

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Political Culture

Statesmanship and Ethics

The notion of statesmanship is often neglected and underrated when it concerns administrative ethics, but its real value is significant. Individuals who have been recognized to achieve the level of statesmanship led their countries forward and with their efforts aimed at the common good. Usually, statesmen’s decisions are ethically challenging...

Words: 1414 Pages: 5
Military Leadership

HASC Hearings Overview and Analysis

It may be assumed that Chairman Turner’s expressed concern was politics in action due to a number of reasons. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 hearing is usually referred to as the military budget, but in fact, it was somewhat more complicated – not only...

Words: 276 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Senior Operations NCO Role in Framing the Operational Environment

In joint doctrine, the operational environment is the sum of factors, conditions, and circumstances that can influence a given military operation. To frame it means to define and analyze all relevant variables, actors, and the relationships between them. Without this step, a commander cannot determine what goals an operation must...

Words: 482 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

The Essential Concepts and Principles of Democracy

Introduction This paper discusses the impact of the principles and concepts of democracy on racism; it also examines how the concepts and principles shape racism as an item of public agenda. The Impact of Principles of Democracy on Public Agenda Racism is an issue that has been in the public...

Words: 1141 Pages: 4

Electoral College Is Bad and Here’s Why

Electoral College is bad Established in 1788 by Article II of the US Constitution. It can only be abolished through a constitutional amendment. It has been controversial. It is an indirect vote. The cons outweigh the pros. The Electoral College is the voting system used in the US, and it...

Words: 862 Pages: 3

Federalism and Trump’s Approach to Immigration

Introduction The system of federalism established by the United States Constitution was built upon the idea of governmental structural symmetry, which had not existed under the Articles of Confederation. When the Founding Fathers transformed the confederation into a federation at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, they saw the basis for...

Words: 4359 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Women at War: Barriers and Difficulties

The issue of women’s serving in combat has always been a controversial one because it is closely connected with gender stereotypes and employment discrimination. Throughout the history of the United States, many women took part in wars but their roles were restricted to the ones of nurses or soldiers without...

Words: 1242 Pages: 4

Obama’s Presidential Campaign Strategy

Successful political campaigns must have a strategy that includes social media and database marketing. As voters shift to digitalization to increase social contact, candidates have to adopt new and important platforms, notably the Internet. For Obama, mounting an aggressive online marketing campaign earned him a win in both the 2008...

Words: 641 Pages: 2
Civil Rights

The Civil Liberties Problems in the U.S.

One of the issues that currently affect the concept of civil liberties is LGBT employment discrimination. Even though the Supreme Court allowed same-sex marriages with its 2015 decision, the notion of equality is still relatively unreachable for LGBT representatives because there are no adequate anti-discrimination laws that could protect the...

Words: 337 Pages: 1
Public Services

The Garden City Model

The garden city model was first invented by a British urban planner Sir Ebenezer Howard in 1989. The model was inspired by the vision of Utopian writer Edward Bellamy that he expressed in his book “Looking Backwards”. It implicated the new concepts of city-building and organization. Sir Ebenezer Howard considered...

Words: 1409 Pages: 5
Political Ideology

Concept and the Significance of Soft Power

Soft power is a form of political power, implying a capability to achieve the desired results via voluntary participation, proclivity and attractiveness. This method is opposed to hard power, which includes coercion. The term’s author, Joseph S. Nye, states that a country’s language and culture present soft power, which plays...

Words: 289 Pages: 1
Political Culture

Indian Politics and Corruption

Introduction In many emerging democracies and societies, electoral malpractices that make it impossible for political leaders to serve their people diligently remain common. Without the government’s desire and willingness to change some of the existing situations, it becomes impossible for the affected countries to make significant economic or social progress....

Words: 1755 Pages: 6
Public Services

Development of Metro Infrastructure

According to NYCTA President Andy Byford, the fundamental problem hindering the development of metro infrastructure is the wrong approach to identifying the critical points of the system’s effective operation. The cosmetic changes give the false impression of a renewal of the entire metro system, but the quality of service remains...

Words: 571 Pages: 2
Public Services

New York City’s Water Supply Issues

Introduction Daily life is full of important choices and careful decisions that are not always right or wrong. However, when the decisions of small groups of representatives shape the future of millions of people, ethical dilemmas that arise must have a practical solution that would satisfy all the parties involved....

Words: 1497 Pages: 5
Political Culture

Development Affecting the Sense of Community in the Ryde Area

Introduction Australia is one of the most urbanized nations in the world. Nine out of ten Australians reside in only 0.22% of the continent’s land area (Ritchie & Roser 2019). Currently, the government responds to population growth in urban areas by taking either a greenfield (redevelopment in establishment areas) or...

Words: 2530 Pages: 9
International Trade

The US and Canadian Intra-Industry Trade

Increases in the intra-industry trade between the US and Canada led to enhanced productivity in the Canadian manufacturing sector. Tariff reductions associated with trade liberalization in Canada resulted in a surge in exit rates among non-export-oriented manufacturers with moderate production (Lileeva, 2008). The result meant that more market share had...

Words: 314 Pages: 1
Public Services

Partnership Structure and Homeland Security

Introduction Security is a complicated yet essential topic for research for both public and private sector actors. The safety and well-being of the United States depend on the protection of various vital infrastructure. These resources and networks are at the core of the nation’s society and economy. Therefore, to attain...

Words: 865 Pages: 3

Political Parties’ Platforms

Introduction Political parties’ platforms are statements claiming their position about different socially relevant issues. Each national coalition has a committee writing platform for them. Writers combine values, attracting supporters to the party with notions that are able to make more people loyal to its policies. The text always includes the...

Words: 951 Pages: 3
Political Theory

Opioid Crisis: Social Policy Analysis

The issue of the opioid crisis might have several opinions and various interpretations within the political framework according to the frame we associate it with. When it comes to interpreting social policies and government-level decision-making, the discussion could be seen from different perspectives. There are various choices of the lenses...

Words: 3708 Pages: 14

Electoral College: Good or Bad

Introduction The US has a unique electoral process The Electoral College supports such a process The US founders were against mob rule This paper describes the 2016 presidential election It presents a case the Electoral College The election of every American president depends on the votes of the Electoral College....

Words: 848 Pages: 3
International Organizations

Global Public Goods and Non-State Actors

The dependence of modern countries on non-state actors(NSAs) and vice versa increases each year as society evolves. This collaboration is essential to support growing populations as more and more nations turn to democracy. In times of dire need, resources that are drawn together from states and non-state actors allow the...

Words: 576 Pages: 2
International Organizations

The UN Policy: Dispute in the East China Sea

Introduction The marine areas of the East China Sea, where the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands are located, are abundant invaluable environmental resources, including oil and natural gas. Both Beijing and Tokyo claim their rights to these territories and have long been unable to agree on a maritime boundary. The presence of both...

Words: 1265 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

The Foundation of Army Leadership

Introduction Leadership has always been an essential part of human civilization and even of the animal kingdom. Leaders are inspiring, powerful, and confident in their actions. A leader is anyone responsible for organizing and helping a group of people achieve their goals. Therefore, in no other part of a government...

Words: 836 Pages: 3
Civil Rights

Civil Justice: Bibliography. Law Stipulations

Bridger, M. (2019). Civil litigation for dummies. Elringtons Lawyers. Web.  Litigation is a legal conflict involving two or even more subjects seeking specific court performance or damages compensation instead of criminal sanctions. The author further mentions that litigators are the lawyers who specialize in civil litigation. Bridger (2019) reiterates that...

Words: 737 Pages: 2

Denial of Service Prevention Techniques

Abstract Denial of service is one of the major issues in networking. The attackers attempt to make computer resources unavailable to users. There are several techniques to prevent denial of service. Each one of these techniques has advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, I propose to explain some useful techniques...

Words: 5367 Pages: 18
Military Leadership

Train as You Fight and Train to Standard

In the modern world filled with complex dilemmas and rigid requirements, training to build the necessary skills is one of the most important tasks that one will need to follow. Training as a part of acquiring new abilities and ensuring that they remain in one’s inventory of competencies in the...

Words: 590 Pages: 2
International Law

Contracts of International vs. Domestic Sale of Goods Act

Discussion The rapid expansion of global trade in recent times has made businesses to deal with the laws and customs of many states. Litigations at all times are costly everywhere, and quite often people doubt about fairness of legal rules and procedures exhibited in other countries. For this purpose therefore,...

Words: 6971 Pages: 20

Possibility of Data Theft Attempts by the Eastern Nation While COVID-19

The United States and China have a complicated relationship that is characterized by powerful business partnerships and political hostility. Under President Trump, disagreements with China have intensified due to his well-documented stance against the nation. The situation has become more complicated with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pathogen...

Words: 550 Pages: 4
International Law

Legal Regime Related to Women Trafficking

Introduction Human trafficking is an international issue that has violated human rights. It entails human transportation from one location to the other without the victims’ knowledge for the purposes of exploitation in their destined country. This emerging world phenomenon is a gross violation of human rights comparable to modern slavery....

Words: 2699 Pages: 10
Political Culture

Modern Politics in the United States

The first event that I attended was a hearing on “Pathway to a vaccine: Efforts to develop a safe, effective and accessible COVID-19 vaccine” on July 21 held by the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives (House Committee on Energy...

Words: 548 Pages: 2
Political Culture

“India’s Foreign Policy Capacity” by Kanti Bajpai

Introduction India is a developing country that has recommended itself as a progressing power. The country’s economics, political influence, and military potential have been significantly growing during the last years and decades. Politicians highlight this tendency, and scientists find developing India an interesting topic of research. The article by Kanti...

Words: 1383 Pages: 4
International Law

Customary Law and Treaty Law

During the existence of international legal practice, there has been a plethora of disputes, opinions, and discussions regarding which source of international law is the main one – a treaty or custom. Many scholars and officials have stated that an international agreement should be in favor in this regard, claiming...

Words: 1002 Pages: 4
International Law

Public International Law: A Case

Outline This paper seeks to delve into the aspects of international law from the viewpoint of the lotus principle, instituted after the tragic collision of the SS Lotus of France and an ill-fated Turkish collier, Boz-Kourt way back in 1928. While enunciating the legal grounds for the court’s decision in...

Words: 1507 Pages: 5
Law Enforcement

Ethnic and Gender Diversity Issues in Policing

Overview Meeting the needs of marginalized groups and providing vulnerable populations with the needed security and assistance are two of the key goals that the law enforcement needs to meet when addressing the issues of vulnerable populations. However, the specified tasks are rather difficult to attain due to the presence...

Words: 606 Pages: 2
International Organizations

“Wrong with the US and How to Fix It” by Wiess

The book What’s Wrong with the United Nations and How to Fix It, written by Thomas Wiess, analyses the functions of the United Nations (UN), focusing on its pitfalls over the years. The author introduces the UN through the book and further displays his agenda for change based on its...

Words: 1114 Pages: 6

U.S. Presidential Election Process

The U.S. employs a fairly complicated system of electing a President. It involves the process of nominating a candidate and then a two-step procedure of electing the Chief Executive via the Electoral College. Combined with other factors, this process effectively ensures the enduring stability of the two-party system at the...

Words: 400 Pages: 1
International Trade

Bond Value & Yield: Stimulus Package’s Expectations

The article under consideration published at the beginning of the month in the Wall Street Journal illustrates the stock market dependence on political risks. The report closely relates to Chapter 6 in the “Bonds values and yield” section. According to Verlaine (2020), the U.S. stock index was raised earlier on...

Words: 249 Pages: 1
Political Theory

The National Tobacco Campaign

Introduction Tobacco use has always been a major health issue in Australia, being the cause of around 15,000 cancer cases per year. Since the 1970s, the Australian government has been using media campaigns and legal restrictions in order to reduce smoking rates, encourage smokers to quit, and increase their awareness...

Words: 1258 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

Unit Analysis and Proficiency in Mission Command

Past lessons from war environments need to become powerful guidelines for implementing better and superior tactics. The article “The Leadership Imperative: A Case Study in Mission Command” offers meaningful insights that can support future fighting formations. This discussion relies on this reading to analyze the unit’s proficiency in mission command...

Words: 550 Pages: 2
International Relations Theories

Reading Critique on Theories on International Relations

First, it should be emphasized that the original gap between legislative regulation and the real necessity of regulation is immense. This notion is covered in the fact, that law is the reaction to the existing precedent. One commonly proposed theory is that the presence of international organizations and the establishments...

Words: 1125 Pages: 3
Political Ideology

Felony Disenfranchisement: Serious Problems

Every ten years, the entire population of the U.S. is counted by the Census Bureau. Each person is calculated at his or her “usual residence,” and based on these numbers, electoral district lines are drawn, and legislative seats are apportioned. However, for some purposes, more than two million “people in...

Words: 393 Pages: 1
International Organizations

Is European Integration Unraveling?

The European Union (EU) is one of the most influential international organizations in the modern world. It contributes to the cooperation of its member states in the domains of political, economic, cultural, and social spheres. Even though the union was initially successful, it has faced a few challenges recently. Thus,...

Words: 487 Pages: 2
Political Theory

John Locke v. Thomas Hobbes: Government Role in Human Society

Summary Hobbes and Locke were the English philosophers who attempted to explain the foundations and role of government in human society, contributing to social contract theory development. They opposed each other in their political and philosophical beliefs. Locke was committed to the ideas of liberalism, while Hobbes is considered a...

Words: 586 Pages: 2

“A Precinct Too Far: Turnout and Voting Costs” by Enrico Cantoni

Introduction In the United States, elections are an essential element that provides ordinary citizens with an opportunity to influence the development of their country. However, an issue arises when a few people participate in elections, which can happen because of various reasons. As for the US, it is a severe...

Words: 557 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

Ideological Perspectives of Population-Specific Policy

There are objectives of the state policy in the field of social support of the population. They include mitigation of negative consequences of poverty, reduction of social inequality, and providing other forms of assistance. According to researchers, “during the last century, the government assumed a larger and larger role in...

Words: 262 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

The Role of Liberalism in the Empire of Brazil

Introduction Liberalism is an ideology that emerged in Europe in the Age of Enlightenment. It emphasizes such principles as equality before the law, individual freedom, freedom of speech, free trade, and secularism. However, liberal ideas, adopted by political elites in other regions, were transformed in accordance with the socio-political conditions...

Words: 560 Pages: 2

Security of E-Government Analysis

Introduction The electronic government may not renovate a collapsed subway, but it gives the citizens an opportunity to inform the government about the existing subway problems. Moreover, the citizens can check existing status as pertains to job commencement and completion. A motorist cannot get a speeding ticket from the e-government,...

Words: 1110 Pages: 4
International Trade

China’s Contribution to the Growth of Global Trade

Global trade refers to the transfer of goods and services across international boundaries. Trading across borders has existed for long with historical accounts revealing that humans depended on trading to acquire the commodities necessary for life. Ancient international trade occurred between kingdoms, and individual merchants controlled the transactions. The traded...

Words: 1942 Pages: 7

Battle for the Supreme Court and the 2020 Presidential Election

Donald Trump has announced that he is willing to appoint a new Supreme Court justice next week; however, Joe Biden insists on postponing the decision until the elections are over. Current statistics show that Joe Biden has increased his lead over Donald Trump, nevertheless, the Supreme Court fight might add...

Words: 286 Pages: 1
International Relations Theories

International Relations Theory and International Law

Introduction International relations theory refers to a set of ideas that provide a conceptual framework applicable in the analysis of how states relate with each other at the global level. They include realism, liberalism, constructivism, and neo-Marxism. On the other hand, international law is a set of rules and regulations...

Words: 995 Pages: 4
Civil Rights

Reflections on Civil Liberties

Civil liberties are rights bestowed by societies and protected by laws. Although each society has a different view of the most important rights, some universal values distinguish the importance of liberties. Another viewpoint states that the nature of human rights is contradictory in itself, thus causing the suggestions to limit...

Words: 280 Pages: 1
International Law

Terrorist Attacks on Offshore Oilrigs Analysis

Abstract Recently, terrorists have turned to oil rigs as their prime targets. The case of Nigeria’s pipeline explosions and offshore oil rig attack demonstrate this latest tactic of terrorists to wreak havoc on people and property. Despite the reducing number of victims involved in such attacks, State security continues to...

Words: 1490 Pages: 5
Political Culture

United States as a Promoter of Freedom

Introduction The United States has always been viewed as a protector and promoter of freedom by a section of the global society while others view it as an abuser of freedom. The United States prides itself as a free world where citizens can exercise their rights through votes and other...

Words: 1395 Pages: 5

Michelle Obama: Former First Lady

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama Gender: Female Date of Birth: January 17, 1964 (56 years old) Marital Status: Married to Barack Hussein Obama City: Chicago, Illinois Country: The United States of America Brief Biography Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is one of the former First Ladies of the United States. Prior to...

Words: 643 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

Why Does the Number of Sexual Assault Continue To Increase Throughout the Army

Introduction Sexual assault is not a rare case in the military and supervisors should address this issue as soon as possible. Victims are suffering from everyday violence as they are afraid to tell anybody about it. Despite all the special training programs that exist to decrease the number of sexual...

Words: 376 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

A Tighter Gun Control Policy Is Good for All Americans

Introduction Governments need to create a favorable economies and environments that can make it easier for their citizens to pursue their personal and professional goals. They achieve such an objective by providing security, job opportunities, high-quality healthcare, and education. The American government has continued to promote established policies and laws...

Words: 1926 Pages: 7

Analysis of Spielberg’s Film “Lincoln”

In the film “Lincoln” by inimitable Steven Spielberg, a number of remarkable rhetoric techniques can be found. The film tells the story of the last four months of the President’s life. During this period, Lincoln is faced with complicated problems centered on the need to pass contradictory amendments in the...

Words: 578 Pages: 2

Richard Perry – Governor Profile

Governor Profile James Richard Perry, or Rick Perry Republican Party Governmental positions (“Rick Perry Fast Facts”) 1985-1991 – Member of the Texas House of Representatives as a Democrat from the 64th District. 1991-1999 – Commissioner of the Texas Department of Agriculture 1999-2000 – Lieutenant Governor of Texas. Personal information (“Rick...

Words: 1317 Pages: 3

The Federal System of Government

Introduction Setting up a new government in a country from scratch requires a lot of planning and thought especially if the country is one which has several religious factions. The dilemma is deciding the best system of government that can be adopted to allow the citizens to be involved in...

Words: 653 Pages: 3
International Relations Theories

Impact of Economic and Financial Globalization on the Sovereignty of States

No state is more important than the other neither is any state in the world a subject of the other. The concept of the independence of states and their legal equality internationally is referred to as state sovereignty and this concept covers all the matters that are permitted by international...

Words: 544 Pages: 2

Presidential and Parliamentary Political Systems

Introduction There are two main types of political systems in the world. These include presidential and parliamentary systems of government. In the understanding that no political system can be perfect, both of these political systems have their own benefits and disadvantages and, in some instances, share some commonalities. Whereas that...

Words: 2473 Pages: 9
Political Culture

African Political Parties` Endeavour for Implementation the Democracy

Introduction Politics is the relationship between the people and their government and involves activities that manage the government’s functions. In Africa, various governments had been in place even before the beginning of colonization incontinent. The idea of a government was introduced during the scramble and partition of Africa states by...

Words: 2062 Pages: 8

Political Science: Legislative Process

Functions of Legislature in Different Government Set-ups The main role of any legislative arm of government is to amend and formulate laws. For most governments, the legislature’s role is usually defined by the constitution. The legislature is mainly comprised of elected representatives and is therefore assumed to be inclusive of...

Words: 4191 Pages: 16
Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment in the United States

Introduction Dear Governor, Justice systems have been put in place in order to ensure that citizens follow the rules and regulations that have been set up. Proponents of the death penalty have spoken of it as a tool for preventing crime and other related social effects that come with it....

Words: 1065 Pages: 4

The Ethics of the United States Government

The United States government has put effort to discourage and prevent unethical behaviors and practices in public offices. The government has a code of ethics that promote integrity in governance. This has lead to the attainment of skills that recognize and address decisions which make the citizens confident. Specific guidelines...

Words: 2194 Pages: 8
Civil Rights

Relationship Between Regulation and Market Structures

Economic Regulations Economic regulation, in general, is a form of intervention by the government through policies, designed to influence or in the sense of the word, regulate, some of the common behavior in the private sector. These policies deliberately affect aspects like loans, tax expenditures, public expenditures, interest rates and...

Words: 1136 Pages: 5

Is Australian Foreign Policy Now Independent?

Introduction It is necessary for countries to interact with each other on a formal basis especially now that globalisation has made this phonomenon innevitable. Countries interact with each other based on their interests in other countries such as trade, security, aid and other natural resources that facilitate the smooth running...

Words: 2303 Pages: 9

Political Parties, Interests and Pressure Groups

Introduction Political parties are organizations formed to attain political power in governments. This is usually achieved through an electoral system where they campaign and are elected. Sometimes they get there through protests and outreach. Parties usually have their vision in a written form with specific goals to be achieved; political...

Words: 1497 Pages: 6

Legislative Process, Administration of Government, and Law and the Court

Introduction Modern democracy provides competent government structures which are satisfying the needs of their electorate or the people. Presidential and parliamentary methods are existing forms in democracy. One can see the different types of legislative process, administration of government, and judicial systems in democracy. Canada and USA are federal nations...

Words: 5501 Pages: 21
International Relations Theories

Canadian Political and Environmental Security

Evolution of Diplomacy and Obsolete Diplomacy Diplomacy can be assumed to be undertaking negotiations between two factions. Normally, this is overseen through deliberations between representatives. Diplomacy is a common practice in international relations where states use diplomats as representatives of the state in crucial international matters. Diplomacy has tremendously evolved,...

Words: 2747 Pages: 10
International Relations

Bilateral Relation Between Mexico and USA

Abstract The essay explores the bilateral relationship that exists between Mexico and USA on issues concerning drugs and drug cartels. Drug business has been a major problem in Mexico for decades. Mexico cartels of drug traffickers have played a major role in the flow of drugs such as heroin, cocaine,...

Words: 2338 Pages: 9
Law Enforcement

Ethics and Character in Criminal Justice System

Ethics and character are very important issues especially in law enforcement because they provide standards for excellent service delivery and performance. All the players in the criminal justice system are supposed to uphold the highest standards of ethics to protect the name and the integrity of the system. Law enforcement...

Words: 1954 Pages: 8
Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment: For and Against

Introduction Capital punishment involves the execution of a person that has been considered to be involved in a criminal offense whose only fair penalty is death. Capital punishment is viewed differently by various countries due to the laws that govern them and what they consider as a serious offense. The...

Words: 1441 Pages: 6
International Relations Theories

Realist Versus Liberal International Relations Theory

Introduction International relations theory attempts to create the context through which international relations can be investigated. Realism is part of the positivist theories which focus on facts and principles about the organization of states and governments (Sorensen& Jackson, p. 12). Cooperation between states is necessary to ensure that international peace...

Words: 2541 Pages: 10
International Relations

China and Taiwan Relations

Introduction The 1995 announcement of Taiwan to transform its governance from authoritarian rule to a self-governing style of authority was influenced by the discussions with the US. The result of this was the deterioration of the relationship that existed between China and Taiwan to an extent of using military force;...

Words: 2760 Pages: 11
International Relations

Legalities on the Invasion of Iraq

Summary of the Facts On March 20, 2003, the United States Government, under the leadership of George Bush, invaded Iraq to overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein.1 The Bush administration used three main arguments for attacking Iraq; the first being the allegations that Saddam Hussein was connected to al Qaeda,...

Words: 2137 Pages: 8
Political Culture

Political Campaigns: The Use of the Internet

Political campaign is a well planned effort by a person, an institution or an organization targeting a specific group of people with a message aiming to influence them for support. Politics continue to evolve as new techniques are being discovered. In addition, it creates new avenues and tools for gaining...

Words: 858 Pages: 4
Public Policy

Policy and Structural Differences in American and Canadian Systems

Policy and structural differences in American and Canadian Welfare system There used to be some point of convergence in the American and Canadian health care system before Canada deemed it appropriate to restructure her health care system. The United States spends more of its revenue on health care than Canada....

Words: 907 Pages: 4
Capital Punishment

The Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty

Introduction The survival of any civilization hinges on the establishment of laws and codes of conduct and the subsequent obeying of the same by the society’s members. Due to the fact that not all members of the society are going to follow the law on their own accord, forms of...

Words: 2578 Pages: 10
Political Ideology

Designing a Political System

A political system is defined as a political organization, laws that are essential to the society, rules, regulations, and what is to be observed as put forward by a country that controls powers exercised by the state, government and which also control the interaction between the society and the state....

Words: 1119 Pages: 5
International Relations

Third World Countries Place in International Relations

General situation and compromising position of third world countries in the international trading system in post WW II an independence periods Disadvantageous position of third world countries in the international trading system in the post-second world war/post independence period is due to two major factors, first is the Debt crisis...

Words: 1954 Pages: 8

Is the Democratic Party the Labour Party of the U.S.?

A political party is an organization that is formed by individuals with specific ideologies. It is formed to address specific issues in a given region. Individuals who are members of political parties defend the party’s values and or platform and also contribute to the party’s welfare (Wordiq par.1). The two...

Words: 2790 Pages: 11
International Relations

Pros and Cons of Canada’s Relationships With US

Background information Although the relationships between the US and Canada have remained cordial for the last three decades thereby working for the benefit of the two countries, it has come with its own share of downsides emanating from disputes, diplomatic differences, and trade imbalances that emerged from time to time...

Words: 2506 Pages: 10
Public Policy

Political View and Perception of Public Administration

Introduction In the recent decades, several scholarly disciplines, as well as professional fields, have participated in search for the link between public administration and political issues. The most researched area has been the link between public administration and political agendas that define the goal of improving service delivery. This kind...

Words: 2003 Pages: 8

The Federal Government: The Role in Society

Outline Laws and regulations are important for a country to be able to run well. Such guidelines are usually compiled and written under the constitution. The constitution defines the kind of leadership and powers that are to be executed by the various leaders and the rights of the citizens. However,...

Words: 5768 Pages: 21
International Trade

Agricultural Subsidies and the Controversies Over Them at the Doha Round of WTO Negotiations

Introduction Agricultural subsidies are the financial assistance provided by the government to the farmers through sponsorship of price-support programs (CE, 797). It was initially introduced by industrialized countries in the 1930s to reduce the volatility of prices for farm products and stabilize the income for farmers. In countries such as...

Words: 2562 Pages: 10
Public Administration

US Foreign Policy: Flaws and Contention

Introduction Considering that the United States of America is the most formidable in economic and political global influence, foreign policy from planning to implementation serves as a challenge that government leaders, voters, and advocacy groups become passionate about. There are various factors and views to understand. But what transpires between...

Words: 2231 Pages: 9
Law Enforcement

Effectiveness of Drug Enforcement Laws

In many countries of the world including the United States, drug enforcement law is a central framework of their national policies. These governments allocate a bigger percentage of their budgetary spending to drug enforcement programs. For instance, the federal government of the United States spends about twelve billion USD annually...

Words: 1503 Pages: 6

The Tragedy of Abraham Lincoln’s Murder

Abstract The story of Abraham Lincoln reverberates throughout the world as one of the most popular, most celebrated, and most admired leaders in history. He was born on 12th February 1809 and was assassinated on April 15 1865 becoming the first president of the United States of America to meet...

Words: 1869 Pages: 7
Public Policy

Canadian Firearms Program

Introduction A private member’s Bill C-391 was passed in the House of Commons in Canada during November 2009 with the supports from New Democrats and from 18 Liberals. Now, the proposal has gone to Committee. If it passed, this Act will amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act (repeal...

Words: 3261 Pages: 12
International Law

How Effective is the UN Security Council

Introduction The UN Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security in the world (Malone 2004). The composition of this most powerful organ of the united nations include five rich and influential countries in addition to ten other elected states with a term of two years which is...

Words: 3433 Pages: 13

The Body Language and the Last Presidential Election

One’s visual image has a much bigger impact on the audience than his or her words because it creates a much greater recall for one’s message (Reiman 101). That is why a brand with inconsistent visuals seeking market may not be as successful as that with consistent visuals. Nowadays, the...

Words: 2479 Pages: 10
International Relations Theories

International Relationships Theories: Comparative Approach

Introduction The debate on wars and its causes is historical. The aftermath of World War II saw the mergence of Cold War, which subsequently led to two main schools of thought. The official viewpoint has been surrounded by the reasons that the responsibility for the outbreak and intensification of Cold...

Words: 1797 Pages: 7
Public Administration

Public Administration in Canada

Introduction The public administration (PA) or civil service domain determines the level at which the branch of political structure that consists of public employees turns the policy decisions of elected politicians into action. Canadian PA is unique in the sense that, unlike its neighboring countries, it includes every non-elected person...

Words: 2214 Pages: 9
International Relations

Violations of Palestinians Rights in Israel

Introduction Israel violations against Palestinians Two state resolution Problems to be solved by two state solutions Doubts and criticisms of the two state solution Conclusion Works cited Introduction The Israel-Palestine conflict has been characterized by a series of various events ranging form the emergence of armed struggles to periods of...

Words: 2165 Pages: 8
Public Policy

Environmental Economics Issues and Policies

Introduction For a long time, environmental issues have been a major challenge to policy makers and there has been need to identify measures that will help overcome the problems that arise which affect the day to day operations in the society. Environmental economics concepts help policy makers come up with...

Words: 3200 Pages: 12
Capital Punishment

No Justification for Capital Punishment

Introduction The fundamental reasons society punishes criminal behavior can be classified into two areas. One is to obtain desired consequences which include protecting society, obtain reparations from the offender and to deter that person and other potential offenders from the commission of crimes. The other, retribution, or vengeance, involves punishment...

Words: 2327 Pages: 9

E-Government in Saudi Arabia

An introduction to MIS (Management Information System) Management Information System is the process of managing or controlling the overall functional activities of a business organization in order to achieve its predetermined goal. It is also the method of processing the raw data into information which is then transmitted into different...

Words: 2045 Pages: 8

Voting and Political Parties

Voting is an essential element of every society as far it helps developing democracy and human freedoms in it. In the United States of America, voting is an integral part of social life. Almost every citizen registers with a particular political party, either the Republican or a Democratic one, to...

Words: 821 Pages: 3
Capital Punishment

Argument Against Death Penalty

The death penalty continues to elicit much debate and controversy in both academia and among criminal justice practitioners. There are various moral ethical and religious issues that require consideration without bias. The death penalty has been practiced since pre-historic times ostensibly in the belief that punishment equals justice. However, close...

Words: 653 Pages: 3